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Everything posted by 7gR

  1. I read on a site that Tsukasa's Father abused her to toughen her up and make her strong unlike her mother who died of sickness.
  2. SPOILERS!!!!!! MANY OF THEM!!!!!! My theories are Tsukasa and Subaru had to suffer the worst punishment. Tsukasa still can't log out and Subaru's memory was very jumbled up. Think about it, They wake up in Net Slum with very little recount of their adventures. Tsukasa even tells you he can't log out. Subaru only remembers about the Crimson Knights. My theory is that Morganna suffering her worst defeat gave them much false hope and played out reality for a while. Or next time they logged into the game she trapped them. It fits doesn't it, Bear is also worried about Tsukasa when you first talk with him in Quarantine...but it's up for grabs though.
  3. The 8 Phases may deal something with the moon's 8 Phases. It's just speculation, I've also found out that 7 of the Phases derive from German.
  4. Perhaps connections to someone, .hack//SIGN takes place 6 months before the game. so it's definitely not just a coincidence.
  5. 7gR


    Just so you know there is no such thing as Maha, it is Macha you could find this out if you put on subtiles.
  6. Obsession What do people call the Guardian in the world?
  7. 9.5/10 Spoiler still not great with spoiler thing. [ Well now I know why Mia is infatuated with Aromatic Grass.] This episode to me seemed to be more about Maha than anyine else. The poor thing seems more confused than ever. If the voice controls Maha then why is Maha needed to be persuaded? The voice gave the same promise to Maha that she gave to Tsukusa. Why did she though?
  8. High School Reunion Why did the voice mess up Tsukusa?
  9. Well, in FF9 there is a mention to Kain's Lance. A spear from the distant past has runes Kain carved on it. I think that's what it says anyway. The crystals were also a tie until they broke.
  10. 7gR

    Any Order?

    OtakuSennen:But has .hack//A.I. BUSTER been translated somewhere on the internet? Part of it has and she's working on the other parts. [url]http://nmk.dragon-tear.net/index.html[/url]
  11. He also said he's going to put the Triforce in his version. I emailed him about it.
  12. I'm sure almost everybody on this forum would know what the Beta Quest is in Zelda OOT. If not this is the codes that you put into the Gameshark. Ver. 1.2 8011C093-00?? Ver 1.0 801197E3-00?? Ver 1.1 8011BBA3-00?? DON'T SAVE IN THE BETA QUEST!!!!!!!!!!!!! To find out which version of the game you have use VideoGamer X's debug code which you can find easily enough by going to the Oddessey of Hyrule. You get to play a Beta Version {Beta is 2nd base of operations while Gamma is the final form} of Zelda 64. It may help to have moonjump also. Well what I want to know what happens in your Beta Quests. The ?? can be filled in with any two numbers and or letters. It will freeze alot but don't be discouraged by this. You may also play the songs to warp to other areas. I hope you prove sufficient.
  13. Hmm...well I'm not the one who said that I just said somebody said it, not me.
  14. Well someone says that when they pt on subtitles it says Macha but is pronounced Maha.
  15. Me and my friend thought of an Idea where you could get different moves for the people after a certan amount of battles. I think we called them customizable power ups. You can three on at a time Dr. Mario 100 battles Virus Capsule Docter Tornado-Virus Capsule What it does is instead of Docter Tornado, you use the brand new Virus Capsule once you go to Character Data and change it. Virus Capsule is a down B move that sends out little virus things from Dr. Mario that move until the fall off the board. Young Link 75 battles Milk Drink No Recovery-Recovery Move He has the longest fighter stance in the game that you drink milk and get nothing. Well Milk Drink would now recover 25% Damage if it is completed {before he wipes it off} you will now recover 25% damage but can only be used twice during battle.
  16. My friend Chris, not me I'm not this stupid stole a 25 cent cookie in front of a cop a block from his house and got caught.
  17. I hung around Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground for a while to look for things I found three notable things.The statue in the church has no reflection.The statue is not Aura!{Since when did aura wear a hat, be that tall, and have legs and arms. if you notice she doesn't have legs and arms in the game.}Maybe Emma?, There's strange markings on the side of the church which looks like a happy old man than when you get a closer look it looks evil and has horns.
  18. 3 of the phases names were on a statue Skeith, Innis, Magus.Balmung comes in the church and a data bug appears. Kite gets Data Drain and drains the Data Bug. Balmung threatens him and leaves. Helba tells Balmung that Kite is a friend of Orca's. Or did you mean Mutation?
  19. Lady Subaru disbanded the Crimson Knights and got a bit closer with Tsukusa. That's about what happened.
  20. SPOILERS Cubia doesn't die. He has creatures called Gomera's. He was born out of Skeith's defeat.Whenever he opens his mouth weird glitch thing happens. Aura knows of him. Helba was not surprised by his arrival. This is all the info we have on this guy. Oh yes Meggido seems to also be a wand. Like it matters.
  21. It's either clothing, jewlery, or body where you can find it.
  22. Actually it was always Macha but the c is silent.
  23. Heavy Spear or Glaive What does CC in CC Corp. stand for?
  24. SPOILERS What the letters say. 1st letter To the one who holds the book. Skeith is looking for me. There is no time. Please help me 2nd letter I want to be born. To live. That is what I want. Father. Morganna... Bearer of the Bracelet. Help me. Before there are any more casualties! 3rd letter I can't run any more. If Skeith catches me... There's still time. There's still time.There's still time. There's still time.There's still time. Those are the letters and translated correctly as far as I know.
  25. Are you talking about Innis?
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