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Everything posted by 7gR

  1. The weapon Tsukusa has is pretty powerful Lv. 19 Revelation. Crim seems to have a regular Heavy Spear. But in this time period of .hack it's sort of hard to say what wepona did in The World.
  2. SPOILERS [spoiler]It's over and Jiro was convinced he could never become human so he never returned to the girl Hakaider was her father's brain inside Hakaider. Dr Gul convinced him.[/spoiler] I'm sorry thought that was the end of the series because everything seemed to be worked out and there was no next episode thing heh sorry what's up there is not true.besides for the [spoiler]father's brain [/spoiler]part. [color=hotpink][size=1]Please use the spoiler tag when you post things that others may not know already. Alot of good endings have been ruined for people because some folks don't have the courtesy to use the tags. Thank you. *QA*[/color][/size] and sorry Queen Asuka, I did not know how to do spoiler tags.
  3. One of the questions said Sora was 10 years old he's just a kid that enjoys being a player killer. Easily manipulated but that's usually to get something on his end. Crim may be strong but Sora is carefree which may be better because according to the show Sora is already at an incredibly high level. You can't blame him for anything he's just a kid haveing a goood time. I guess he feels free in The World.
  4. Soul Blades in Dog Dancing Passionate Tri Pansy 3rd floor chest Rusty Nails in Voloptous Her Remnant left of the Gott Statue door Time Blades{?}Beat Balmungs time in a chronicling keyword level. Bom-Ba-Ye Data Drain Mu Gaurdian Hyakkidouran Data Drain Parasite Dragon These are all the Rare Twin Blades{I think} in Infection
  5. 7gR


    I thought of that and you can see right over the pedestal to the stained glass windows behind the statue may it deal something with Emma's death? Most likely not though like Azure have brought up Emma Weiland{t} may be Tsukusa's mother.
  6. I read in a translation of AI Buster at [url]http://nmk.dragon-tear.net/index.html[/url] the girl is working on translating the novels. In Area 00 Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground the main character mentions a rumor about a ghost of an upside down man who appears in the church and talks which maybe how you see him in the games.
  7. 7gR

    The voice:

    It says Emma on his mother's grave!? I was thinking in the beginning of the games could that be Morganna's view of the world? It's all jumbled up in the first one but it's alot clearer in Mutation?
  8. 7gR


    Hmm... I could've swore that in Depth Sora told BT the church was sealed. Oh well, in the other stories before the game there is no statue, so maybe the statue never had a reflection because it's not supposed to be there.
  9. Well like my question yours was also a bit too challenging. The answer to my one was Navel of Lake or in Fragment NavlofLake How many strange sound things were there in the castle episode?
  10. 7gR


    On second look that statue in the church is not Aura. The statue's missing somev keypoints that Aura would wear, most obvious why the statue is not Aura, she is misssing her symbol of infinite on her robe, dress thing. The statue has a a weird hood cap thing. In the games Aura does not have feet. A statue of Emma maybe?
  11. I think you maybe right in this time period of .hack the "wave" or element on you {markings on them} signified what magic you could use and can't use. Saying they're both Fire "wave" Tsukusa could practically do nothing unless the gaurdian helps and manages to hit crim.
  12. Ah oh well doesen't make much difference actually it was revealed in the episode today. Or maybe that was BT.
  13. 7gR

    I need help

    Also you have to feed it what it wants when it's a baby so make sure to be stocked on food.
  14. I think Braidless Baka is right. It seems be more of a thoughtful show.
  15. .hack//AI Buster is a novel only in Japan though [email]mary@Dragontear.net[/email] is working on translations from what she's translated.It's very interesting. The colors of the waves on the people resemble there element.
  16. The markings are the waves or the element they are.{Learned from .hack//AI Buster
  17. Like she said it's only a theory her theory she strongly expresses it also.
  18. Sorry What was the access for Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground in the Proto type Version, Fragment?
  19. The ah bell thing rang.
  20. Heh,sorry The answer by the way was the 8 phase Sword coincidence? What was the last words that the Broken Man said before the thing fell apart?
  21. To see if anyone can interpret any more info. on the Key of the Twilight through the lyrics.
  22. Nautilus Staff What is Mia's starting Weapon?
  23. I should dedicate this to AzureWolf for bringing up the Ideas of the songs. Well here we go...Songs that matter to the Key of the Twilight A Stray Child if you are lost in your way deep in an awesome story don't be in doubt and stray cling to your lonesome folly now you're too close to the pain let all the rain go further come back and kiss me in vain mother oh do not bother hear the chorus of pain taking you back to proper ways it's so easy to find if you could remind me now you are lost in your way deep in an awesome story so I will find you again kiss you for lonesome folly Aura if you are near to the dark I will tell you 'bout the sun you are here, no escape from my visions of the world you will cry all alone but it does not mean a thing to me knowing the song I will sing till the darkness comes to sleep come to me, I will tell 'bout the secret of the sun it's in you, not in me but it does not mean a thing to you the sun is in your eyes the sun is in your ears I hope you see the sun someday in the darkness the sun is in your eyes the sun is in your ears but you can't see the sun ever in the darkness it does not much matter to me In the land of Twilight, under the moon in the land of twilight, under the moon we dance for the idiots ring-around-the-roses, jump to the moon we sing with the castanets I will sing for crescent moon dancing with the castanets as the end will come so soon in the land of twilight now you are watchin' us outside the circle wanna be in the company boy, but you are lonely dance with nobody run away child, to your hiding place high and loud, the sound of your bell of the twilight...ringing.. all alone, it rings and echoes in the twilight in the land of twilight, under the moon we dance for the idiots ring-around-the-roses, jump to the moon we sing with the castanets Key of the Twilight Come with me in the twilight of a summer night for awhile Tell me of a story never ever told in the past Take me back to the land Where my yearnings were born The key to open the door is in your hand Now fly me there Fanatics find their heaven in never ending storming wind Auguries of destruction be a lullaby for rebirth Consolations, be there In my dreamland to come The key to open the door is in your hand Now take me there I believe in fantasies invisible to me In the land of misery I'm searchin' for the sign To the door of mystery and dignity I'm wandering down, and searchin' down the secret sun Come with me in the twilight of a summer night for awhile Tell me of a story never ever told in the past Take me back to the land Where my yearnings were born The key to open the door is in your hand Now take me there to the land of twilight Easy Dawn Searching for eternity, you are a frivolous dreamer Clinging to unreliable dreams. Where are you going? Searching for the key to open twilight, I cry, Unable to reach the moon's shadow. Where am I going? Even though secrets are lost in our eyes, We will never unfasten our arms from each other. Pale moon of January, hide the colors of the sunrise. The gentle dawn of a night that should not end. Because of love's heaviness, painfully close, The heart no longer mine cried for freedom. When shining things existed only in dark places, I gazed out the small window into the distance. Pale moon of January, sinking into infinity. The gentle dawn of a love that should not end. owaru hazu no nai yoru ni yasashii yoake Pale moon of January, hide the colors of the sunrise. The gentle dawn of a night that should not end. This is to learn more info. on the Key of the Twilight the songs I picked had info. on Morganna or on the Key of the Twilight Thanks to AnimeLyrics for providing the songs.
  24. Why on the floor of the church is there no reflection of Aura and the chains.Somebody said it's laziness o the programmer's but wouldn't there be a reason?The pedestal still there only the statue and the chains aren't.
  25. Avoid joining a party unless they really wanted me which is very doubtful.Trade I wouldn't hang out in servers much just to trade and buy stuff.
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