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Everything posted by 7gR

  1. No,I think he was seen in the company of Maha beforehand, The answer to my question was Revelation that is the name of Tsukusa'a Staff What kind of class is Bear's son?
  2. A Mithril Rod I think.I tmust be better that his other staff,Haven't found it yet in the games. What is the name of the staff that Tsukusa uses?
  3. According to the thing it says anything related to the .hack universe but... oh well What is the Japanese name for the Silver Knight?
  4. 7gR


    I know I just wanted to mess with people's head.
  5. Wait...If you're trapped in the game how can you email people?
  6. Zemus:As long is there is hate I will return!!! I don't know why he says that but he's in no other FF game?
  7. Actually you can't go to Gaurdia at all in Chrono Cross and Gaurdia became Porre in 1005 according to the playstation version of Chrono Trigger
  8. Fragment What are the two gruntys that give you Aromatic grass?
  9. Sieg is one of the players talking about Mia in Mac Anu. It was his classmate Uchiyama,extensive study eh? What is the Monster Orca and Balmung fought and defeated to become so famous?
  10. The Queen of the Dark in the Epitaph. Who was talking to Sieg in Mac Anu?
  11. 7gR


    Or so we think now he is just a wandering AI.
  12. I'd be a Wave Master to represent myself in ways. Info:Wave Master is the Japanese translation of Mage or Magician.
  13. I'm pretty sure it was until Tsukusa came. Who does Sora work for?
  14. Sora and behind a gott statue I think. What is Bear's occupation in real life?
  15. If I get picked may I write a Mysteries of .hack page?
  16. What is the thing in Episode 1 that Tsukusa finds in Episode 1? Besides the Gaurdian.
  17. 7gR


    Why make a reflection in the floor at all if not for something important is there.Everything else is reflected the pedestal the things on the ceiling the ceiling.Was Kite not supposed to be the one who holds it? She gave it to Orca than he was data drained than it was given to Kite by Helba.Helba also warps Kite to Net Slum at the beginning of the game.
  18. So what you're saying is that Helba and Apieron are AI and have been there since the World was Created?Yes and thank you for bringing up the fact that Emma and Harald were good friends.Is that scene at the beginning of Mai Minase a flashback? With Harald at Emma Wielant's grave usually flashbacks in any .hack series is followed by fuzzy stuff in the memory. Also at the beginning of Infection you see that big thing I believe that to be the world\.All the symbols are there and others I remember from E-mails it flies into the triangle one which is where Kite and Orca are at the time.
  19. 7gR


    I want to know more info on her.That's all, Also while playing .hack//Mutation I was just looking at stuff in Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground, and Aura's statue or the chains aren't reflected in the floor!
  20. 7gR


    Not a great deal of knowledge is known about Aura except she sleeps while in .hack//Sign and gives Tsukusa horrifying memories and dreams. She seems to have a closeness with Tsukusa sister brother thing. When she stopped floating it Trrified Tsukusa.This is all I know about Aura so far in the series I would like to know more about her in the series i almost know everything about her in the first two games.
  21. SPOILERS NOT ALL OF IT ONLY THE STUFF THAT HAS [/TO/] sorry for not being able to cover up spoilers Could those eyes deal with the eyes of a phases I've said before in a previous topic [/Maha is the sixth phase but Aura being a phase?! just doesn't make sense Skieth,Innis,Magus,Fidchell,Gorere or something like that,Macha,some guy,and Corbinek these are the 8 phases.Sorry for the some guy thing but I'm not sure.According to AzureWolf Macha is translated into Maha also a few other people have said that.but I can't prove this though the closest phase I've seen to human is Skieth and he has no eyes.when she has her eyes open in the game they are all not Maha like?/]Oh yes I believe he pretended to forget about saying,"I think I found it."How was he to explain Aura and keep her safe if others know about her.Sure they're all nice but what about Sora, and BT information leaks to them mainly through Bear and then through BT to Sora. It's one of the only things he keeps dear. Aside from his staff also to add the staff he has is called Revelations a level 19 power not great but will do till you get the Witch's Wand,The Grand Elite or something, and Rod of Pattern Subaru made Tsukusa seem like he's and AI I know he's not but does she think that? I'm sorry if this contained spoilers that could be read I'm not great with covering up spoilers
  22. Why did Aura just stop floating? Why did Aura say Depth?Why did Aura open her eyes and look very scary? Earlier in the series we were allowed a shot of Aura with her eyes open in a dream of Tsukasa's she was the little girl Aura which you see in the opening of the show.
  23. SPOILERS and thoughts not great with blackout things so try not to read if you don't want to. [Shunning the field broken by wave, the shadowed girl whispers," surely I will return".Alas the truth unbeknownst awaiting her at journey's end: Eternal mourning for her land.] Epitaph 00 [When the finger points to the yonder moon.The fool will not look at the fingertip.] Epitaph 01 [And so,I shall name her Aura, the shining girl Aura.Without you,she would not exist.We will entrust her with our will.Our future is in her hands.She is our...] Harald's Note 1 Could the shadowed one be Aura?If she is shining she must cast a shadow. It would also fit the role of her. Oh yes it also seems Aura is the key to the twilight...Maybe not though,the phases seem to have the same powers as her and more.The bracelet brings Salvation or Destruction.[As he destroys the phases strange stuff starts to happen.All failed character data is released once you defeat Innis and once Magus dies so does everything else get glitched.]
  24. About Aura's statue,Why when you defeat a phase one of the 8 chains don't come off?
  25. DO NOT READ AHEAD IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW ABOUT WHAT MAHA IS! [According to the letter that Wiseman sends you Maha is a phase! Maha the Temptress I'd like to know why she helped wake Aura when the phases mission is to destroy Aura. She is the sixth phase I'd appreciate any Info.]
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