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Everything posted by 7gR

  1. I've noticed somehing in .hack//Mutation.The Broken Man may still be in Bitter Fantasy Mirror World.Look around in first person view where you're near the Dungeon look up. You will see a strange bridge adorned with candles on the bottom just like the dungeon there I thought maybe it was decoration.It wasn't though,none of the other bridges have another passageway when you go look for the end of that bridge it''s just a wall. But this one looks strange. It has an opening in the door.I think we may return to Bitter Fantasy Mirror World via Helba's Gate.
  2. I've watched the case of Yuki Aihara and haave found no proof that he has died. Or has no children. Unless you can read Japanese. Can someone tell me where it says he's dead and has no children? Has anyone noticed aanything strange about the girl that helps Yukichin.The first two times she sees here you hear another strange sound. Like the 2nd gate noise thing in the castle episode! Also she knows about Yuki's cellphone.
  3. POSSIBLE SPOILERS If you notice when you open a Ryu Book in the games it says Key to the Twilight.The Key to the Twilight is most likely Kite's bracelet or A.K.A Bracelet of The Twilight. It goes against all the rules of the game Data Drain and Gate Hacking.Also it may not be the Bracelet it might be the book Which Aura gave to Orca and then ?Inserted? into Kite.STUPID GAMES!!! Leave you hanging all the time the 3rd game better give alot more info! Do the Moderators do thosse Blackout things wheere they cover up spoilers?
  4. Actually if anyone cares it had a little extra information but not much though
  5. If you notice in the Theme thing at the beginning the ring thing gets a part to itself so maybe it is the Bracelet of the Twilight.
  6. POSSIBLE SPOILERS Sorry for that not to mistake anyone the line he said was "I wanted proof you were alive but I failed." Also he appears in the first Liminality he's the guy that says its not over... not yet. He was over Emma Weiland's grave.He also said that he wanted someone to protecet her or something "I love you. I wanted to create my feelings into tangible. I wanted proof you were alive, my beloved. But I failed. I was mistaken. I sent the message when I found out." I failed as a father. She is my...our hope. In her lies our dreams. Look after her. I put my trust in you. I wasn't enough. Forgive me, beloved" Tsukasa flashes to The Sleeping Girl, and tells the Broken Man "He found it." For one brief moment, clarity enters his eyes and he smiles. Then it's gone. So that is why I think Aura is his daughter.
  7. Sorry for that not to mistake anyone the line he said was "I wanted proof you were alive but I failed."
  8. Liminality takes place during the games and Sign takes place before the games. What I want to know is how did he get out, how did Emma die, and if Aura was alive who was she. The Broken Man said "I want them to know you once lived".While he was rambling on about Aura. Was Aura a girl who died in real life but Harold created a daughter for The World which would have been a replacement for his daughter. Of course these are all theories and are meer guesses.
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