the The Boy
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Everything posted by the The Boy
Perhaps if you give a little more info on what the main plot is supposed to be? Sorry but without info the only other thing I can think of is revenge plot.
You could say that there is a great treasure/mint on the planet that the bandit wants to find/rob. When in doubt, use clichés.
Sign Up Hunters: Free Of The Shadow (PG - VL)
the The Boy replied to SilverCyclone's topic in Theater
Name: William ConDoin Race: human Age: 29 Gender: Male Appearance: Will is not a large man standing barley 5?6 and appearing as if he hasn?t eaten in a week (which may be true). He has green eyes and brown hair. He wears a dark brown tunic and pants over which he wears a hardened leather breastplate. Over all of this he wears a cloak of varies shades of grey and brown to blend into the land. His arms and torso are covered in battle scars. Bio: Will was born in the camp of a group of guerillas hiding from the demons. He spent his entire life fighting, hiding, and trying to survive. Due to the incredibly high turnover of the group Will learned to forge friendships and earn trust quickly. Will hates the demons with a passion and wouldn?t trust one as far as he could throw it. Despite his hatred his main concerns are rescuing human slaves and getting them back to the small community. It?s not a safe life by any measure, they are hunted, hungry, and lose more people then they gain, but they die free and Will figures that that, at least, is something. Weapons. A blessed Rapier and a sling. Spells: Heal. By placing his hands on another humans wounds he can heal them in minutes. -
Sorry it took so long to get this up. Hope this thing gets off the ground because the last one was great. Name: Zuulan Gender: Male Age: 39 Species: Gran +1 Stealth, +1 People-Skills, -1 Health Class: Fighter pilot/ mole Team: Rebel Disadvantages: overconfident, stim reliant Advantages: none Homeworld: Corusont(sp?) Bio: Zuulan joined the imperial army when he was younger and became an accomplished fighter pilot. Several years ago when he was stationed on the Star Destroyer ?The Marauder? one of the mechanics converted him to the rebel cause. He is currently stationed on Redmeg IV and will attempt to meet the rebel strike team and guide them to the factory. Equipment: A custom ecchani pistol and his access card to the base Skills that need points: Ranged Combat: 3 Melee: 0 Stealth: 1+1 total 2 Grace: 3 Health: 3 -1 total. 2 Strength of Body: 2 Strength of Mind: 4 Piloting: 10 People-Skills: 2+1 total 3
Snapping out of his fright at seeing the Dragon and his shock at Tarpel?s display of power Jayne switched the rifle to his left hand and pulled Vera off his back and braced it under his right arm, after all accuracy didn?t really matter against something that [i]big[/i], and charged out of the building. ?Quick, spread out so it can?t get all of us at once!? He opened fire and as saw the bullets and energy bolts he fired struck the beast harmlessly the others attacked as well, not noticing in the heat of battle that Jayne was ?spreading out? in the direction of the academy to find a ship and get himself out of there. (OOC. Ain?t he a stinker?)
Jayne brought Vera up to his shoulder and set his sights on the nearest sith. He fired off a quick pair of shots as he charged, the Dark Jedi?s lightsaber flared up to block the blows. But Vera was not a blaster, but rather a more archaic projectile gun and when the energy beam touched the first bullet instead of reflecting it the bullet was reduced to molten lead that struck the Sith?s face a moment before the second shot tore through his shoulder. Jayne reached the Sith seconds later and laid him low with the but of his rifle. Seeing Kelko?s situation with the Rancor, Jayne switched to his blaster rifle to save ammo and shouted to Tarpal and Doblar ?Hairball! Frog! Finish off these jedi, I?m going to help Kelko with that Rancor!? With that he ran up behind the Rancor and shot at it?s back. The blasts didn?t do much to the massive beast but it did turn it?s attention from Kelko to Jayne who then took off towards the bunker that Rylon had pointed out as fast as he could. (OOC. What is this? I leave for a while and no one posts. I hope this defibulator(sp?) post works.)
Sign Up Highlander: There Can Be Only One (Violence/Language)
the The Boy replied to sublime2004's topic in Theater
(No fighting on holy ground!!!!!) I?ll sign up later and edit this. No time now though. -
Jayne regained his conciseness and looked around. ?Tara? Where?d ya go?? He saw no sign of anyone nearby and when he reached for his comlink found that it was missing. He headed back to the others. When he arrived at the building they were hiding in Kelko came out and began hitting him with questions. ?Jayne! Where were you? Why didn?t you answer the comlink? Where?s Tara?? I went out with the jedi to scout ahead. When we were walking I head something behind us, so I turned around and saw this weird cloaked guy wave his hands t me and I went flying into a rock. That?s the last thing I remember. When I woke up my comlink was gone but since I?m still alive and they didn?t touch my guns I?m guessing they didn?t think much a me.? Jayne gave a small grin. ?I?ll show them. No one gets the drop on me twice!?
Jayne saw the jedi wandering off on her own and hurried after her. ?Hold it right there lady. Ain?t nobody wandering off on there own, specially not no dam jedi with an antique weapon.? Jayne gestured towards the light saber in Tara?s hand, ignoring the fact that his gun was even older. ?I?m coming with you.?
?Gladly boss. Hear that Ya hairball? Try that again and there won?t nothin? left of your head.? The Wookie growled back at him in a ?bring it on? sort of manner that Jayne pretended not to notice. (OOC. Sorry this is short don?t know what else to put.)
(OOC .which character was that directed to?)
Jayne thought about this for a minute. ?Ha! Dark side my #$@. I don?t believe in the force buddy. Wouldn?t surprise me if them jedi were cyborgs or genetic tests er somethin?. Honestly I trust you least, but if I needed to I?d shot everyone here without batin an eye. So I guess yer answer?s yes.? After finishing what he had to say Jayne dropped back a bit until he was near Kelko. ?Kelko, I didn?t tell you sooner cause of that ruckus back there but I heard something real unsettlin? back on that hill. ?The dark jedi know we?re here. They found the ship an? that?s why they sent that oversized bug out here. What should we do??
Jayne stared at the arrow stuck in the ackley?s head for a moment before turning a away as he started to reload his gun, muttering under his breath? Stupid force usein? frog thing. Next thing he?ll be asking what a rancor is.?
(OOC. Yes I can?t argue with you there. They canned it just when the characters interactions where really fleshing out.) Jayne saw Rylon?s plasma bolt streak by him and incinerate one of the beast?s front legs. The beast stumbled a bit and gave Jayne the time he needed to get to the bottom of the hill before it recovered. Taking a cue from his ally the mercenary hefted Vera and fired a half dozen rounds at the creatures remaining front leg. The first shots cracked the exoskeleton and the rest went clear through the leg causing the Ackley to collapse under the weight, vainly up with it?s remaining limbs and letting out an enraged shriek. Jayne turned to Ortega and said ?that was a pretty good plan, blowing the things legs off and all.?
Jayne pressed down the button on his comlink ? I ran into a little snag here Kel. Better tell everybody to get their weapons, this might attract some attention.? Before Kelko could respond Jayne dropped to one knee and took aim at the Ackley, witch had seen him and was now in a full run, and fired off three rounds at the thing, it reared up and the bullets struck it?s underbelly, cracking the plate but mostly just getting the thing mad. ? Ohh shit!? Jayne cursed as he got up and started running back to the others, firing behind him as he went but the Ackley was weaving back and forth now so most of the shots went wild. Edit(OOC. sorry phattmasterdj I was writing when you posted and didn't see what you said until afterwards.)
(OOC. Vera is Jayne?s gun. I mentioned it in my sign ups, For a more detailed description go and buy the Firefly DVD [i]now[/i].[/Shameless plug]) ?Oh so now ya want me to check things out, well ok.? He took the comlink from Kelko ?Testing 1,2,3 testing. Can you read me Kel?? The Rodian stared at him for a second before answering. ?Of course Jayne your right here.? ?Good Capin, I can hear you fine.? ?That?s because I?m right next to you.? ?Oh. Uhhh well, I?ll just check behind that hill then.? Jayne set off at a jog up the hill and upon reaching the top saw a?.. (OOC. What is behind the hill exactly? Sorry but last time I played KOTOR was a while ago and that?s the only thing I?ve seen on Star wars that talks about Korriban so I?m not sure what I?d find. Oh and sorry for the major quotage in this post.)
?A planet uh?? A smile spread over his face. ?I guess that would be nice. But?? His smile faded a bit ?I feel like I?m being watched. And I wouldn?t trust anybody else, that zabrak Ortega acts like a dam hitman and those jedi work for the republic, and no leader wants people like us ta succeed, learned that back on Bespin. You go up ahead, me and Vera?ll make sure no one jumps us.?
Jayne walked up behind Kelko and put his hand on the Rodians shoulder . ? Hey Kel. Are you sure we should be here? I mean if even onea those stories we heard about this place are true we?re not geten? paid near enough, specially if it?s the one bought a monster that can kill those jedi like that.? He finished snapping his fingers with the last word. Kelko turned to Jayne, the mercenary was almost never worried but he did trust folk tales a bit to much.
I?m feeling lazy today so I hope you don?t mind the almost completely stolen character. Name: Jayne Corr Species: Human Gender: Male Class: Soldier Homeworld: Bespin (that cloud city they went to in Empire Strikes Back.) Weapons: A custom projectile Rifle with long range and semi auto called Vera, a standard issue stormtrooper rifle, and a small concealable blaster pistol hidden in his boot. Other Gear: Some first aid supplies and some spare rounds for Vera Abilities: Intimidating, quick draw, running and shooting simultaneously. Favored Attribute: Strength Appearance: As much as I hate to use a picture [img]http://www.scifispace.com/db_ff_baldwin3.jpg[/img] Biography: Jayne was born in a slum in lower Bespin where he spent the first twenty years of his life before he joined a smuggling crew and spent the next decade jumping from crew to crew and sending some cash to his family from time to time. He is rude, vulgar, greedy, and none to bright, but he?s handy in a fight and loyal enough as long as the pay keeps coming. Currently serving under Kelko. (If you don?t want my character working for you I can change it.)
I used to do the whole ?pretend thing? when I was little, and I?ve been in a bunch of online RPGs since Easter that never made it very far. I?ve never Rped for real but I?ll be the Storyteller (Same as Dungeon Master) for a Hunter the Reckoning game some time after break, that is of course if my lazy (rear) friends would read the stinking book(come on people I?m only making you read two chapters, I read the whole thing). Well I?m ready for them, already got my first two villains stated, Bobo the deranged zombie chimp from Hades and Mr. Teddy the giant toy possessed by the irrate soul of a little girl, hehehe.(as you can see my game won?t have a very serious tone to it.)
Sign Up o.O [R16+May contain sexual content and course language]
the The Boy replied to Annie's topic in Theater
Are the sign ups still open? If so I'll post my sign up in a bit. -
(OOC. Sorry I took so long to get this up. Won?t happen again. And I forgot to put this in my sign up but Dunner has a small tinderbox and a decent collection of maps. ) Cassandra and Dunner found a small cave in the rocks near the magma river and got a large fire. Dunner did really care where they were going, just glad to be going somewhere but He wanted to talk a bit so he asked Cassandra where they where they were meeting the others. ?We?re going to the Limestone Cliffs. You?ve got a map to there, right?? Dunner grinned ?Look who you?re talking to, of course I do? He then pulled a box out of his pack and pulled out a large map ?Here it is. Shouldn?t take to long to get to unless we get delayed somehow.?
Trick Or Treating: Fun or Immature?
the The Boy replied to KarmaOfChaos's topic in General Discussion
I love trick or treating and I?ll never feel to old till I have kids, and then I?d have to take them. Hehe . The only problem I have is my friends don?t dress up. Only two out of the five of us dressed up and no one knew who I was (Conner McCloud of the clan McCloud). Never to old for free candy I always say. -
Name. Dunner Wolfram Age. 19 Colony. Fire Rank. Member Allegiance. Good Weapons. A long steel dagger with a leather bound hilt and a leather sling with ?special rocks?. Magic. Like all his kind he is immune to fire and actually finds the feel of fire comforting .He can also cause fire to erupt from any part of his body that is exposed to the air, this power is made more useful by his third power, the ability to form the flames into any shape he desires and control it as well as control the heat and intensity of the fire from being slightly warming to being capable of melting rocks. His final power is a rare skill called flame seeing, if he sets a fire at a spot where flames burned previously he can see the events that passed when the last flame burned, the image is mute and colorless but still useful. Appearance. Dunner is short and rather skinny. He has short, straight hair that is charcoal black and falls slightly over his forehead. The dominant feature of his face is his eyes. Large red orbs they seem to burn softly and comfortingly like a low burning fireplace or a small candle. He wears a loose black tank top and matching pants and boots. Personality. Dunner is a very open and friendly person with disarming personality and a temper that is very slow to run out. He has always been plagued by wanderlust and is a bit gullible. Dunner tends to spend a lot of time just thinking. Bio. Dunner lived at the fire colony his entire life and though well liked he had few friends because not many people shared his desire to go see the other colonies. Because of that and the fact that his family forbid him from traveling he spent most of his time either practicing his fire skills or learning all he could about the other races. When it came time to decide who would go find the lighthouses he managed to convince the leaders of the colony to send him . (If this guy is to strong then take away the spontaneous flames and the changing the temperature of them. I started writing this before Arika posted and planned on making him a leader.)
RPG Kuriyama{Part One} Finding the chival Five
the The Boy replied to Kesaki_Inedia's topic in Theater
(OOC. I?m sorry to say this but I have been banned from my computer till next Friday. I will try to post in school if I can but until I get back Arcadia and Kesaki have control of Calis. Please don?t make him do to much speaking but let him live. Oh and it seems like our heros have left maybe someone should contact them while I?m gone.)