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the The Boy

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Everything posted by the The Boy

  1. ?No not at all. I was just finishing.? Calis said waving his hand in a dismissing gesture before swinging himself into Symphony?s saddle in one fluid motion. Leaning over his horse he whispered into its ear ?We weren?t waiting for her anyway girl. Were we? It was that medallion and her dagger that we were waiting for.? He then turned to Crooks and said his goodbyes ? Well this is goodbye for now you old coot.? ?Yep, guess it is. Just don?t go n? get yerself killed all right.? ?If I do you?ll be the first person I haunt.? Then the mercenary turned his horse towards the entrance and moved out, not looking to see if Aoen was following trusting that she was and would soon pull ahead of him.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B]Oh wow. You're so advanced. Romeo And Juliet is quite possibly Shakespeare's most simple play out of the major ones read in school. Whether you interpret R&J as teen love gone wrong, or social commentary directed at paternal control, it's still Shakespeare's most basic idea. Take a look at Macbeth. Or King Lear. Or Hamlet. Or Henry V. The Tempest. R&J is child's play. But you can keep feeling so proud of yourself that you can understand it before the rest of your class. Good job. You can read and understand Shakespeare's most basic tragedy. OMG! Hmph. [/B][/QUOTE] I wasn?t trying to brag, but it obviously came out that way. I was just trying to say that I comprehend and actually enjoy reading things written in old English. And now that you mention it, I am proud of the fact I can do something that a lot of people seem to have trouble doing. I don?t have many talents so I focus on the few I do have, like reading comprehension. I would like to reiterate that I did not mean to sound arrogant even if it seems otherwise and say that the post you quoted was mostly made in jest. Thank you for your time.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B]HAHHAHA...yeah, you really have a tough time in school...you really have a tough time with your teachers... Wait till you have ME as your instructor. You think detention was bad? How about reading Beowulf in Old English? Or, perhaps...The Canterbury Tales in the original Middle English. You haven't had sadistic instructors until you have me. I'm the kind of teacher that students are either going to love or hate. I'll force you to read Gilgamesh...out loud in front of the class. ." [/B][/QUOTE] That probably wasn?t directed at me, at least not specifically but I did complain about teachers so here is what I say to you threats. Sounds fun. Your reading the post of someone that read ahead when my class did "Romeo and Juliet" and understood most of it.
  4. Actually I find that except for math and gym most of my classes are pretty interesting. I do hate school anyway though because of the fact that nearly all of my peers are complete (mules) and I occasionally get stuck with a teacher that can?t teach for his/her life (freshman Algebra comes to mind). I?m a sophomore by the way.
  5. (OOC. Sorry this took me so long to post. A combination of comp trouble and other distractions kept me from going on till now.) Calis noticed Aoen?s glance at him, it always annoyed her when he treated Obsidian with less respect than she did. She obviously didn?t realize that Obsidian had the mercenary?s respect but had quickly lost it because of his slave keeping habits and lack of mercy. But still there was no turning back now. He turned to Aoen ?I?ll meet you in the stables when you wish to leave on our mission.? Calis gave Obsidian one last bow before backing out of the room. He headed for his quarters and grabbed his pack, which he always had packed with all the travel supplies he needed not counting rations, he headed to the kitchen to get those next, he walked right in ignoring the head cook that was telling him to get out, and gathered up enough supplies for a week on the road. His last stop was the stables. He greeted the man in charge of the horses, who also happened to be one of the few at Obsidian?s stronghold that had Calis?s trust, ? Hi Crooks how?s Symphony doing?? The little man turned and gave Calis a grin that was much too large for his face. ? Still won?t let anyone near ?er.? ?So she?s fine then I take it.? ?See for yourself.? ?I will thanks.? Calis said then he called over his shoulder? You know who is coming so you probably should get her horse ready.? Calis walked over to where his horse, Symphony, was stalled and took her out, she was a jet-black mare, she wasn?t the fastest horse around but she could run almost all day and could bully other horses around, which was a great help in mounted battles. He checked her hooves and fed her a bit he then loaded he up with a saddle and supplies going at a pace so he should finish at about the time he guessed Aoen to get there.
  6. You can buy the fairy sword and a few Soul calibers in the last area for 9800 each
  7. Calis was forced to hide a smile, Obsidian was obviously worried by this if he was sending out his two best and the thought of his ?master? worried was a pleasant one for the mercenary. ? You can forget they were ever alive to begin with My Lord. But may I ask you how we are to find them? I doubt you want us to ride all around the continant asking every person we see if they are of the Chival five.? Calis did not fear his masters anger at this slight taunt, for he still had to kill the Chival five, afterwards was when he needed to watch his back so a dagger doesn?t make a home there.
  8. In the training room four sets of blades clashed as Calis Crydee, a skilled mercenary who was currently in the service of Lord Obsidian, clashed with some new recruits to teach them how to fight as a group. Calis? swords moved in quick defensive movements to keep away the two long swords and the axe that attempted to catch him. In a sudden movement Calis rushed in, his rapier taking a swordsman in the throat while his scimitar ran across the axe wielder?s stomach. The remaining man through down his sword and raised his hands in surrender, as Calis went to kick away the sword a dagger came from the man's sleeve and slammed into the mercenary?s gut. Calis took a step back and told the trainees ?Well done, you are improving.? Even though in his head he was thinking of how much he would like to fight these three without safety covers on their blades. These servants of Obsidian had no honor, much like their master. Calis was beginning to regret his rash decision in pledging himself to this man, but n matter what he thought he couldn?t stop now that the promise was made. They were just about to start another round when a slave entered the room and told him to report to Obsidian. He took off the covers on his blades and slipped them into their sheaths on his back, and then he grabbed his staff and walked to his master?s chambers. He entered and gave a swift bow from the waist. ?Greetings Lord. What do you wish of me??
  9. ( Sorry about any typos and spelling errors but my computer won't load Word so I can't spell check this.) Minion Name: Calis Crydee Age: 26 gender: male Bio: He has been a mercanary for most of his life and is known as one of the better ones. Several betrayals in his past have resulted in him being both very loyal and honurable and also a very hard person to earn the trust of. Over the couse of his life he has learned to fight with many differnt weapons and some ice magic. Obsidian saved Calis' life when he was attacked by an overwellming number of bandits and has pledged himself to Obsidion's service until he can repay the favor, What he doesn't know is that it was a setup to secure his skills. Description: He stands at roughly 5'6 and weighs 141 pounds has blue eyes and light brown hair. Calis wears a black tunic and pants. He has a buckler straped to each of his forearms and for weapons he carries a sturdy oak quarter staff that is capped with iron on both ends as well as a rapier and scimitar straped to his back in a X shape.
  10. We needed to drop both bombs because, as stated before, the Japanese would not have surrendered and even after the second bomb was dropped they only surrendered on the condition that the emperor wouldn't be put on trial for war crimes. Of course I don't think nukes should be used today because we now know the consequences of the blast.
  11. (OOC. Where are our heros? Maybe someone should pm them.
  12. Like most people are saying, talk to your mom and password the computer.Or you can always say these handy latin phrases, "Utinam barbari spatioum proprium tuum inadant."("May barbarians invade your personal space"), "Utinam coniurati te in foro interficiant."("May conspirators assasinate you in the hall"), "Re vera, cara mea, mea nil refert"("Frankly my dear, I don't give a dam"), and "Te capiam, cunicule sceleste".("I'll get you, you wascally wabbit!) Don't know when you'd say the last one though.
  13. the The Boy


    Download Gamespy and you can play any system-link games. But beware the 56k for the game shall lag like there is no last week.
  14. the The Boy


    I'm already hooked on this game and it's not even out yet. Problem is the board I go to for Fable info does nothing nowadays but complain that only NPCs involved in the plot age and that they might take out child killing. Edit but it will still be great.
  15. Icing Death was walking down the halls thinking how easy it would be to put the slaves in their place if Serigan would just let him kill one. He was almost to his room next to the guard quarters when a demon ran up to him ?Sir we?ve spotted some intruders approaching Maze Castle.? Death grinned, he needed a good fight. ?Wonderful I will take some men and go greet them.? Icing death gathered up four demons, two ape like brute with clubs who where at least 12 feet tall and two small human shaped ones with bat wings and very sharp claws on their hands. As the demon neared the intruders he recognized their descriptions as the spirit detectives that defeated the Four Saint Beasts. He thought to himself ?Yes this will be very fun. But first let?s see if they?re worth my time.? Then out loud he said ?Welcome detectives, I see Koenma finally decided to send someone to stop us. I?ll admit I don?t care for babysitting these humans but my partner will be very upset if I let them leave, and I don?t really want to fight him so I?m afraid you have to die.? He then signaled for the other four demons to attack, if they beat his demons he would fight them. (OOC. We are in Maze Castle right?)
  16. Umm.... Dragonballzman Mars isn't light years away from us. It's closer than the Sun and it only takes light 6-8 minutes to reach Earth from the Sun. On topic. Cool I didn't hear that. Darn you now I'll be standing in my yard staring at the sky for hours.
  17. I'm trying to get into an RPG on a differnt site but I'm having trouble with the bio. Any help will be appreiciated. Well here's the whole thing from my first try to where he gives me a third chance. Note: I'm WyvernSlayer Wyvern Slayer Name: Pug ConDoin Age: 20 Gender: male Continent: Altrant Class: Mage Skills: Ice and Water Magic, Earth Magic , Dark Magic Weapons: Heavy oaken quarter staff. The bottom is capped in iron and the top has an iron carving of a griffons head. Description: Pug stands 5'5 and is about 134 pounds with a slight build. Has blue eyes and light brown hair. He wears a simple black tunic and pants and wears three rings on his right hand, one on his index, middle, and ring finger, These rings have his family crest of a red griffon clutching a spear in it's claws over a blue background carved onto there surface. Personality: He is very helpful and will help almost anyone that asks, though he gets easily frustrated with people that act like idiots or jerks. Even though he's helpful it's hard to earn his trust or loyalty but it is well worth the effort because once he considers you a friend he will stick by you through anything. Some of his worse qualities are that he is slightly pessimistic and holds grudges. Bio: Pug was born and raised in Torvol as the youngest son of a very low ranking noble family. His parents died from disease when he was ten and he was raised by his older brother Eric and sister Ann, who were twins and both were part of the knights. Pug showed a great deal of promise as a mage and was accepted into mage academy where he was one of the top students. Several months ago Moltroy took Ann away. Two weeks later Eric, who always had a strong bond with Ann, came up to Pug and simply said fighting back tears "She's dead. I can feel it." He also handed over both his and Ann's family rings, a week after that he was executed for attempting to assassinate Moltroy and Pug was forced t flee the city to avoid being arrested as an accomplice he is now determined to discover the truth. (OOC. Please forgive the clichéd bio. But that?s not always a bad thing IMHO.) --- "Non sum PISCES, Magister mundi sum!!- Me Toxic Wyvern, could you please expand your Bio a little bit. Other then that, it looks good. --- "Mind the threefold law ye should, three times bad and three times good..." -The Wiccan Rede. [url]http://seviperfanclub.myeweb.net/index.html[/url] WyverSlayer What should I expand on about in the bio? What happened after he left the city or before? (Is newbie) --- "Non sum PISCES, Magister mundi sum!!- Me Toxic Umm... just give a little more detail to it here and there. It should be 3 paragraphs minimum really. (I'm not requiring anything) --- "Mind the threefold law ye should, three times bad and three times good..." -The Wiccan Rede. [url]http://seviperfanclub.myeweb.net/index.html[/url] WyvernSlayer Here?s a revised bio. Bio: Pug was born and raised in Torvol as the youngest son of a very low ranking noble family. His parents died from disease when he was ten and he was raised by his older brother Eric and sister Ann, who were twins and both were part of the knights. Pug showed a great deal of promise as a mage at a young age and was accepted into mage academy where he was one of the top students and the best at Dark magic. Several months ago Moltroy took Ann away. Two weeks later Eric, who always had a strong bond with Ann, came up to Pug and simply said fighting back tears "She's dead. I can feel it." He also handed over both his and Ann's family rings "for safe keeping" he said but Pug knew the real reason, a week after that he was executed for attempting to assassinate Moltroy and Pug was forced to flee the city to avoid being arrested as an accomplice. He has since joined a caravan guard as it is an inconspicuous means of travel so he could search for clues as to what exactly Moltroy is up to and he is determined to discover the truth of his sister?s disappearance and, if Eric was right, death. --- "Non sum PISCES, Magister mundi sum!!- Me Toxic Not accepted, I'm sorry. Your Bio doesn't explain your character. Fix that and re-submit. Edit. Here are some examples of what the guy accepted Name: Reiz Reinheart Age: 19 Gender: Male Continent: Bracori Class: Swordsman Skills: Footwork, Sword profeciancy, Scouting Weapons: -Primary :An ordinary Japanese Katana, full black. (May change) -Secondary: Abba and EmmaTwo medium tantos, both about 14'' (inches) long. The blade isn't equipped with a guard, so its quite defenseless againts blades. Both handles are crimson. Description: Reiz's purple eyes seemed to contrast his golden almost spiky hair. Although he isn't muscly, he packs quite a punch. His face is what you call a narcicist, beautiful and handsome in everyway. He wears a brown jacket and a blue jeans for everyday clothing. Whats inside his clothes is quite surprising. Embedded with the power of metals, Reiz's jacket and jeans both serve as an armor for him. Personality: Bound by his principle to help people, Reiz is all kind to anyone. Most of the time Reiz is calm and quite, more of an observer. He is however mute. Although being mute has a downfall, Reiz is still able to connect to certain people. Reiz strong believe in fate made it easier for him to overcome grief and deaths. Inside Reiz Reinheart is a lonely, crying man who is tortured by his domestic past. This past tragedy becomes the base of his principle which he uses to prevent people from sharing the same fate. Bio: At first Reiz had lived in Altrant with a family full of woman. They all cared for him and nurtured him well into the man he was now. Sadly his family faced a tragic end when his family began to protest againts the council. The council didn't take this lightly. Reiz's more beautiful sisters were taken prisoners and mistress of the castle, with their mother and remaining sisters tortured and violated until their last drop. Reiz was 9 at the time he lost his voice... Starting a new life he moved to Bracori at 11, learning the land and cultivation for his future. But Reiz couldn't stand of the routinity of farming, therefore he dropped his hoe and picked up his mother's tanto, Abba and Emma . Reiz wanted to help people, the way their family did in Altrant. He received a book called "Budo" teaching him the basics of sword technique. By 15, he finished the book and sought for more technique. Reiz soon joined the Flying Squirrel clan, a clan devoted to spread its knowledge of air mobilization. It took him another two years to complete the basic course of FS. Reiz's training was postponed, when the clan was disbanded when the opposing clan, Dark Hand assasinated the head of FS. Not long after that Reiz took the company of a traveling Altrant mage. Her name was Shanti, a beautiful brown girl from the East. Along their journey together, Reiz learned of the situation in the East continent and how the council had gotten worse in the last 9 years. Although the cannot fully communicate, Shanti and Reiz were lovers, eventhough Shanti was 4 years older. Their love camed to a climax when a passionate night ended in seperation the next day. Reiz had learned all he could for now, and he;s willing to put his powers to the test. Learning of the disapperance of girls in the East, Reiz waited for the right time to strike, to strike back... Name: Damien Valdorf Age: 23 Gender: Male Continent: Altrant Class: Knight Skills: Weapon profeciancy, Scouting, Rage Weapons: A 2-headed flail, steel handle with a intricatly woven handle and steel chains. Two large, spiked iron balls attached to the ends. And a steel short sword. Description: Damien stands at a towering 6'8". His long blonde hair is pulled back into a pony tail. His eyes are yellow agaisnt black. Almost like that of a wolf. He wears a black long sleeve shirt with a chest plate made of black scale mail. He wears a pair of black pants with a fancy silver cross on each leg. He wears large black boots under his pants. He wears a specially designed pair of guantlets that go up to his elbow. They are made of a black steel and have rows of spikes along the knuckles and back of the hand. Over everthing he wears a dull black trench coat. His short sword is kept sheathed on his right hip and he carries his flail in hand at all times. Personality: Damien is violence prone and easily angered. When in groups he will stand away and be quiet unless he feels totally comfortable. He has been known to kill his allies because of an joke directed toward his family. Bio: Born into a family of mages, Damien soon became uninterested in magic. As a boy he would get into fights with the other mage's children. He would beat them nearly to death until one of the mages would pull him off. When he was 13 years of age, an old knight rode through his small village. The knight amazed young Damien and gave him the inspiration to become a powerful knight. At the age of 15 he would fight mage sons and win unless he was out numbered by more than 3. They're spells were not stong enough to fend off the massive Damien. The scrawny mages would be tossed into a hay stack or thrown through a window. He became the age of 16 and his mage friends had left the village. He was preparing to set forth to become a famous knight when a small band of theives swept through his town. They killed anyone who would not give up their gold. His parents were both kill but the gold Damien had on him was not bothered and the thieves ran after only a few minutes for they didn't realize that not only was the town full of mages but also a soon to be knight. After this event happened he began training non-stop. Every minute of sunlight was spent practicing and even hours of darkness. He would be elite. He would be the best. When he turned 22 he learned that he had a sister. His sister was married to a man far from his home town and that she had a happy life. A year later he heard of his sister's mysterious dissappearance. Please post or PM me any advice. Thanks in advance. (Makes peace sign.)
  18. Chicken, any type of fish, and any type cheese.
  19. It was time for the big fight, four houses would send out 20 gladiators to fight a huge battle. Coran left his cage donning his armor as he left and falling into step next to Drugar, who was in a suit of chain mail and a full face helmet that had two curving ram horns on the side as well as his shield and axe, Calis, a tall surface elf and the dwarf?s former traveling companion who was carrying a long bow, two short swords and two bucklers strapped to his forearm, and a small kobold, a small creature that resembles a small dog on hind legs smells like a wet dog and has a native language that sounds like a yipping dog, nicknamed Fido by the three friends and was an oddity in the arena because unlike most kobolds he managed to survive in the arena and was one of the better archers in there masters ownership. As they neared the gate Drugar sneezed this was the signal to strike. Coran reached over to the nearest guard and with a quick twist snapped his neck then spun away pulling his weapons from there sheathes as he went and started slashing at the guards while Drugar, Fido, and Calis also started there attacks. Both the drow and gladiators where stunned by this sudden attack but the drow recovered faster and began fighting back and soon there was a full scale battle in the corridor. The head trainer charged Coran and attempted to behead him by swinging his swords at the prisoner from both sides. The half-elf blocked these attacks with his blades and forced his foes swords out to the side and with a flick of his wrist sent his rapier flashing across the dark elf?s throat. The blooded spurting from the wound covered Coran?s face and ran down the rivets of his armor, looking around he saw the fight was over and Calis began speaking ?You are now free to do what ever you want, try to escape, free the other fighters, we don?t care but if you follow us we will kill you.? With that the four of them began making there way to the exit and the underdark beyond. (OOC. Calis or Drugar are now fair game.)
  20. 1. is german for super. Online it's usually used to say it's better than super 2/3. can't help you there. sorry
  21. Saw it. It's in my top five. If you want the DVDs try Amazon. It's semi cheap there.
  22. Icing Death lowered the whip as a cruel reptilian grin spread across his face. ?You want to see how I earned my name, fine then a full blast would kill you but I will give you a taste just remember you are the ones that tempted this.? Then raising his hands to just below his face and extended the claws of his index fingers level with his mouth and maneuvered his tail blades to roughly the same area. Breathing lightly on them the four blades where covered in a fine frost. He looked at the slaves, they where cluttered near each other within easy striking range. Dashing forward and making sure he caused no serious damage he hit them all just below the right elbow, Iva and Nami with his claws, Namaki and Saina with his tails, all of them though felt a strange and painfully cold sensation creeping up and down there arms, stunned by the speed of his movements, the pain in there arms, and the tone of his voice a tone that told them the only reason he hadn?t killed them was that they had yet to serve there purpose they could do nothing put listen to him speak. ?You can feel it can?t you? The chill of my breath as it makes its way to your heart.? The blades and claws pressed slightly deeper. ?Not a pleasant feeling I imagine. Now you know my power and are warned, next time you will lose a limb, but don?t worry I?ll stop the bleeding? The last was delivered with a little chuckle. He pulled away and walked out of the door. Before closing the door he tossed in some rolls of bandages and said casually ?Better patch up those cuts. Don?t want to bleed to much now do you??.
  23. I'm sorry for your lose Sorry if that sounded atifical but I don't know what else to say.
  24. Let?s see *looks up name* here we go. First name. Mark. Variant of Marcus.Marcus. Latin, Warlike Middle name. James. English Form of Jacob. Jacob. Hebrew, Conqueror Last name. not telling. My dad claims it's German for miller. OB name. My real life nick name (yes people do say the twice) me and my sister were "The Boy" and "The Girl", my name stuck. The second the is from Ogre Battle 64 I named my army "the gundams? so all the chareaters in the game said ?the the gundams? and my cousin has yet to let me live it down.
  25. Ingaloakastamasilion or as he was better known in demon circles Icing Death entered the room that Serigan was in. Serigan grinned evilly ?Ah Icing Death, how did the raid go?? ?Not bad. We could have done better but I managed to catch some nice slaves. And what about you Serigan, found any buyers?? Said Icing Death, pronouncing every s with a low hiss. ? No not yet but I?m working on it.? Said Serigan ?By the way some slaves tried to escape earlier, why don?t you ?talk? some sense into them? Death smiled ?Gladly.? He then walked off towards the cells.
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