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the The Boy

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Everything posted by the The Boy

  1. Coran sat in his dark cage watching a spider scurry across the floor. It was then the trainer came in with three guards, he was a hideous sight his entire face covered in scars and a nose that was merely a lump of flesh from being broken so often, he also liked to scream at the slaves ?Half breed!? Coran slammed his hand against the floor as he looked up and with a small grin on his face waved to his jailer, clearly showing the remains of the spider he just crushed. The drow gave him a look that told him the only reason he wasn?t being beaten for that was because he had to fight soon ?You?re fighting today.? With that a guard walked up unlocked Coran?s cage and handed over his weapons and vest. Coran walked up and to the gate. He walked into the arena to the cheering of the crowd and gazed upon his foe. His enemy was an ogre wielding a massive mace in his hand. ?Better not get hit with that? thought the half-elf as he unsheathed his rapier and long dagger and moved into his fighting stance putting his sword forward and his dagger up and back ready to lash out in a stab or slash at any moment. The beast charged him swinging its weapon in a back handed swing meant to knock Coran?s head from his shoulders. The fighter ducked this blow and spun around to the ogres back, his dagger putting a gash in it?s leg as he did so, and backed out of the things reach as it spun around trying to connect with another swing, this failing the ogre lunged at him attempting to grab Coran with it?s free hand and break his neck. Coran?s blade flashed out three times rapidly and the stupid creature was short five fingers. This caused the ogre to attack even more viciously with a series of swings that the half-elf ducking sidestepping and backing up franticly to avoid being hit with the oversized weapon in the things hand. It was during this time the ogres leg gave out due to the wound it received earlier, it hit the ground with a thud and struggled in vain for a few moments to get to it?s feet. Coran sighed he hated killing a foe that couldn?t fight back but the drow would let no one leave until one of the combatants were dead, he walked over and quickly and silently cut the things throat. He headed back to his cell after handing his gear over to the guards. After he was in he heard a gruff voice with a heavy dwarveish(sp?) accent call out to him from the next cell in human ?So what did ye get stuck killing today?? Coran looked over at the mountain dwarf Drugar Waraxe, one of the few gladiators belonging to his master that he was on friendly terms with, a veteran of roughly(he lost count) 50 years experience in the arena, and one of the four slaves plotting to escape very soon. ?An ogre if you must now and this one was dumb even for an ogre.? He laid back on the blanket he used as a bed and continued? I really need to get out of here though I?m sure you and Calis are even more sick of this place than me.? The dwarf laughed through his beard ? Of coarse we are we?ve been down here over 20 times as long as you, though the elf was sick of it the first day and has yet to stop complaining. But don?t worry the big fights coming up soon and that?s where we?ll make are get away, that is if we can keep fido from opening his big snout.? The younger fighter chuckled at this ?Good night.? ?Night boy.? (OOC. Sorry this took so long to post I?ve been a little busy lately. I didn?t post the name of my master?s house because I don?t know any drow names so first one to mention decides. And lastly please ask before killing one of my NPCs.)
  2. I?ll sign up as the second demon. Name. Ingaloakastamasilion A.K.A Icing Death (a cookie to whoever guesses where I stole the name from). Description. He stands about 5?7 and is slender. He possesses a lizard-like head that is full of sharp fangs and his body is covered in deep blue scales that serve as protection from attacks. As weapons Death has two long whip like tails with blades on the end as well as short claws on his hands and feet, the ones on his hands can extend during battle to be even deadlier, and lastly he can use his breath to send out a blast of chilling cold freezing his enemies in there tracks and he can move at speeds that rival Hiei?s though he?s not very strong in terms of muscle. Bio. He is a slaver, though he is in it more for the hunt than for profit. He is in charge of capturing the slaves and keeping them there until a buyer is found. He loves to fight and is a bit sadistic but he is still a methodical warrior and tactician. Icing Death is definitely not a foe to be taken lightly.
  3. Sorry guess I didn?t make sense. I meant a Half-elf from the surface that that got captured in a raid and is a gladiator now. Edit. Name. Coran Trask Race. Half elf, Half human Age. 68 Rank. Gladiator Appearance. Coran stands about 5?4 and is roughly 146 pounds. He has light blue eyes and dark blonde hair. By human standards his build is somewhere between slim and average, being slimmer than humans but with more muscle than elves. He possesses the pointed ears of elves though they have lobes. He usually a black tunic and pants but during battle he wears a vest of studded leather Weapon. A rapier in his left hand and a long dagger in his right, both are enchanted to be sturdier. Bio. On the surface Coran used to be an adventurer and traveled with a group of friends to many parts of the world. One day two years ago he and his companions were resting at a small elven community when it was attacked by the Drow. Coran managed to kill several of the dark elves before being shot with a sleep inducing bolt and succumbing to its effects. He never found out if there were other survivors but as for him he was made a gladiator and allowed to keep his weapons and armor. He has vowed to see the sun again before he dies and that dream is the only thing keeping him alive at this point.
  4. I'll post a sign up later. But I have one queistion, can I be a Human/ surface elf?
  5. I was thinking about getting either the manga or anime but then I heard that there was nudity in them (This is the only thing my parents don't want me watching). So my question is this, is there nudity and if so how much (ex. lots of fan service but very little nudity like evangelion, excessive nudity, ect,ect)?
  6. ?We?re here. Hey that looks like Neomon over there and he has a partner? said Lightningmon, flying over to a group of digimon and a human he said ? Hi everybody. Looks like you got your partner to Neomon? looking over at Mark he added ?sure hope he?s friendly than I mine, he barely talks at all.? ?Maybe that?s because I don?t talk when I have nothing to say unlike you.? Mark thought to himself. ?Hi my name?s Mark nice to meet you? said Mark barely loud enough for them to hear and gave them a hand gesture that might have been a wave.
  7. Mark asked. ?How much farther is it to your village?? Lightningmon shut up for a moment (Much to Marks as surprise the digimon hadn?t shut up since they met) seeming embarrassed ?Actually We can?t go to my village, I was banished for?.. ? Mark interrupted?Let me guess. Disturbing the peace?? ?Hey, that?s right how did you know?? ?I?m a mind reader.? ?Really?? ?No I was being sarcastic.? Mark snapped? So if we can?t go to your village where are we going?? Mark was getting annoyed at this chatty digimon, who Mark figured was probably just setting him up to be the butt of some joke anyway, that?s the only reason anyone had ever been ?friendly? to the boy before and he assumed (incorrectly) it was the reason now. Lightningmon seemed a little offended by Marks rudeness but answered any way ?I figured that we?d go and check all the other villages to see if there are more digimon with partners.? ?All right? sounds like a plan lead the way.? ?OK first stop Wind village? Lightningmon then hopped in the air and used his wings to hover in the air as he moved along at a pace Mark could keep up with.
  8. I might join as a bad guy but what would that be in this rpg? A rival and more vicious bandit gang or the authorities?
  9. Mark answered the strange E mail and was sucked into his computer screen. He landed in a large forest clearing and looked around. Just as he was getting his bearings he heard a noise in a tree above him. Mark looked up quickly and backed up a few steps. ?Who?s there?? A large blue bird sparks coming from its wing tips flew from the tree and after circling the glade once hovered just in front of Mark ?I?m Lightingmon your new partner nice to meetya. The boy just stared at him and asked ?Why do I need a partner? Where am I?? ?Didn?t you read the E mail? You?re in the Digital World and the reason we?re partners is you have the thunder soul. Now come on lets go find the others.? Lightingmon then began flying north very quickly leaving Mark behind. Mark shouted after him ?Wait I can?t fly!? The digimon flew back and simply stared at him like he was the dumbest person alive and, barly keeping back a laugh said ?All you do is flap your wings.? Mark responded ?In case you haven?t noticed. I don?t have wings.? holding his arms out to the side to prove his point.? We?ll have to walk.? ?Walk? I can?t believe my partner can?t fly. What good are you?? Mark just ignored him and walked off into the jungle, tuning out Lightingmon?s blabbering with practiced perfection.
  10. Arutha cursed his old body as he sat down to rest. ?At this rate Aidien's forces will reach Corock before me and I won?t be able to help at all. If only I had a horse I could reach the city first and put my fighting skills and healing powers to use.? The former garrison leader was traveling off of the road to avoid any advance scouts sent ahead, but the trail was slowing him down and the stops he had to make weren?t helping either. ?Well? No use complaining about something that hasn?t happened yet.? He thought to himself as he stood up ?Just gotta keep movin.?
  11. Arutha waited in the trees for the enemy patrol to pass him by he noted with some worry that they increased the squad size to ten. After hearing that the army of Ilmiwyrth was on it?s way to Corock he had decided to hassle them along the way, this would be the third patrol he and his companion had attacked. Glancing at his ally, who went by the name of Calis, he gave a short nod to signal that it was time to strike. Nodding grimly Calis raised his bow and fired an arrow into the head of the patrol leader and quickly refitted an arrow and fired as Arutha dropped down spearing an enemy with the bladeless end of his halberd and using the ground as a turning point swung the blade around taking off a swordsman?s head and burying a blade in an others chest. Calis felled all but to and these charged Arutha as he freed his weapon from his victims and turned it towards these new foes, using it?s length to hold them at bay while Calis kept watch from the tree. There an opening Arutha took two steps forward and trust the halberd into the trout of the opponent on his right quickly side stepping that way himself to put distance between him and the other soldier. When suddenly Calis cried out in pain and fell from his perch three feathered shafts protruding from his back as at least fifteen more guards came from behind to ambush the companions. Knowing that this fight was hopeless Arutha caught the archer as he fell but looking at him the old man realized his friend was dead. Slinging the body of his friend over his shoulder the ancient fighter made a hasty retreat and after a mad and desperate dash found his way to river where he laid his friend to rest in the muddy banks and his voice filled with sadness said to himself ?I?ve lived to long that I am forced to bury the grandchildren of childhood friends. But I must, at least until this army of evil is beaten back.? That being said the warrior picked up his halberd and head off towards Corock to assist in it?s defense.
  12. Name: Arutha Krondor Age: 82 Gender: Male Affiliation (good/evil): good Power: Healing touch. by putting his hands on a person he can heal wounds or cure poison Weapon (if applicable): A large halberd roughly 11 feet long. Instead of having a spear point and axe blade this halberd has a spear point on each side and on the end with the blade it also has a second one coming out the other side. Though a cumbersome weapon Arutha wields it with much more speed than one would expect. Occupation (if applicable): head of the garrison in a major city Appearance: Arutha stands 5'5 and weighs 140 pounds. He has bright blue eyes and hair that is a solid white. He is almost always seen with a broad smile on his face. He wears a simple leather vest as armor over a plain black shirt. Despite his age Arutha has barely experienced the effects of aging possessing above average strength and incredible speed, though he tires easily and is sometimes plagued by fits of coughing. Bio: Arutha joined the town garrison at the age of 16 and by the age of 30 worked his way up to become it's leader. He never married, considering it unfair for a solider to marry, but everyone at the garrison loves him like a father. When the city was attacked Arutha gathered up as many of the guards as could be spared and attempted to get as many civilians as possible out of the city and into the mountains were they began to launch a series of guerilla attacks against the invaders. Arutha realizing he does not have much more time in this world has left to find others willing to help fight the evil that has invaded the world once again.
  13. Name: Mark Crydee Age: 15 Gender: Male Digimon: Lightingmon. Digimon Attacks: lightning wing, electric talon Biomerge name:Stormmon. Biomerge Attack: Thor's rage, Blitzfaust (lighting fist in German...I think) Appearance: Mark. stands about 5'3 and is skinny. He has blue eyes and short unkempt light brown hair that sticks straight up in the back. Mark wears a black pocket-T and blue jeans , also he always carries a small blue handled pocket knife in his pocket. Lightingmon appears to be a 10 foot tall bird with a 15 foot wingspan. It has a curved beak, sharp talons and elegant looking blue feathers and sometimes tiny sparks spring from Lightingmon's wings. Stormmon.Stormmon has the same beak, feathers and talons as lightingmon but it is more slender and has a slightly human appearance with two arms coming out just in front of the wings. Personality. Mark is a kind hearted boy who helps anyone who asks, but at the same time he is quiet and distrustful never giving more than three word answers to people he doesn't know but to those he talks to he is very enjoyable to be around ,though his habit of giving obvious answers( what's for dinner? food.) and using every meaning to a word except what the person who said it meant can be annoying. He is a very quick thinker and high pressure situations usually help his train of thought. Lighting/Stormmon. He is the opposite of Mark, He loves people and can never shut up. he's a bit cocky and prone to bragging. Soul: thunder Bio: One day when he was online Mark received a strange e-mail, thinking it a virus he tried to delete it but each time he hit delete he heard the message again. After 30 tries Mark gave up and opened the mail it was then that he was given the thunder soul and was transported to digiworld where he met Lightingmon.
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