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Everything posted by PrinceVegeta

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hataki Vash [/i] [B]Dont doyble or triple post dude. Thats not aloud on the boards, but anyway, Ill try to get it working.[/B][/QUOTE] Thanks for the obvious tip(????), but I'm not posting here to garner false post counts or to spam, I am here trying to get my signature to work....and I will try everything until it works.
  2. I tried changing the extension to .gif, .png, still no dice....
  3. Here it is....it's hosted on my server so I know there is nothing wrong with the url, etc.... [IMG]http://www.rlbonline.com/vegeta.jpg[/IMG] Btw, incase you are gonna ask, yes I can use images from the server on other sites....as I have sigs being hosted on my server for other boards as well. [size=1][color=blue][b]Instead of double posting, use the 'Edit' button to add to your posts.-Charles[/b][/color][/size]
  4. Ya, that's exaclty what I am doing.....I have had boards of my own, so I know how to use the tags, but still no dice. :confused:
  5. I have an image I want to put in my signature, but every time I use the [img] tags, it always displays as "Image can't be found"....am I doing something wrong here?
  6. To answer you're question, yeah....that's what they sound like. I just bought(yikes) the DBGT DVD's that are available right now...don't expect much excitement till the series hits the later part of the Bebi saga though. And for the rap....ugh. Why oh why did they decide to drop Bruce Falconer is beyond me...but the new intro and current themes during the episodes are nothing short of garbage....
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