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Everything posted by ladyscorp2006

  1. "That's the last ******* straw," Kagome says, "I'm going home for good. Find your own damn jewel shards," she says walking to the well connecting her time with the feudal era. "Inuyasha, go after her," Sango says. "Why," he asks confused, "I didn't do anything this time." Kagome reaches the well and before she jumps in she turns to face Inuyasha and says, "You ******* dumbass, you don't have a clue do you?" she turns and jumps through. Inuyasha runs to the well and screams, "Fine stay in the future, we don't need you, and all you did was get in the ******* way." Sango and Shippo both wishing they knew what happened asked Miroku. "I wish I could help but I can't everything was fine when Kagome went to find him last night When she came back she was acting a little funny." "Whatever it was definitely happened when she found him," Shippo said. ~~~~~~~~~~~Flashback~~~~~~~~~~~ (Last night Inuyasha left camp nobody was really worried, he usually left camp. But when he didn't come back Kagome went into the forest to find him.) As she walked deeper into the forest it got colder and colder until she reached a huge sheet of ice blocking her path. After looking to her left and right she decided she could not get around it, and it was way too high to climb. She peered through the ice and seen it was to thin, she decided to look through it and hope he was on the other side. She looked through the glass and there he was. "Phew," Kagome said as she backed up from the glass a little, "he's alone." She looked through the ice again and saw Inuyasha standing in the woods, then, Kikyo entered the scene. She watched the scene before her in confusion, then slowly getting angrier with each passing second. Though she was angry and disgusted she could not tear her eyes away. [size=1][color=red][Edited out by Lady Asphyxia][/color][/size] Kagome, to angry to watch any longer, ran out of the woods. As she got closer to camp she slowed down to a walk. When she reached camp she finally broke down and cried on her bed. Miroku noticed the change in her attitude but said nothing when Inuyasha returned. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kagome climbed out of the well with the scenes from last night playing in her head. She found herself getting angrier at him. As she walked up to her house she decided to go out and enjoy the last day of the weekend like normal humans. "Grandpa," She called as she entered the house, "I'm home." "Well your home early," he says as he enters the room. "You just left Friday and your back already." "Well," she started, "I've decided to spend more time in this time with my friends. So I'm going to take a shower," She walked up the stairs thinking how much a hot shower would do her good. "Oh yeah Kagome," her grandpa called up the stairs, "the hot water does not work so you will have to heat some up and carry it upstairs." "Great," she thought, "it's more work but it will work better than a shower, I hope." Kagome walked back downstairs and into the kitchen. She fond the biggest pots in the house, filled them up with water, and sat them on the stove to boil. After they were done she took four trips back downstairs to fill up the tub. When she got back to the bathroom she tiredly took off her cloths and get in the tub. Immediately she begins to feel better as all the stress and tension leave her body. ++++++++Meanwhile in the feudal era+++++++++ "Man Inuyasha," Miroku said, "whatever you did it really pissed her off this time. So what did you do to her this time?" "How the hell should I know," Inuyasha asks. "Well whatever it was you did to her last night it sure pissed her off," Sango replied. "Kagome went into the forest," Inuyasha asked. "Yeah," Shippo answered, "you were gone for a while so she went to go find you." "Damn, then she knows," thought Inuyasha. ============================================== please review [size=1][color=red]Posting of any adult materials is prohibited by OtakuBoards. This includes written works. So please tone it down. --Lady Asphyxia[/color][/size]
  2. beautiful I think I just might use all of them at one time or another, (when i get back on that is.) so can i have my computer back now. ttyl
  3. I don't know what the inhaler cost, or what Albuterol is really. I think it's supposed to expand your air passages so you can breath easy.
  4. Hey I decided to move to Japan for a couple of years after college. It's always been a dream of mine to do something like that. And I don't have to wait much longer. Just about five years hey maybe we could go together. I want to go but not alone, would someone like to come with me? Pleez.
  5. I have aracniphobia. One day I was in my back yard and I was attacked by a lot of spiders. And then I seen the movie Aracniphobia and the other day I saw Eight Legged Freaks. Oh my God. that movie was funny but it scared the mess out of me.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baron Samedi [/i] [B]ladyscorp2006...... that is probably one of the stupidest things to do. WHy don't you tak an inhaler. Pretty dumd, unless you have a definitive reason for not taking it. I have asthma, but not really bad. It is awful, especially when you are ccoughing up gunk. *Gross*. What is this medication you guys are on about?> I have Ventolin and Becotide, maybe that is coz i live in Australia though..... [/B][/QUOTE] I don't use an inhaler because my insurence doesn't pay for it. And when I do take the albuteral it doesn't even work. I still take gym, I even run track in hopes to grow out of it, but I can't do to much. So basicall I'm fine as long as I don't push myself to hard.
  7. I'm just saying I can eat one meal a day and not gain or loose any wieght. And if you ate one meal here you would have all of the basic food groups, and a lot of it. And I'm not trying to say people don't care about their friends. So sorry if I made the wrong impression on yall.
  8. Why exactly is it important to other people what someone else eats. If sombody goes on a pickle diet good for them. If I want to eat one meal a day good for me. It's not like we are all related to each other. So why bother? By the way I'm not Anorexic.
  9. Yeah I have it really bad, and I don't use an inhailer(sp?). So when I have an attack there's nothng I can do about it.
  10. I seen it in the store it looks so bangin man. OMG, I really really want it (I'm still waiting on the second one). Man I can't wait.
  11. Eminem Busta Rhymes Ludacris The Diplomats Snoop Dogg Smilez/Southstar Jin P. Diddy Nate dogg The neptunes Nas Ying Yang Twins/Lil Jon/Eastside Boys David Banner 50 cent Joe Budden Dmx Nelly/St.Lunatics... and some other peoples, ya know.
  12. Look man why are yall saying that. It's not like I have an eating disorder. I'm fine 100% healthy and anyway death is not a thing to be afraid of.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maladjusted [/i] [B][size=1] You're crazy. How can you only eat one meal per day? That's unhealthy...not to mention stupid...[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] What do you mean how can I do it? I don't know I'm really never that hungry and I only eat when I do get hungry so that would be once a day. And whats so stupid about it. If it was so unhealthy my mom would get me to eat way more than I do now. But she doesn't. Besides I can handle all the consequences.
  14. Well lets see...I don't know...hm...well...oh i know I'm a lady and a scorpio. (Really I'm not to sure about the lady part)
  15. There are really two times when I'm really calm" when it rains or when theres a full moon. I love the rain all of the world is in a calm and tranquil place. There seem to be no problems in the world or even on my block (where you can find all the drama). I find the world to be most beautiful when it rains, weathor it is a soft drizzle of an all out thunderstorm. Just sitting on the front portch by myself makes me so happy and all of my problems go way.
  16. OMG Right here in Vallejo there is a GIRL QUARTER BACK on the little league football team. She is really good, but when she grows up she will have to play for my uncle, and he doesn't want a GIRL on his team because she has no future in it. Who knows she might be the first girl to play in the NFL. And besides they used to have a girl football league but it didn't get any funding. People thought girls were to delicate. But in Southern California they have a girls high school football team that plays against the boys. And they are really good. But you don't hear about them why I don't know. So the whole point behind me posting all this stuff about girls in football is because it would be really good if they would get girl football back up again.
  17. No offence but I think I am the only girl who doesn't stress over her weight. I am 15 yrs old 5'5" and 120 lbs. As I see it the way I eat (only one meal a day) I should be much more skinnier than I am. But I'm not and I don't care. I like the way I look in a swimming suit. Even though all of my friends say I have a butt bigger than J Lo's and the thigh's to match. I think that most people should not even care. As long as your happy the way you are nothing else should matter.
  18. I'm 15, 5'5", 120lbs. And I don't even eat that much. I have a VERY SLOW metabolism for a person who only eats once a day.
  19. Yeah I almost stabbed my older sister with a knife. She was lucky I had a cooking spoon in the hand I hit her with and the knife in the other. I swear getting me ticked off while I'm washing dishes is a very bad idea. And when I fight I will use anything to my advantage, like if I get you on the ground I will more than likely keep bashing your head into the ground, or a car, or a house, just about anything I can do. Yeah I almost killed a kid, he lost so much blood. Now people think I'm scary. And I been told I can never fight again or they will take me to the place where the crazy people go, (I foregot what it is called).
  20. Yeah for real and do you know if Allen and Tony are gonna be in it I've kinda fallen in love with those two and I can't beat the mothership so I'm kinda stuck on episode one. So if you find out let me know.
  21. Ok so I'm single, but I can post about my favorite married couples. Syk3 and Mei they are the ones I see mostly posted about, and just about everyone else who celebrates there love/friendship with people online. But of course I don't count.:bawl:
  22. The last time I really cried I was 5. I don't remeber what happened but since then I just don't show emotions anymore.
  23. My biggest injury was twisting my ankle. I swear I do it all the time and I'm still not used to the pain. Or not being able to walk w/out assistance. And who knows maybe right after I get up I might do it again for posting about it, (I have bad Karma).
  24. I usually write when ever I get a good idea. Weather it's a song, story, or poem. Like the story I'm working on, one night I was up watching Lupin and an idea came to me so I started writing. And when I can think of no more I wait until I get another idea.
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