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Everything posted by ladyscorp2006

  1. I like both of them. Wow how do you come up with poems like that. You should post more. Oh and by the way you have to be one of my favorite poets on here.
  2. Hey I like it. It describes me and my world. Dark and quiet (except for the crying part), just like a black hole. Yup that poem seriously describes me.
  3. What's up with this everybody getting married thing? and why are you doing it? Sumbody please tell me.
  4. See the thing is he said I was mean and maybe it was because I was a little rude to him when we first met (but he was the same way). And he thinks I'm the mean one. We were going to football practice and he said he would LETme sit up front. Just cuz I'm a girl. And all I said was I was gonna sit up front regardless of what he had to say. I know it sounds stupid but I don't want people treating me any diffrent than they would others Just cuz I'm a girl. Am I at Fault here?
  5. As for the computer lock it up. Make sure nobody knows the password but you. And every time you get off log out so nobody else can get on. As for his child all I have to say is if your bigger all you have to do is intimidate. Tell your mom how you feel about her boyfriend and make sure she knows where your coming from. Don't just assume it, make sure she does.
  6. I plan on getting a snake wrapped around my arm with a scorpian at the end of it's tail. My sign's, a snake and a scorpian.
  7. mine would be ladyscorp2006 orignal...nope.
  8. I was wondering if you could help me out with something. Here's the sit. Yesterday my grandparents foster child came home. So as it turns out he knew more about me than I new about him. So, I act like I usually do around people I don't know. And come to find out he thinks I'm mean. Usually I don't care what other people think of me but this time it's been bugging me. What do I do?
  9. After walking down the beach for a couple of days Taren finally comes to a town. "Well it's abut time," Taren mumbles to herself. After walking for a few minutes she comes up too a blacksmith's shop. "Hey do you have any new bows or arrows," Taren asks. "Well we do have this, I don't know if you can use it or not," the blacksmith says. He hands her a stiff long bow. "Well now lets see," she says loading an arrow. She pull it back and let's it fly. When she let's go it wizzes past a few people's heads and lands right into the chest of a newbie. Taren, with the bow still in her hand, runs straight toward the newbie. As she gets there she pull the arrow out of his chest whipes it off and puts it back with the rest. She goes back to the blacksmith and pays for the bow. "Well I guess I'm outta here," she says with her back to the blacksmith. "See ya."
  10. What you mean I missed it:bawl: !! Do you know when the next one is I have to go. PLEASE PM ME WITH THE DETAILS WHEN YOU FIND OUT PLEASE:worried:
  11. hey what about the Lupin the 3rd scene, or when Takun had on his hood and he looked just like Kenny from South park. And when the guy with the eyybrows was in the southpark scene. priceless just pure priceless.
  12. Name: Kagome Higurashi Race: human Power/weapon: Bow and Arrow, mystical powers Age: 15 Gender: Female Personality: She can get pretty jealous when it comes to Inu-yasha but she can be nice and serious Bio: She is the re-incarnation of Kikyou and exhibits the same spiritual powers that she did. She lives in present-day Tokyo, but travels through the bone-eaters well back to the Sengoku Jidai. She and Inu-Yasha have been working together to collect the Shikon fragments. Appearance: right here [url]http://web.utk.edu/~bborchar/kagome.html[/url]
  13. "So what can you tell me about the evacuation," Kitty asks. "What do you mean what can I tell you about it," Irvine asks uncertain. "I mean two years ago I was sent out into exile and now when I return it's gone. All of my family and friends are gone," Kitty explains. "So, you were sent out into exile," Irvine asks sounding interested, "what did you do?" "What I did was in the past. It doesn't matter now the town is gone," Kitty says in a very low voice, "no matter what I do I can't change what happened when I was gone." "So I guess what you did was pretty bad if you don't want to talk about it," Irvine said. "Really it's not important and it won't change a thing," Kitty says getting up ready to go, "so what can you tell me about what happened here," she asks again. "You tell me about your past," Irvine says, "and I'll tell you what I know." "Fine but noone else must know. Two years ago I was princess of Oberan, I was sent out into exile because it is, was a royal family tradition that when you turn 14 you must be sent out in exile for two years," Ok, now tell me whatyou know," Kitty demands.
  14. After waking up by a beach, Taren stops and stretches trying to remeber how long it has been since she last logged out. "I guess I better get off and help mother with dinner," she says trying to log off the game. "Aaahhh," Taren says realizing that the fimilar screen she was so used to looking at was gone. "What happened, where'd my screen go?" she ask noone in particular. "Is there a problem," a lady on the beach asks. Yes there is I'm stuck in this game, Ican't get out." "What do you mean your stuck in this game, what game are you reffering to?" she asks a little confused. "Nevermind," Taren says picking up her weapon, "I'll just go, someone else out there must understand me. Someone must have the same problem as me." Taren says walking up the beach away from the other people.
  15. Two years ago- Kitty was a 14 year old princess sent into exile, as her sisters had when they turned 14. She was to return to Oberan two years later. When she left the Kingdom of Oberan was in prefect condition. There was no sign of any trouble or death. Kitty left with no regrets and with hopes of seeing her family two years from then. Two years later- Kitty now 16 years old walks up the same path see traveled two years ago with a big smile on her face. "Today I finally get to return home," Kitty thinks as she walks past a small town. "Wow, I can't believe it's been two years already. Just wait until I get home, Just a few miles left and I'm back." The rest of the way Kitty walks in scilence thinking about her family, and all that happened to her during her time away from home. Finally after walking for about two hours she reaches the familiar sign showing her the way to Oberan. "Right around this forest and I'm home, I can't wait," Kitty says as she runs the rest of the way home. As she reaches the edge of the forest she slows down, expecting to see the fimilar top of the castle were she lived, instead she see nothing. "What," Kitty says as she runs toward the spot where her home used to be. "Th, this can't be real, the sign that I passed said this is the way. Where is it," Kitty screams, "where, it's supposed to be right here." She stops and screams in a frantic for help then sits and cries in the memory of her lost home.
  16. Even though it's gonna be messed up I might watch it sometimes. I don't know it all depends on how i feel after watching the first episode.
  17. I have no idea what they were doing but it's possible Haraku and the robot that was acting as Takun's dad were getin it in, (or fooly cooly.) But what's up with all the girls loosing their painties. It's funny but also some might see it as disturbing. B.T.W. Did anybody see anyother added character from another show in that episode?
  18. Char. name: Amerie Male/Female: Female Age: N/A Group name: Angel Type: Fallen Spell LvL 1: Darkness Hole Spell LvL 2: Darkness Flame Spell LvL 3: Fire Shower Spell LvL 4: Fire Spin Spell LvL 5: Destruction Flame Gate type: Dark Aura type: Fire Weapon: Shadow Blade (used to harsness dark magic.) Description: Has long black wings, long black hair, light brown complexion, wears a red shirt with a short black skirt, black knee boots, and red lipstick.
  19. Name: Taren Age: 15 Race: Elf Class: Mage/thief Weapons: Shadow Sword (used to summon dark magic), Bow and Arrows Description: Stands at 5'5" has black hair with red tips. Medium build. Keeps bow around her back and sword at her side. Real life Name: Kay Age: 15 Description: Is about 5'5", has light brown hair, light brown eyes, and medium build. Bio: Kay was a girl with no real meaning in life, she was just there. She had no friends because everyone thought she was weird. After a going 14 years as a loner she stumbles across a game called Lore. She figured she would change herself in the game to be one of the most popular people, and have the most friends (basically masking her true identity). As she continued to play she became more and more addicted to the piont where her life revolved around Lore.
  20. i wish they would create more online rpg's. i love those games.
  21. i used to love it then i realized why am i watching it i know what will happen. they go looking for stuff get in trouble and betterman has to come and get them out of it. even though he has so many forms and stuff it just kind of got boring to me though. who knows i might start watching it again when i get home.
  22. why in the name of god do amreicans think they can just take over anybody's s*&t and no one will notice. well i'm not going to take this i say we boy cot all fox tv show. that will show them. man i swear,m y they always mess up the good stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but who knows i might still watch it:naughty:
  23. darkness flame is an attack using both dark and fire magic. i guess you could say it is a fire darkness combo
  24. it's a good show but oh my god i swear i was so happy when she finally slapped the mess out of him. he was getting on my nerves so much. i swear i wanted to jump into the tv and kill his punk ***!!!
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