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Everything posted by ladyscorp2006

  1. ok more help needed now i cant beat the big ugly thing that goes around data draining everybody. and this is phase 1 im talkin bout. no matter how high i get my level the stupid thing keeps killin me. jeez i need serious help:flaming:
  2. shonen jump is the ish. cant wait 4 ruroni kenshin to finally be printed in it. imho shaman king is one of the best in the whole book so far..., until future mangas. the others would have to be yu-gi-oh 4-sho, naruto, yu yu hakusho, and some others (im not bout to name every manga in the book). but its a good thing that released it in the us, and that kenshin is coming:flaming:
  3. ok so last month i was in a store and i see this book called Shonen Jump. so i buy it take it home and start reading it. it is just like a japanese magna in which you read it right to left. its a really good book and is based off the weekly shonen jump in japan. so i go to the site and see which other magnas are included in the japanese version but, the english site tells only about the ones already in the english and, the japanese site needless to explain is in japanese and i cant read it :( .so does ne1 have any info to help me out :flaming:
  4. the endings are diffrent and the way they just jumped to a diffrent setting and stuff really lets you know that either the writer is screwed up or it was cancled and someone else tried to make a come with new eps. that really sucks:flaming:
  5. im lovin the .hack series im currently playin .hack//infection and am stuck on the boss that looks like a snake. no offense to any of the fans of elk but he is no help what-so-ever. but all together it is a good gam.
  6. what exactly does the message say i can get part of it but the rest i cant understand
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