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Comfort Eagle

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Everything posted by Comfort Eagle

  1. Sorry, but your Forum does not meet my qualifications. For how long its been around it is poor and unevolved. No offense. I just think this could use some work. The mods are WAY too serious too. Plus, the Pokemon thing kinda kiled it for me. It's not my bag baby. Peace out daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwgggggggggzzzzzzzzzz
  2. Dusk Shine on leaves Shade's in trees Nights intrigue Makes me believe The sun doth grieve For a reprieve It makes me think of Robert Frost.
  3. It's out on DVD with the special "karoake" feature where you can dub it yourself.
  4. Emo, to me is a bunch of singers who are mad at their dads. That's some depressing music. I want to see Frank Sinatra rise from the dead and beat up the singer from Dashboard. But some of the bands you isted are actually ok(Ataris, Lagwagon). But I'd rather to go with the classics (Greenday, Ramones).
  5. 2pac and Biggie are chillin underground somewhere in Nevada! It's al just a big conspiracy!
  6. Parappa was an awesome game. The sad thing is the guy who did Parappa's voice was killed in a driveby a while ago. He died like a true gangster.
  7. Wow. Look at all the crap I can put in the post. So many emoticons. Amazing. Well I'm just looking for a good forum because the last one i subscribed too got too crowded. This sems like a good choice. So instead of just saying hi I'll post a random fact. Did you know that goldfish have a memory of 3 seconds? :tasty: man, that one's awesome.
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