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Gerard and Jing wondered through the city of thieves till they saw the Dragons Paw Inn and I man running after what looked like a thieve Jing just smiled and laughed when they entered the Dragon Paw Inn they saw what looked like a lot of thieves Jing and Gerard walked over to the main desk Jing: Do you have room 113 key desk clerk: Im sorry that room is taken Jing:Is that so (his long switch blade switched out and Gerard ready his axe) are ya sure about that desk clerk: No NO No here is the key Jing: what I thought Gerard and Jing walked up stairs and found room 113 and unlocked it there were two people in the room Jing said "Get out" the people said This is our room then they saw Gerards axe and ran out the room "Jing sat down in a chair and leaned back
As Jing waited for Gerard to steal from the goblin he did not turn around to look at the figure in the shadows Jing: this is the city of thieves Akira I would recognize you?re voice eney were now if ya want to settle this little argument right now (Jing switched out his long switched blade out of his hand)we can do it right here Kir: What do you think you?re doin make in me fall yall pay for that
As Gerard and Jing walked through the City Of Thieves [B]Kir:[/B] When are we going to steal form people Jing Jing raised his hand upward it had about 20 jewls in it ?I already have? [B]Kir:[/B] should have known [B]Jing:[/B] Ok Gerard you have to at least steal from one person see that goblin looking creature over there he has a huge diamond in his pocket try and get it.
Ok time to start the rpg alright [B]As Jing was standing at the front of the sand boat when he felt a something on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Kir on his shoulder ?were almost there Jing the crew is down stairs getting there stuff together.? Jing turned around and started walking towered the stairs when he got to the room below he saw all of his crew getting there stuff together. Jing cleared his throat ?Alight listen up we will be at the City of Thieves soon when we get there we will split up you and a partner well go around town and steal from at least three people. Then we will meet back up in about two hours at the Dragons Paw Inn when you get there go and wait in room 113. When every one is back we will take the stuff we stole and put it in the stash you will also need to find out eney thing about the double mermaid too so pick you?re partner and get you?re stuff together and go steal some money o and one more thing stay clear of Akira Taiinheart got that. Ok Gerard since you only steal when you have to you?re with me so get you?re stuff together and come on.? Kir started saying were here the City of Thieves so come on get you?re partner and go .[/B]
alight im starting the rpg:toothy:
yes is i see what youre saying Dmitri_Dragoon but if you could just ignore that part ok about 1 or 2 more bad guys and we can get started
alight no more good guys now we need bad guys if you want to be one just put in what you want to be like another thief who wants to get the duble mermaid or a person who wants to thief it before us or mabe the police but still you cant have guns are magic
about 1 or 2 more bandits then i need some pepol willing to be the bad guys.
[B]It is 20 years after the world as we know it was hit by the giant asteroid Ietn. About 4 billion people survived the world now is covered with sand and water. One of the people who survived was a young boy about 13 years of age Jing who was said to be the king of bandits and his crew of bandits looking to thiev the double mermaid witch is the biggest diamond in the world.[/B] -------------------------------------------- Ok we will play the role of jings crew you may have eney sort of weapons but guns and magic eney one would like to play a bad guy pm me plz we need at least 6 people and 3 bad guys at least --------------------------------------------------------------------- to sighn up I will need Name: age: Weapons: Sex: bio: --------------------------------------------------------------------- ok I will play Name:Jing age:13 Weapons: long switch blade on both hands Sex: male bio:[IMG]http://www.tokyopop.com/dbdocuments/8/3/3638.jpg[/IMG] also known as the king of bandits he was abandened in an aly way when he was 2 years old he only had his crow kir and has no memorey of his past.The only way he could survive was buy stealing finnaly pepole stated calling him the king of bandits as he went on he heard of a dimond called the duble mermaid said to be the biggest in the world so him and his crew sent out to find it
thanks for the help and thanks for the welcome very sorry about this
thanks for the help and thanks for the welcome very sorry about this
has eney one played the game its out for ps2 its good and it has some pepol from the show if you are a big fan of hack you need to chek it out you get to play the world on it to its pretty awsom :whoops:
i got mine from media play thay have alot of anima but thay only have hack on dvd there