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Everything posted by Exodus
"Now that your Gravekeeper's Assallinet has been destroyed by my Winged Sage Flacos, your monster is returned to the top of your deck." "Ooh, I'm sooo scared!" Rio joked. "Well, I play the magic card Dark Hole!" The Winged Sage was removed from the field. "Now, I summon again my Gravekeeper's Assaillent and attack your Life Points directly!" Rio: 3800 Yaano: 2500 Rio ended his turn. "Alright, I play Red Skull Bird and destroy your Assaillent and I'll end my turn." Rio: 3750 "Ok, i summon Opticlops and destroy your Red birdie and set one card face-down and end my turn." Yaano: 2250
OOC: Sorry I haven't posted in a while guys, my bad. Rio smiled at his oppenet "Alright tuff guy, let's see how you got those two tourny cards. You first!" Rio pointed at his opponent and waited. "Fine, and by-the-way, my name's Yaano, and I set one card face down and one monster in defense mode. Your turn sun-shine." Two cards appeared on the field. "Okay then, I summon a new card; Gravekeeper's Assailant (1500/1500) in attack mode and I'll attack your face-down monster!" The black-dressed spellcaster rushed towards the face-down card and sliced it in half with it's sword, and the card dissapeared (1400/1200). "Aww man, my Cyber Falcon. Well fine, I summon the card I just drew, Winged Sage Falcos (1700/1200) in attack mode, now my Winged Sage, attack his Assailant!" The priest-like Falcon created a large wind with it's wings and shot it at the Assailant, who dissapeared. "Now..." Said Yaano, "Let me till you Winged Sage Falcos' effect..."
Yeah, so, I recorded the third episode (on TiVo) of "Friends Till the End" seris (yesterdays episode [Yugi vs. Joey]) and at the end when they showed the credits it said this Saturday, they're gonna show previews of the next season (for all us English hearing people), the things I saw were: Yami Yugi vs. Yami Bakura, Yami Malik, Sun God-Ra, Slifer The Sky Dragon (Osiris) wrapped around the Blimp, and Yugi dueling the the virtual-reality world. So yeah, watch both episodes on WB this Saturday, it'll be good :toothy:
Gaming Kingdom Hearts: is it the inspiration for Evanescence?
Exodus replied to IloveBebop's topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Meteora [/i] [B][color=blood red][size=1][i]Wait a minute they have then why has noone ever heard of them untill now. And yeah it does fit perfectly.[/color][/size][/i] [/B][/QUOTE] Well, it could have been because they just signed with a new, bigger recording company that really got them out on the market. But yes, bring me to life (or whatever it's called) does seem like a good fit for KHs. -
Dang, I missed it, but this week on KidsWB they're showing the Duel between Joey/Marik and Yugi, and then friday it'll be the duel between Yami Bakura and Bonz, and Saturday a new episode where Mai duels Magnum (Some movie star with a Ninja deck:rolleyes: ) It's gonna be a good week:toothy:
It always seemed Rio ended up seeing Seth duel. But it didn't matter if Rio knew Seth's deck by heart, some of Seth's monster like the Knight of Jackel he just saw would put up a one heck of a fight agianst Rio's monsters like Death Guardius. [i]Oh well,[/i] Rio thought as he activated his Duel Disk, he still needed two more tournament cards and he wanted to get them quickly so he could watch other duels, especially Hiro. [i]Where is that kid? By the way.[/i] Rio looked around at the other duels but did not see Hiro anywhere. Rio shrugged and walked off. Rio pulled out the card he just won, the [b]Yamata Dragon[/b], he debated where-or-not to put it in his deck, but he decided to anyway just to see how it's would work in his deck and, since it's effect seemed good, if he'd keep it in there. Rio was hoping that he catch another Duelists' eye, and he did. A tall kid wearing only a white short-sleeve shirt, blue jeans, and his Duel Disk, walked up to Rio. Tall Kid: "Hey, yo, wanna duel?" [i]Hey, another American![/i] Rio: "Sure man, how many Tourny cards?" "Umm, how 'bout two?" He said holding up two tournament cards. "Fine with me!" Said Rio holding up his two. "Okey....." "LET'S DUEL!" Both guys said. They activated their Duel Disk and put their decks in and begun....
Ha! Sign me up for Marth! The best! :toothy: (btw, where's Ganondorf?)
Yes, Relinquised is a very good card to use, it's effect (which makes the card) is a awsome effect, I'd say use it if it works and fits with your deck.
Wow, we've got some nice people here :shifty: Anyway, what's wrong with Comet? It does 4x physical damage to one person:grumble: But I could edit it out just for you! Sorry it's so crappy, really, what's wrong with it?
*Rio was looking around for a good challenge, but none seemed to be around, so he watched Seth duel for a little bit before looking around again.*
Name: Syon Age: 20 Gender: Male Description: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?postid=462494[/img] Weapon: Fists and Feet (maybe sword) Spells: Bolt1 (Lighting) and Comet1 Bio: Syon grew up in the big city, he was usually a fighter and trouble-maker in school, he worked at a bar as a bouncer (;)) but quit after a while. Since the age of 18 he's travled around the world, but his heart is still lives in the city.
It [b]is[/b] going to be a great duel, the only bad part is that it's only one episode long. Bakura's Battle City deck is so cool with Dark Nercofear and the Destiny Board. I guess will have to wait till Yami Yugi and Yami Bakura duel in the Finals to see most of his deck and Y. Bakura's true (very good) dueling skills.
"Well, well Cin, looks like I'll be getting that Yamata Dragon soon, but first I have to destroy it! Attack, Masked Beast Death Guardius! Destroy his dragon!" Yelled Rio. He watched as his Death Guardius jumped into action, it's huge sharp claws came down on the many dragon heads, making it disapear from the field. "No! My Dragon!" Rio: 2900 Cin: 2000 "Your turn, it may be your last so make it worth-while." Rio said darkly. Cin barely had the will to go on, but he still countinued. "I play Fushi No Tori (1200/0) in defense mode and play Sparks and Ookazi and I'll end my turn." Rio: 2000 Cin: 2000 "Hum, I'll set one monster in defense mode and one card face down and I will attack your Fushi No Tori phoenix monster with Death Guardius, and I end my turn." "I'll play one monster in defense mode and I'll end my turn." Rio smilied at the card he just drew. "Time to end this duel, I play Fairy Meteor Crush, which I think you know what it does." Cin could not respond. Rio grinned "Masked Beast Death Guardius, attack his face-down monster!" (Fire Princess ATK/1300 DEF/1500) "And then I'll summon Headless Knight to attack your Life Points!" Rio: 2000 Cin: 0000 "NO!" Screamed Cin. "It can't be!" "It is, now, hand over you Yamata Dragon!" Rio said egerly. "It's to important Rio, I care for it too much to loose it!" Rio was getting impatient. "Fine, you can have your Hino-Kaga Tsuchi card back that I won before if I can have Yamata Dragon." "Fine!" Said Cin, he took back his old card and walked off. [i]Well, well, well, that wasn't to bad, Yamata Dragon and a Tournament card, three more to go. Maybe I'll take a quick break and watch some other duels...Hey, there's Seth and Serena, I'll watch Seth play, I probably won't play him till the finals.[/i] Rio walked over to were Seth and Dereck were dueling...
Rio smiled with excitement. [i]Here we go![/i] He though, time to duel! Rio looked around the crowd for some-one to duel, when he heard a familer vocie "YOU! I want a rematch!" Rio whirled around to see, dressed in a red rain-jacket and pants plus a white shirt was Cin, the kid he'd beaten before the tournament. Rio grinned, with all the duelist around he'd get a chance to show off, and be the first to duel in the tournament. "Fine!" Said Rio. Both duelist shuffled their decks and put them in there Duel Disk. "Let's Duel!" They both said, they drew their five cards and began. "I'll go frist" said Rio. Rio looked at his hand: Malevolent Nuzzler, Giant Germ, Grand Tiki Elder, Magic Jammer, Dark Hole. "I set one monster in defense mode and one card face down and I'll end my turn. "Fine." Cin said. "I play Dark Fire Soilder #1 (1700/1150) in attack mode and I'll attack your monster!" The fire-swordsman rushed to the card and sliced it in two. Rio: 4000 Cin: 3500 "What!? Why did I lose Life Points!?" Screamed Cin "Whoa Cin, you got anger problems. But anyway, you destroyed my Gaint Germ, which does 5OO point of direct damge to you when you send it to the Graveyard." Rio said. Rio drew his next card. "My turn, and I play the Shallow Grave, which brings back one monster from each of our Graveyards, since you have none, only Giant Germ gets brought back!" Gaint Germ came onto the field again. "I'll end my turn." "Fine, I play Riegaki, which destroys you Germ." The bolt was stopped. "I activate: Magic Jammer, and discard one card to stop yours!" Cin was infuriated and ended his turn. Rio drew his card and grinned. "Ha! Prepare to be destroyed Cin! I sacrifice Gaint Germ to summon Summoned Skull (2500/1200), now attack his DF#1!" Summoned Skull shot out bolts of light at the Soilder which dissapered. Rio: 4000 Cin: 2700 Cin drew his card, he seemed happy with it. "I play Spirit of the Harp in defense mode! And play one card face-down and end my turn." [i]That's wierd, I thought he had all fire monsters.[/i] "Well..." Said Rio, "your to easy. Attack Summoned Skull!" "I activate, Castle Walls! It's a stale-mate, no monsters are destroyed!" Countered Cin. "Fine!" Yelled Rio "I play Grand Tiki Elder in attack mode and end my turn." "Ha! Your finished! I play Soul Exchange to bring out my most powerful monster! Rio, meet Yamata Dragon (2600/3100)! Attack his Grand Tiki Elder!(1500/800) Rio: 2900 Cin: 2700 "I'll play Spiritual Energy Settle Machine to keep my Dragon on the Field." [i]Crap! I don't have a card in my hand that can stop it from attacking and hitting my life points! Come'on Soul of the Cards![/i] "Yes! I play Nightmare Steel Cage, you can't attack for two turns, and I play monster reborn to bring back Grand Tiki Elder!" "Fine. I discard one card to keep Spiritual Energy in play. And I'll end my turn." Said Cin. "Yee-ha! I play Wall of Illsion in defense mode and end my turn." "What is your plan Rio!? I end my turn, next turn, I attack!" "Doesn't matter Cin! I drew the card I needed! [b]My[/b] most powerful monster!" Rio waited, he couldn't wait to see his favorite card alive, so he played it right away. "I sacrifice my two weaker monster to summon the most powerful Fiend, Masked Beast Death Guardius (3300/2500)!!!" Rio stared at his card for a moment. Death Guardius turned it's head and looked at Rio, who was so happy. The monster turned back around, ready for battle. Rio: 2900 (3300/2500) Cin: 2700 (2600/3100)
Rio was so ready for this. He had already signed up and was outside Yugi's shop. Rio was leaning against the wall with one foot against it. He had his arms crossed, his Duel Disk on, and his deck in it. Rio watched all the other Duelist eager to sign up. He watched though his brown hair that covered his eyes. He was wearing a blue hooded sweat-shirt that had a zipper down the middle, revealing a stripped blue and white shirt. His sleeves were rolled up past his elbows and he wore jeans. Rio smiled evily. [i]This is gonna be easy[/i] thought Rio. [i]Soo many young, stupid duelist out there.[/i] Rio paused. [i]Man, I'm kinda rude, where did that come from?[/i] Rio looked up again and saw Hiro running in the store and Serena soon after that. Rio decided to stay outside.
It was around 2:00 in the morning and Rio was on the computer like he was on every night. He was usually on a really cool message board;) He turned off his computer. He was glad that tonight he was going to bed two hours early. Rio set his alarm for 9:00. He laid in bed but couldn't sleep. It was like Christmas Eve night or something, he was ready to Duel. But the soft sound of rain (like his real home in the US) made him fall alseep
Hum, ones I like: Against my friends: Masked Beast Death Guardius ATK/3300 DEF/2500 it's so fun to pull it out and use against Summoned Skulls, DM's, and BEWD, and to see my friends faces. [b]And yes, I do know how to use it's tribute effect![/b] Right Know: The Masked Beast ATK/3200 DEF/1800 It's pyhco insane atk and being able to tribute from your hand. Nobleman of Crossout/Extermination This two cards rock for clearing out the field to attack. Bottomless Trap Hole A better version of "Trap Hole" More ta come i guess...:toothy:
"Of course I won't tell Hiro about Seth's cards, but..." Rio said. "I'll be dueling Seth in the tournament too, so I have some advantige. Rio smilied and laffed.
Twisted Metal 1, 2 and Black are the best (Black the best of three) 3 and 4 suck, they were done by some other company.
"There! Finished!" Said Rio. He had just modified his deck, taking cards out and putting some in, and figuring out some new combos. He laid back on his bed. [i]Now[/i] He thought. [i]I need something to do[/i] His house was empty. His dad lived elsewhere, and his mom worked most the day. There wasn't much that interested him here, he beaten all his GameCube and PS2 games this summer and couldn't come up with a $50 to get a new game. He put on his Duel Disk and put his deck in it. He locked the door and went out. Rio was walking around his friend's nieborghood. Rio looked around and saw....Seth and Serena! Rio really had no problem with Seth like Hiro and Zach seemed to, but Rio never talked to him. "Hey Serena!" Said Rio "Looks like I never get to Duel, but just watch..." Rio smiled at her and started to watch the Duel.
Rio was at home sitting on his bed. He had his whole deck spread out nicely, Monster on one side, magics on the other, and his Trap cards inbetween. He was holding his favorate card in his hand, it was also his most powerful monster. Rio loved this card, and would never let anything happen to it. It was one of the most powerful non-Fusion/non-Ritual cards around. It was a perfect fit to his deck, which seemed to have nothing really important missing. RIO COULD NOT WAIT FOR THE TOURNAMENT TO START. [b]HE HOPED IT WOULD START SOON[/b];)
Here's my deck, AGAIN! Oh well. It feels like my deck is missing something, like some game-changing card. I really want Mirror Force or Magic Cylinder but I probably couldn't afford it:confused: or any card over 10 bucks. Dark Fiend v2-many [b]Tributes[/b] (4) The Masked Beast The Fiend Megacyber Summoned Skull x2 [b]Low-Level[/b] (17) Wall of Illusion Headless Knight Melchid the Four-Face Beast Grand Tiki Elder Winged Minion Whiptail Crow x2 Nuvia the Wicked Man-Eating Treasure Chest Kuriboh Kiseitai Opticlops Twin-Headed Wolf La Jinn the MGotL Gross Ghost of Fled Dreams Giant Germ Cyber Jar [b]Magics[/b] (17) Nobleman of Crossout Nobleman of Extermination Soul Exchange Stop Defense Graceful Charity Mask of Brutality The Shallow Grave Monster Reborn Mystical Space Typhoon x2 Yami The Reliable Guardian Rush Recklessly Change of Heart Dark Hole Curse of the Masked Beast Malevolent Nuzzler [b]Traps[/b] (9) Bottomless Trap Hole Trap Hole Drop Off Michizure Waboku Deal of Phantom Magic Jammer Just Desserts Mask of Weakness Total: 47
here everyone, take a look at this: [url]http://www.janime.biz/usamovie.html[/url] strange, i don't think that one Coulson guy could play Bakura, he doesn't even look like him:rolleyes:
********************* Rio was walking home. He took a short-cut through a alley. Half-way through the alley. A dark vocie spoke to him. Rio stopped, but did not look around. [b]"Well, looks like I can speak to you after all."[/b] Said the dark voice. [i]"You couldn't! How?"[/i] Answered Rio. [b]"I have my ways, I can't be stopped."[/b] Said the voice [i]"How could you be here though?"[/i] [b]"From the day [i]he[/i] put it on I got powers you have yet to learn about."[/b] [i]"Okay, bu-but what about our deal? I helped back! You helped me, and we parted, no more contact! Remember?"[/i] Rio was getting nervous. [b]"I still need your help, and, I'll get you what you want."[/b] [i]"Fine, go, for now, wait till the tournament, I could use your help.[/i] Rio started to walk away. [b]"Good, will talk then.[/b] said the dark voice. Rio did not wait to see if he was still there, and focused his mind on other things. **********************
Name: Rion Cross Age: 18 Weapon: Long sword, long knife Element: water Description: Light blue shirt, blue pants, black boots, dark blue cape, long blue gloves, long blue hair that almost covers eyes. 5'6", athletic build. Sword hangs at side. Blue tinted armor on sholders and chest. Spells: Dolphin Slash, Wave Reflect, Water Tornado, Tsunami Blade, Tide Grab, Raging Storm, Giant Wave, Depth Charge, River Rush, Shell Shield. Bio: Trained at a young by a great retired soilder to protect the royal family of Oberan. He trained on the beaches and became a outstanding swordsman. He learned to to use water as a aide and call apon it in battle. Rion can be very over protective of his friends and allies and loves battle.