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Everything posted by Exodus
I would have to say it's FFVII's Cid. The salior-mouthed, spear-weilding guy you just can't beat. Sure, I really like Cecil (FFIV), Cloud ([Alot] FFVII) and Squall (FFVIII) but nothing's better than Cid's personality. Heck, he's even the pilot of the greatest ship ever: the Highwind. His Limit Breaks rock also. But, I chose Cid mostly because of his personality. (To bad he couldn't fly into space:()
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B] Even if you did get Guardius... [/B][/QUOTE] Ha! I did, I just got it in the mail yesterday! I'm so happy. I'm gonna beat the snot out of my friends with him:D Anyway, but my real question is: When playing Nobleman of Crossout, when a monster is destroyed by it and it has a flip effect, it it activated before it's removed from play?
When Serena, Zach, and Hiro walked away in different directions, Rio said good-bye and headed towards town. His family had rented a apartment near a card shop owned Yugi's Grandfather. Rio was excited, not only was there a card shop a few minutes away, it housed the best duelist in the world: Yugi Mutou. Everyone talked about him and Seto Kiaba back in the States. He was glad that he would get to duel them and brag to his friends about it. Rio then looked at his deck, he hoped it would be ready for Yugi tournament. Rio looked around the street, he saw a kid who was around his age with a duel disk. "Hey dude, wanna duel?" Rio asked. "Yes, but I should warn you...." "Ok, let's duel then." "Alright!" The kid growled. [i]Good[/i] Thought Rio, [i]I've really got him mad, he'll be playing at his best now.[/i] Rio grinned and both activated their Duel --------> Rio drew a card and smiled, the kid (who's name was Cin) was about to lose. "Well, looks like it's time to end this duel." Cin said nothing. ((Rio: 800LP, Cin: 200LP)) "I play Ryu-Kishin Clown, and his effect let's me change the battle position of one monster. I choose your Robotic Knight! And now my Opticlops, attack!" The one-eyed giant rammed into the robot, making a big expolsion. "Hah!" laffed Rio, "Your Life points are gone!" "No!" Yelled Cin, droping to his knees. "Yes," said Rio, "and you know our agreement, hand over your rarest card!" Cin shuffed through his deck and handed Rio a monster card. "Well, I don't need this, but I could shure sell or trade it." Rio walked away, leaving Cin, who hadn't moved. Rio looked back, mayber I'd been to cruel. Rio went back (feeling a bit gulty) to where Serena, Hiro, and Zack lived. Hoping he could find one of them.
Man, I must be lucky, my mom was there so I could get M rate games (i.e. Twisted Metal Black, Grand Theft Auto: VC) I just had to do some convincing, but my mom is pretty cool about vedio games :D :)
Whoo! I'm a Champ! Whatever that means:D
Rio smiled, he was still amazed: at both each players skill and cards. They were playing thier best and with great cards to back them up.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nefertimon [/i] [B]Another mistake made throughout the entire show is that the amount of life points each player has when the duel begins is different from in the card game. In the show, the duelists start out with 2000LP (Duelist Kingdom) or 4000LP (Battle City). In the actual card game (and in the other games, including WWE) each player starts out with 8000LP. [/B][/QUOTE] But, didn't the show and/or Manga series come out first? So it's actually the Card game has it wrong because it came out later? And what do WWE have to does with Yu-Gi-Oh?
Undieing Spirit (Dark/Fiend/4/1900/1100) Effect: This card can attack while in the Graveyard. Once this effect is used, this card is removed from play. Nightmare Beast (Dark/Fiend/9/2900/3400) Effect: This card can only be special summoned by offering 2 Fiend-Type monsters from the field. Offer three Fiend type monsters in graveyard from play to increase this monster ATK by 600 points. When this card is destroyed, inflict 500 points of direct damage to your opponent?s life points and remove this card from play. Yata Demon (Dark/Fiend/Spirit/6/2300/2350) Effect: This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card returns to the owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn that this card is Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned or fliped face up. When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points, your opponent cannot attack with any monster durring his/her next turn. Shield Arm (Earth/Fiend/3/200/2100) No Effect
Zapp Branigan is so funny, but I think his alien assistant is even funner, I forgot his name though:mad: Um, on Family Guy, which character does Seth Green's vocie play as?
Rio walked down to where Serena and Zach were standing. He gave them both a weak smile, but he was really focused on the duel that was going on, and seeing the cool cards come to life.
Name: Ronen Age: 18 Sex: male Build: semi-muscular Description: Long brown hair that almost covers eyes and covers his ears. Wears a dark blue coat holded sweatshirt that it's sleeves are cut off and black gloves and pants. He wears a red shirt and a big chain necklace with cross and circle around it and some designs on it. He uses a veriety of weapons. Weapon: Long sword. Race: human Bio: His family lived in Siennax, Tokyo-ke. His family was punised for trying to stand up to General Tsin, so they were sent away with the Bear-people. His family hid him so he could live a good life. But Ronin ended up working as a Bounty Hunter and trying his best to seceretly work against Tsin. Ronin mostly keeps to himself despite his humorus and care-free additude. 1.b - Power 2.c - Emotional Power 3.a - Everything
Yeah, it wasn't a foil ethier
Ok, I need really need some help with this. [b]So please help me out! You are my last hope[/b] (well, almost) Ok, so, I'm at a friend's house the other day and he used to be into Yu-Gi-Oh, but he's not anymore, so, he gave me [b]all[/b] his cards. Most of them were crap cards I already have, so, I just took the rarest and cards I needed most. [i]Then[/i], he hands me some really wierd looking cards, one, [b]was this non-foil Exodia card. It has his whole body and some blue star overlaying his middle, and 12 stars and not ATK, DEF points that I can read[/b]. It has no [u]Konami[/u] word on the back or any Yu-gi-oh thing on the bottom right coner. I just explain on more: [b]It's a level 8 monster and it looks like a Fiend/Demon (what it's picture is is this monster coming out of the Graveyard/Cematary and he's black with purple claw hands and it has semi horns and it looks like it's smiling and lighting in the backround) it has 2800 ATK and 3000 DEF and a effect[/b]. It looks like the writing could be Korean or Chinese. Please, any help would be much appreciated!:)
That bites. I would pratically shoot myself if I had the same story. But it makes me feel bad because one of my friends gave me The Last Warrior From Another Planet and this wierd 12star Asian or Korean full Exodia body for free. I hate myself for the time being :bash: :stupid:
Anime Deck Submissions For theOtaku's Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck Garage
Exodus replied to a topic in Otaku Central
My deck, I was going to add Masked Beast Des Guardius, but American rules here won't let me play it in tourneys:rolleyes:arrg... [u]Dark/Fiend Deck[/u] [b]Tribut Monsters[/b] (5) The Masked Beast The Fiend Megecyber Summoned Skull Summoned Skull Vampire Elf/Patrician of Darkness [b]Non-Tribute[/b] (21) Headless Knight The Gross Ghost of Fled Dreams Opticlops Kuriboh Baron of the Fiend Sword Giant Germ Wall of Illsion Whiptail Crow Kiseitai Man-Eating Treasure Chest Grand Tiki Elder Melchid the Four-Face Beast La Jinn the Mystic Genie of the Lamp Winged Minion Nuvia the Wicked Twin-Headed Wolf Shining Abyss Black Forest Witch Harpie's Brother Sonic Bird Cyber Jar [b]Magic[/b] (16) Graceful Charity Yami Stop Defense Curse of the Masked Beast Monster Reborn Mask of Brutality Malevolent Nuzzler Remove Trap Germ Infection Soul Exchange Change of Heart Dark Energy The Shallow Grave Nobleman of Crossout Dark Hole Mystical Space Typhoon [b]Trap[/b] (10) Drop Off Trap Hole Deal of Phantom Mask of Weakness Seven Tools of the Bandit Castle Walls Enchanted Javelin Just Desserts Waboku Magic Jammer Total: 52 -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B]Although JP cards are better, and JP players are better, sry man, but no. XD Even if you did get Guardius do you even know how to summon it? Its not that Chosen One crap the anime showed. You must sacrifice two monsters like a normal summon, BUT one of those monsters sacrificed must be Four Faced Melkid Beast or Cursed Gyura(e. Grand Tiki Elder). [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, [b]I do know[/b] how to summon it, and I did get Grand Tiki Elder and Melchid the Four-Face Beast so I could be able to summon it. Thanks Domon, and Altron, for answering my question.
Rio was wandering around town looking for some food or some one to duel with. He had just gotten a Duel Disk and had it on, it wasn't coming off for a while. Sure, the U.S. had great cards and tournaments, but nothing like Duel Disk, so Rio was excited to test it out and see ALL his cards come to life... Rio was still walking around town (he was new here, taking a very long vacation) when he saw the beach, he ran down to it, the ocean wasn't anywhere near where he lived, so he was natually happy to see it. He let the tide run up to his and barely touch his shoes. He was looking around and enjoying the view when he looked towards the docks and saw a group of people. He saw two of them dueling! He ran to where he could get a good view of the match and watching from a distance, a bit shy of meeting other people.
Okay, I've got a question: I'm getting [b]Masked Beast Death Guardius[/b] very, very soon. Since it's a Japanese Promo Card, can I play it in offacial tournaments here in America?
Ok, I might not be able to post alot but here goes: Character Info- Name: Rio Shadao Age: 15 Height/Weight: 5'6" Bio: Born in Japan and raised in America, he's returned to his homeland to test his skills, and his Dark Fiend deck... Deck Info- Deck size: 49 Deck type: Dark/Fiend Favorite card: Masked Beast Death Guardius
Could I please get my deck rated? I need some help on it. (Or, at least I think I do) it's mostly a Fiend deck with alot of Dark monsters. [b]Tribute Monsters:[/b] The Masked Beast The Fiend Megacyber The Earl of Demise Vampire Elf Summoned Skull x2 [b]Lower Level Monsters:[/b] Winged Minion Headless Knight Opticlops Whiptail Crow Ryu-Kishin Powered Wall of Illsion The Gross Ghost of Fled Dreams Melchid the Four-Face Beast Twin-Headed Wolf Man-Eating Treasure Chest Kiseitai The Portrait's Secret Grand Tiki Elder La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp Warrior Dai Grepher Black Forest Witch Dragon Zombie Shining Abyss [b]Magics[/b] Remove Trap Mystical Space Typhoon Malevolent Nuzzler Dark Hole The Dark Door Curse of the Masked Beast Soul Exchange The Shallow Grave The Puppet Magic of Dark Ruler Monster Reborn Dark Energy Nobleman of Crossout Change of Heart Graceful Charity [b]Traps[/b] Castle Walls Magic Jammer Skull Lair Nutrient Z Waboku Mask of Weakness Drop Off Skull Invitation Trap Hole Enchanted Javelin Deal of Phantom Total: 49 Rate it please!:D
Here's mine: The Masked Beast + Winged Minion + Dark Energy The Masked Beast's ATK and DEF would go from 3200/1800 to 4200/2800 and maybe if I had Malevonlent Nuzzler in my hand...: 4900/2800
[b]The Masked Beast[/b]! Wow, I got such a great deal on this card, $12! From some card shop in a mall close to where i live, Haha! It's one of my favortives. 3200 ATK points. But really, I only get about $25 to spend on cards and the Masked Beast (and Ritual) really came as a blessing to me with getting it a such a great price.:)
Ok, yay, I just bought The Masked Beast and my friend and my brother gave me a whole bunch of good cards so please, help me out with this, tell me what cards to take out or subsitute. [b]High Level:[/b] 8 The Masked Beast Crab Turtle Wingweaver Fiend Megacyber Summond Skull Patrician of Darkness Labyrinth Wall Wall Shadow [b]Normal Monsters:[/b] 12 Opticlops Kiseitai Harpie's Brother Jirai Gumo Island Turtle Shining Abyss Man Eater Bug Sonic Bird Giant Soldier of Stone Robotic Knight Witch of the Black Forest Gearfried the Iron Knight Ok, it seems like I have every low level monster so if there's some I need to take out or trade, just say so [b]Magic:[/b] 20 Curse of the Masked Beast Graceful Charity De-Spell Malevolent Nuzzler Sword of Dark Destruction The Reliable Guardian Dark Hole Monster Reborn The Shallow Grave Fissure Magical Labyrinth Soul Exchange Nobleman of Crossout Dian Keto the Cure Master Ookazi Card Destruction Turtle Oath Remove Trap Mystical Space Typhoon Change of Heart I need to take out some of these magic cards or exchange them with others. [b]Traps:[/b] 8 Reinforcements Castle Walls Magic Jammer Trap Hole Waboku Enchanted Javelin Deal of Phantom Mask of Weakness [b][u]Total:48[/u][/b] I need some help on this, I not sure what deck theme I want, but I might build it around my Masked Beast, so it could be a Dark deck or Fiend or both.
Ok, my favorite card that i have right now: [u]Monsters[/u] The Fiend Megacyber ATK:2200 DEF:1200 Level:6 Effect: IF you opponent has 2 or more monsters than you have on the field, you can summon this card without offering any Tributes Why: He's got a cool picture, he's a Warrior type, a pretty good attack for only one tribute, and his effect can really come in handy. Patrician of Darkness (Vampire Elf) ATK: 2000 DEF: 1400 Level: 5 Effect: Control which monster your opponent attacks when this card is face up on the field. Why: If you have some weak and strong monster out on the field with this on, you can protect you weaker monster so you can sacrifce them and when you have you highest attacker out they have to attack it. Drop Off Trap Card Effect: Your oppenent must dicard the card he/she just drew Why: Great against Exodia decks and stuff Nobleman of Crossout Magic Card Effect: Destroy one face-down monster Why: Great for clearing your oppenents feild to attack life points directly and getting rid of tribute monsters or high ATK and/or DEF monsters.
I was playing afew days ago (I'm very inexperinced, but I love Yu-Gi-Oh) against this girl I really like, I was teaching her how to play and let her use my deck and I put quickly together a Toon-type deck. I had had Toon Summoned Skull and Manga Ryu-Ran in my hand and I hadn't drawn Toon World for a lond time. So, I played Card Destrution and sent all my Toon Monsters to the Graveyard and drew Toon World the next turn. She had about 18000 life points at the time (Thanks to Dancing Fairy, which I couldn't draw a high level ATK monster and when I did she played Monster Reborn and The Shallow Grave.)