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Everything posted by Exodus

  1. Where do alot of people get the money to by all five pieces of Exodia? Well, here's mine, I could use some help and it's still under construction. [b]Tribute Monsters:[/b] Wingweaver Swordstalker The Fiend Megacyber Vampire Elf/Patrician of Darkness Summoned Skull [b]Non-tribute Monsters:[/b] Gearfried the Iron Knight Frontier Wiseman Amazon Archer Unfriendly Amazon Dragon Manipulator Battle Ox Worm Drake Giant Soldier of Stone Celtic Guardian Dancing Fairy Kiseitai La Jinn Shining Abyss Forgiving Maiden Opticlops Spirit of the Harp Harpie's Brother Island Turtle Robotic Knight [b]Magic Cards:[/b] Remove Trap Soul Exchange Ookazi The Shallow Grave Reliable Guardian Dian Keto the Cure Master Shield & Sword De-Spell Sogen Dark Hole Change of Heart Sword of Dark Destrution Scapegoat Fissure Monster Reborn Nobleman of Crossout Malevolent Nuzzler [b]Trap Cards[/b] Dragon Capture Jar Reinforcements Trap Hole Enchanted Javelin Deal of Phantom Castle Walls Waboku Mask of Weakness Drop Off Total: 49 Any ideas would help, I have parts of the "Destiny Board" Final Set and I don't have enough money for Exodia. I do have BEWD and REWD and Hyozanru and Twin-Headed Fire dragon and all sorts of dragon monster/magic/trap card but I don't know if I want to do a Dragon theme. I have around $60.00 right know to spend on cards. I need a sub-type or type or monster card to build around. (Like The Masked Beast Death Guardius, but I can't find it) I like Earth/Dark and Warrior, Fiend types.
  2. Mine: Balistic Swordsman 4/1900/1500 Earth Warrior Effect: Infilct 300 points of direct damage to your life points every time this monster attack Masked Beast Life Guardius 8/3300/2300 Dark Demon Effect: If "The Masked Beast Death Guardius" is in your Graveyard or you have five monsters or less in your Graveyard, you can Special Summon this card without offering any tributes.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Angel [/i] [B] Also, Des Guardius is a real card. It's a Duel Monsters V strategy guide promo. G5-B2 MASKED BEAST DEATH GUARDIUS Dark/Demon/8/3300/2500 Effect: This Monster can only be Special Summoned, and only if you sacrifice 2 Monsters, 1 of them being a [Masked Magician Cursed Gyura] or [Melkid Four-Masked Beast]. When this card is placed in the Cemetery from the Field, you may equip 1 [Willed Mask] from your deck on 1 Monster on the Field. Shuffle your deck afterward. This is the card that gives Des Guardius the control effect: G5-B1 BEQUEATHED MASK Normal Magic Effect: Shuffle this card into your deck. Or, if the [Masked Beast Death Guardius]'s effect has been used, this card becomes an Equipment card. Gain control of the Monster this card is equipped on. [/b][/quote] Thanks Angel, but I have a few more question about Des Guardius: What seris is it coming out in? How much does it cost? Thanks
  4. Name: Kevin Vandenburg Age: 15 Desired Duel monster: Buster Blader Deck Type: Mixed/Warrior Bio: A top duelist in America, he learned to play and got some good cards from his older brother who stopped dueling after high-school. Kevin traveled with his best friend Chris around the world for new duels, looking to improve thier skills. Stopping at Kaiba Corp, Kevin got a offer he couldn't resist...
  5. ok, thanks Solo Tremaine. [quote][b] I can't find eny info on Des Guardius anywhere. I remember him being mentioned in the series, but I can't remember what he looks like. [/quote][/b] Des Guardius was in the episodes where Yugi and Kaiba dueled together againts the Rare Hunters Lumis and Umbra on top of the building. Lumis summond Des Guardius and then Yugi summonded Valkyrion and Valkyrion destroyed it but Des Guardius left behind three mask (his special abilitie) and Lumis then controled Valkyrion. Des Guardius had three head with bule-ish mask and had a human type form.
  6. Ok, I've got two questions: 1. Des Guardius???? This guys shows up for like two episodes and he looks awsome but I can't find a trace of a card of him. Does anyone know about Des Guardius? 2. Besides Buster Blader, Dragon Seeker, and Dragon Capture Jar, are there any card out there that do some big damage or good effect to Dragon-Types? Answers would help alot! Thanks!
  7. Hey, can I join? Name: Rio Age: 15 Country: USA Gender: Male Deck Theme: Warrior/Stop Dragon [b][U]Monsters:[/U][/b]27 [b]High level:[/b]8 Buster Blader Dragon Seeker Wingweaver The Fiend Megacyber Summoned Skull Jugde Man Sword Hunter Patrician of Darkness [b]Level 4 and below:[/b]19 Robotic Knight Gearfried the Iron Knight Battle Ox Harpie's Brother Mysterious Guard Kiseitai 7 Colored Fish Island Turtle Whiptail Crow Spirit of the Harp Crimson Sentry Giant Soldier of Stone La Jinn Opticlops Penguin Soldier Forgiving Maiden Marduring Captain Celtic Guardian Unfriendly Amazon [u][b]Magic Cards:[/b][/u]16 Soul Exchange Fissure Malevolent Nuzzler Monster Reborn The Shallow Grave Dark Hole Reliable Guardian Shield & Sword Ookazi Sogen Scapegoat Sword of Dark Destruction Dian Keto the Cure Master De-Spell Change of Heart Swords of Revealing Light [u][b]Traps:[/b][/u]11 Dragon Capture Jar Dragon Capture Jar Dragon Capture Jar Deal of Phantom Castle Walls Trap Hole Waboku Mask of Weakness Enchanted Javelin Type Zero Magic Chrusher Reinforcements [b][SIZE=3]Total:54[/SIZE][/b]
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