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Black Eva

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  1. Black Eva


    It raised the bar for the standards of anime. Akira is thought provoking like End of Evangelion is.
  2. Ryoga is my favorite, my sense of direction is almost as bad. Ukyo is a close second.
  3. It may sound like it, but it's not. It's pretty funny, but there's drama as well, oh, and marrying his teacher was not his idea...but it wasn't hers either. DVD 1 of 5 is out in the States and the mangas are already out, there's only 2 of them though, theres lots of extra stuff in the series.
  4. Nope, the folks from Gainax were very tight-lipped about the movie, dodging the questions or suggesting we talk to ADV. They did, however, bring and show some proofs for the big Gainax spread that's coming out in the July Newtype-USA. Apparently, a lot of information about the movie will be revealed in the articles and they didn't want to give anything away. The movie will be shot partially on location in New Zealand and will feature an international cast. The movie will not be a prequel or sequel, but a new retelling of the story in a feature format. [IMG]http://www.boomspeed.com/randallflagg/newtypejulyfront2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.boomspeed.com/randallflagg/newtypejulyleft.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.boomspeed.com/randallflagg/newtypejulyright.jpg[/IMG]
  5. It's a pretty good series. There are major revelations near the end. The omakes are pretty funny as well. Bolt's right, Kusanagi and Kome rule!
  6. Girlfriend of Steel is a Sega Saturn game. I think the one you're downloading was from [url]www.evangelion.tv[/url] right? That's just a demo and a crappy one at that.
  7. From the art I hope we've established that it isn't Hollywood that's doing this. Here is it translated...at least that's what I'm told. it starts off, " years after the destruction of Humans....... the humans were able to build Tokyo 3 (oooooo again!!!!) and salvage in a barren world. The Evangelions were reconstructed, and put into storage for the new selected pilots. and.... not to miss the Renewal of Evangelion along with the copyrig So basicly its this. [img]http://www.evangelion.co.jp/img/main.jpg[/img] But it's just the remastered version of the series that's coming out soon.
  8. I guess this is the place to introduce myself. I'm EWSN Ben Rusch on USS Kitty Hawk homeported in Yokosuka, Japan. Evangelion has been my addiction for 3 years and I hope for an intersting time here.
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