[b]Name:[/b] Korey Dreiss
[b]Codename:[/b] Myth
[b]Age:[/b] 19
[b]Occupation:[/b] Part-time cashier at Mr.Rag's
[b]Identity:[/b] Korey is a well known person, he is very friendly and is friends with a lot of people. Only his closest friends know about his powers. They have sworn not to tell anyone. But secrets occasionally slip.
[b]Legal status:[/b] Citizen of the United States of America. He was fined a few years back for a fight, and he was given 20 hours of community service for tagging the school.
[b]Group Affiliation:[/b] "Mutant Brigade. Operation Group #4: Solidarity.".
[b]Eyes:[/b] Nothing special.
[b]Hair:[/b] Nothing Special.
[b]Strength Level:[/b] Myth possess the normal strenght of a man of his age who engage in moderate regular exercise.
[b]Mutation Type:[/b] Blaster
[b]Known superhuman power:[/b] Myth has the ability to manipulate explosions. He cannot create them, but with one he can create a chain reaction of explosions.
[b]Special limitations:[/b] Seeing as how young Myth is, he has trouble controlling his power. Turning a single explosion into a mass chain of eruptions is a lot of work. If he uses his power too much, the explosions could fire out of control.
[b]Personnality?[/b] Korey is a fun loving person, he gets along with many differen't types of people. But he doesn't kiss ***, or take **** from anyone. He is a bit of a control freak, but he manages to keep it at bay.
[i]Korey's favorite activities:[/i] Skating, drawing, and writing.
[b]History?[/b] Korey was born June 19, 1984 in Seattle, Washington. He lived an average had friends, girlfriends, played sports, liked music. He was a generally happy child, and his family was very close. Around his 13th birthday his parents started fighting, this was also around the time his powers were developing. One day in September Korey arrived home from school, he found his mother lying on the floor covered in blood. There was a note on the table, it was from his dad. It read...
[center][size=4][b]I'm so sorry[/b][/size][/center]
A few minutes after that an ambulance arrived, it was appearant his father called 911. His mother survived, she still has never told Korey why his father stabbed her. Korey still lays awake wondering what could've caused his father to fly off the handle like that.
After that he and his mother developed a strong bond, and he spent more time at home then ever before. He continued on with his regular life, but his heart is still knicked from when his father left them.
[b]Current Status:[/b] Korey is over the stabbing incident, well as over it as possible. He is currently dating a young girl named Ashley, she is not a mutant. She knows about his powers and doesn't care. Her father however is anti-mutant, but he makes an exception for Korey. He loved Korey since before he even knew he was a muntant. He found out by easedropping on a conversation, it took a while to get over it but he is back to normal.
[i]People who know Korey is 'Myth':[/i] Ashley, Gary (Ashley's Father), Joshua (Korey's brother), Linda (Korey's mother), and David (Korey's best friend).
OOC: I felt the need to add a few things to the sign-up to get a better feel for my character.