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Everything posted by soundwave2x

  1. AH! new drawing. ya school work is a pain, but i got all a's. so it works out. i tried to do the best i could in a set amount of time i think it was like twenty minutes or so. but, here it is.
  2. soundwave2x


    orale ways, and i just wanted to know what everybody thought about the man show. i love it, its hilarious. you?
  3. i loved that movie. i loved every minute of it. it was so funny. i dont think that i laughed so hard ever in my life.
  4. soundwave2x

    Socom 2

    bah, im -2X-soundwave on socom. look for me in italy. i might be on, and show you how to play like a man.
  5. ijole way daniel, ijole. me escucho molotov en tu casa y ahora tu le gusta ustedes. bueno gracias por todo y escuchas molotov mas. adios!
  6. oh, definetly a song that will not stop playing would be sweet child of mine, definetly........
  7. i agree, steve vai is on of the best guitarist alvie. he plays fast and he hits all the right notes.
  8. ah, i play guitar. ive been playing for seven months. but ever single day i practice at least one hour. i love it.
  9. well yes i agree jimi hendrix and stevie ray vaughn revolutionized music forever. while jimi played his ever popular blues seventh chords. and stevie ray vaughn brought his own sound, they both were super guitar players, to put it extremely lightly. while they did their contributions to music. i agree that they are all awesome guitarist, ever last one of them. but like heavens cloud said they are all great, but none of them could ever do to music what these two did. but in the end it really boils down to what you like most. but my personal favorite is jimi hendrix because his solos just lift you up. and my second favorite is dimebad, i love his dramatic climbs. p.s. dark death, what makes a guitar player the best, in your opinion? because you never said................
  10. i think one song that will be sung for many decades to come is Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven.
  11. oh man, it depends on what guitar playing you want. if you want soulful guitar definetely jimi hendrix. if you want hardcore metal, its probably dimebad from pantera or kirk hammet. if you want classical mixed with a litte bit of classic rock its steve vai. but hands down its jimi hendrix. he still is the best guitarist alive. what he did was revolutionary. nobody had ever played an awesome guitar solo with their teeth or behind their bad before. he was the most versitial guitar player ever. he played his own soloful music and yet still managed to play bb king, chuck berry, les paul, etc. jimi hendrixs reputation, songs, and fame came from only five years in the music industry before his untimely death in europe. that is why he would win. although jimmy page would give him a run for his money and the third best would probably be yngwie malmsteen, fourth carlos santana,fifth steve vai ,sixth kirk hammet, seventh dimebag, eigth joe satriani, ninth esteban,tenth eddie van halen. that is my list. whew!!
  12. soundwave2x


    hello people of ob, i need your help. i am driving myself crazy with this song in my head. i know it is a slow love song from the sixties. it starts off with a guitar line and that is basicly the whole music for the song. it is the background music to the time life classic rock n roll infomercials. please post if you think it is anything. thank you
  13. yes it is bass. :rolleyes: well here is a sketch that im working on. tell me what i need to improve in the sketch.
  14. yes, i just wanted to know what the people of ob think of my sketches. in like a week or two i will post my actual drawings. these are my color and shaded sketches. be brutal if necessary.
  15. ya i just wanted to know what most people thought was the worst genre of music. for me its rap. i cant stand ninety percent of it. some of it is ok, where they are not cussing all the time and making up words.
  16. ya, st. anger is horrible. i wish metallica never came out with this cd so they could still keep their status as a bad *** band. i still love metallica, the old stuff of course, but still this cd is not even up to their level. not even close to their level. the vocals are horrid, the drums are nothing but double bass over and over, the guitar is not even close to kirk hammets ability, and the bass sounds like a bass. the lyrics are horrible too. who says im so angry with you? nobody that wants to keep a record deal or retire.
  17. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! NONE OF YOU ALL LISTEN TO GOOD MUSIC!!!!!!! EXECPT FOR MUSASHI AND HYBRID!!!!! MOST OF YOULL LIST AWESOME SONGS THEN GO WITH ONES THAT SUCK!! well anyway. here is mine. 1. Led Zeppelin - Dazed and Confused 2. Tool - Prison Sex 3. Black Sabbath - Hand of Doom 4. Metallica - Blackened 5. Pantera - Domination 6. Deep Purple - Smoke On the Water 7. Jimi Hendrix - Castles Made of Sand 8. Guns n Roses - Sweet Child of Mine 9. Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven ( of course ) 10. Steve Ray Vaughn - Voodoo Child 11. ACDC - Shook Me All Night Long 12. Black Sabbath - War Pigs 13. Iron Maiden - The Trooper 14. Molotov - Chinga Tu Madre 15. Audioslave - Like A Stone
  18. my band would be: Vocals : Ozzy Osburne ( the early years ) Guitarist : Steve Vai and Dimebag ( Pantera ) Bassist : Cliff Burton Drums : John Bonham and that is one of the pimpest bands.
  19. what genre of music do you listen to? I listen to classic rock and metal. what are your favorite bands? my favorite bands are led zeppelin, black sabbath, and metallica. why do i like them? the same reason millions of other people do, they sound awesome. i love the riffs, but the solos are the best.
  20. yes, i also love Led Zeppelin, who doesnt? well ive heard most of the songs on that cd. im waiting to get the new dvd. it has the live performance of the songs on the cd!!! my favorite song is the twenty five minute Dazed and Confused. its so spooky and mysterious. i also like Moby Dick. the drum solo was the best. it sounds the same sometimes, but the solo is so awesome you just forget about it.
  21. for me in a happy mood it would definetly be Led Zeppelin - Black Dog. If im in a sad mood, it would be Everlast - What its like. When im laid back Audioslave - Like A Stone. When im pissed off Slipknot - Surfacing. and when im depressed Slipknot - Diluted
  22. all youll are not totally there. if you're watching the new afi videos, that suck and that the music sucks. well ya ive seen it, it sucks, but of course it looks like anime oriented. you'd have to be stupid to now see that!!
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