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Everything posted by Fyxe
[size=1][color=darkblue]"Please Yuki?! We don't have any money!!!!!!!" Katana and Yuka whined. "To bad." Yuki said stiffly, walking off to another table to take orders. "NOOOOOOOO!!!" Kurumi, Yuka, and Katana all yelled. And then Kurumi's stomach growled so loud that Kenshin fell over. "Haha... sorry." Kurumi said, patting her stomach. "Just a lil hungery..." Kenshin sweatdropped. "Only a little??" "Maybe." Kenshin looked at her and then pulled out his wallet. "Miss Yuki! I'll just pay for the meal, that I will." Kenshin called out. "YAY!" The three girls belted out. *** After they had gotten their food, they started to have a conversation while eating. Kurumi was the first to bring up a subject. "Have any of you guys seen my Sexy Camel?" Kurumi asked, taking a sip of her tea. "Sexy..... Camel...???" Yahiko asked. "...OH! You mean Danny?!" Yuka said. "Yesh! He is a very sexy camel indeed." Kurumi said, dreamy eyed. "Yesh.... DUDE! Were you cheating on Kaz with him?!" Yuka exclaimed. Everyone only glared at her for bringing up Kaz's name. "Oh... right...s-o-r-r-y... " There was a minute of awkward silence. "So... did you?" Katana asked, facinated. "....Maybe...." Kurumi said, keeping a poker face. Kurumi had always been good at poker, so had mastered the wonderful poker face. "C'mmmoooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...... teelllll ussssssss!" Yuka begged. "No." Kurumi said. "But he had asked me out once." "ARE YOU SERIOUS????!!!!" Yuka yelled. "No." "Argh... you are confusing me...." "Exactly." -------------------- Haha... had to bring up my Sexy Camel... XD[/color][/size]
What would you classify your clothing style as?
Fyxe replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[size=1][color=darkblue]All depends on me. I have an assortment of style. I can go for the more punky/skater style one day, have a cute simple look another day, a goth style another, and a plain "I don't give a s**t" style. Normally depends on my mood. I just hate the whole preppy thing.... nerve wrenching.... oh well, that's just my opinion. But, I have my own style, don't really care what other people think. As long as it makes me happy. ^_^[/color][/size] -
[size=1][color=darkblue]LOL... I need to add something in this post.. it had to do with something me and Wasabi were just talkign about... XD ------------------------------ "You know what?" Kurumi said to Tomo. "What?" "You probably got me fired." "I'm.... sorry....?" "NO YOU AREN'T!" "You are right, I'm not." "Grrr.... oh well... at least I don't need to wear that dumbass uniform anymore..." Kurumi said. "OH SHIT! I still have it on!" She said, looking at herself. "Damn.... be right back." "Don't leave me in here alone with [I]that thing[/I]!" He yelled. "What, you mean Yuka?" Yuka growled when Kurumi made this comment. "Yeah!" "Don't worry... she doesn't bite... well, okay, that's a lie. But, she is the only person who will babtsit you... so... be right back." Kurumi said, getting up. Yuka smirked, looking at the guy. *** When Kurumi had finished changing and cleaning herself up, she made her way back to the "Tourture Chamber". Yuka was on Tomo's back, yelling "Faster! Faster you porker!" as he pranced around the room akwardly, sweatdropping. Kurumi looked at them for a minute and then started laughing her ass off. "Yuka, you freak." She said between laughs. Tomo had stopped, shoving Yuka off his back. "Hey, that reminds me of how birds do it! Doggy style! Haha!" "You sicko!" Yuka said. "Maybe. But, hey, Yuka, do you remember.... Blue Footed Boobies?!" Kurumi asked, laughing again. "Oh yeah...." "What are you guys talking about?!" Tomo said, almost in a horrified tone. "Nothing." Kurumi said. Yuka gave her a smirk. ---------------------- XD Lol.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Since Yuki was going to take a nap, Kurumi, Katana, and Yuka took the kidnapper to a room where they wouldn't disterb her. They sat the guy up against a wall and stared at him. "So... what's your story?" Kurumi asked. He just looked at them and sighed. "Well... I happen to be a thief." "Really." Katana said. "Yeah, really." "So, what does that have to do with anything?" Yuka asked. "I was stealing stuff out of open inn rooms. Then I saw Kurumi and decided to take her." He confessed, he seemed embarasses by the whole thing. Katana smirked at Kurumi and Yuka just gave all of them a sick look. "He decided to take you, Kurumi...." Katana said. "Shut up!" The man said. "Why do you care? It's not like you were payed to steal her or something." Katana said. "Umm... actually...." "HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You mean you actually [I]were[/I] being bribed?! Hahahaha! Who would bribe another dude to steal [I]Kurumi[/I]?!" Yuka laughed. Kurumi went a dark scarlet. "What is that supposed to mean!" Kurumi yelled. "Calm down. Jeez." "Hmph." "Hmm... well, the guys name was something like... Sinclair? No... Serious? No... er....." He tried to think. "Sicarius?" Kurumi suggested. "Yeah! That's the one. He gave me a picture of your guys's group and told me to bring him one of you. So, when I saw Kurumi, I took her on the spot." He explained. Kurumi sweatdropped. "Nice..." She said. "Well, if you were supposed to bring her to Sicarius, then why did you send us a note??" Katana asked. "Well, I thought I could get at least another one of you guys to come... so perhaps I would have had twice the reward..." He said. "But then I guess I felt sort of bad.... therefore I went soft on you guys and stuff..." "Hmm... well... forget money! You are with us now!!!" Kurumi exclaimed. "Errrmmm..."[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]"Slut?!" Kurumi yelled. "You are the fucking slut, you in your little kimono!" She tackled Yuka. Katana and the kidnapper just stood to the side, sweatdropping. Yuka tried to bite Kurumi, but she was in a headlock, so it ended up looking like she was a struggling pirhanna. Kurumi laughed at her. But that just made Yuka fling a big spit wad in Kurumi's face. "Biiiiiiiiitch! You lil sicko!" Kurumi yelled, wiping the spit off her face. It was Yuka's turn to laugh. "And this is what happens when we come to save people...." Katana muttered. "Perfect, I can just take care of you guys now!" The kidnapper said, drawing out his sword, swinging it at Katana. But on reflex, Katana squirted water from her hand at the sword, and then froze it. His hands were stuck to the now frozen sword. "What are you?" He asked. "Special." Katana said proudly. "I guess..." He mummbled. *** After about 15 minutes of watching Yuka and Kurumi battle, Katana separated them with a wall of ice. "Normally I'd love this and be laughing my ass off, but, um, we are kinda of here to [I]save[/I] Kurumi, not kill her." Katana said to them. "Damn..." Yuka said, spitting on the ground. "Can someone give me something to eat now? I'm friggin hungery..." Kurumi stated. Katana sweatdropped. "Wait until we get back to the dojo." "Wheeeeeeeee!" Kurumi jumped up. She looked at the man. Grinned madly. "Can we bring it home?" The man sweatdropped. " 'It'? Oh... wonderful..." He said.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Kurumi looked at the fellow. He was standing on top of a tree, watching for Katana and Yuka. Kurumi doubted that they would come anyway... they were too busy with their "business". The weird thing was, the guy hadn't tied her up, gagged her, threatened her... nothing. He just let her sit there on a stone. "My butt is starting to hurt and I am hungery." Kurumi complained. If he didn't plan on doing anything to her, she wanted to make this difficult. He looked down at her and threw something at her. Two slices of bread and a small chunck of cheese. :Oh yeah, great, now I am being fed like a friggin prisoner!" "If you haven't noticed, I have just [I]kidnapped[/I] you. What do you expect, me to treat you like some sort of royal bitch?" He said, looking bacl out accross the trees. "Yes." Kurumi said bluntly. "Something wrong with that?" He sighed. "What did you kidnap me for anyway? You obviously don't mean to hurt me." "Good for you." "Whaaaa??" "Chickens." "Red Bull." Kurumi said, playing along. "Hmm? Does that mean red bullshit or something." "It's a drink." Kurumi replied. "Siiiiiiiiiiiiicccccckkkkkk." He said and stuck his tounge out. "I know... and guess what?" "What?" "It's an energy drink." "Argh." ------------------------ Haha... quality time with teh kidnapee.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Kurumi looked around in the kitchen for something to eat, but they were basically eptied out from all food. Kurumi's stomach growled loudly. "Damn.... oh, shit! I work today. I forgot!! Oh jeez, oh jeez!" Kurumi exclaimed to herself. She rushed back to her room and quickly pulled on her uniform and told Yuki that she would be gone for a few hours. She ran down the path to the town, but trying to keep her uniform fairly clean as she ran through dirt and mud. She ran into the Inn flushed and out of breath. She went up to the counter to say she was present. "You are fifteen minutes late." The lady at the front counter said sourly. Kurumi bowed. "I am so sorry... I woke up late.. and I forgot that I was working and I-I-I---" Kurumi stuttered. "That's enough. It's alright, just take your supplies and these keys." The lady said, handing her the small silver room keys. "Now, get to work." "Thank you, ma'am." Kurumi bowed again and walked to the supply room. She sighed as she picked up her cleaning supplies and walked down the hall towards her first room. She took the key out of the rest and knocked on the door. "Maid Service!" She called out. No reply. She tried the door, it was open, so she walked it, slipping the key back in her pocket. Kurumi started making the beds and cleaning up the floor. After she was done, she went to the little table by to the right of the beds. As she started busying herself with the mess, she heard a sword being unsheathed behind her, she spun around. She found a tall man with blue-ish purple hair, in all black, he had his sword out, pointing it at her. "Who are you?" Kurumi asked. "And I should tell you that why?" He replied, looking her up and down. He smirked. She blushed slightly. "Is this your room?" She asked nerviously. He kept smirking. "Maybe." "If it isn't, I'll have to ask you to leave, sir." Kurumi said. She had no idea what to do, but something came to mind. She took a step to the left, the man followed with the sword. Before he could do anything, she did a quick snap kick to his head, grabboing his sword in the process. He stumbled backward, glaring at her. "You aren't going to make this easy, are you?" He said, irritated. "He said you probably wouldn't...." "What? Who said---?" Kurumi asked, confused, but the man took the opportunity and grabed her, along with his sword. "Ah! Get off!" Kurumi screeched, hitting him in the side of the head. "Keep... quiet!" The man said roughly, placing his hand over her mouth. And he teleported to a place totally surounded by trees. "Huh? How... how did you do that??" Kurumi said, confused. She was still very drowsy and she felt like she was drunk... nothing was reaching her brain straight. "Just come with me." The man said, grabbing her hand and racing off. Kurumi was practically dragged behind, losing control of her legs. She had no idea what was going on, but Kurumi knew that nothing good would come of it. --------------------------- And Kurumi gets kidnapped...... -_-;;[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Not my Sex-Slave!!! ------------------------------ Kurumi looked around the darkening room. Yuka was starting to fall asleep, along with Katana, but Yuki and Kurumi remained awake. Kurumi looked at Yuki, "Damn, no one can ever let me have any fun, can they? But.... I can't help but think that me being with Kaz is a mistake... where is [I]my[/I] Kaz.... the fun, not-so-violent, caring Kaz?" She asked with a sigh. "I... honestly don't know what to tell you Kurumi. He... suprised all of us." Yuki replied. "He doesn't belong here....." Kurumi said, pulling up her knees and hugging them. "Ever since we came here, he has been so violent..." "Yeah..." Yuki said, looking at Katana and Yuka. "Dammit...." Kurumi whispered, hitting the wall. "Now I'll never be able to sleep..." She added, tilting her head back. *** Kurumi was still awake by the time she thought it was around one or so in the morning. Yuki had finally drifted off to sleep awhile ago, she was sleeping nearby. Kurumi looked at her hands and concentrated a little, a small white orb formed between her palms. It represented the moon... tonight it was full, it shined brightly, keeping Kurumi a little company. Soon she concentrated a little more, some black matter formed around the moon replica, and soon little specks of white formed in the white matter. Stars. She started studying the small wedge of night sky she had created, finding many constilations and later on tried counting the stars. After an hour or two, Kurumi finally fell asleep, and her little night sky disappeared. *** "Kurumi! Wake up you fat-ass! You are laying on my arm!! KURUMI!! C'mon! I can't feel my arm anymore!" Someone whined in the distance. ".... Cheese pants....." Kurumi muttered dreamily. "Kurumi!!" Someone shoved her. "Ouch..." Kurumi mumbled, opening her eyes groggily. "Wha---?" "Good, you're up.... now, would you PLEASE get off of my arm?!" Yuki said sternly, pushing Kurumi again. While she was sleeping, Kurumi had rolled over onto Yuki's arm, unabling Yuki to get up. Kurumi lazily sat up. "Sorry..." Kurumi muttered, looking around the room. Yuka was still sound asleep, but Katana was missing. "Where's Katana?" "Beats me. She was gone when I woke up." Yuki said, rubbing her numb arm. "Oh..." Kurumi said and got up. "I'm hungery."[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]HE HAS AWOKEN!!!!!! ^________________^!!!! ------------------------ "[I]Heeeelllllllllooooooooooooo there[/i]...." Kurumi said, beaming madly as the mysterious man sat up. "Erm... hey..." He replied, looking around. Katana watched from afar, giggling. "Sex-slave, sex-slave, sex-slave..." She chanted quietly. The man looked at her strangly. "Shit...." He whispered. "What, do you need to take a crapper or something?" Kurumi asked. "The bathroom is out there." "No, I don't need to use the toilet.... I HAVE BEEN CAPTURED BY A BUNCH OF GIRLS!!" He yelled. "Isn't a guy normally happy about something like that?" Katana asked, a puzzled look on her face. The man sweat-dropped. "Not when it's by kids...." He mumbled. "[I]Excuse me![/i] For your information, I am 14!" Kurumi said irritably. "Oooohhhh, I'm soooooo sorry..... [i]miss[/i]." "What did you call me?!" Kurumi growled, pouncing on him. Katana, meanwhile, was laughing her ass off in the background. "Sex-slave!" She exclaimed. "SHUT UP!" The man yelled. "I AM NO SUCH THING." "Oh, but of course you are." Kurumi tried to say in a semi-seducive voice, sitting on top of him. He looked helplessly up at her. "You aren't very mature for your age..." He said. "Are you sure about that?" Kurumi said, raising an eyebrow. "I don't think I want to know..." He said, sweatdropping. "Sure you do... you will just have to share me with my boyfriend." She stated proudly. "Kurumi, you are crazy." Katana pointed out. "I know." ------------------------ XD This will be... [I]interesting...[/i][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]"Err... him?" Kurumi asked and sweatdropped. "Well.... when me, Katana, Yuka, and Amaya were stuck out in that hut.... he was watching us through a window... and yeah... when Yuki found us, she kinda hit him.... and now he is here.... and... we have found an interest in poking him." Kurumi explained with difficulty, putting on an innocent smile. "Aaaaaaaannnnddddd.... he is "Your Slave", huh?" Kaz asked, looking down at her. Kurumi looked back toward her room. "Eh.... yeah...." She said. Kaz sweatdropped. "Right...." "Mmmmhhmmm..." "Yeah..." "I'm hungery." Kaz sweatdropped again and almost fell over. "You are impossible." He said and started to walk away. "Noooo I'mmmm nnooooottttt!!!!" Kurumi whined and grabbed onto his waist, she fell over, and was dragged half-way down the hall. "Get off!" Kaz said, irritated. "Nooooo!!!" Kurumi said, still hanging on. "I looooove you!!" Kaz looked down at her and started to laugh. "You are such a dork." He laughed. "So?" Kurumi stood up. "I don't know." Kaz said and put his arm on her shoulder. ------------------------- Yay, it's all patched up. XD[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue].... Stalker Sex Slave.... >.< ------------------------------------ Katana and Kurumi walked quietly into the kitchen, trying to avoid Kaoru's attention. They took a few rice balls, took a small bite, and winced. Kurumi looked around the kitchen and spotted a barrel of sugar. "Mmmmmm...." She let out. Unfortunatly, Kaoru heard, spun around and yelled at the two to get out of the kitchen. They quickly scrambled out, dropping the rice balls, but not failing to grab the barrel of sugar. *** "Uhhhrrrggghhh...... Soooo mucchhhh s-hhhuuuugggaaarrrr....." Katana moaned. Kurumi was just darting her blood-shot eyes around the room. They had completely emptied the barrel. "....N-n-n-n-n....eeee....dddd..... MORE!!!!!" Kurumi screamed and jumped up. She ran about five laps around the room and plopped down by Katana again. She looked around the room a little bit again, sighed, and asked. "Want to go poke my slave?" "Sure." "OKAY!!! Let's go!" And they ran down the hall to Kurumi's room. *** Kaz looked around the dojo, confused. [I]Where is everybody?[/I] he thought sadly. He started investigating rooms, mostly coming up empty handed. Thatis, until, he reached Kurumi's room. He opened the door to find Katana and Kurumi poking an unconscience stranger. "Man... lucky this guy came along... otherwise you'd be spending some real lonely nights, Kurumi..." Katana said. "Yeah..." Kurumi muttered, still poking the man. He groaned. "What are you guys doing?! And who is this guy?!" Kaz exclaimed. Kurumi snapped her head towards the door. "N-nothing.... and n-no one...." She stuttered. "Then what the hell is that???!" Kaz yelled, pointing at the man. "A Hot Stalker Sex Slave!" Katana said happily. "Kurumi found him." "I have.... no comment...." Kaz said slowly and walked away. Katana shrugged and continued poking the man. But Kurumi got up and left the room, hoping to talk to Kaz. -------------------------------- Uh-oooohhhh...... I think things are gonna get a little hot. *wink* XD[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]"My knight in shining armor has arrived!!" Kurumi yelled, running out of the hut and jumping onto Yuki. "Gah... get off!" Yuki bellowed. Kurumi got back up and looked around. "A-hah! And you have even slain the evil stalker!" Kurumi exclaimed, jabbing the man with her foot. "Isn't that Kaz's job?" Yuki asked, sweatdropping. "To do what?" " Be your 'Knight In Shining Armor'?" Yuki asked. Kurumi shrugged. "You found me first." Kurumi said with a wink. "You sicko. I'm not lezbo, honestly...." "Neither am I... but for you, I can make an exception." "A kind offer, but no thanks...." At this, Kurumi burst out laughing. "Oh well, I guess I can just use this guy as my slave..." Kurumi said, grabbing him by the ankles. "Ah yes, not that bad looking at all...." "Ermm..." Amaya let out. Yuka, Katana, and her had all been standing in the doorway, sweatdropping throughout the conversation. "Kurumi, you are one messed up biznitch." Yuka said. "You guys are no fun." Kurumi said with a frown and walked off, with the mysterious man being dragged behind.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Whoo.... cookies! -------------------------------- "Cheeseburger..." Kurumi attepted again in a dreamy voice. Yet again, they ignored her, mumbling dreamily on about pies. Then she had an idea, "CAKE" She said a little louder. The dream conversation quickly changed. "Chocolate cake..." Yuka mumbled. "Double fudge cake with cookies and cream frosting...." Katana said, with a large smile on her face. Drool dripped down all of their faces. "Double chocolate swirl cake with vanilla filling strips in the middle and homemade cookies and cream frosting...." Kurumi said... her own saliva building up. That's when she looked up to the window, and jumped up with suprise. She had spotted the wandering eye. As it focused on her, she became limp, and closed her eyes to slits, trying to acting as if sleeping. She slowly raised her arm and jabbed Katana hard in the side. "Ouch! Bitch, don't poke me!" Katana said angrily, waving her arm at Kurumi. "Wake up!!" Kurumi hissed. "Why....?" Katana asked lazily. "We arm being watched!!" Kurumi hissed again, looking at the window catiously again. "Look at the window." "HOLLY SHIT!" Katana yelled, shooting up. "....... WHERE IS THAT CAKE???" She yelled, looking around frantically. Kurumi sweatdropped. "Don't be concerned about that! LOOK AT THE WINDOW!" Kurumi whispered. Katanan looked up. "Wha-?? Dude... who is that??" Katana asked. Kurumi shook her head. "Honestly, it's like trying to talk to a blonde...." She muttered. -------------------------------------- Yeah, I'll let other people figure out who that dude is.......[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Ok, I am commenting on your "Lesson Three". So... it is a crime to love someone? And, all of us girls are just so shallow? And I shouldn't be mad at my boyfriend if he is having a foursome with other people? And I should like another guy just because he is hanging out with other girls. OMG, I never realized that! You [I]totally[/I] opened my eyes right now! All I am supposed to be is a slut! Oh, thank you All-Mighty-Sauce-Head!!! :rolleyes: Get a life.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Ah, yes, the Ouija Board.... I used to believe in those when I was what... eight? Yeah, that's about right. When I was younger, my siblings and I would always use that in various rooms. I would always think it was so cool when the "ghosts" would talk to us. A few months later, I found out my sister was purposly moving it.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Here is my question, if that lady was a Security Guard, why would she be charged for that? She is a part of the Police Force in a way, plus, she would be doing it to 1. Guard her life and 2. To guard whatever she is there for in the first place. I mean, really, she is a Security Guard, it's her job to do that. Now that I have that out of the way.... If I were in that position, of course I would defend myself, it is a humans natural reflex. We don't want to feel pain, so we automatically curl ourselves up, block attacks, and even throw a few kicks, punches, whatever your brain thinks of first. If you are not strong enough to defend yourself enough, I think you [I]should[/I] carry a weapon with you, even just a pocket knife. But, me, I know plenty of Martial Arts to defend myself. You don't need to beat the ***** out of them, just enough to get away. I find it stupid that some people get attacked, and then they start beating the living daylights out of the attacker, then you really can get yourself charged and have a reason for being charged. On the subject of the law... I don't think the government should press any charges on you what-so-ever if you are simply defending your life. I find it extremely ridiculous to charge someone for being mugged, attacked, raped, whatever the situation and then defend yourself with a weapon. Weapons, guns for example, were made for protection in the first place. Therefore, why not use it if you need to protect yourself?[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Woah, this is great. How long have you been drawing? Your style is absolutly beautiful, when I started looking over them, I could have sworn they looked professional. You really have the body and facial shapes and features down. Plus, I love your clothing, hair, and eyes. Your style is the best I've seen in awhile. You really know how to capture an expression or look. Keep on drawing, looks great! ^_^[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue][font=franklingothicmedium]Well, how about this. My school doesn't have these "labels", we all can just label ourselves as b****'s and b*****d's. How's that for an answer. No, really, I think we have few people that can actually fit those catagories. Such as the "popular people" are separated into the Preps and Jocks, depending on gender... but normally Jocks are Preppy anyway... therefore there is no difference beside the fact that Jocks play sports. Everyone else in my school basically have their own group. You can't quite label them. I guess there is a more punky group, and the wanna-be's. Otherwise, there are just... people. People have "labeled" me things like Goth, Skater Chick, or just some crazy name or another. But, me, I don't catagorize myself as anything. Other people can think whatever they want. My grade population is halg labeled, half not. >.< That is messed up.[/color][/size][/font]
[size=1][color=darkblue][FONT=Century Gothic]Yes, from my own experiences and some stories from other people I know, not many long-distance relationships work out. Me? I had one long distance relationship. It didn't end horribly or bad even. We just stopped contacting each other. The only was of communication was MSN messenger and the OB, which was clearly not enough. I'd rather have that person with me, be able to see them and touch them. Relationships need physical growth along with audio interation growth. You can never really know that person until you are with them for a certain amount of time. So, normally long distance relationship are bound to not work. Plus, a person just can't handle that, there are to many temptations in the world, and in long distance relationships, there is not a lot to hold you back. Therefore, I would just rather not get wrapped up in something like that. My sister is currently in a long distance relationship. Her boyfriend only lives across the state, and they see each other about every holiday and in the summers... they have been together ever since summer. They used to always be on the phone, I would get so pissed off, since at my dad's we share the same room and she would be on the phone with him til 4 AM, causing me to get no sleep. She says herself she cannot be totally stable in the relationship, it's just to hard to be away from him all of the time and he wants to take things further, right? So she asked me if she should break up with him, but that is totally up to her. So, naturally, I would prefer to stay away from long distance relationships. I would rather have a person I see at least every other day and can have a more physical, closer relationship with.[/color][/size][/font]
[quote]they all suck hah hah hah hah hah ha[/quote] [size=1][color=darkblue]How do you know? O.o Anyway... ehem.... you know, if they really wanted to know how you felt about them, I'm sure they'd ask. I don't care how you feel about them, and since they haven't ask(or at least I'm pretty sure they haven't) I don't think they care either. Go write this in a diary or something, because, frankly, people don't want this crap splattered all over the Otaku Lounge. Oh, and pick up a book on respect while you are at it, just because you don't like them, or what they think, doesn't mean you have to flame them for no apparent reason. Good day.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Well, I'm not as old as some members... but I have been around for almost two years. Before I registered on the OB, I was always on theOtaku, so I've been around theOtaku for a good three years. One of the biggest things I remember was the chat room, good times, good times. It is true that I used to post a lot more than I currently do, I just guess there aren't many interesting threads now. At least, not to me. And of course my old name was Conna_da_fox... but I had to upgrade it to another-even-more-flashy-made-up-name and what did that equal? Lix! Whoo... anyway.. yeah. I think I lost a good number of friends... people just stopped coming. I used to be really active with PMing my "Buddies" and stuff, but, now, I just like to be lazy and tell them to add me to messenger. XD I don't think I'll be leaving anytime soon though, I always tried to find other forums, but none of them were as good as the OB, so I kept coming back. I have high expectations for froums now, since the OB was my first forum I had ever come to. But, I guess I'm alright with that.... it's not like I have anything better to do anyway.... >>[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Woah, if Oreos "sexify" whoever eats them... I must be really sexy. Anyway, maybe the way some people eat Oreos makes other people kinky. Heh. That could be true though, depending on how a person is, a lot of things can make people kinky, but I'm not going to get into that.... Oreos are Oreos and that's all my mind can think of past that.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Life can be great, and it can suck. You just have to understand that everything happens for a reason and that no one's life is perfect. Everyone goes through a few, even a lot of hard times in their lives. Let's just say this, every dicision you will make will more than likely have a bitter-sweet result. Soemthing may go bad, but sooner or later a good thing will occur from that. And if a good thing happens, more than likely a bad thing may occur from that sooner or later as well. Picture this, life is just a never ending roller coaster, you just have to strap yourself in and get carried through the ride. So, I find my life nutral. It's good. It's bad. It's life. I don't know if that helps anything, it's just my viewing of things.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]You cannot control certain feelings like that. You feel love when it comes upon you. Even if you think that you will never love again after being hurt, you are bond to love anyway. You can't control it, therefore you can't control when or if you will love again. Human emotions are confusing, deal with it.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Yeah, I've noticed those signs up every where. I find it so incredibly stupid to ban books. The more books banned from schools, libraries, and book stores, the less liteature we have. Soon we will have just a limited and carefully picked collection of books. Liteature and reading is all about diversity and finding what you enjoy. If you take that away, what are kids supposed to do, to dream about, wonder about, and what will make them think? What will teach them the every day problems and common sence they need to know? Books teach children so many things they need for the outside world, and no, I'm not just talking about text books, but just any kind of book. Parents and teachers encourage us to read, but if they start banning these things, how do they expect us to [i]want[/i] to read if everything that interests us is gone? We are morons.[/color][/size]