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Everything posted by Fyxe

  1. [size=1][color=darkblue]Eikou... I'm going to start off saying this: These are some pimped out banners. They are so awesome. You have come a long way with your graphics, and these are someting to be very proud of. I don't understand why other people haven't posted on this topic yet! Oh, oh, I understand, the greatness is to great for them to handle. Yep, that's it. ^_~ Alrighty, let's look at these.... 1st Banner: Cool, small, and fairly simple looking. All good things to look at. It's not my favorite out of the four graphics, but I definatly like it. I like how you had the little character look as iff it were standing outside of the actual banner, I've always loved that effect for some reason. I think tis banner is very cute. ^.^ 2nd Banner: This one is great too.The first thing that really sticks out to me is that "blinds" effect, it's used very well on this banner. The border also appeals to me, smashing if I do say so myself! 3rd Banner: *Stares* I love this one. I've always liked that kind of... how do I put it... mechanical feel or whatever you shall call it. Or "technical" as you put it. I always feel a special attraction to those styled banners. I agree that it turned out very well, you should give yourself a big pat on the back. ^^ Omeki: One word fits all: Cutielicious! ^_~ Seriously, I can't find anything wrong with these, Eikou. I've always loved your work and you continue to get better everytime I see one of your threads pop up! Keep working hard![/color][/size]
  2. [size=1][color=darkblue]Here's a good one: Don't dance. Ah, but that's no fun. What I mean is that every dance looks funny, so no matter what, you look like a moron. But that's what makes it so fabulous. It's also pretty fun to watch the people who are dancing and pick out the most "creative" dance. That's always fun. I like going to dances, but only to watch people make fools out of themselves and me doing the same. You know, any dance move in being funny looking or stupid, is also very cool indeed. You never know what is a crowd-catcher. Different people have different tastes, and that's what makes everything..... different. Joy. So, in conclusion: Dance the night away and don't give a damn on who sees or what they think. Because, if you have the courage enough to get out there and do your thing, you are far better than those who stay at the sides making fun of people. If they do that, they shouldn't even BE at the dance.[/color][/size]
  3. [size=1][color=darkblue]Raven smiled awkwardly. "I miss Heather too...." Having Gary around with everyone else was weirder than she thought. "Who ordered the honey buffalo wings?" A waitress asked, coming up to their table. "That would be mine." Raven said quickly. She was glad to have an excuse from talking to people. If she had food, people knew not to bother her as much. She started to eat the meal slowly, only concentrating on that. She could feel eyes watching here, but she didn't respond. Gary and Caly started talking amung themselves in a whisper. Ren just sat back in the booth seat, munching on some fries.[/color][/size]
  4. [size=1][color=darkblue]Actually, yes, my eye color does change with my mood. When I am mad, they turn red. When I am sad, they turn to a dark blue. When I am happy, they are a purplish-pink. When I feel blah or just out of it, they are gray! And when I feel romantic, they are a deep chocolate brown. I swear that they can turn green and black too. It's amazing, is it not? .... Ah, the wonderful world of colored contacts...... No, really my eyes are just gray. But I would have to agree that the appearance of your eye color is based on the light setting. Sometimes my eyes can seem blue or green, but, yes, that's only because we have more than one layer of color in our eyes. It's the all together colors that make our eyes special, really. I'm sure every person has their very own eye color, not one could be matched with one another. Interesting how that is, but it all narrows down to genetics. Go science![/color][/size]
  5. [size=1][color=darkblue]Yeah, a lot of the kids in my grade are wearing them, mostly the boys though. I don't own one myself, but that alright because I wouldn't plan on wearing it either. I just think it is rather addicting to steal them from other students, place them together, and snap them. That's the only reason I even pay attention to them. It's not like I'm trying not to be supportive of the Live Strong Cancer Foundation, I just don't find these rubber-y bracelets... hmm... how do I put this? Interesting or whatever. There are these one boys that came up with an idea of taking a bracelet and writing 'Die Strong' on them... weirdos... >>[/color][/size]
  6. [size=1][color=darkblue]What made [i]me[/i] happy today you ask? I ate a peanutbutter and jelly sandwich. I'm so damn lucky. Otherwise nothing to exciting. Food: makes my world a better place.[/color][/size]
  7. [size=1][color=darkblue]"I don't know... Gary... he - this--- just all of this is so messed up...." Raven replied as Ren placed the bandage over the wound. Ren helped her up. Raven hugged Ren. "Thanks Ren, thanks a lot. I'll be right back.. I need to change...." Raven said, opening the bathroom door and going into the 'lounge' room, rummaging through a small dresser she had in the corner. She pulled out a black hoodie that had blue flames on it and a pair of dark blue jeans. She went behind the changing screen she had and peeled the bloody school uniform off and pulled on the new clothes. After she was done dressing, she heard knocks on her door. "Ren, can you get that?" Raven yelled into the next room. "Yeah!" Ren replied and walked across the living room to the door. When he opened it, he found Calypso and Andy on Raven's doorstep. "Um... hey guys." "Hey Ren, where's Gary and Raven?" Caly asked, peering into the living room. Raven walked into the room and greeted them. "Come in guys." Raven said. Once they sat down, Ren and Raven retold the Gary encounter. "Weird..." Andy said. "Yeah..." Caly said in agreement. "Everything is so messed up... argh, we need to get our minds off things, really. What shoudl we do." "Earlier I suggested the mall..." Raven said, "But, we gotta call Rejinde, he toltally oblivious to everything that has happened tonight. We had better get him and tell him everything..." "Yeah, I'll call him..." Ren voulenteered, picking up the phone. An hour later the five stood in front of the mall. "I'm starving!" Raven exclaimed. Everyone sweatdropped. "After all this, you want to just pig out?!" Caly said. "Well, duh, what else is there to do about it?" "Haha, I guess you'll never change Raven..." Rejinde said with amusement. ------------ OOC: We need a lighter side. XD Plus, hey, we had to get poor Rejinde in there, he's hasn't been apart of just about anything![/color][/size]
  8. [size=1][color=darkblue]Gary's words cut through Raven like a knife. "Gary..." She said softly, reaching up to him, placing a hand on his warm face. "DON'T TOUCH ME!!!" Gary screamed, slashing the switchblade as Raven. It hit her stomach, it cut her flesh and left a thin slash on her skin. It wasn't very deep, but it had cut through her blouse and enough skin to start the bleeding. The red blood started soaking up on the white blouse. Raven backed away from Gary, shocked. He quickly snapped out of it, realizing what he had just done. "I-- I'm sorry!" Gary cried. Ren jumped up off the couch. "I think you've done enough!" Ren yelled, steering Raven toward the bathroom. "No- Ren, I'm fine really." Raven said, turning around to face Gary again. "You have no idea what shit we have gotten ourselves into Gary, you don't know how much we've had to go through. I think it would be better if you just backed away from the situation now." Raven said wisely. "No." Gary muttered, "I'm not leaving you guys alone. There is no reason to kill innocent people. Death may be part of nature, part of life, but it's not our place to kill others for fun! It's just inhuman!" "I understand that Gary, but you've never had the thrill of it. It's addicting. WE COULDN'T STOP EVEN IF WE WANTED TO! And trust me, we DO want to stop." Raven argued, placing her hands over her stomach to try to stop the flow of the blood a little. Ren eyed Raven's wound again. "C'mon, we need to patch that up Rave." Ren said gently, trying to ignore Gary. "If you need help, you shoudl get help! You can't continue this!" Gary argued. "Gary... please leave..." Raven said quietly, stepping into the bathroom, Ren close behind.[/color][/size]
  9. [size=1][color=darkblue]Raven tugged on Ren's shirt. "Just sit down...." She pleaded, pulling him down onto the couch beside her. Gary looked upon them, a crazy look in his eyes, the switchblade still resting in his hands. He could strike them at anytime and they wouldn't be able to even defend. "Gary, don't make this difficult. Just tell us what needs to be said." Raven demanded firmly. Gary started pacing around Raven's living room, deep in thought, probably trying to figure out what to say. Raven made a move to get up, but Gary lashed out the switchblade. "Don't move, sit back down." He said fiercly. "Gary--- what? Your acting strange." Raven said. "Shhh! Let me think about this!" Gary yelled. This made Raven back off, she sank deeper into the couch. She turned to Ren, giving him a look of confusion, he returned the look, but his expression had a mix of anger as well as confusion. [i]Gary... what's this about?[/i] Raven thought to herself, staring at her hands.[/color][/size]
  10. [size=1][color=darkblue]"Let's go back to my place for now... we can relax a little bit. Maybe we can get the rest of the group together later and go to the mall or something... that is if everyone wants to join us...." Raven suggested. It was only 6:30 and Raven didn't work tonight, so, she wanted to relax a litte while she had the chance. "Sounds good to me." Ren said a little more cheerfully. Raven remembered the kiss he had given her, she blushed slightly. That had made her happier than she had been in a long time. Did she have more than friendly feelings for Ren? She couldn't tell. She had been close to Ren for a long time, she had always cared about him, but she never felt this way before. Raven decided not to push on the matter and started humminh along to the song on the radio. When Ren pulled up to Raven's house, she spotted something on her stoop. She quickly got out of the car and walked up to her house. "Gary?" Raven said suprised, Gary looked up and stared her in the eyes. Ren was walking up the sidewalk, and then standing by Raven. "Gary? What are you doing here?" He asked, looking from Raven to Gary.[/color][/size]
  11. [size=1][color=darkblue]Raven was suprised by what Ren had just told her. She opened her mouth a little, but then closed it, turning toward him in her seat. "Really?" She asked. He nodded. She felt her face grow a little hot. She was lost for words, but finally unraveled her tounge. "I'm... I'm sorry for all of this... if I hadn't made that suggestion that night... none of this would have happened..." She felt a little ashamed for all she had put this boy, one of her best friends, through... along with everyone else. But she had also put herself through so much. But she realized something... if night hadn't happened, she wouldn't be as close to her friends as she was, she wouldn't be here tonight. [i]What do I really want?[/i] She thought, still looking at Ren. "It's not your fault, we all agreed to it, we all wanted to do it. If anyone's to blame, it's [i]all[/i] of us." He finally spoke. "SHHH!" The person behind them was getting fed up with their talking. Actually, just about the whole row behind them was now glaring at the two. Ren and Raven blushed slightly, apologizing to the lady. "Let's just get out of here." Raven whispered. "Yeah, good idea."[/color][/size]
  12. [size=1][color=darkblue]Raven sat in the car seat motionlessly, watching the houses flew by. Ren kept glancing at her every few minutes, she was aware of it, but didn't feel like returning the looks. When they finally got to the movie theater, she stepped gracefully out of the car and waited for Ren to walk around to her so they could walk into the building. After they decided on a movie, Ren took out his wallet and paid for the tickets. "Do you want any snacks for the movie?" Ren offered. "No... I don't feel much like eating. Thanks anyway..." Raven replied almost lifelessly. Ren gave her a worried look but nodded. He quickly perchased a large Coke for himself and they made their way to the correct viewing room. "How about we sit near the middle?" Ren asked, peering over the seats. "Okay." Raven said, lookign at the many faces in the croud. After they sat down and the commercials had started to play, Ren whispered to her. "So, do you think some thing happened at that party?" "..... Yeah..... I woke up with blood all over my arm and face. What about you?" Raven whispered back. "Really.... I'm not even sure, I just know something weird went down." Ren whispered, sounding unsure. "Yeah.... and is it just me, or is the group.... falling apart?" Raven said, more breathier than her normal whisper. Ren looked at her, his expression sad. "I know.... this wasn't how it was supposed to be..." Ren replied, "But... I'm sure we can sort this out." He said more soothingly, lightly placing his arm around her shoulders. The commercials were finally through and they quietly began to watch the movie.[/color][/size]
  13. [size=1][color=darkblue]Raven hesitated for a few minutes while Ren pounded on the door, then lifted herself off the couch and made her way to the front door. As soon as she cracked it open, Ren burst in, and to her suprise, he hugged her. He held her and said, "I'm sorry Rave." A blank expression was cast upon her face. Then she saw something on her walkway. A figure. Her stomach skyrocketed when she realized who it was. Gary. He was frozen to the spot, watching them through the front door. After a moment, he sprinted off. "Gary...!" Raven let out in a hoarse voice. "What?" Ren asked, finally letting her go. "---Gary! He was just here!" Ravenexclaimed, pointing outside, "But he ran when he saw you were here with me...." "Should... should we go after him?" Ren asked unsure, peering out into the darkening sky. Raven shook her head. "I would rather find him later... I need to talk to him alone if I can..." Raven said quietly. "Okay." Ren replied. Raven spent a few minutes staring outside then Ren's voice came again, "... Raven? Do you want to go out and do something tonight? You know, to get our minds off things...." He offered. Raven pondered this for a few minutes. "Alright. What do you suggest we do?" She finally agreed. "How about a movie... a nice comedy, ok?" "That.... sounds nice." Raven smiled slightly, Ren had always known how to cheer her up. "Let's get out of here then!" Ren exclaimed and led her out to the car.[/color][/size]
  14. [size=1][color=darkblue]Raven ran. She didn't feel like stopping. Why had she quit track? She had loved running so much. [i]Caly and Mr. Archer... I should have seen it..... but...[/i] Raven thought as she ran. She couldn't take anything anymore.. she didn't feel like facing that situation... so she ran for it. There was already so much on her mind. She felt a little bit guilty for leaving Andy behind though. She finally found herself in front of her house... but it was more like a shack. There was a kitchen, a small bathroom, and two rooms, she used one room for the living room and the other for a 'lounge' or a hang-out room. She slumped onto her steps. So much was happening, it was just blowing her mind. Raven put her head in her hands and bit her lip till it bled. The blood tasted like metal. She wiped it off her mouth and slowing went inside. After a little bit of thinking on the couch, she picked up the phone and dial a number. [I]Rrrrring.... rrrring..... rrrring...[/i] "Hello?" Came Ren's voice. "Ren?" Raven said slowly. "Rave? Yeah?" "Where were you at lunch?" "That's none of your business." Ren suddenly snapped. "I thought we were going to talk... you totally blew me off." Raven said quietly after a moment of pausing. "[i]I[/i] blew [i]you[/i] off?! What about when we were in the hall and then you just all the sudden left because Caly was there?! You blew me off first dammit!" Ren argued. Raven had never heard him sound so angry. "I had to got to math! Plus I was freaked because [i]Gary found out[/i]! Doesn't that mean anything to you?" Raven said, raising her voice. Ren hesitated. "That was still no reason to just leave me there. That really pissed me off Raven." "I'm sorry! But everything is starting to crash down! I can't take it! I can't stop killing, Ren! There is something wrong with me! Now Gary found out and he'll never talk to me again! And now, both you and Caly are fucking pissed off at me! I can't stand being alone anymore! You know what I have to come home to every fucking day?! NOTHING! You have an actual home, and a FAMILY to come back to.... I haven't had that for a long time...." Raven's voice died off as she started to silently sob. Raven had had enough of this, she slammed down the phone before Ren could reply. She was shaking, hard. A foul taste came into her mouth, but she swollowed the vomit and dived onto the couch. A few tears twickled down her face, so she dug her face deeper into the couch and layed there in silence. OOC: AH! Me and FirePheonix posted at the same time... so I'll just edit a tad bit... edit edit edit...[/color][/size]
  15. [size=1][color=darkblue]Raven's eyes widened as Caly uttered those words. She had been talking to Ren, but that totally ripped her away from the party subject. "No way." Raven breathed, "Of all people, it had to be him..." "We told him to keep his mouth shut if he didn't want any... accidents..." Caly replied. Raven shook her head, glancing at Ren. "Sorry Ren, I'll talk to you about this at lunch, okay? .... I have to get to math too... lunch is after this period, right?" Raven said. "Yeah, lunch is after this period... we can finish our discussion then. Bye guys." Ren said, waving at them then checking his watch. Raven made her way down the hallway with Caly toward the math room. [I]This isn't good...[/I] Raven thought to herself. Her headache pounded harder in her head[/color][/size]
  16. [size=1][color=darkblue]Raven took out a blank peice of loose leaf paper. She started scoping out the answers to the text books questions. A few minutes passed and then somebody poked her gently on the shoulder. She looked over Ren, he was looking at her intently. "Erm, Raven, can I talk to you?" He whispered to her. She looked at the front of the room to make sure the teacher wasn't looking, she started whispering back when the teacher spoted them and gave them a glare. Raven raised her hand. "Yes Ms. Hexx?" The teacher called upon her. "May I use the rest room?" Raven asked. The teacher merely looked at her for a few seconds. "I suppose, don't take to long." He replied simply, writing out a pass for her. She slowly got up out of her seat, motioning for Ren to follow after she left. Raven walked up to the teachers desk, took the pass, and walked out of the room. She waited quietly for Ren outside the History classroom. After two minutes or so, Ren came out of the classroom, pass in hand. Raven leaned against a locker nearby. "So, what do you wish to talk about?" Raven asked calmly.[/color][/size]
  17. [size=1]OOC: WOAH WOAH WOAH!!! I think we need to slow down a tad bit. :sweat: Some of us are in two places at once! We need to sort this out a little bit... so, whoever posts next, please try to sort it out a little... thanks a ton. [/size]
  18. [size=1][color=darkblue]Raven ran down the empty hallway, her last class had been P.E., they had been running the two miles, she finished in a speedy score of 11 minutes and 37 seconds, after all, she had been a sprinter for track awhile ago. Raven had forgotten what her 2nd period class was since she had been out of school for two weeks due to... 'illness'. She suddenly remembered, HISTORY! "Dammit!" Shre cursed herself, she was 15 minutes late. Raven slammed the History door open, huffing, she gave the teacher a lame excuse, but he let her take her seat with a 15 minute detention after school. She scanned the seats and found Ren, she rushed over and sat down, copying down the assignment. She turned to Ren and gave him a small wave before she opened her book.[/size][/color]
  19. [size=1][color=darkblue]Raven woke up with a pounding headache. She knew it was a hang over, but she didn't remember practically [i]anything[/i] from last night beside the fact that she was at party. She slowly scanned over herself, there was dried blood caked onto her left arm. "Shit." She said thinking, [i]what happened?[/i] Raven looked at the clock by the couch, it was 6:00 Monday morning. Sighing, she heaved herself up off the couch and made her way to the bathroom. She looked in the mirror, there was a small streak of dried blood on her right cheek and large circles under her eyes(which was normal since she never got a lot of sleep), otherwise everything was fine. She took a quick shower to get the blood off. "What in the world happened last night? I don't remember anything..." Raven asked herself as she threw on a black fishnet longsleeve underneath the school uniform. She put on some rings, braclets, and earings to add her personality to her outfit. Raven took a few doughnuts out of the kitchen from the day before for a quick and easy breakfast. She had just gotten her big, black boots pulled on and her doughnuts eaten when the doorbell rang. "Be there in a sec!!" Raven yelled to the door as she grabbed her backpack. She ran through her living room to the door. She found Calypso leaning against the doorframe outside. "Hey buddy." Calypso greeted Raven. "Hi Twist." Raven replied, stepping out of the house onto the front step. Calypso looked Raven up and down. "Why do you always wear the school uniform?" She asked. "Because I'm going to school." Raven stated. "Yeah... so? No one else wears 'em." "Well... you know I don't have anything to wear anyway. I don't get the biggest paycheck in the world." "True. C'mon, let's go." Calypso said and dragged Raven down the sidewalk toward the school. *** "Hiya guys!" Calypso sang as her and Raven walked up to the three boys. They all waved at the two girls. "Wow, you got Raven to come today." Ren said. Raven gave him a scowl. "I told you, I hadn't been feeling well." She said in her defense. "Yeeettt, you went to the party last night." Andrea commented. Raven ignored this and sat down on the front steps by Rejinde. She looked down at her watch, fifteen minutes till first period. "You sure are quiet this morning." Rejinde observed. Raven raised her hands to her temples and started rubbing them. "I have a hangover headache." Raven replied closing her eyes. "Ahh." Raven nodded her head and opened her eyes. A boy was walking by the group, eating an apple. Raven got up and walked down the stairs to meet him. "Heeeyyyy Gar-yy!" Raven said cheerfully and put her arms around his neck from the back. He slightly blushed. "Uh - hi Raven." He replied and quickly walked away. Raven frowned. "Whatever happened with us and Gary?" She asked. "He got afriad of us." The other four said in unison. ---------------------------- Well, that's the first post! So, here we go![/color][/size]
  20. [size=1]Yay! Now we have all the people we need, I'll start this up when I get back from school tomorrow. Oh yeah, but the way, in some of the sign-ups, some of you guys kind of let on that your character knows who the Chaotic Club people are. That's not right, no one is school knows about them, unless they have made some sort of deal with the gang to keep secret or whatever. everyone just knows of five teenagers subbed as the Fearsome Five by the publc, okie dokie? Good, can't wait to start this up then.[/size]
  21. [size=1]This is story I had started writing over the summer. I had posted some of it on MyO a few months ago. I only have about four chapters of this written, but I'd like some feedback on it before I go on, so that would be great if you could give me some comments. The more comments, the more of thr story I will post. ^_^ --------------------------- [B]Chapter 1[/B] The bell rang. Someone slugged her on the arm, ?C?mon Leah, time to go.? Leah shook herself back to reality, Kevin was leaning on her desk, smiling. She gave him a small smile back, but was quick to grab her books and power walk out of the room. The hallways were quiet, only a few students still wandered about, these were the after school club-goers. Once Leah had reached her locker, she dialed the lock combination and threw it open. She took the books she needed one by one, then stuffed them in her bag. She stepped back and her locker door slammed shut. Leah dropped her bag in shock, then saw Kevin leaning against the neighboring locker. She sighed with relief as he bent over and picked up her bag. He lifted himself back up, his smooth hair brushed against her left, giving her a chill up her spine. Kevin casually handed the bag back to her. ?Uh... thanks. See you around I guess.? Leah stuttered as she kept her eyes away from his gaze. She quickly walked down the hall toward the door leading outside. ?Wait... Leah!? Kevin called after her. Leah ignored him and threw herself against the door. She fell out into the warmth of the spring afternoon. ?Hey, girl, what took ya so long?? Asked her best friend Christa, whom was sitting on the school?s cement stair side. The both snapped their heads to the door as Kevin stepped outside. He was staring at Leah. ?Ahhhh....? Christa said softly, her tone had a giddy feeling buried within it. Leah?s heart was racing, she didn?t want this to be happening. ?Leah... what?s the rush?? Kevin asked. Leah just looked at him with a ?deer in the headlights? look. A large lump formed in her throat. ?Look... just hear me out. All I wanted to do was ask if you wanted to go to see a movie tonight or something.? Christa gave Leah a side-ways glance with a small grin on her face. A cycle of ?no?s? were going through Leah?s brain. ?No...? Leah finally said in a quiet but hoarse voice. ?What?? Kevin asked, stepping forward. Leah backed away. ?No! Kevin! I?ve already said ?no? to you before. I thought you were ok with it! Please, no! I?m not interested! LEAVE ME ALONE! You hear me? LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!? Leah suddenly screeched. An ?o? formed on Christa?s lips and Kevin looked very taken aback. Leah saw the hurt in Kevin?s eyes, but she had told him before! Why couldn?t he get over it? ?Please... I?m not interested. So... stop pestering me.? Leah added in a whisper. Kevin hesitated for a moment but then nodded slowly. He walked down the stairs and as he passed her he muttered, ?Sorry, Leah...? Once Kevin was out of sight, Christa took charge of the situation, ?What the hell was that about?!? She pressed Leah. Leah just stared at the cement. Christa leapt off the stair siding and walked over to Leah. ?I?m serious, what was that about? I mean, I thought you and Kevin had something... going on.? Leah turned around, ?We are friends. That?s it. He wanted more, but I didn?t. Okay?? She said fiercely. ?Okay, okay. But that?s the point! You never want more! You have turned down every guy that has ever been interested in you! People think you are an ice queen.? Christa still pressed on. ?I don?t care what people think. Besides, I turn down guys because I?m not interested in them! Is that so wrong?? ?No... but what about Kevin?!? ?What about him??! I only like him as a friend and that is that. I don?t want to talk about this... I?m going home.? Leah stated and walked down the stairs toward the bike rack. As she was unlocking her bike, she heard footsteps heading her way. A hand landed on her shoulder gently. ?Leah...? Christa said softly. Leah ignored this gesture and hopped onto her bike. She peddled out of the school grounds, leaving Christa behind. As Leah neared her neighborhood, she spotted a small park. She often came to this park to think and be away from people since others were scarcely there. Leah walked her bike into the park, she let it rest against the brick wall surrounding the park. She walked over to the swing set and sat down on the middle swing carefully. She pushed off the ground so she swung a little while dragging her feet. Leah tilted her head to the sky and closed her eyes. Everything has become so hard lately, she thought, I just want to run away from this place and not have to deal with it anymore. Leah tilted her body back in the swing and opened her eyes. She watched the clouds slowly but swiftly go by. The clouds looked so airy and fluffy. Leah just wished she could grab one and hug the fluffiness. It would be even fluffier than cotton candy... She decided. Leah then tilted her head again so everything would appear upside-down . Once she had done this, she spotted something on the bench that was by the monkey bars. It was a person, she squinted, it was a man. He was looking directly at her. This spooked her so she sat up straight on the swing. The sky was getting darker, indicating that there was a storm on the way. Leah got off the swing, stretched, then retrieved her bike. Before she left the park, she flashed a quick glance at the man. He was still sitting on the bench, looking at her. He also appeared to have a small smile on his face. A chill ran down Leah?s spine and she felt a bead of sweat run down her temple. She got on her bike and peddled away from the park. As Leah turned into her driveway, she felt some water droplets splash against her exposed skin. -------------------------- Well, what do you think? I'll get more up when I can.[/size]
  22. [size=1]That's great guys! It sounds like people have been so prepared for this... like they made a character in waiting. ^_^ Anyway, since we now have all the members, we just need a few students. I've already gotten a request for a reserve on a teacher, so I think we are covered on teachers. So, once we get three students, we are ready to start this thing up![/size]
  23. [size=1][color=darkblue]Wow, three years have really gone by. It doesn't seem like it's been that long. I remember the day it happened very clearly, we were just sitting in our classroom, waiting for our next class to start, when the principal announced what was happening. Everyone freaked out and we just watched the news the rest of the day. It felt horrible. Watching the buildings crumble, the people, I couldn't belive it. But, yes, I do have to agree that it was a good wake-up call to a lot of people in America. But, yes, God bless all of those people who lost their lives.[/color][/size]
  24. [center][size=1][i]Raven grew bored with the book she had been reading so she looked up at her friends. Two of them were playing ping-pong, one was soaking in a comic book, while the other was sitting in a bean bag chair, staring at the ceiling. It was a Saturday night and they were just hanging out in Raven's lounge room. The group had always been a gang of pranksters, but alas, there were no good pranks and no one to play them on. "Who's bored." Raven spoke suddenly. Everyone raised their hands automatically. "Yep, I knew it..." She sighed and pondered over things. Then the twisted thought came into her head. She tried to shake it away... but it temped her to much and she finally gave into it. A small smile formed on her face. "Well... how about we have a little.... fun then?" Everyone gathered around Raven. Excited and hungery looks appeared on their faces while she unfolded the plan, like they had wanted to do this for a long time. "Then, it's settled." * * * * * * The group stationed themselves in the dark alley, waiting for something. They got ready for whatever was to make it's way down the path. Then they heard it, the faint, echoing footsteps. A person stepped into the dim light. A few murmers came from the group and someone whispered, "Not Sarina...." The girl, Sarina, squinted at the group to get a better look. "Oh, hey guys! What's up? Why did ya call me here?" Sarina asked cheerfully. No one answered. Raven took a step closer, something in her hand caught the light and glinted faintly. Sarina looked at Raven's hand, her eyes widened a little bit. "Raven, what's that?" Once again, no one answered, but Raven pulled the object into better view... a knife. "Guys? Wha--- ARGHH!" Sarina gasped and fell to the ground. Raven had lunged forward and striked her with the knife. Raven watched Sarina's body for a moment then said, "Finish her off guys." She watched while the others closed in on the body and started hacking and stabbing away. Once Sarina's figure finally stopped moving and breathing, Raven called them off. The body was so deformed it wasn't funny, but Raven didn't feel an ounce of guilt. She instructed the other to dump the body in a nearby dumpster. She looked back at the place where they killed Sarina, there was a huge blood puddle, some had already stained into the cement. She realized how much she loved the color of blood at that moment, such a deep, beautiful red. She thought about what just happened. "Our first killing, a thrill kill." She muttered and spat into the blood pool. "Let's get out of here."[/i] __________________________________________ Those five from then on became the Chaotic Club. That's what they named themselves, but people that heard of them just called them the Fearsome Five. The group hadn't intended to do anything of the sort again, it was only for fun and experiance that night, but they became hungery for more. They needed to see the blood-shed of others. They continued their reign at night, transforming from their daytime selves into the five Chaotic Club members at night. They killed, stole, and praked the many of city people, many of the people they made their victims were people they already knew. The five kids used to be fine, they hadn't thought twice about killing, normally. Sure, they had been known as a 'gang' at school, but only because of their close friendships. No one would even suspect them of such dastardly crimes. They were kids that all got average to good grades, normally got along with most people, and everyone liked to be around them. Sure, they had been a little gothic and rough, but that gave them the 'cool' effect. Now they continue to put up the act at school, fooling friends, foes,and teachers alike. So far they have been able to fool everyone, but reports and stories of the Fearsome Five were all over television, newspapers, and even the school buliten boards. Will these five keep up the act? Or will they break down with guilt and fear of being caught? Countless students are disappearing everyday, who will be able to figure out the mystery of the Fearsome Five? It's up to you to pull the actions of these five and their classmates, will they ever be caught, will they fight the addiction? _______________________________________[/center] [b]::Sign Ups::[/b] Note: I will need four other people to play members of the 'Chaotic Club', I'm already the leader Raven. I will also need some students and even a teacher if you want. I need at least three students. [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] (14-17 [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Role:[/b] (Member/student/teacher) [b]CodeName:[/b] (This is for members of the Chaotic Club only, the other members will be calling you this when doing their 'missions' or whatever you wish to call them) [b]Appearance:[/b] (What your character looks like, if you are a Chaotic Club member, include your night time outfit for killings and whatnot.) [b]Bio:[/b] (Characters History/Background.) [b]Personality:[/b] (How your character acts.) [b]Talents:[/b] (What you character is good at, this is mainly needed for Club members. Please limit yourself to about 3-4 things.) If you wish to make yourself have a special relation with another character, go ahead, more complicated and more relationships, the better. Remember, no God Moding, that's no fun. [b]----------------- My Sign-up -----------------[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Raven Hexx [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Role:[/b] Leader of Chaotic Club [b]CodeName:[/b] Rave [b]Appearance:[/b] See attachment. Day Time Clothes: The school uniform; plad black, blue, and purple skirt with a white blouse that has a blue collar. She normally wears black boots with the uniform and black bracelets. Night Time Clothes: Dark blue jeans, normally some black top, boots, and a black eye mask. [b]Bio:[/b] Raven grew up with her parents always fighting, her father walked out on her and her mother when she was seven years old. Raven had to grow up with her mother always coming home drunk and she was always out of work. Arven always had to find ways to get food and money for both her and her mother. At the age of twelve, Raven's mother brought home a strange man that she claimed to love. The man turned out to be very abusive. One day he threw Raven's mother down the stairs and she ended up getting paralized in the legs. Her mother is living at a treatment center now, leaving Raven alone. For the next four years Raven had to rough it and find a job while still managing to go to school. She had always been a depressed person and loved the color balck, so naturally she was considered a goth. She had never had a big time obsession with death untill that killing. [b]Personality:[/b] Raven is normally quiet and shut people out, but she is very open to her friends. She isn't a mean, cold person, but hates being around a lot of people. She is very protective of her friends and very independent. [b]Talents:[/b] Raven has always had street smarts, seeing to she had to be on the streets a lot. She is also a good student and never gets below a B- in anything. She also is very talented in self defense. Well, that's it! Now, get yourselves signed up!![/size]
  25. [size=1][color=darkblue]Kurumi looked outside the dusty window of the hut. It was raining again. She sighed. "I just... love the rain. Don't you guys?" Kurumi asked as she kept staring aout the window. "Sure, why not." Katana replied, poking the still unconcious Yuka with a stick. "It's funny to watch her sleep... Especially when you poke her right there... look what she does... look look!" Kurumi looked back at Katana whom was leaning over Yuka. Katana poked Yuka in the throat and a hand went up and tried to hit what was poking it. "I think she is just sleeping now. Lazy-ass. She should be concious now." Kurumi commented and got up to stretch. "I'm gonna go dance in the rain." Katana raised an eyebrow. "[I]Dance in the rain[/I]?" She asked. "Yup." "Cool." "Sure." "Go away, jesus christ Kurumi, if you're gonna do it, GO DO IT!" "Jeez. Calm down." Kurumi said and then stepped back outside into the rain. It felt nice against her warm face. Now that she thought about it, Kurumi didn't feel like dancing, so she just stood there and closed her eyes. Just as she was getting relaxed, she felt something thrash across her forehead, next thing she knew, soemthing was running down her face in a thin stream. She opened her eyes and felt what it was and looked at it in her hand. Blood. There was a fresh cut on her forehead, very clean cut. She looked around, nothing else seemed to be different, no one was there. Then she heard a faint whistle through the air and something pierced the back of her shoulder. "What the hell?" She said to herself as she felt the pain surge through her shoulder. Another dagger. "That was not but a mere warning child, I will be back for you... later." Came the voice. Kurumi reconized it... Sicarious. "Sicarious, show youself. Quit being such a wimp!" Kurumi yelled. A strong wind blew against her, there was no answer. "Goddammit, why do all villans have to be such dumbasses?"[/color][/size]
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