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Everything posted by Fyxe

  1. [size=1][color=darkblue]You know, there is a very simple solution to the problems you run into with things like Ebay... don't use it. If you're afraid of getting ripped off or whatnot, it's probably better to just go find it at a store and buy it. I've never had problems with Ebay simply because I don't use it. Sure, it's fun to look at the things they have on there occasionally, but I normally don't care to actually make a bid. You just have to realize that there are weirdos out there that just take the money and run. Or, there is always the fact that they don't give the thing to you in good condition, they may just make it all shiny and pretty for the picture or whatever. So, really, that's never been a big issue with me. But perhaps if you try contacting the seller and ask what's going on and if you've already tried that, well, to bad. And if you do end up getting it after a little persistance, then, yay.[/color][/size]
  2. Fyxe

    The LadyKillers

    [size=1][color=darkblue]Hmm, well I did want to see this movie. I knew it was going to be a must see just by the commercial. Looks like something I would enjoy. If it came out two days ago, then I should go rent it soon. I mean, from your posts, it makes me even more eager to see it. I may not be old enough to rent it, but I'll find a way, so, screw that. The Man can't keep me down. :P[/color][/size]
  3. [size=1][color=darkblue]As Kurumi dusted under a table, she let out a loud sneeze. "Dust sucks." "How do [i]you[/i] know?" Katana said with a smirk on her face. "Oh, shut up freeeeak!" Kurumi said and poked her hard with the broom handle. "Hey, don't be callin me the freak! I ain't the one who got high in our so called hot spring." Katana replied, making a face. "What? What are you talking about?" Kurumi asked with a confused look on her face. "Nevermind...." Katana murmered as she pushed some more dust out of the door to the hut. *** "Phew! We are finally done!" Kurumi said as she threw the old broom out of the door. "Let's burn the brooms!" Katana yelled, as she to sighed of releif and threw her broom down. "Sure." "YAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!!" Kurumi sighed and leaned against the old, run-down table that was in the hut while she watched Katana bound out of the hut and bounce around the front yard. *[i]CRRRRAAAAAAAACCCKKK!!!![/i]* "YYYYAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" Kurumi cried out as the table cracked in half and she fell to the floor, hitting her bottom hard on the table peices. Kurumi blinked in suprise as she looked around, trying to gather what had happened. "What happened?!" Yuka burst through the door, Amaya and Katana in close persue. Once Yuka saw the sene though, she imediatly burst out laughing. "AND I THOUGHT [i]KATANA[/i] WAS FAT!" Yuka screeched in laughter, pointing at Kurumi. "Fatty fatty, fa-aty! Fatty fatty, fa-ty!" She soon started to chant. Kurumi grew hot with humiliation and anger, she grabbed one of the table legs without thinking and struck Yuka across the head with it. A large bump formed on Yuka's head as she fell forward, unconcious. "Well.... I guess it will be quiet around here for a little bit..." Amaya said, sweatdropping.[/color][/size]
  4. [size=1][color=darkblue]Though I've already stated that I don't care for clowns myself, I do agree with lava lamp that hating clowns is somewhat a trend. I've seen it happen myself, someone will say they don't like clowns, then other people say it too.... you never really know who is telling the truth or not. Me, I only have a dislike of circus clowns. But really, we shouldn't make fun or torment those who have ended up being a clown for the rest of their lives. Think about it, on the inside, those circus clowns are just depressed and misunderstood, and we all know what that normally leads to... drugs. I know I would if I got stuck with a job like that. >> Anyway, on the case of other clowns or types of clowns, I don't mind mimes, but I [i]love[/i] class clowns. I mean, honestly, who doesn't? There is a lot of sexyness under that classic grin that every class clown owns. ;) Those are the only kind of clowns, other than sarcastic clownies, that I like. Big clap for them. Yaaayyy... yeah... I'm done now....[/color][/size]
  5. [size=1][color=darkblue]Clowns scare me, I scare clowns. If you ask me, clowns are down right dangerous. I mean think about it, behind all that funky make-up and funny clothes, there could be a murder mastermind. Do you really want your children playing with [i]that[/i]? I wouldn't. So, keep your neighborhood safe, report any wild clowns on the loose. - Very wise words to those of us who think clowns are friendly. You know, that could start up a whole new generation of burning people at the stake, but instead of witches, it would be clowns.... You know, I'll let all of you ponder that, cuz I'm going to go eat a cookie instead.[/color][/size]
  6. [quote name='Turdle']The ragdoll thing reminds me of Sally from the Nightmare before Christmas, lol.[/quote] [size=1][color=darkblue]I was just thinking the same exact thing. Heh, once it loaded my mind just thought SALLY! Anyway, I really like this one. I would also love to read the poem that goes along with her. Your proportions are indeed getting better, to me, her body looks almost perfect. I love the clothes and the way you have stitches all over her, definatly the ragdoll feeling. And, jeez, I can't stop looking at her hair! >.< It's so cool. Lol. And, of course, you have your bunny in there. ;) I love this stuff, keep it comin chaosfaerie! ::Lix:: (And thank you, it [i]is[/i] and interesting name, lol.)[/color][/size]
  7. [size=1][color=darkblue]Hello again. ^_^ Picture 1: I really like this design, it has a somewhat evil/chaotic aura about it while still having a sence of innocence if that makes any sence at all. :sweat: But this design is very clever having the base as a heart with the spiny wings sprouting out of the sides. And that thing on top, a halo, correct? To me it looks like a thorned halo, I don't know if that was the perpose, but that's what I get out of it. Picture 2: GHETTO BUNNY! That's so awsome. I really like this one as well, I love her face! She is rather beautiful and has also has that cute quality about her. Her eyes, her hair-very shiney-, her nose, her outfit, I'm lovin it Chaosfearie. ^_^ I think I just like the concept of a Ghetto Bunny in gerneral, lol. The only thing that bothers me is her arm that bends, it seems a little to small, that's all. You must have a thing for bunnies, eh? Anyway, once again, nice work! ^.^ ::Lix::[/color][/size]
  8. [size=1][color=darkblue]It seems I have never made a thread for my actual art in which comes from my drawing skills. I'll warn you now, I'm not the best in the world. ^^;; But I am looking for some coments on my drawings. The one I'm going to start off today is probably one of my favorite pictures I've ever drawn. I think his chin is waaaayyyy to pointy though. >.< Anyway, I drew this when I was just sitting in my room, I started it off just like any other boy and blah blah blah. Another thing I like about it is that for once it kind of has a normal shaped head, yay! Well, comments I very welcome! And here you go.[/color][/size]
  9. [size=1][color=darkblue]Kurumi sunk deeper into the hot water as Yuka and Katana joined Amaya and herself. Kurumi suddenly laughed for no apparent reason. "What?" Yuka asked, "Yeah, I know, it's fat, but come on! It's just Katana!" After Yuka said that, Katana smacked her in the side of the head. "No, it's just..... I feel so hhhiiiiggghhhh...." Kurumi replied in a dreamy voice, her eyes looked slightly glazed over. "I thought you were always high." Yuka commented. Katana snorted. "Naw, the fumes are just getting to her." Amaya said looking at Kurumi, whom had sunk further into the water, her mouth just barely over the surface. "What fumes?" Katana ask. "This is just a friggin pond that has been heated up... or whatever..." she said in a mater-of-factly tone. "I remember seeing her act like this in school too... after she gets tired out she acts all funny like this and ends up falling asleep." Yuka said poking the inside of Kurumi's ear with a stick. "WhoOoOoOooo...." Kurumi said in a daze, grabbing hold of Yuka and splating something on her face. "Haha... sticky note!" Kurumi laughed as she let go of the squirming Yuka. "What the hell--- THIS IS FUCKING MUD YOU MORON!" Yuka screamed at Kurumi and dunked her head under the water. "Hey, hey! Cut it out you guys!" Amaya said nerviously while Katana laughed freely in the background. Once Amaya pushed Yuka away from Kurumi, Kurumi popped her head back up out of the water as if nothing had happened. "What happened to the boys?" She asked normally, the dreamy tone no longer hanging onto her voice and the glazed look gone from her eyes. All the other girls sweatdropped while Kurumi looked around confused. "D-do you remember.... [i]anything[/i] that just happened?" Katana asked Kurumi. "What?"[/color][/size]
  10. [size=1][color=darkblue]Badjesus, [i]please[/i] continue with your little conversation with Syk via PM, it gets annoying to see people post so much when not even commenting on the art. Plus I would say that could insult the artist by any means. Anyway, very nice work you have here chaosfaerie! (I almost want to call you Amaya! >.
  11. [QUOTE=Inuyasha7271] One thing I also have noticed is most girls like guys who are jerks and put down others, but when act like a nice guy you are ignored.[/QUOTE] [size=1][color=darkblue]Wow, where did you get that? Talk about shallow. >.< Then again... some girls... are like that I suppose. Can't say I'm catagorized with them though. Haha, I definatly don't ignore nice boys. ^_~ Ahem, anyway... Yeah, I think you should just tell the girl you care for how you feel. If you're close friends with her, nothing should change, even if she doesn't feel the same way. Girls normally like to know when a guy has feelings for them, I sure would if it was me. The funny thing is, both genders like the opposite sex to make the first move, and that proves a tad bit difficult. So I think you should go for it! ^_^[/color][/size]
  12. [size=1][color=darkblue]Kurumi looked at the cat she had nabbed from the tree and a toothy smile spread across her face. "Pet the kitty, pet the kitty, pet the kitty...." Kurumi said as she stroked the cat, whom was struggling hard to get out of her grasp. Kurumi walked back over to the dojo and slipped into her room. She finally let go of the cat and removed her uniform. "So dirty... oh well, I'll get Kenshin to wash that up later. So much for my nap too... I heard the cat from all the way across the grounds... can't resist such a fluffy thing...." After she dressed back into her normal clothes, she stepped back out of the room. As soon as she stepped back out, Amaya ran straight into Kurumi. "Argh!" Amaya said in shock. "Oh! Kurumi, I'm sorry! I was just coming to tell you about something." "Yeah?" Kurumi said sternly as she rubbed her head. "Well, I was just suggesting that we go to a hot springs! You in?" "Sure... why not." "Great! Let's go ask everyone else." Amaya said happily as she made her way back down that hall. Kurumi followed her down the hall. "Erm... what's Kit doing?" Kurumi asked as they entered the front room of the dojo, the front door had been left open and Kit had returned to dragging the statues around. "Umm... I -er-don't know..." Amaya replied nerviously. "Yeah you do." Kurumi said automatically. "Errr..." "Does it have to do with me and Kaz?" Kurumi asked as if reading her mind. "Umm... yeah..." Amaya whispered. "What [i]is[/i] going on between you two anyway?" "What? Don't you know?" Kurumi said suddenly. "Well, me and Kaz have been together since we left here last time! Didn't we tell you guys that? I swore we did...." Amaya sweatdropped and fell over. "I hope Kit doesn't do anything to rash then...." Amaya replied. "Let him do as he wishes... I don't care." Kurumi said and walked off.[/color][/size]
  13. [size=1][color=darkblue]Hmm... I guess I have some more yet. - Go outside and sing " The Hills Are Alive With the Sound of Music" and see how many people yell at you to shut up. - Sitting on a rock in a creek and trying to kill Dameselflies by splashing them. - Walking to Dairy Queen at 10 o' clock at night. - Getting in those little battery cars for kids and use them for bumper-cars. - Having pointless conversations with friends on messenger, example: having letter wars... you keep pressing a letter then sending it and see who can do it the longest. - Watch people -- They do funny stuff. - Go into chatrooms and mess with people/say funny stuff to them/ make them think you are insane... whatever... That's all I got for now.[/color][/size]
  14. [size=1][color=darkblue]C'mon guys! Keep gooooing! Whatever happened to everyone posting like mad? ^^;; I tried to contact Wasabi(Yuka) but I don't know if she got my messege. NOO! ------------------------ Kurumi walked into the room that her, Yuka, and Katana shared. She walked over to the box that had her uniform in it and took it out. She looked over it and said to herself, "I'd better try this out..." Once she had slipped it one and tied everything that needed to be done, Kurumi stepped out of her room and ran into Kaoru. "Hey, not bad!" Kaoru said cheerfully. "The only reason you are complimenting me is because you are glad I have a job..." Kurumi muttered. "Well... that too.... but seriously! You look great!" Kaoru smiled and walked off. "Whatever." Kurumi grumbled once Kaoru was out of sight and she stepped back into her room and took the uniform back off. "At least it fits good." Kurumi sighed and layed down on her pile of blankets. [i]I'm so tired... I think I'll just take a nap...[/i] She thought sleepily and dozed off. ------------------------- Yeah, it's short, but I don't have much to type for now. You guys gotta post more if I'm going to write longer posts myself![/color][/size]
  15. [size=1][color=darkblue]Yeah, I guess the issue is that most people who are always on the internet either have nothing better to do or they don't have any friends, or even both. I find it sad that people think the internet and the people on it is just a big game. Treating people the way they do online sometimes. I guess another big issue is that people that have a bad offline life can just be who ever they want on the internet, it's a new start to them, some way to start off the way they want. The whole anti-social thing, I guess that is true and a big effect on certain people after being introduced to the internet. I don't think I've ever experienced someone locking themselves in their house for a long time and just cutting off all contacts and friends besides those online. I'm sure it's happening somewhere, but doing that is definatly saying you have a problem. Along with the language problem, yes, people tend to have awful grammar. Although not many people have perfect spelling, most of the stuff I see on the internet is just rediculus. I know I don't spell everything right, but it's better than me typing like this: WhoA! dAs Ist TOtaLyy WHaCkness. And I know people who type like that. My impression for people doing that is because they don't want to feel like they are at school or at work and have to have everything perfect. It's also because we are all so lazy, no question about that. I think that the internet is causing the whole anti-social thing with a lot of people, but I would say it really depends on your personality and your life itself.[/color][/size]
  16. [size=1][color=darkblue]I really like your sig and avi RFG, DNAngel, correct? Anyway, it looks very clean and the colors go really well together. I love the background with the faded grid along with the design. The only problem I have with this banner is the font, I don't know, but I just don't think it suits the banner. I also like the avi for the same qualities and it matches the banner. It was also kept nice and simple. This set is very nice. 9/10 ^_^[/color][/size]
  17. [size=1][color=darkblue]Well, I'll tell you one thing, it doesn't seem like I've been here for more that a year. One day I found TheOtaku, I started out mostly just being in the chatroom(wow, those days were great, no?). After time I looked at the Boards, I just thought what the heck and joined. I've been here ever since. ^_^ But what I love about the OB is that you can always find something you are interested in and communicate with people through these threads. I just loved that atmosphere here along with the many people I have met. The OB is truely like no other dicustion forum I've been to. I may not post a ton, but that's okay, I still visit almost everyday to see how people are doing and what kind of threads there are. I've become most active in the RPG forum lately, it's a great way to goof around or be as serious as you want. If you would think that I'm serious normally, you should go look at some of the RPG's I'm in... :sweat: But it's all good fun! I just don't think I will be able to pull away from the Otaku Boards for at least another year, I always atomatically come here everytime I get on the computer. Hey, what can I say, being here is addictive. I've also become a real active MyO user, I'm probly more active there posting wise than here anyway. I can definatly say that the OB has made me act more mature as the days counted on. I look back at my old posts and think, 'I actually typed that? O.O'. I know that I started out pretty badly, but my experience here has helped a lot. Besides, it's not like we have anything better to do on the internet, eh? Us crazy otaku.[/color][/size]
  18. [size=1][color=darkblue]Kurumi walked into the kitchen and looked around for some spare food, she was hungery after all since the whole Kit incident. Karou walked in a few minutes later and caught Kurumi by the sleeve. "Hey! You don't eat anymore than what we feed you, got it? Food costs MONEY! Go get a job or something if your that hungery!" She said firmly to Kurumi as she pushed her out of the kitchen. Kurumi stood outside the kitchen door for a few minutes then suddenly clenched her fists. "FINE! Maybe I [b]will[/b] go get a job!" Kurumi huffed and stomped away from the dojo. "Yeah, I can do this! I don't need Karou's friggin support! I [b]will[/b] earn my own money. I'll show them..." Kurumi muttered after she had lost sight of the dojo. "Hmph." She marched into town looking around for wanted signs in all of the shops. After a few hours, beginning to look rediculus, Kurumi lost hope. She punched a wall. "Dammit!" She finally said. Then she spotted an Inn about half the street away and she saw, quite clearly in the window.... a 'Help Needed' sign. [i]Oh no, oh no... wait.... OH YES![/i] Kurumi suddenly thought, [i]A JOB![/i] She hurried giddily over and headed into the Inn. *** "Oh! Miss Kurumi, you are back! We were beginning to worry where you had wandered off to, that we were." Kenshin greeted her as she stepped back into the dojo about half an hour later. Someone snorted at the other end of the room. "Not likely." Kit said quietly. "WHAT WAS THAT?!" Kurumi said feriously. "N-n-nothing, Kurumi! I swear to god, it was nothing." Kit quickly sputtered. "That's what I thought!" Kurumi replied sternly. "Anyway, guess what? I got a job!" Kurumi said ecxitedly as she held up a box. She pulled a black and white uniform out of the box she was holding. "I'm a maid at the Inn!" "Your not serious!" Kit said with a discusted look on his face. Yuka and Katana started laughing from across the room. Kurumi punched the three of them in the back of their heads. "Shut up! And of course I'm serious!" Kurumi said angrily. "Well, that's great that you found work!" Amaya spoke up cheerfully. "Yeah, and this uniform looks great... can't wait to see it on you!" Kaz said happily squeezing Kurumi on the shoulder. This caused her to blush. "Hey, at least I'm not the only one working now!" Yuki joined in. "Yeah, but i can't see Kurumi [i]cleaning[/i] she's so [i]lazy[/i]..." Yahiko commented. "Hey! If I need to, I work hard!" Kurumi shot back, her temple throbing. "I think it's time to start making something to eat." Kenshin said, sweatdropping, trying to break the tension between everyone.[/color][/size]
  19. [size=1][color=darkblue]Kurumi grabbed a part of Kit's rope as he yelled after Kenshin. "C'mon." She said as she dragged him into the next room. Yuka and Katana followed them in as well. Kit looked at the three fearfully. "Rape! R-RHAPE!" Kit screamed as they got closer. "Calm down! We are just gonna re-bandage you!" Kurumi replied. "Exactly!" Kit said. Kaz popped into the room and looked around. "I had wondered where you guys were!" Kaz exclaimed as he sat down. "Perfect timing, Kaz, we need you to pin him down while we re-bandage him!" Katana told Kaz cheerfully. Kaz hoisted himself back up and made his way over. "Alrighty then!" He said happily and flipped Kit onto the ground, by this time Kit was rivers of tears were pouring down his face. Kaz sat on Kit's legs and held his shoulders down. Yuka, Katana, and Kurumi tore off the ropes and started putting fresh bandages on Kit's damaged back. "TA DA!!!" The three girls said together as they finished. Kaz got up and left, Kit close behind, shooting terrified looks at the three girls as he hurried off. As soon as the boys were gone, they burst out laughing.[/color][/size]
  20. [size=1][color=darkblue]Kurumi lied lazily on a tree branch outside the dojo, on the verge of sleeping. [I]It's such a nice afternoon... slight breeze and just the right temperature....[/i] Kurumi thought to herself, but her thoughts were suddenly interupted by Kit's voice. [i]Amaya... such a tight ass...[/i] "WAHH!" Kurumi let out suddenly as she fell off the tree branch. Once she hit the ground, she looked around for the source of Kit's voice. Once she realized she had only heard his thoughts, she muttered 'weirdo' and got back up. She stormed back to the dojo, angery that someone's [i]thoughts[/i] interupted her almost nap. She snapped open the door and marched in with a ferious look on her face. As she passed Kit she muttered, "Tight ass, huh?" Kit looked at her with wide eyes as his face turned a deep crimson. "Why did you of all people have to hear that?!" Kit shot at her. "Because I have the interesting channels implanted in my head..... how am I supposed to know, moron?" Kurumi shot back sarcastically. "Someone's moody today." Kaz said from the other side of the room. Kurumi just gave him a sour look. "I'm sorry, did that mean old Kit do something to you again?" He replied to the look and walked over to her, arms outstreached. Kurumi let herself be embraced, digging her head into his chest. "I didn't do anything! She just heard one of my thoughts about---- .... she just heard one of my thoughts and now she is pissed off for who knows what." Kit yelled in his defense. "Maybe is was [i]what[/i] you thought that made her angery, Kit." Katana pointed out. "Why would she care! It had nothing to do with her!" Kit said, but he realized that was the wrong thing to say because everyone surrounding him closed in. "So, what [i]did[/i] you think?" Katana asked with an evil grin on her face. "N-Nothing of your concern!" Kit stammered, his face still burning. He was soon chased out of the room. "So, what did he do to you?" Kaz asked Kurumi once they were alone. "Well, I was just about to fall asleep on the tree outside.... since I didn't get much sleep last night.... and Kit's thoughts invaded my head and I fell out of the tree!" Kurumi explained angrily. "Ooohh.... my poor little Kurumi. I'll just have to deal with him later then." Kaz said smiling. "Sooo.... what was he thinking?" Kurumi smirked to this. "He was just thinking about Amaya's ass." She replied as Kaz started laughing. "Want to go see if they can get that out of him?" He asked, pointing to the next room where a lot a screams and crashes were taking place. "Sure." She replied as they headed into the next room.[/color][/size]
  21. [size=1][color=darkblue]I'm not sure about this one. Normally I prefer to be alone since I'm mostly anti-social. Normally people don't like being around me anyway because I'm so sarcastic. I make more enemies than friends, so, I don't do well with people anyway. I think I could live on an island by myself for at least half a year or so before I would long for a companion. Even a animal would keep me normal in that situation. If there were a few animals on the island that I could get to trust me... perhaps I would be fine. But I wouldn't know unless it actually happened. *shrugs* [/color][/size]
  22. [size=1][color=darkblue]Sorry I haven't been able to post, I just got home yesterday.... so.... I'm back! ^_^ Now lets keep this train going. --------------------------- Kurumi watched with interest as Kit carved the statue out of the piece earth he had conjured from the ground. As soon as it was completed, she started laughing. Kit stood there with a look of thought spread across his face. A smirk flashed across Kurumi's face as she summoned a small dark orb in her right palm. She quickly threw it at his back and--- "FFFFFFFF******KKKKKKK!!!!!!" Kit screeched. He turned around to see who had attacked him and started toward Kurumi, whom was looking around innocently and faintly whistling. As Kit got closer, Kurumi said, " Awfully nice day, isn't it?" But then ran in the other direction, Kit sprinting to keep up with her. He finally was able to snatch part of her hair and yanked so she would stop. "Owwwww!!! Stop it!" Kurumi said playfully, not sounding hurt at all. Kit kicked her to the ground and put his knee into her back while still yanking on her hair. "MERCY MERCY MERCY!!!!!!" Kurumi started screaming, but with a hint of amusement and laughter in her voice. "That really hurt Kurumi!!!" Kit growled into her ear. "Jeez, who knew you were so [i]violent[/i]. I was only playing around buddy." Kurumi said, still not taking the situation seriously. "Does it look like I'm having a good time?! I mean, we are 'just playing around'. Correct?" "Errrrr......... Actually you look like you are having a good time.... but that's just my opinion so----" This only caused Kit to dig his knee in more. "ARGH!" "Now, now, children! Honestly, you should calm down!" There had been a sudden poof and Kaz was standing besides them. "And you, I think you would know better. I mean, [i]pulling a girls hair to pin her down[/i]! Tut tut tut." Kaz said rounding on Kit. Kit quickly let go of Kurumi's hair but still kept his knee to her back. Kaz rolled his eyes and pushed Kit off of Kurumi and helped her up. "Bye bye!" Kurumi said, waving to Kit as Kurumi and Kaz poofed out of sight. Kit sweatdropped and fell over due to the pain on his back. *** "How is Kit's back?" Kurumi asked coming into the room where they were treating the wound on Kit's back. Megumi looked up. "He should be fine... [i]if he quits whining[/i]." Megumi said crossly looking over at Kit whom was laying on a blanket with Amaya sitting by him. "Do you have the bandages?" Megumi asked looking back up at Kurumi. "Yeah, here you go." Kurumi replied and handed the bandages to Megumi. Megumi got up and went over to Kit. "Lift up your shirt." She instructed. Kit did as he was told. Kurumi got a glimps of a huge dark red mark on his back that was starting to turn a dark purple. It looked as if the strongest person on earth went up to his and just smacked him in the back. Kurumi grimanced and left. --------------------------------- Wow, that gets confusing with all the K names. XD Sorry Kit, had to hurt someone. :P Where's Yuka? *scratches head*[/color][/size]
  23. [size=1][color=darkblue]And it's back. Let's just hope everyone else shows up.... ------------------ Kurumi helped herself to more rice as she watched the fight between Yuka and Yahiko raged on. *BANG!* "And he's down!" Kit nararated. Yuka stood victorious ontop of Yahiko's back with a huge smirk on her face. She dug her heels into his back and then stomped on his head while marching back to the table. Kurumi couldn't help but smile at her. Kurumi looked back down at her rice that she was holding, which made her think of a picture she had drawn a few days before the camping trip. The picture had been of a huge sumo with tiny little arms and legs sticking out at a weird angle. She had drawn him engulfing a huge bowl of rice. "Got Sumo?" Kurumi blurted out. Just about everyone turned and looked at her in a weird way, but Kaz snorted into his tea and spilled it all over himself. "Slick move." Kurumi muttered, handing him a cloth. He grabbed it and started moping the tea of his lap and face. "Hey! It was your fault, if you hadn't said that---" Kaz started. "You were the one drinking the tea." Kurumi stated simply, "I didn't [I]make[/I] you do it." Kaz opened his mouth but then closed it. Instead of coming up with a snappy come-back, he shoved her into Kenshin. "Gah!" Kurumi said as she collided with Kenshin's side. Bumping into him caused Kenshin to spill some hot water he had been picking up into Kaoru's lap. "OOOOOUUUCCCCHHHH!!!!!!" Kaoru screamed as she jumped up and ran out of the room. Kaz chuckled slightly but Kurumi quickly shoved him back. Kaz threw the tea-soaked cloth right into Kurumi's face as defense. Kurumi dived at Kaz and hoisted herself onto his back and kicked him in the kidney area. "Ride horesy, RIDE!!!!" Kurumi yelled as Kaz started running around the room trying to fling her off. Seizing the moment of chaos, Yuka took out her squeaky hammer and started bashing everyone in the head. Kenshin had gotten up and was trying to calm everyone down. Kaz had finally resorted to trying to tickle Kurumi to get her off, which just led her into a fit of giggles. He tripped over Yuki, whom was huddled on the floor, and fell face forward into a wall. Despite the huge lump on his forehead, Kaz fell over and started laughing. Kurumi had finally let go and was sprawled on the floor next to Kaz, also laughing. After about five minutes, Kenshin had accomplished getting everyone calmed down. Kaoru then walked back in to the room after recovering from the hot water. The room was a wreck, a hole in the wall, food all over the table and floor, things had fallen everywhere, and mostly everyone was nursing wounds from Yuka while Kaz and Kurumi were still spread across the floor. "Did I miss anything?" Kaoru asked in a puzzled voice. "Well... that was interesting." Sano said after a few seconds of silence. -------------------- Haha, wow, that was weirder than I planned it to be. Anyway, it's great to be back! ^_^[/color][/size]
  24. [size=1][color=darkblue]I only know limited things. Japanese is not a language selection you have in our schools, however I intend to take it in college. I have been able to pick up a few things from anime, manga, and of course online Japanese dictionaries. I mostly only know how to swear though. Oh how accomplished I feel. >>[/color][/size]
  25. [QUOTE=G/S/B Master][COLOR=gray][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=1]This is not a confession, this is a poll that coudl be added to be Anime lounge, but it would be closed anyway for spam -_-. If you anything to confess, JUST SAY IT[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=darkblue]I think the point of the title of this thread was to get people to look at it. But anyway... kazuki, you should really take a look at the rules, I've seen a lot of your threads and they are very spammy. I understand you are new, but that doesn't really give you an excuse. So, please look through the rules and I advise you shape up a little. Welcome to the OB.[/color][/size]
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