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Everything posted by Fyxe
[size=1][color=darkblue]*stares at all the wonderful artwork before her eyes* This is amazing stuff Uzumaki. I don't understand how you can get away with being so good. >.< I'm lovin this new stuff, you are really improving. I'll tell ya, I like everything I see. Keep up this great work and I can't wait to see more art from you! ^_^ Hmm, if only I could have your talents... *looks around then eats him* Oh... well... I guess that solves it... ^^;; Anyway, nice job![/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Thaaaaat's kinda scary. I haven't seen into it or anything... but a show that is based off an anime and comes back as a show with real people and all? That is normally bound not to work. I think Sailor Moon is an ok anime, but it's not one of my favorites and it just kind of scares me that they are making it as a real life show. That plain out just doesn't spark my interest and sends off a red light of horrible cheesey-ness in my brain. *shudders*[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]I would be Claire. Isn't that just grand. I've actually been mistaken to be named Glen once though, whatever fits your fancy I guess. But I truely DO prefer Glen. Yes indeed. :P[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Crushes, oh yes. I've had one online, one off. Trust me, the one that was in my life off the internet made my whole year a living hell. Then I found out the wonderful thing! He felt the same way about me! Well, we so called got together... we occasionaly went to a movie... there was always a lot of akward silence between us... and we broke up about a week ago! Whoo! I feel special. Hey, there were the good times before things got weird between us to remember. The crush I had online, happened right here at the OB! ^_^ Those were truely great times. We both kind of confessed our feelings to each other and then decided to have an online relationship. Things were going wonderful, but then his IM thing messed up and he couldn't use MSN Messenger anymore. We kinda got out of contact and a few weeks ago I found him again! Now he has moved on and has a girlfriend, which I think is great. But, hey, we are still good friends! *huggles Assassin* Thanks for the great times, buddy, I solute you! ^_^ Well, my experience with love has been sort of bittersweet, but then again, that is life for you and I still have the rest of my life ahead of me... I'm sure there is someone out there for me, but hey, I can't expect to much now and I don't need to... I am only a teenager after all.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Wow, Shippo, these are really good. I've always found it hard to take my eyes off your banners, especially your backgrounds, which have always been magnificent. I am really taking a liking to that Riku one and your other blue one. I can't say anyting apart from the fact that these are wonderful. Keep up the great work. ^_^[/color][/size]
[quote name='TOTALIMMORTAL']Despite all the animes I've seen I still think the worst anime couple is Vegeta and Bulma. You never see the love, and the two are complete opposites with nothing at all in common. I'm not complaining though because if it wasn't for them then there would be no Trunks and he's the coolest DBZ character.......[/quote] [size=1][color=darkblue]Yeah, I never really got how Vegeta and Bulma came to be together. All the sudden it was just like "Yeah... I had a baby with Vegeta" and it was just weird. I know that you don't have to have much in common with the person you love and stuff, but I could just never see them together. They always seemed to be fighting about something and their 'getting together' was rather sudden. >> I'd say it confused me...[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]I still don't know what will happen in my future and I still have a while before I need to really worry about college and my life afterwards. I do know what I am interested in and good at. I will probably pursue a career in the arts of some type, such as writing, drawing, acting and even web design/graphics. As for me still being here at the OB and having the time for it... I am not sure. After a few years I will move on, no longer be with the OB. But I am sure that younger generations will continue to flood in to keep the OB prosperous. These are merly thoughts, I have no idea what the future holds for me... nor does anybody.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Hmm... there are a few couples I've never liked. Inuyasha and Kagome - I'll never like them as a couple, it's always been Inuyasha and Kikyo together for me. I just don't think Kagome and Inuyasha go good together. I mean, they are always pissed off at each other and me hating Kagome makes a big difference in the way I look at the two of them together. Inuyasha and Kikyo just had better connections, understood each other better and they hardly fought. In understand that Kikyo is dead and only keeping a body by using other people's souls, but still, why Kagome? You would think that Inuyasha would hate people like Kagome, especially since Kikyo and Kagome are totally different. Akito and Fuka (Kodocha) - Even though that relationship didn't last that long, I still hated them as a couple.[spoiler] Just because Fuka felt sorry for Akito because they thought Sana was going out with Nao, she didn't have to go and ask him out! I mean, jeez, she didn't even like him. And I also don't underand why he said 'yes', I know he felt lonley, but his feelings for Sana were still very strong.[/spoiler] I also hate Fuka, so, that kind of also makes a difference why I don't like them together. You just can't beat Akito and Sana together, but I hate the fact that Fuka tried to stand in their way. Ginta and Arimi (Marmalade Boy) - I don't know why, just them together really irritates me. I really liked the pairing of Ginta and Miki, even though I love Miki and Yuu together. I think either one is great. But I just don't like Arimi with Ginta. I can't explain why I don't like them together, I just think Arimi would be better off with someone else.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]I feel like I've answered to a thread like this recently... hmm *shrugs* You guys haven't even brought up the worst. The most annoying anime character haunts my dreams and I will forever hate her, no matter what. Kagome. Even her name has a hint of her attitude, I don't know why, but I highly dislike the name along with her in general. Kagome is always so happy go lucky, but also wrapped up in so much angst. Honestly, it annoys me to death. If someone was around me that was [i]that[/i] happy, I'd slap them, well, mostly her. She will be so nice and happy, then all of a sudden she pissed of for no good reason. I also can't stand how the fact that she is getting between Inuyasha and Kikyo. She knows they still have lingering feelings for each other, so I think she should honestly back off. Another thing is that the dubbed voice is so annoying! I really can't stand her voice. >.< It makes me want to stick my brother's dirty gym socks in her mouth. Doesn't the person that plays Kagome's voice the same as the one girl in Hamptaro? And they are exactly the same tone and everything, I think it sounds better as a kid's voice, not some 15 year olds. I coukd rant all day about how annoying Kagome is and how much I hate her, but I'm sure you don't want to read all of it. [quote][b]Originally posted by Chibi Devil Me[/b] [b][i]Tea/Anzu from Yu-Gi-Oh:[/i][/b] Come on, people. You know all those talks about friendship get annoying some where at sometime! Seriously! And when she cheers- It's like she's the caption of the most preppy cheerleadring squad!! [/quote] I quite agree. I would occasionally watch an episode of Yu-Gi-Oh and whenever she came on, I knew something along the lines of that would happen. She gets to worked up way to easily, like crying for no reason(well, I wouldn't cry for those reason, I don't think the world would... >>). And, yes, her little 'friendship talks' get annoying rather easily. The first time she did these things, I laughed, later on I just turned off the tv and went to do something better.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]I have two words for you: Power Rangers. How can you grow up without loving the Power Rangers, honestly? I think my favorite Ranger was the Yellow Ranger. She was awsome. I actually don't remember to much about it except the fact that I thought it was the most awsome thing ever. I always played Power Rangers in my baby siters back yard with her son and their neighbor, we were some crazy kids. (I actually think once when we were playing back there I ran into the teeter-toter, had a [I]huge[/i] bump on my head... ^^;; heh heh...) I also watched the Dave Letterman show. Now, I'm sure you weren't expecting that, now were you? I always would stay up late at night to watch it, I thought it was funny. I also enjoyed Woody the Woodpecker. That was one kick-*** cartoon. That crazy bird. I can still do a good immitation of his laugh/weird sound thingy he does. My mom used to be able to do that to, maybe it runs in the family. >>;;[/color][/size]
[QUOTE=Chibi Devil Me] [U][I][B]Chibi-Usa/Rini from Sailor Moon[/B][/I][/U]: Usagi has blonde hair and blue eyes. Mamoru has black hair and blue eyes. Chibi-Usa has PINK hair and RED eyes. Anybody see something wrong with that? I SURE DO!! [/QUOTE] [size=1][color=darkblue] I know that answer, she is possessed, easy enough. *clears thoat* Anyway, I agree with Kent, it's just drawings...anime kids and their parents don't necessarily have to look the same. Even so, I think in most animes, they don't need to make much of an effort to make them look the same. Perhaps they make some of them different looking from their parents because they wish to give that certain character more of a custom feel to go with their personality. I haven't really noticed that many anime kids look different from their parents, though I have never really brought up this topic in my head. [QUOTE=Chibi Devil Me] [U][I][B]Trunks from DBZ:[/B][/I][/U] To the fact that I love Trunks with all my heart, I'm not going to bash him at all! I'm just curious to know why his hair is lavender but neither Bulma nor Vegeta have lavender hair? Weird...[/QUOTE] I also have a comment for that: The mix of the black hair and aqua/bluish hair genes could easily combine into the result of lavender hair. That is just my reasoning. *shrugs*[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Aeomni watched the fight between Samantha and Phelan. Once it was over, Phelan dragged Samantha out of the ring. The announcer shouted, "Aeomni Iadow and Chet Sorra!" Aeomni felt a chill go down her spine, but she quickly got up and walked onto the arena. Chet was about a foot taller than her, he didn't really look like the fighting type, but he must have had some good skills to be in the tournament. The announcer yeled, "Fight!!" and stepped to the side. Chet raced toward her, she jumped and did a handstand type movement on Chet's shoulders and then she kicked off from his back. He slammed into the arena floor. He quickly got up and dived for her leg. He pulled her to the floor but Aeomni lifted him up with her powers and slammed him against the floor again as she got back up. This irritated him and he charged full on again. This time he smashed his fist into the arena floor and part of it melted under her feet. Aeomni was stuck in the sticky mess. She pulled and pulled to try and get free, but she remained stuck. Chet smirked and her squirms and took advantage of the moment, he pulled out a short sword and charged at her. She ducked and avoided the blade. She rammed her shoulder into his gut and he gasped. She then used her powers to jerk the sword out of his hand. The sword was thrown out of the arena. Aeomni then grabbed Chet's hair and placed one hand on his head. She used Energy Drain to take some of his energy so she could pull herself free. He took hold of her neck and pulled on it. She yelled as her eyes glowed a bluish white and used Float to het out of the melted arena floor. After her legs were no longer stuck, she lifted them and wrapped them around Chet's neck and head. She grabbed his arm around her neck and threw him to the floor again. She landed a round house kick to his head. She took out one of her daggers and hit his head with the hilt of it, he was out like a light with large bumps all over his head. "CHET SEEMS TO BE KOED! AEOMNI WINS!" The announcer yells. If the cround was chanting her name, she couldn't hear it, she just went and sat down next the Clou again. Many of the fighters were looking at her with awe.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]OOC: Uh, sorry Undefeated, but none of the people in this RPG will be dieing unless they want to be killed off. So, the rules aren't changed. All of the other contestants beside ourselves may die. But the rules are still quite the same: The person must be unconcious for at least a minute or they must be down for twenty counts. Not everything will be to the death. IC: Aeomni watched the fight between Ross and St. Pierre go on. With a final strike, Ross one... leaving St. Pierre dead. "I think he went a little overboard... death? He only had to be down for twenty counts..." Aeomni whispered to Clou. Clou nodded and stared at Ross. Aeomni felt someone looking at her, she turned around to see Matt giving her a sideward glance but he quickly looked away when she returned the glance. [i]Matt... so this is where you have been...[/i] Aeomni thought to herself. She then remembered when she had seen him come into the lounging area. The look they had exchanged. She could tell he was suprised, but she was suprised to find him here as well. A new fight had begun, two people she didn't know. The announcer had said their names were Bain and Felix. They must have been from other villages. The guy named Bain was probably around 19, he was tall with very tan skin. He had a dark feeling to him with his black eyes and muscular arms. Felix on the other hand was a small, skinny fellow. She could have guessed he was around 13 or 14. His agility was great, he had climate like abilities. Bain had no special powers that Aeomni could see accept for great force, a brute. The boy Felix easily won the battle, leaving Bain in a raggedy mess, many of his bones were broken and he was out like a light. Aeomni knew she too would need to fight soon, but she waited patiently and calmly as she watched others fight before her.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Hey, I haven't had a banner thread for awhile... so here we go. A lot of this stuff is from awhile ago, probably from around Spring Break to now. Most of these look fairly simple, but depending on the banner I probably did more than you may expect. I hope you enjoy them, I have quite a few to show. So, C&C would be much appreciated. ^^ 1. [IMG]http://img58.photobucket.com/albums/v177/ShadowFox71/Conna_Banner.jpg[/IMG] This is my current banner, I had fun making this one. 2. [IMG]http://img58.photobucket.com/albums/v177/ShadowFox71/Tifa_Banner.jpg[/IMG] 3. [IMG]http://img58.photobucket.com/albums/v177/ShadowFox71/Wolfs_Rain_banner.jpg[/IMG] I just had to do a wolf's Rain banner, I probably made this the day after I saw the first episode. 4. [IMG]http://img58.photobucket.com/albums/v177/ShadowFox71/Nights_Embrace.jpg[/IMG] 5. [IMG]http://img58.photobucket.com/albums/v177/ShadowFox71/breath_of_heart_banner.jpg[/IMG] 6. [IMG]http://img58.photobucket.com/albums/v177/ShadowFox71/Cowboy_Bebop.jpg[/IMG] I just loved that picture with Ed and Ein, plus I had never actually made a Cowboy Bebop banner, so here it is. 7. [IMG]http://img58.photobucket.com/albums/v177/ShadowFox71/Melody_of_Nothing.jpg[/IMG] 8. [IMG]http://img58.photobucket.com/albums/v177/ShadowFox71/Now_until_the_break_of_day.jpg[/IMG] This one was pretty simple, I just did a lot of fading and tinting.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Yes, good old Daft Punk. How many of you remember them? I remember when I was watching some of their music videos a few years ago on Midnight Run on Cartoon Network. I loved the videos with the little blue people and all. Untill just about six months ago I had no idea who the band was. I actually forgot who I did obtain the band name actually. Anyway... Probably my favorite songs are One More Time(how can you dislike that one?), Aerodynamic, Something About Us and so many others. I have just downloaded tons of their songs off the internet... I practically downloaded the whole album 'Discovery'. It's great. I just love their techno-y, dance music style. Does anyone else like Daft Punk and care to share your thoughts?[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Welcome to the OB! ^_^ Those forum areas are archives and you can't post in them anymore aka, they are no longer active. They are there for viweing perposes only now. If you wish to start a Digimon thread, please do so in the Anime Lounge. If you have anymore questions, you can PM me or post your questions in the Suggestions and Feedback forum. Hope that helps, and I hope you have a nice stay at the OtakuBoards. ^^ --Conna--[/color][/size]
Gaming What was the first game console you ever used?
Fyxe replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in Noosphere
[size=1][color=darkblue]In my younger years, we had no gaming consoles. When my mother started dating my step father, we used to come over here all the time on the weekends. Well, my step brothers had a Super Nintendo. I thought it was the greatest thing ever and I'm pretty sure my first games were the good old Mario, Donkey Kong, and Zelda games. I don't really remember what I played first since I was six. About a year or so later they got a Playstation. I remember playing Destruction Derby, Spiro, 40 Winks, and all those kind of games.... OH and of course Croc, now that was a pimpin game... that was actually the first video game I had ever recieved, so it was EXTRA special.[/color][/size] -
[size=1][color=darkblue]Hmm, have you found the anchor trinket and given it back to the captain? If you just answer that, I can help you further... but that's all I can think of at the moment, because if you have, I suggest you talk to everyone on the ship and go everywhere untill you find what you need to do. Talking to people and mind read really comes in handy when you don't know what to do.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Aeomni left the comfort of the friendly young man and was escorted into the castle by a guard. The guard briskly walked down the hall and gave instructions to Aeomni at the same time, "The tournament with start in four hours. You are to stay in lounging area untill it starts." He finished as she was pushed into a large room. After she was shoved into the room, he slammed the door quickly and she heard his footsteps fade into the distance. A few people stood in the room. Probably from other villages or perhaps even from the city she guessed. Aeomni looked around the room an tried to find a place to sit or stand. Only one other woman stood in the room, whom Aeomni didn't know. The woman had a lot of muscle, the woman glanced at Aeomni then lost interest and went back to staring out the window. Other than the woman, a few men were scattered across the room. Many stared at here, she felt uncomfortable and took a chair by a window in the corner. How was she supposed to just sit here for four hours? She looked around for familiar faces but failed to find anyone she knew. She sighed and continued to stare out the window. [i]Please... please let there be others I know in this tournament. At least Clou will be here...[/i] Aeomni thought as she continued to keep her gaze away from the other fighters.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Aeomni walked on the dirt road toward the Dark Lord's city, she kept her eyes on the large castle that loomed over it. Even through the think trees you could see fine detail of the castle. It was magnificent. Aeomni ajusted her long blade spear along with her small pack and started jogging. When Aeomni reached a river that was about four miles from the city, she stopped to rest. She drank handfuls of the ice cold, clear, glittering water. It felt wonderful in her dry mouth and even better when it seeped down her throat. The way she had been carrying her belongings was rather uncomfortable, so she tied her pack onto her blade spear and held it over her shoulder. Then she realized there was no way to cross the river that she could see. Aeomni then concentrated her power and floated quickly over the river. She landed on the other side and then continued to walk. About an hour later, she reached the city. Aeomni felt so small compared to the enormous city gate and walls. He heart skipped a beat as she made her way into town. Everything was so much larger, cleaner. People on the streets looked relatively happier. A spark of anger went off in Aeomni's head, it wasn't fair, the people who lived here got so much more. The Dark Lord had it all. So why did so many people have to suffer? [i]This is why I need to win the tournament.[/i] Thought Aeomni, [i] To set things right...[/i] She entered a large Inn. People were scattered here and there. They all looked like they were having a great time, dining, drinking, and talking about a great variety of things. She felt so out of place. Aeomni still went up to the Inn keeper as the counter. "May I help you miss?" he asked politely. The man didn't look to much older than her, probably in his late teens, early 20's. He had a mane of thick dark hair that couldn't seem to keep in one place and beautiful thick, chocolate eyes. "Uhmm.... I am here for the tournament..." Aeomni said quietly. The young man gave her a warm smile, she could feel her cheeks getting hotter and hotter by the second. "A lovely young lady as yourself? My, you must be very strong to be hand picked by the Dark Lord. I'm sure you will do well in any case. Now... what is your name?" He asked looking down at a piece of paper on his counter. "I'm... my name is Aeomni." She said boldly. "Ah, yes! I have heard of you. You are expected in the castle. I will escort you if you like." He said warmly. "Yes, that would be very nice." Aeomni said gratefully. "Right then, I'll be with you in a moment... I have to go tell the others I will be gone for a little bit, go ahead and take a seat while you are waiting." He said as he walked into a back room. Aeomni nodded and sat in a chair nearby. She waited patiently as she looked around the Inn. There was a kitchen right by the back room, the door was open so you could see the cooks scurrying around, clanging pots and pans and mixing, stirring, and flipping various foods. The people that were downstairs in the eating and lounging area were talking, eating, reading, playing, and quariling. It was interesting to watch such happy people with all this energy. The boy came back out of the back room and lead her out of the busy Inn. "Whew, it's so busy here since the tournament is right around the corner. Oh well, customers mean money!" He said happily as he navigated through the crouded streets. "Are people here always this happy and carefree?" Aeomni asked in an unsure voice. "Of course!" He said cheerfully, "Why do you ask?" "It's just that... where I come from, everyone is always working. They are always tired, there is no time for fun. Everyday is a nightmare." Aeomni said sadly. The boy looked at her with sad eyes. "I forgot that not all towns and cities are like ours. I'm sorry." He said in a sader tone. "Don't be." "I wish the Dark Lord would share our fourtune. But he is but a greedy man, only giving to those he feels like... well, he we are... The Dark Lord's Castle." He announced as the approched yet another huge gate. Aeomni gulped. "Here it goes..." She whispered.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]I, actually, just started watching it last night. When I saw the comercials for it, it didn't look very appealing to me. Really, it looked like a dud. Once I actually saw it, I changed my mind completely. Now I can't wait to see the next episode, which just happens to be in an hour. I rather like the art style they use for it, interesting. I also noticed it didn't fail in humor, kind of gave me the same feel that I get from Yu Yu Hakusho. All I can really do is compliment this show, really.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]As Aeomni countered the last tree's attack, she concentraited her powers and the tree went hurtling in the air, then crashed to the ground. She wiped the little sweat on her forehead away. She then looked to Clou and smiled. "That was great, thanks." Aeomni said warmly. Clou nodded. "No prob." Clou said simply, "It's late. I'll let you go, I'll take care of this mess." Clous said and gave Aeomni a little wave. Aeomni gave her a small departing solute and raced back home. Days passed as Aeomni trained for the tournament. Two days before the tournament she decided to head toward the city. She gathered a few things in a small pack and rounded up her family to anounce her leaving. After talking with her family, she finally gave them all good-bye kisses and hugs. Worry still hung on her father and older brothers' faces. Her younger brothers clung to her, but encoraged her... at least they had great faith in her. Aeomni finally walked outside and turned her back to her small home. She gave them a wave, but while still facing away from her home and them. She couldn't look at them, she had to stay strong. So she set off.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Ah, yes, this one again.... If I would consider anyone to be a worthy anime boyfriend for me... that person would definatly be Akito Hayama from Kodocha. Reasons you ask? Simple really... Akito is a quiet fellow, but is strange and funny. That being how I am most of the time. He also isn't afriad to protect the people he cares about, and he sure does have some mad skill to have the upper hand with that. He also is caring, even though he doesn't always show it. And he isn't afriad of puplic display of effection! Heh, normally that isn't well... normal. He may be a bit of a pervert, but I'm sure that could be straightened out. That would probably be the anime character I would love the most to have. Can't beat the Akitoness. --Conna--[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]After Aeomni and her family had eaten, she confronted them about the tournament. When her father saw the letter, his eyes filled with sorrow. "I cannot allow my only daughter to meet the same fate as your dear mother." He said with pain in his voice. "Father... I don't have much of a choice! I now I can win this! Please!" Aeomni protested. "But... if you don't win, you will die." "No! I've known people that have been in the tournament before. You know them too! The person just has to be down or unconcious for15 counts!" Aeomni continued to beg. "Please... we need this..." Her father couldn't argue with her. He hesitated but finally nodded. "Thanks you father! I won't let you down, I promise." She hugged him and then kissed him on the cheek gently. "I need to train now..." She whispered as she cleaned up the table. "We'll help!" Aeomni's eleven year old twin brothers happily exclaimed. They jumped out of their chairs and started cleaning up the kitchen. Her two oldest brothers also stood up. "And we will help you train." They said together. Aeomni smiled and nodded. The three of them headed outside and went to their abandoned field. One of them blind folded her and she heard something coming toward her. She stopped it in air with her powers and threw it to her right. Her brothers continued throwing objects at her as she was blind folded, the objects got bigger and bigger, making it harder each time to stop them. They gave her a series of these tests, her passing all of them. With a huff, they unblind folded her and let her train on her own. "Thanks a ton guys." Aeomni said gratefully. They just waved at her and headed back to the forge. It had gotten late. The sun was setting, a blood-red, bright pink, deep purple, and golden yellow spilt across the sky. Aeomni sighed and headed toward the small forest located about half a mile away from their house. She was going to polish up her hand to hand combat skills. Something crossed her mind while she walked to the small forest... [i]Matt... I never found out what happened to him. Is it possible for someone to just... disappear? I hope he's ok.[/i] Aeomni thought as she walked under the first of the trees.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Aeomni looked across the deserted field from the roof of her house. She remembered when they had plenty of things growing there. The Dark Lord had taken it all away... along with her mother's life. Ever since her mother's death, they hadn't bothered to go on farming and gardening. Their main job was at the forge. Her family was only able to survive by selling their weapons and various trinkets. Aeomni then stood up and jumped into a nearby tree branch and slid down the tree trunk to the ground. Her family was working in the forge today, she was on cooking duty today. "I'm sure a nice potato soup and some bread would taste great for supper tonight." Aeomni said cheerfully to herself as she walked toward the small market in the small village. As she walked up to the little food stand, a short and slightly large woman greeted her with a smile. Aeomni always thought it was amazing that no matter how dreadful things get, many people manage to stay friendly and polite, not showing much fear and going on with their lives. Aeomni envied these people of Chanta, even though people always considered her to be one of those type. She selected a loaf of bread and a sack of potatoes and dug for money in her pocket. "One piqe please." The woman said with a warm smile. Aeomni handed over the money and turned for home. Aeomni heard a few shrill cries come from the east of her when she took a few steps away from the food stand. A black cloaked rider on a black horse galloped through the small market right toward her. She just stood there as the rider stopped in front of her. She looked up into the dark face of the rider. The rider held out a small parsle and Aeomni carefully took it. As soon as it was in her hands, the rider sped off, in the direction of the Dark Lord's city. She watched after him, as did other villagers. The villagers then looked at her, their faces held mixed feelings, but then they turned away. Aeomni looked down at the letter, it had the Dark Lord's seal. She slowly turned it around in wonder, then stuck it under her belt and quickly walked home. As Aeomni stirred the soup, she remembered the letter. She looked down. Sure enough, it was still tucked under her belt. She grabbed it and slipped the letter out of the envelope. Aeomni wasn't sure why she had gotten a letter from the [i]Dark Lord[/i] and she wasn't sure if she wanted to know. She drew a deep breath and looked at it. In a fancy script it read: [i]Congradulations, you have been hand chosen by The Dark Lord to be in The Titan Tournament. The winners will be given a nice house in the Dark Lord's city, more freedom for you and your family along with the prize money which is 100,000 piqe. Losers that survive will go home with nothing and the rest shall die. You will either participate in the tournament or you and your village/family will suffer. The tournament is held exactly a week from now. We will see you there and best of luck.[/i] A lump formed in Aeomni's throat. It was either a do or die choice. That meant she had no choice. She only had a week to prepare and travel to the Dark Lord's city. She was reluctent, but she knew what had to be done. ------------------------------------ Well, there is the first post. Have fun people![/color][/size]