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Everything posted by Fyxe
[size=1][color=darkblue]Well, I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to start this train up! I think nine people is enough, but I'll keep sign-ups open untill 3:00 p.m. today. So you guys that still want to join know the deadline. This'll be fun, guys. So, after I end sign-ups, I'll start the RPG. See ya then! ^_^ ________________ That's it then! The sign-ups are officially closed. I think I'll be on my merry little way and start this thing up![/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Great so far guys! I think I'll wait a few days before I start this up, I still hope to get more people to join. ^^ And Marcus_Beuford, that's fine. It's actually great if there are more side plots/relationships, it makes the RPG all the more interesting.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue][i]The planet Earth had fallen into the hands of one ruler, The Dark Lord. The Dark Lord had wiped out about half the planet and kept the remaining people as slaves. These people were forced into building The Dark Lord's vast empire. No one was safe, happy, nor able to feed themselves. The Dark Lord's emipire consisted of a large city in which he lived in his marvelous castle. The people who lived in this city were treated a bit better, having more than one small market, being able to keep half of their crops, and having better homes. However, the people that lived in small villages in the outskirts of The Dark Lord's city lived horrible lives. They had to slave over everything. They grew their crops, made their weapons and tools, made their clothing, and did their best to keep up with their animals. But, The Dark Lord took everything away as soon as they had produced enough of whatever they had slaved over endlessly. The people in those villages would be able to save enough to keep themselves alive, but nothing more. Now, The Dark Lord would throw a tournament each year. It was a tournament that had mostly teenagers fighting for better lives. He did not allow anyone past 21 to enter. The Dark Lord would hand pick many teenagers that he thought were worthy to be in the tournament. Many of these teenagers had special powers even, it was common in certain villages like Konhom and Chanta. The one teenager that won would win it all. A life, with his/her family, in the Dark Lord's city, 100,000 piqe(Pronounced 'pike' and is worth $10,000), and all of the privilages that the people in the city get. This was quite a prize to any teenager, so each year they would train so they would stand out in the crowd, being more likly to be picked. Those that have natural supernatural powers are already sticking out of the crowd like a sour thumb to The Dark Lord. So, hang on tight, this is one crazy and gorey tournament... it is to the death. It is up to your character if you wish to stick with the other teenagers you know so well in the tournament, or if you turn your back on them for the prize... after all, they don't know it's a fight to the death... yet. There will be more drama and violence not just from the tournament, good friends will feud, romance will rise, and not everyone will be as friendly as they appear... Welcome to The Titan Tournament.[/i] ____________________________________________________________________ Sign Ups: Name: Age: (must be from 13-21) Gender: What village you come from: (Can be either Konhom or Chanta) Abilities/Special Powers: (This is for special powers like examples: Fire Powers, Morphing powers, Flying Powers, Weather Conroling Powers... all that good stuff.) Weapon: (You can have a max of 2) Appearance: (Pictures are fine, but if you don't have a picture please have a very descriptive explanation.) Bio: (Just a little history about your person.) Personality: (How your person reacts with other/how they normally act.) ____________________________________________________________________ My Sign-Ups: Name: Aeomni Iadow (a omi i a doe) Age: 15 Gender: Female Village: Chanta Special Powers: Aeomni has the power to lift things with her mind, float, mind read, drain power from a person, and corrupt one's mind(this can either knock them out, act like they no longer have a soul, or they go insane) this normally only lasts for about half an hour. She also has a sheild, but this lasts depending on how much strength she has. Power Drain and Mind Corruption take a lot of power, so she rarely uses them. Please have reasonable powers and if you have some powerful attacks, please limit them amount your person can use. Weapon: Aeomni has a long blade spear and a dagger. (dagger is in the picture) Appearance: See Attachment Bio: Aeomni has lived her whole life in Chanta under the rule of The Dark Lord. Everyday could be called a nightmare. She has lived with her father and her six brothers, her mother was killed by one of The Dark Lord's soldiers because she refused to give them their family's hard work. Aeomni is the only person in her family with strange powers and her father has always feared that she will be in The Titans Tournament. Aeomni's mother used to have powers much like her own, but she had not mastered them enough to protect herself. Ever since her mother died, Aeomni has worked hard to master her powers and trained herself for anything. She also works in the forge with her father and her brothers along with juggling housework and training into her days schedual. She had learned to use weapons from her father and she made a long blade spear along with a dagger for herself. Aeomni lives a normal life in Chanta, doing the chores and work needed, but ready to avenge her dear mother when she can. Personality: Aeomni is very kind, but can be very stuborn. She is a very independent girl and won't back down from a challenge. She is brave and strong willed. Adventurous and sweet, how can you not like her? Well, there it is! Phew, I hope this RPG is successful. ^_^[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]That's pretty cool Baron. I like the font you used, nice feeling to it. I really like what you did along the outside. I love the all together element of it. Once again, nice work.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Ah, yes, this thread is for me. I am a simple minded person that finds many things amusing. 1. Sitting back in a chair, head toward the ceiling, blowing a tissue off and on your face. Now that's amusing. 2. Taking a rubber band or two and making a little song by plucking them. 3. Staring at my wall, finding various things in the designs. 4. Walking in the rain. 5. Watching lightning. 6. Blowing bubbles in my drinks. 7. Poking squishy stuff. 8. Watching the badger song/video for three hours straight. 9. Drawing odd shaped then making demented things out of them. 10. Using gloves to make a bunny. There are tons more. I do stupid stuff all the time, it amuses me. I'm done for now though.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Although we have had many pets, we now only own two cats. Chester and Lucas. Both very different in personality. Chester: Now, Chester, is a very... large... cat. I do believe his current weight is about 30 pounds. He is about 6 years old, not the friendliest cat to live. He tends to be very grouchy, but loving when he thinks it's appropriate. He is black and white. Currently he is at the vet... poor kitty... he is sick and is being hospitalised. It's not the first time he's been sick, he used to have a bladder problem, which led to him thinking that he was to good to use the litter box. You see, he is an indoor cat, so it doesn't help us any. He likes to take dumps at the front door best, so now our house smells like cat crap. I lve him anyway... cool cat he is. ^.^ Lucas: I just got Lucas last year. He is a tanish orange color with white stripes. He is very skinny, active, and bubbley. He is very affectionate as well. I don't have that much to say about him besides that fat that he is so cool. I love to watch them fight over cat nip and get high off of it. Lol. That's why I call them the 'Drug Wars'. It pretty funny to watch them fight as well. Lucas does a little boomerange routine while Chester just sits in the middle of the floor and watches Lucas and bats at him occasionaly. There are my pets. ^_^[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]I'm not to sure about this one. 'The Village' may go either way, but from the previews it seems like on of those 'scary movies' that makes me laugh the whole way through. I mean, the trailer made me laugh plenty... because of the music in most cases. Ok, the plot? There are these creatures that live in the woods apparently and the villagers are freaked out by these things. The creatures appeal to me and all, but it kind of lets on that the movie will be cheesey. I can't quite say the way it will turn out, I am at a 50-50 thing with it. Some of the elements of the movie, sure, appeal to me, while others not as much. I guess we'll just have to see about this one.[/color][/size]
Anime Which ANime Character do you dislike/ Like the Least
Fyxe replied to Chocobo Gene's topic in Otaku Central
[size=1][color=darkblue]An anime character that I have never come to like would be, Kagome. She is just about the only anime character I have ever really disliked and so highly at that matter. I hate her always cheerful, peppy ways. She makes me want to be sick sometimes. Besides, if she wants to do something about Kikyo and Inuyasha, why doesn't she jusy do something? Even though I would not approve of that kind of action, it only seems reasonable. She always seems lost in her own affairs, never really thinking to many things through. I just can't find anything I like about her. Another reason why I do not really care for Kagome is that always seems to want to have everything her way. I could understand why, but, honestly, others have their needs and feelings as well. I mean, with the whole Kikyo and Inuyasha thing, it would be nice if she simply left them alone. I cannot see Inuyasha and Kagome being a great couple either. I have always thought Kikyo to be my favorite character. I find it odd that, being an incarnation and all, you would think that they would be fairly similar. So, easily, Kagome would be my least favorite anime character with her dense, happy, and angsty ways.[/color][/size] -
[size=1][color=darkblue]Cyd grabbed a little lazer she found in her boot. She examined the door to the jail cell room. She carelessly pointed it at the lock and pressed the button. It imediatly melted and she kicked open the door. Aki jumped onto her shoulder as she left the jail room. Cyd looked down the hall, no sign of any Fed's. "Idiots." She mumbled and searched the ceiling for video cameras, she only found one that was about seven or so feet away. Cyd tried to plan something out for her excape. She looked at the lights and a grin flickered onto her face. Cyd suddenly jumped, starteling Aki, who was hanging on for dear life. When she was high enough, she punched out the light. The darkness washed over her and the whole hallway. The Fed's had obviously seen this swift act on the camera, for the warning alarms rang through the whole ship. As soon as Cyd heard footsteps coming in her direction, she felt for the wall and kicked of the wall. She luckly managed to grab ahold of the hallway lamp bars. She pulled up her legs and wrapped them around the bar and started to pull herself along the ceiling like a sloth. As soon as the footsteps passed beneath her, she paused, holding her breath. There were a few voices and then a ray of light cut through the darkness. They were a few feet away, Cyd started pulling herself away again. She watched them wave the light around and it finally rested upon the ceiling, exposing her. She cursed and jumped down. They started running at her, but she just ran away from them, down the dark hallway. She only had one goal on her mind... getting away.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Cyd blinked and then flung her head back a laughed. "Ah, she called me fat... I see she hasn't changed much from the last time I had spoken to her, still a little smart ***." She said looking at the cell wall. Cyd looked around boredly, looking for weak spots in the bars and walls. "Hmmm...." She got up from the cot and placed Aki where she had been sitting. Cyd carefully knocked on each bar softly, not finding a single flaw. "Hn, they got smarter since the last time I had been captured..." She mumbled to herself. "Heh, well, I guess I'll have to do it the harder way." Cyd pulled at one bar, but backed away as she got a slight shock. [i]So they installed some new gadgets to their little jail collection, hmm, I think I've seen these before....[/i] Cyd thought as she looked the bars over. Cyd then grabbed Aki and threw him hard at the bars. In self-defense, Aki transformed into a rather larger version. He easily knocked over the bars he was chucked at and the electric forcefield only made his hair poof up. "Ah yes, very good." Cyd said as Aki went back to his normal size and she picked him up. "Now, what shall be our next move? I believe the Princess may like another chat." She said as she grinned. Cyd then headed briskly for the door.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Cyd looked up as she heard someone enter the cell room. She smirked when she saw who it was. Princess Karen and the Fed lady. "So, you came to see me?" Cyd asked levely, looking at Aki who had settled himself in her lap. "Yes." Karen said independantly, gazing at Cyd. Cyd looked up and met her eyes. "I see." The Fed had stepped off to the side, but was keeping a close watch. "So, Princess... what ever [i]did[/i] happen to your ship? A youngen, an important one at that, shouldn't be fooling around in the middle of space, where who knows what kind of pirates could have found you? Your lucky [i]I[/i] was one of the pirates that just happened to hear your distress call. I'm sure any other would have torn you [i] limb[/i] from [i]limb[/i]. But, not I, for you are worth something to me my dear Princess." Cyd said, playing carefully at her words, but grinning when she saw the look on the Princess's face. Karen's face had changed to many different expressions during Cyd's little lecture. But the final result was a rather hard expression. "It is none of your buisness [i]why[/i] I was out there, even though you already know the answer. You are working for my uncle no doubt. Plus, I know that you cannot do anything to me, for if you did, my uncle would kill you in an instant... wouldn't he?" Karen stated. "[i]Really[/i] I could do [i]anything[/i] I wanted to do to you, as long as I don't kill you. I was strictly ordered to bring you back [b]alive[/b], not [i]unharmed[/i]. I believe he would like to do that himself..." Cyd said with a smirk. "But, you shouldn't worry about that for awhile. I won't do anything to you... yet, my dear Princess."[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]I have another banner, this one inspired by Duo and her anime. ^_^ Seeing to we have a sister-like relationship, we have made up our own little thing. The Sista-Hood. So, we planned to have a matching banner and I am posting the result. The two characters in the banner are best friends from the anime Stelliva of the Universe. The brown haired girl represents Duo and the red haired girl represents me. I hope you enjoy our 'Sista-Hood' banner. ^^[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]This, sadly, will be my last post. But it has to end sometime. Anyway, after this post, I'm outty. It's been great guys. _______________________________ Kurumi checked her pockets again, still, not finding anything. [i]Damn...[/i] She looked at everyone else. She frowned, "Well, I guess we'll meet back here in a few hours. We shouldn't come back right after school though, It'll be packed if we do." Kurumi said. They all nodded in agreement. Kurumi smiled at everyone and waved. "Bye guys! See ya in a few hours!" she yelled to them as she started walking away. Someone grabbed her hand first, Kaz. He smiled and hugged her, she smiled back and pushed away. "Anyway, I'm outty. But, I can't go home, mom'll kill me if she finds out I'm skippin. I think I'm gonna go to the mall and get a bite to eat. Anyone with me?" Kurumi said, but didn't wait for an answer. She started to walk in the direction of the mall, "I'll just leave you guys behind if your slow." She yealled behind her shoulder while smirking.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Kurumi opened her eyes, still embracing Kaz. He gave her a little sqeeze and then they parted. She looked up at him and he looked down apon her. She smiled quickly at him and then looked at the sun set again. "Thanks. Thanks for bringing me up here." Kurumi said happily as she looked dreamily into the sky. "Anytime..." Kaz said softly, gazing at her. Kurumi turned back to him. "So, you think it's about time to get back to the others?" Kurumi said kind of sadly, she was hoping he would say no. Kaz studied her for a minute and then looked directly into her eyes. "No, not yet." He whispered. She smiled slightly, glad to hear that answer. He paused a minute and there was a short silence between them. Kurumi's heart pumped a little faster as they just gazed into each others eyes. Finally Kaz made the first move, he gently placed his hands on her shoulders and he pulled her closer. He moved his head forward, they both closed their eyes. Then it happened, Kaz placed a soft kiss on her lips. They both slightly blushed. They parted and opened their eyes. "Not bad, huh?" Kaz asked with a grin on his face. Kurumi just laughed. "Nope, not to shabby." She replied. They both smiled and he put his arm around her. "[i]Now[/i] I think we can go back." Kaz said. They took one last look at the sunset and they poofed off. --------------------------------- It was bound to happen! And it finally did! Whoo! ^_^[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Really, I don't find myself paying that much to keep myself looking good. The only make up that I will wear is lip gloss and eye shadow, and I hardly even wear that stuff. Since my hair is fairly short, I don't have to do much with it. I get my hair cut maybe twice a year which comes to a normal total of about $10. I also like to put a little hair gel in my hair from time to time to give it a little more volume etc. But normally I hardly ever even have to brush it. > Sometimes I may wear red, blue, or black nail polish, but that is hardly ever. And we all know that stuff doesn't cost much. When it comes to clothes and accesories, I probably pay from about $40-$70 for that stuff. I hardly ever go shopping for new clothes though, except for new jeans. I normally like to buy/wear big shirts that I can wear for awhile. I don't really pay that much for that kinda stuff, cuz I don't really care. --Conna--[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Kurumi looked around, her eyes gleaming. It took her a few seconds to soak in the amazing view from atop the castle. "Kaz..." She just barely managed to let out. He smiled at her. The view was magnificent, the light from the setting sun spilt out across the sky in a wonderful arragement of colors. The sun left an orange neon like glow on the castle and they sat right on top of the roof, in the soft breeze, taking it all in. "What do you think?" Kaz asked her, even though he already knew the answer. "It-- it's beautiful!" Kurumi exclaimed, acting as if she just got back to reality. She looked at him smiling. "It's amazing!" "I'm glad you like it." Kaz replied, smiling back at her. Kurumi couldn't keep it back any longer, she finally threw her arms around him. Kaz blushed, but slowly put his arms around her as well. ---------------------------- Aw, so sweet. ^_^[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Very well done Haze! ^_^ I love them both, they look very spiffy. For the first one: I really like this one, nice colors and image. They all blend rather nicely if you ask me. But the image is a bit blurry and pixely in some areas, that kind of bothered me. I love what text you used for this one as well, nice free and loopy feeling. ^^ All together, it is very nice, I don't really see anything I can complain on. ^_~ I don't really know what to say other than great work! Now for teh second one: I really like that background. I'd say this is the spiffiest outta the two. I like the funky text as well. The image is very clear too. But I must agree with Baron Samedi, those diagonal lines aren't looking the greatest. >.< I can never seem to get them looking nice either, but I don't think many people can. Anyway, wonderful work. I hope to see more graphics from you soon![/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Kurumi looked at the pictures blinked and started laughing, mostly at the second one. The first one was pretty funny too, if you looked at it long enough. It was as follows: KENSHIN: Standing, smiling happily by Kaoru. KAORU: Facing Kenshin with a scowl on her face because Yahiko was pulling on her ponytail. YAHIKO: Smiling in an evil way while pulling Kaoru's ponytail. SANOUSKE: Same expression as in the first picture. KATANA: Smiling a full tooth smile with making a peace sign. KIT: Smiling toward the camera with his eyes closed while having his arm around Amaya's waist. KAZ: Standing by Kurumi slightly blushing because she had her arm around his neck. YUKI: Almost the same expression as in the second picture, but she had put more of an effort into smiling. YUKA: A large evil grin on her face while she held up her sqeaky hammer. AMAYA: Smiling slightly while looking lovingly at Kit. KURUMI: Having a big grin while having her arm around Kaz's neck, pulling him more towards her. "Hahahaha!" Kurumi burst out as she looking across the picture at everyone. "Lemme see! Lemme see!" Everyone else yelled. "There! WE FINALLY GOT THE PICTURES TAKEN! NOW CAN YOU UNTIE US?!" Sano yelled to everyone. Kurumi giggled, but then nodded and untied Sano and Yuki. Kurumi suddenly felt a pang of sadness as she watched everyone happily make comments on the pictures. She turned around and walked slowly off. "Hey! What's wrong?" She heard a voice called out to her as someone jogged up beside her. It was Kaz. she looked at him, he looked at her. She signed. "Well... it's just that... we've had such a great time here. And I don't want to leave..." Kurumi let out. "Yeah... I know what you mean. But we can't stay here forever. Besides, look at all the new friends you've made, we will still be there when you go back. So it's not like you have to leave us as well." Kaz said in a comforting tone. "Yeah... I guess you are right." Kurumi replied looking down at the ground. Then she quickly lifted her head and the frown was quickly replaced by a smile. "C'mon! Lets enjoy the time we have left here!" Kurumi said cheerfully. Kaz smiled and she grabbed his hand and they ran back over to the others. It seemed that their adventures had finally come to an end, Kurumi had highly enjoyed them, but she knew that it was time to return to their rightful time. When they got back to the others, they had stopped talking cheerfully and they were soaking in the moment. They knew that after the act of the picture, they had to go. Kit was the first to break the uneasy silence, "What now?" He asked quietly. --------------------- Whoo! It's almost over, but it kinda makes me sad to tell the truth, I've had so much fun with this RPG as I'm sure all of you have. All we have to do now is send 'em home! ^^[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Cyd looked around the room she was in. Some officers had gone to check out her ship and some where checking out the odd furball known as Aki. "Is all this really needed?" Cyd asked. "Yes, it is!" The woman officer barked. "You attacked a Fed ship and tried to kidnap the Princess!" "And---?" Cyd asked dumbly as some officers frisked her. They had already removed all of her weapons and they had struggled rather hard to get her to let go of Aki. The woman then nodded to the officers and they shoved Cyd into a cell. "Uh... can I have my pet back?!" Cyd asked sharply. "Hmm... Right." The officer said and threw Aki in the cell as well. Cyd picked up the shaking Aki and started petting him to calm him down. "Don't worry, baby, everything will be going our way from now on." Cyd whispered soothingly to Aki, he meowed in reply. ----------------- Yeah. yeah, short reply... but I need my time to plan. >: ) Mwahahahha!! Ok, I'm alright now.. >[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Kurumi looked around the shop boredly. She then dug out the necklace she had bought a few minutes ago before the Yuki and Kaz incident. She stared at it's nice designs, as it shined in the light of the day. She finally put it around her neck and fastened it on. Kurumi threw her hair over one shoulder and went up to Kit. "Ummm... shouldn't we be leaving?" She asked quietly. "....." Kit just looked at the passing croud. "Kit?.... Kit?" Kurumi repeated. Kit shook his head as if shaking himself back into reality. "Oh.... ummm... yeah--- I wonder what is taking Kaz so long...." Kit replied in a plain, soft tone. He sighed and turned around to sit on one of the chairs. Amaya had fallen asleep on her chair again, Kit just stared at her, a slight smile replaced the frown on his face. "I'm sure you're happy that you'll still have her around when we get back to our time, huh?" Kurumi asked staring at Amaya. "... Yeah..." Was the only thing Kit could say. Kurumi could tell he was tired from the days work, as was she. "Do you want to go back, Kit?... You know... back to our time?" Kurumi asked as she sat in Yuki's old chair(she had chased Kaz away to get everyone else). "...That's... difficult to answer. I want to, but I don't." He said as his eyes landed on Kurumi. Their eyes met and he asked, "Are you... do you want to go back?" Kurumi looked away from his gaze. "...No..." "Why?" "I have nothing to go back to." "What about your friends? Family?" Kit asked, but got no reply. Suddenly Katana and Yuka came to the fish shop. "Uh, yeah! We saw you guys over here... but uh, we had to get some stuff first! Yeah!" Katana yelled nerviously. "Great. Now we just gotta wait for everyone else." Kurumi said dryly. [i]Poof![/i] And there was Kaz, along with everyone else.... accept Yuki and Sano. "They refused..." He explained quickly. "Well, go back'n'get um Kaz!" Kit said excitedly. "We are so close to that picture!!! We need to do this!" "Aww, be quiet Kit! Kaz'll get them, won't ya, Kaz?" Yuka said and spread a disturbing grin on her face. Kurumi took a fish and nodded. Kaz screamed and poofed off. ------------------- Aw, c'mon guys, the end is soon! Don't give it up now! The more and sooner you post, then it will be done and you won't have to worry about it! So please, lets finish this thing!!!![/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]I learned about it by myself. That's what I do with about everything. I just happened to hear a little hustle and bustle in my parent's bedroom when I was four. >> But that didn't really do anything to my mind. I really started to learn about it when I was around the ages of 9 and 10. I was interested in the books that have a lot of sexual content and I still normally pick up those book every once in awhile. But I learned a lot of it by reading and friends. So, really, it is easy to learn for yourself. I have always been a sheltered person within my family. It's when I finally got out into the real world and made weird friends when I wasn't that same sheltered person my family still thinks I am. That pretty much wraps up how I found out about sex. Whoo! Exciting, no? --Conna--[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Cyd still spead through space in the carefree way, when she realized the Fed ship was still chasing her. To her suprise, it was catching up to her. [i]I've never seen a Fed ship that fast...[/i] Cyd thought as the smirk vanished from her face. [i]They'll catch up to me for sure soon enough...[/i] Then, as if a spark ignited at that second, Cyd's eyes filled with amusement and the smirk returned. She sat upright and grabbed the speed control and brought it down a little. Cyd returned to the back of her chair and watched the Fed's on her screen. They were closer... closer... closer... [i]Vvvvwwwpppp[/i] The same Fed from before appeared on her communication screen. Cyd tipped her head and said, "Hello officer." "Don't play with me, Cyd. You can't possibly get out of this now! You are under arrest and we will be pulling up to your ship to put you under restraint." "And I won't stop you, officer." Cyd replied in a very serious way. This reply wasn't something the officer expected to hear and a slightly shocked look flashed aross his face. Then another officer pushed him aside. "Cyd, now that you have accepted to do this in the easy way, be prepared. Now, stop your ship and we will connect." The new officer said. At first glance, Cyd actually respected this lady. Her stern but calm ways stuck to her, for no other officer normally acted that way. Cyd hesitated for a second, but then nodded and the woman nodded back and shouted an order to the others in her ship. Cyd stopped her ship with a slight jolt and waited calmly for the officers. There was a bang and the two officers, both the male and female that she had talked to, walked into the control room and motioned for Cyd to come. Cyd grabbed Aki and walked toward them without hesitation. The man looked at her oddly. "Arms up!" He commanded, Cyd sighed and did as told, "It's rather hard to believe I am seeing this from [i]you[/i] Cyd...." He said as he pressed his gun against her back and the female Fed led the way. Cyd looked down. [i]Heh, you fools have no idea... this little act just gets me closer to the Princess... After all, we will be on the same ship...[/i] Cyd thought as she hid a small smirk and walked into the Fed's ship. [i]Perfect...[/i] --------------------------- Sorry I haven't been posting for a bit, places to go, things to do... Anyway, I hope to see more people posting more often, I don't want this RPG to be abandoned! ^_^[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Cyd looked at all the ships around her. "Jeez, this place is a lil crouded..." She slammed on the controls to stop and slammed them into a different direction. "I know when to back off... besides, the Fed's already have the Princess...." She said as she went in the other direction. Cyd got up and walked around her ship. Aki followed her like a little sheep. Suddenly the ship tipped to one side violently, her warning alarm was going off. "Dammit!" Cyd yelled as she brought up a screen showing that the Fed's were chasing after her. "So you wanna battle, huh?" She breathed as she lunged into her chair. One of the Fed's appeared on her communication screen. "Stop, I repeat, STOP THE SHIP! You are under arrest for attacking a Federation Ship!" The fed roared. Cyd looked boredly at her hands, inspecting her cuticles, casualy pushing one back. Then she looked up with an inocent look on her face and pointing to her chest. "Oh... are you talking to me?" Cyd asked inocently, putting a confused look on her face. "Why, officer, I think you have a mistake, for I have just been cruising around like a good little pirate!" The Fed's facial expression became annoyed. "DON'T PLAY THESE GAMES WITH ME CYD! YOU HEAR?!" The Fed boomed. "NOW STOP YOUR SHIP!!" Cyd smirked. "Oh darn, you caught me! But I must, really, get going. So sorry, perhaps we'll have a chance to chat soon. Love ya, smooches!" Cyd said as she winked and blew a kiss. "CYYYYYYDDDDDDDDDDDD-----!!" The Fed was cut off by Cyd, who had turned off the communication screen. She typed in a quick thing on her control panel and soon the ship was filled with booming metal music as she jammed on the acceleration and spead away from the Fed ship. "I love this job..." Cyd said to herself as she watched space zoom by. The music drowned out the Fed syrens, but she knew they were in hot persuit. Cyd didn't put on any sign of concern for this, she just sat back with her feet on the control panel, jamming to her tunes.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=navy]Cyd sat in her chair lazily, her feet resting on her control board to the ship. Cyd yawned and stretched her arms, then put them back behind her head. "Man... I'm so bored... what I would give for a little action these days..." Cyd said boredly to herself. Cyd heard a small meowing sound behind her and put her hand to the floor. A furry thing brushed passed her hand and she grabbed it. A half cat, half rabbit creature sat in her hands, looking lovingly back up to her.(Yes, yes it's a cabbit just like from the Tenchi series, accept this time it doesn't turn into a ship.) Cyd let it crawl up her arm to nuzzle her face. "Heh, I find it strange that I only have you for company, Aki." Cyd said calmly to the creature. It purred softly and sat on her shoulder. [i]Bleep... Bleep... Bleep[/i] "Huh? A distress call?" Cyd questioned, leting a small smirk appear on her face when she saw what ship it was. "Ah, it looks like the Princess is calling for help... and by all means we should 'help' her, shouldn't we, Aki?" Aki let out a small meow in agreement. "Well, it's settled then... lets get going Aki!" Cyd said while she took her feet of the control panel and hit the acceleration button. She grabbed the controller and shifted ways to the direction the princesses ship was at. As she spead by the Federation ship by the Princess's ship, she quickly pressed a bunch of buttons and a large blade shot out of the side of her ship. It barely missed the Fed's ship and they shot back. "Damn Fed's...." Cyd said under her breath as she spead off again. [i]Don't worry, Princess, I'll be back for you.[/i] Cyd tought with a smirk on her face. --------------- Yeah, yeah... I know, not the greatest first post. But oh well. I'm glad it finally started! ^_^[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue][quote]Originaly posted by [b]Undefeated[/b] As for the second one: wrong. If you are someone who is hated by the mainstream group of people you should at least mask it for yuor own sake. These "non-conformists" do themselves a terrible disservice: cutting their chances at job opportunites, limiting their romantic sphere, and generally degrading themselves in the eyes of 70-80% of people. The people that are around you like it or bloody not are the ones you must deal with in order to survive! It makes no ******* sense to try and "be yourself"! That is a path to a harder existence than is nesasary! Geez...[/quote] Woah man, you got problems. How is being yourself 'wrong' in any case? I mean, if you are not yourself and are not liked for being yourself, you will live the rest of your life in lies and even self pity. You will never be able to be open with the people you hang out with and that can be damaging, buddy. The people that hang out with you and love you should do that knowing the [i]real[/i] you. What happens if they find out you aren't like how you appear? They will abandon you. You should get people that care about the real you and know the real you, and accept that. Why is that so hard for you to see? I'm happy being myself, a lot of people may dislike me, maybe even hate me, but I have a few good friends and that's all I need. You shouldn't mask your true colors, that'll only hurt you big time in the long run. [quote]Originally posted by [b]ChibiHorseWoman[/b] I'm sorry that you're so shallow brained. It's not wrong to be yourself. Why the hell would you want to follow the leading group like a sheep just to fit in? I'm a non-conformist and so is my husband. I don't see how thinking outside of the box is such a bad thing. My husband is an E4 in the Army up for promotion so there goes your job opportunities theory. As for romance, like minded people seek out eachother wether they are conformists or not, so there goes the whole romantic involvement thing out the window. Why would you want someone to love you for what you're not? That was the point of the quote. I also don't feel that I degrade myself by thinking differently than my peers I'd rather be respected for my integrity than going along with what everyone else thinks and tanking in the long run. Now quit being jaded and grow up, you'll have to graduate from high school some time.[/quote] Long live those words of ChibiHorseWoman! ^_^ Ehem... anyway, sorry you all had to put up with endless ranting. Now, I'll just post my fave quote like I intended to do in the first place. "You know what's really sad? A misquito trying to suck the blood out of a mummy... Give it up little guy." "If you ever fall off the Empire State Building, just act real stiff. Then you'll look more like a dummy and people might put some effort into catching you because they'll think, 'Hey! Free dummy!' " "Run *****, he gonna kill you!" "Bad things may come today... but there is always tomorrow..." "UUUUHHHH OOOHHH BILLY!!!! Mmmmhhhhmmmmmm......" "Something wicked this way comes." Ah, I have tons more, always in the back of my head. I say them everyday, but they always seem to slip my mind when I actually want to remember them. Anyway, good day to you all. --Conna--[/color][/size]