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Everything posted by Fyxe

  1. [size=1][color=darkblue]OOC: Uhhh... Junyi? Why, may I ask, would you bother to make your character evil if this is almost over? I mean, after they have the picture taken they are gonna go back to their own time and that pretty much it buddy. But you do whatever floats yer boat man. ----------------------------- IC: Kurumi took off her fish market work clothes and sat down by Yuki. Kit was selling a few last fish even though their shift was over. Kurumi sighed and then yelled, "I'M NEVER WORKING WITH FISH AGAIN!!" Yuki sweatdropped and then remembered about the picture. She gulped slightly and tried to sneak away. "OH NO YOU DON'T MISSY!!! I DIDN"T WORK AT A FISH SHOP FOR ALL THIS TIME FOR YOU TO JUST WASTE THE MONEY!" Kurumi yelled and she got up and tackled Yuki. She heard Kit laughing at them. "AND YOU!" Kurumi yelled, "IF YOU [b]EVER[/b] TALK ME INTO SOMETHING LIKE THIS AGAIN.... YOU'LL BE A DEAD MAN! SO JUST SHOVE IT!" Kit stopped laughing dead on, he knew she meant it. But all this had only made Yuki struggle even more. Kurumi picked Yuki up and slammed her into the chair. "You sit!" She commanded and then grabbed some rope. Yuki screamed and tried to run for it. Kurumi smirked evily and threw her lasso and caught Yuki. Kurumi dragged her in and tied her to the chair. "There you go! All nice and comfey!" Kurumi said semi cheerfully. Then there was a poof and Kaz emerged with a napping Amaya, he placed her on the chair next to the tied up Yuki. Kaz eyed Yuki and started to laugh with he disappeared again. Kurumi went over to Amaya and poked her in the head untill she groggly said 'What?!'. "I'm outta here for now, call me when Kaz comes back with everyone else... I'm gonna browse the market, okay buddy?" Kurumi told Kit. He nodded and removed his work clothes. So Kurumi started looking at all the stores and what they contained.[/color][/size]
  2. [size=1][color=darkblue]I don't really care how the world ends, because, why should I? I definatly won't be living when it happens. But yes, I have always wondered how the world will end, me and some of my friends have some interesting reasonings. I've always thought of the world ending with having to do with either mother nature going burserk on us, being taken over by robots, the sun desrtoying us in some odd way, a large plague that infects every single person on Earth... wait.. that would only cause all humans to die... then some strange evolved animal race will be supirior. O.o Anyway, no matter what happens, it just happens. And I of course would have to add Kyung's little speach to the list of odd things that could happen. She has told me that one quite a few times. But, hey, as long as I'm not there to see the world end, fine by me. **** happens ladies and germs. Just my little opinion on such things. > --Conna--[/color][/size]
  3. [size=1][color=darkblue]Sorry it took me so long to sign up Duo! It seems I have been busier that I thought I would be. ^^;; [b]Name: [/b] Cyd [b]Age: [/b] 20 [b]Side: [/b] Bad [b]Organization: [/b] Space Pirate [b]Appearance: [/b] See attachment [b]Weapons: [/b] Mostly Cyd uses hand-to-hand combat, that being her best fighting skill. Cyd also has two handguns and two daggers that she sometimes tips in poison for a more critical damage. [b]Ship's Appearance: [/b] [url]http://www.3dgate.com/news_and_opinions/000710/images/figure02.jpg[/url] [b]Bio: [/b] Cyd had been abandoned at birth on the planet ruled by the Trente's. She was found and put in the orphanage, Cyd grew up as a problem child and the people at the orphanage could no longer control her. Cyd had loathed all of the caretakers and all the kids at the orphanage, so one day, decided to run away and be free. At the age of seven, she was roaming around freely on the planet, trying to stay alive and support herself. She grew up getting into fights all the time and having to steal to survive. After awhile she started to enjoy those things and trained herself to get better. When Cyd was thirteen, she managed to get a job at a space ship repair shop, getting very little pay for her hard work as one of the mechanics. Her boss was the one who got all the money, natually, but she felt she deserved more than she earned. Cyd still highly enjoyed the job and was lucky enough to have it so she could make money. One day a ship came in that she absolutly had to have. She fell in love with it the first minute she set eyes on it. The ship had minor damage and knew she could fix it up quickly. One day her boss enraged her so much she murdered him at night at stole the ship. She had liked getting revenge and did not care for doing the wrong deed. Every man or woman for his or her self is what she always thought of it. And at that she became what she had always wanted to be.. a Space Pirate, and she was a wonderful one at that. Taking on tough and very valuable stealings, fighting all her fights wonderfully, and always managing to get out of tight chases with the Federation. When she heard of the happenings with her home planet, she couldn't help but get interested and reported to work from the Trentes uncle right away. [b]Personality: [/b] Cyd is very cold. She has never really let anyone get close to her emotionaly and always gives everyone the cold shoulder. She has a very short temper fuse and she explodes when it goes off. She has never had patience with stupid or annoying people. Don't let that fool you, Cyd knows how to have a good time and can be loud and fun when she wants to be, only she normally doesn't care for other people besides herself to be around when she is having fun. Also don't let Cyd's cold outside always fool you, she can be very deep and loyal when you get on her good side.[/color][/size]
  4. [size=1][color=darkblue]Kurumi had stopped singing the badger song, but had moved on to resiting some lines she knew by heart from flash movies she had seen on the internet. "Why hello there Billy! Hey, whatcha got there? Ohhh, a magic ring have you? You don't know! Well then, set it to a flame Billy, don't worry, it's quite cool. Well then! It looks like you have The One Ring!" Later on, "But remember Billy! Never put the ring on, if you do, ring wraths will come and stab you with knives! Pointy knives, that burn with the fire of a thousand evils!" Even later on, "So now that you know how to take care of The One Ri--- Hey! Where's Billy? UH OH BILLLY! Mmmmmhhhmmmmm......." Kurumi performances happened to draw even more custumers in. Kit only laughed or sweatdropped from time to time, but you could tell he was getting happier with every fish they sold. After awhile Kit finally nagged Kurumi to stop. "Look, buddy, I'm only doing this for my [i]own[/i] amusment.... not to get us more customers!" Kurumi said irritibley. "Well... we are almost done, just another twenty minutes to go! I was thinking you could... umm.. work [i]normally[/i] for the rest of the time." Kit told her. "ONLY TWENTY MORE MINUTES?! YAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!! I'LL BE FREE FROM THIS WORKING HELL!!!!!!!! YIPEEEEEEEE!!!!" Kurumi yelled joyfully, causing more people to stare their way. "Uhh... does this mean you'll work like a normal human being and be [i]quiet[/i] for the remaining time?" Kit asked spreading a slight smile on his face. "Yeah, sure... whatever..." Kurumi said less inthused. "Good..." Kit muttered under his breathe. "You're welcome." Kurumi stated simply. Kit was kind of startled that she heard him, but nodded and went back to work. ----------------- And yes, I'm a Newgrounds freak. ;)[/color][/size]
  5. [size=1][color=navy]People, please start posting again! I at least want to get to the end! ---------------------------- Kurumi watched questionally as Kit ran of mumbling happily to himself with the biggest smile she has ever seen ANYONE have. She slightly raised her eyebrow but went back to eating the yummy stirfry they had all made. The kitten was right besides her, eating a fish, and it looked as if it was rather enjoying itself. Kurumi scratched the cat lightly on it's head when she was finished and she handed the bowl over to Kenshin, who was washing the dishes once again. [i]Now to follow Kit[/i] Kurumi though gleefully. Kurumi loved to spy on people. She ran down the path that Kit had gone, some parts were muddy, so she could easily see his footprints. As she walked farther into the woody area, she had a good hunch at where he had gone. Very soon she found herself right, the footprints that she could see went out of the woods and down the path to town. She smirked and ran down the path to town. Once she entered the town, she kept a sharp look-out for Kit. She spotted a fish shop, shrugged and walked over. "Might as well get more food for the cat while I'm here." She said to herself. Kurumi picked up about five small fish and reached into her pocket to scramble for some money. Once she grabbed what she needed, a young man came up with a large smile on his face. She soon realized who it was. "KIT!! What are you doing?!" Kurumi yelled. He was kind of shocked to see her, but then the grin was quickly slapped onto his face again. "You're here just in time Kurumi! You can help me make some money!" Kit exclaimed. He threw a white apron and a funny little hat at her. "Wha--?!" Kurumi was confused. "You can help me make money for... a picture! It's the perfect way to rememeber out good times here! So-- what do you think?" Kit explained. "Ummmm---" Kit was staring eagerly ay her, "Uhh-- great idea Kit!" Kurumi said unsure and put a small smile on her face. "Great! Now get your work clothes on! We need to sell some fish!" He said happily. Kurumi reluctently put on the apron and hat, but did it for Kit since he was so ecxited about it. *** "Oh fun fun fun! We have been working at a friggin FISH SHOP for three hours!" Kurumi said sarcasticly. "Now you've got the spirit!" Kit said cheerily. Kurumi just glared at him. "Oh stop being such a piss ant, I know you were being sarcastic." Kit replied to the glare. He grabbed her around the neck suddenly and said, "C'mon! Be happy! These are some of the few last days we will be here. I think it's great that we are working toward something to remember this by!" "Yeah, me too... but why did it have to be a FISH SHOP?!" Kurumi asked angrily. Kit shrugged. "Maybe because it was the only shop that needed people to fill jobs." Kit said. "I couldn't imagin why...." Kurumi mumbled *** "I wonder where Kurumi and Kit went?" Kaz asked as he poofed into the room where everyone was. All he got for an answer was a group shrug. He frowned and then poofed off again. *** "LETS SING A SONG!" Kurumi yelled out of nowhere. Kit sweatdropped. "Uhhumm--- alright then..." He said. "Ok, I'll start: Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger mushroom MUSHROOM! Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger mush-a-MUSHROOM!" Kit sweatdropped while Kurumi still sang, "Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger ARGH! It's a snake a snake ohhhhh it's a snaaake!!!" "STOPP!!! When does it end?!" Kit yelled over her. "It doesn't stop, it just goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on---" "I GET THE POINT!" Kit screamed, which casued many people to look there way. "Good, then we have an understanding." Kurumi said and she went on with the song. Kit once again sweatdropped and covered his ears. -------------------------- Haha, I love the badger song. :D[/color][/size]
  6. [size=1][color=navy]Yay, I finally have the internet back! Anyway, in the time that I have been unable to use the internet, I made some more banners. It suprised me at how many banners I have made of this period of time. Normally it takes me forever to start on a banner... but I've made quite a few because of my boredom. I will be showing you three banners today. 1st banner: This is just a cute little .hack//SIGN banner I made. I loved the picture I had of Tsucasa and Kite together, so I kinda just played around a bit. It went rather well, or so I think, but I like this banner and I hope you people do too. It isn't that complicated, but it took me awhile to figure out what I was going to do. 2nd banner: This is a Angelic Layer banner, although I have never read/seen this series, I stumbled arcoss a picture I thought I could use. It may look plain, but I spent forever on the background. But it turned out well for my labor. 3rd banner: This banner is called Destination Destruction. I just took a picture I had found and played around with some different stuff and added a few things to my liking. It all jumbled up into a very interesting thing. Not my favorite banner ever, but interesting enough. I would really like some feedback on these banners so I can show you some more of my creations. ^^ Thank you and enjoy![/color][/size]
  7. [size=1][color=navy]Jeez, I'm gonna have nothing to write, but someone has to get this thing moving! ---------------- After Kurumi was done with her eggrolls and rice, she got up from the stump and stretched. Kaz had disappeared again after he was done eating. Kurumi had started some simple stretches when Katana and Yuka ran back up to the dojo with the groceries. They jumped over Kurumi and ran inside. She shrugged and went back to stretching. There was another poof and Kurumi looked up to see Kaz in front of her, he was holding a small grey cat. Kaz set it down beside Kurumi and said, "I found this 'round back. You can have it." and then disappeared again. She watched the kitten lick itself, it was being careful to get every single spot. Once it stopped Kurumi picked it up and started to pet it. "Pet the kitty, pet the kitty, pet the kitty...." She said in a funny voices as she rubbed under it's chin, it started to purr very softly. Kurumi then noticed she was the only one outside still, so she got up quietly with kitten in arms and walked toward the dojo. ---------------- Eh, I don't know what else to write.... but I hope people start replying again! ^_^[/color][/size]
  8. [size=1][color=navy]Sorry I haven't been posting for awhile. My mom had hid the cable to the internet, but I found it. Ah ha! But I can only get on at night when everyone is sleeping. --------------------------- Kurumi had found another tree to sit in. This time she was watching Kaz and Kit start to spar. Kurumi climbed higher in the tree while watching the two take their first steps. She had reached the top of the tree and gracefully stood on a branch. The boys had both taken out their weapons, Kit made the first move. He hurled himself forward, not making to slash with his weapon, but to hit with his fist. How ever, Kaz side jumped just in time to dodge the blow. Kurumi was watching do carefully that she didn't notice the slight creeking below her. The branch was bending, breaking. Before she could realize it was about to break, it snapped and she fell. She quickly snagged another branch just barely with her left hand. This branch didn't hold long either and snapped as well. Kurumi fell hard onto the ground. She just sat there a moment, holding part of a branch in her left hand. Everyone, besides Kit and Kaz, looked at her. She did not notice te other girls staring and she slowly got up and wiped the dirt off her back. Kurumi climbed the tree again acting as if it didn't happen. After Kit and Kaz were done with their spar, Kurumi headed inside to find some food. When she had checked the kitchen for leftovers, she found some rice and eggrolls. She swiped the food and placed the rice in a bowl and the eggrolls on a small plate. Kurumi went back outside where Kit and Amaya sat in a more private area chatting, Yuka and Katana were chasing each other, Yuki was eating one of her rice balls with Kenshin and Kaoru, and Kaz was disappearing and reappearing all over the place. Kurumi sat down on a tree stump to enjoy her food. As she was eating some of her rice, there was a small 'poof' behind her and Kaz snatched one of her eggrolls. He stood on the stump right behind her and bit into the eggroll with satisfaction. "Heh." Kurumi said to herself almost. "What? You aren't going to fight back?" Kaz asked in a suprised manor, "I guess I'm just so used to those two." He pointed to Yuka and Katana going at eachother's throats. Kurumi let out a small laugh. "No, really, I don't mind at all. Help yourself for all I care." Kurumi said while motioning to the eggrolls. "Then don't mind if I do." Kaz replied and took two others. He sat on the other end of the stump behind her. So they were back to back, just eating eggrolls and rice. ------------------- Eh, I got nothing more. This may be my last post for a bit, soooo... yeah. I'll try and get on whenever I can![/color][/size]
  9. [size=1][color=navy]Heh, sorry I havn't posted for a bit. ^^;; By the way, thank you for the comments! ^^ Today I have a new one for you. This is just a simple looking banner.... for some reason I just love it, I don't quite know why, but I do. The picture is from an anime called Breathe of Heart I believe... or something like that. I don't have too much to say about it besides that I'm rather proud of it. So C&C would be much apprieciated. ^^ Enjoy![/color][/size]
  10. [size=1][color=navy]Recently I've been going on quite a few dates. I don't care where we go, I have fun anywhere he takes me. In this small town all there really is to do is go skating and to the movies, so we do just that. I'm not some drunken crazed nazi(don't take that the wrong way >>) that changes her mind every five seconds. Nothing has to be perfect. Just do whatever you feel like on a date. Go where you both will feel comfortable and you will know you'll have a good time. It's nothing to stress over. Hope that gives slightly good advice.... >> Peace![/color][/size]
  11. [size=1][color=navy]Heh, sorry Junyi. My new favorite thing to call everyone is a sick bastard, so, no hard feelings kay? ^^ I'll try and make it look like he isn't bad anymore. :p ---------------- It was easy to tell Kaz was back by Katana's quick reaction. Kurumi tensed down a bit. She was a little worried about where he had gone, thinking it might have been her fault. She watched Kaz sit in the tree he had reappeared on. Kurumi quietly walked up to the tree and jumped to where Kaz was. She slowly sat down by him. Kurumi looked at him, he was looking straight ahead at the sunrise. "Sorry 'bout before. I just had... a lot on my mind and stuff. I guess I miss home more than I let on.... So, forgive me for acting like an ***?" Kurumi asked unsure. Kaz paused a moment then looked to her. "No hard feelings. People always have those days, I understand." Kaz replied with a small smile. Kurumi blushed slightly but nodded and smiled back. They both sat there for awhile looking at the sunrise. After a few minutes Kurumi heard a snicker, picked up a heavy branch and chucked it behind her. It had obviously hit her target since she heard a large bump and an 'ouch'. She turned around to see an unconcious Yuka lying on the ground with a large bump on her head. "Miss Kurumi, Kaz! It's time for breakfast that it is!" Kenshin shouted out to the two. The others had already headed inside to eat... well, exept for Yuka, who still lay on the ground. Kaz and Kurumi couldn't help but laugh as they passed her. Her experession was rather strange and amusing. When everyone had started eating, Kenshin came in with the awoken Yuka. She looked iratated but settled down when she saw the food. And so everyone enjoyed a good breakfast... mostly, not counting Kaoru's cooking.[/color][/size]
  12. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]After the police men incident, Kurumi just sat in a tree and looked at everyone else goof around. [i]It would be nice to be so care free like them... no one knows the real me though... I always cover my real feelings. I wish I didn't have too.....[/i] Kurumi thought. But knowing everyone else, they heard. They all looked to her, she just ignored them and said, "Buzz off..." and then muttered "Damn powers". At first a few of them hesitated to turn back around, but floated off anyway. Kurumi tried to keep her mind blank, but ended up thinking of.... Kilick. A chill went up her spine and someone touched her shoulder. She let out a small yelp and turned around. And there was Kaz, standing there like an idiot and smirking madly. "So, thinking of your boyfriend back home?" He cooed slightly, making Kurumi blush. "He is not my boyfriend you idiot!" Kurumi managed to yell out, all the while quite flustered. "Hey, sorry, couldn't tell by the way you were thinking about him. Heh." Kaz replied, still smirking. "You sick bastard!" Kurumi said taking a swing at him. He jumped without effort and landed on the next limb of the tree down. "Hey! It was what you were thinking, not me!" Was all he said and then he ran off. Kurumi just remained looking at the first bit of sun to pop up from the edge of the sky while she sat on the tree.[/color][/size]
  13. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Kurumi has an interesting story behind her real family as well... hence the reason she was adopted... or have I even mentioned that? O.o Oh well. ------------------------ Kurumi sat up against the wall of the room she was in. She just stared at the floor, thinking. The darkness surounded her and a cold draft came from the open door that lead outside. Kurumi hugged her knees to try and keep herself warmer, but did not bother to slide the rest of the door shut. [i]I can't possibly go home... the only thing that awaits me there is sorrow and pain. I may have thought I had a nice life before... lucky even... but now that I have been here, I realize I have nothing. Being here, with all the others, helped me find myself... I had wanted to do that my whole life. Find myself. Even now my dreams are haunting me once again of my earlier years... that dream... my [b]real[/b] mother and my older brother.[/i] Kurumi thought, still drowning in the darkness. Kurumi thought back to the dream she had a few nights ago: [i]Kurumi laughed as her older brother did a simple trick. The coin behind the ear trick. This was one of Kurumi's favorite and her brother knew it. Even thought Kurumi barely even knew how to speak. Right while her brother was taking it from behind her ear, a rather large woman crashed through the door, cursing. Kurumi's brother looked startled to the front door. Kurumi let out a little frightened cry. The woman glared at them both, she looked down to see their cat rub against her legs... she just kicked it. Kurumi, seeing her cat hurt, waddled over to it and picked it up. The woman's eyes sparked with anger and raised her hand high. Kurumi's brother saw what she was going to do, "Mother! No, please!" He hurtled over the couch and grabbed their mother's hand. But she only raised her other and smacked him hard on the cheek. He let go of her other hand in shock. He looked down and then to Kurumi and picked her up, the cat still in her arms. He went into their bedroom and placed her on the bed with a few toys to keep her occupied. Kurumi's brother went out of the room again to their mother. There were a few shouts, so Kurumi got off the bed and looked out the bedroom door. Kurumi looked in horror as her mother picked up a huge knife, her face was red, sweat running down her enraged face. Kurumi's brother made a quick for the phone and called the cops. Just as he put down the phone, the knife ran right into his back. Blood glazed the floor, the side table, and the sofa. He quickly fell. Their mother, finally seeing what she had done, dropped the knife and started to sob. Kurumi could only stand there... looking... mouth hanging down. She thought maybe her brother would get back up. But she didn't understand. Soon the cops and MHI people came. They took her away and Kurumi ran out to her dead brother. She dropped to her knees and hugged him. She shook him slightly and said, "Up! Koji, up!" But he didn't respond. The cops took her to an arphonage a few days later and her mother was taken to the MHI.[/i] Kurumi had been two when that happened. Kurumi's mother had been crazy, she didn't know what she was doing. But she had loved her brother, Koji, so much. Kurumi would never forget that day. Kurumi let a tear run down her face, but wiped it away quickly. She finally got up and slid the outside door completely open... she walked out into the cold night. She quietly slid it shut behind her and sat on the small deck thingy. She hated to remember........ ---------------------- That was interesting, no? See, I told you her younger life was pretty messed up.[/color][/size]
  14. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Wow.... version 7 looks great. ^^ Anyway, here is a new banner for you guys. I love this banner. I'm very proud of this one. It's called "Glitch" and that's what it says in Japanese, the bigger letters anyway. I have a various quote on the top and bottom in Japanese... something about time and a glithch in time. But I love this one. Please tell me what you think. I also have the avi in an attachment. In the meanwhile I'll be admiring the new OB. ^^[/color][/size]
  15. [size=1][color=darkblue]Ahh, wonderful, just wonderful indeed. I'm really loving that first one, I think it's pretty good with the pink font, but a blue or grey/steely blue would look more in place. I love that image as well and the font fits nicely. I really don't have any complaints. Onto the next one. This one is nice too, I like the way she is outlined with light blue. Yes, I agree with Wasabi that the font blends too much with the image. It needs to stand out more so people will read it. I barely even noticed it untill I looked closer. ^^;; A very nice job was done on this one as well. I liked them both a great deal, keep up the great work! ^^[/color][/size]
  16. Fyxe

    FOmar Banner

    [size=1][color=darkblue]That is very nice! ^^ Everything fits very well together, I think the font, background, and of course the picture are all very well chosen for this banner. I, myself, can't find anything wrong with it, but sometimes I feel the same with my banners. But this one is very good, I hope to see more from you soon.[/color][/size]
  17. Ooo, lets see what I can cook up. :naughty: --------------------------- Kurumi woke up, not expecting to find herself in a small hut. She tried to move her hands, but found them bound behind her back. She looked around to see seven men scattered around the room, some sleeping, some readying food, and the other two remained in a corner with two girls. The girls looked familiar, Kurumi strained to look closer. Kurumi found herself looking at the two terrified Yuka and Katana. The men were snickering as Yuka tried to get themselves out of the situation with words alone, for they too were bound with rope. "What the hell is going on?" Kurumi whispered in a scratchy voice. One of the men nearby heard Kurumi and turned to her. A smirk spread across his face as he said, "Well well well, looks as if the final vixen has awoken." As the others turned their heads toward the speaker, he got up and advanced on Kurumi. He roughly picked her up by the collar of her shirt and checked her over. Many of the other men did as well. He seemed to look over her every curve, every little detail that she had. He even ran one of his hands up her leg, which made her wince and kick a little. The anger was powering up inside her. He finally nodded and said, "This one shall be mine. A fine wife she'll make." He smirked, but many of the other men shouted out in disagreement. "LOOK!" He roared, "I spotted this one first and I have every right to claim it!!" The others grumbled and went back to what they were doing. His angry expression melted back into a smirk when he saw he had won her. As is a prize or something. He noticed how every time he touched Kurumi she would squirm, he seemed to enjoy that however. For his own sick pleasure he gropped(sp? XD) her a slight bit and laughed as she winced and sqirmed. Kurumi had had it, "BASTARD!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. He flinched and looked rather taen aback. which had given Kurumi the perfect moment to kick him in the face. He growled with fury and pain as he dropped her hard to the ground in the process of holding his face. Kurumi ran over to a free sword and carefully hacked through her rope. Kurumi grabbed the sword and cut Yuka and Katana's ropes as well. Now she was ready to fight these bastards. ---------------- Haha, had to do that. I know I have a bit of a sick mind, but doesn't everyone? It mad it interesting in any case. :p
  18. Kurumi woke up at about 1:00 A.M. or so she guessed. She looked around to see everyone asleep, including Kenshin and Sano. The fire had been almost worn out and supplied little light. Kurumi got up and almost silently creeped out of the cave out into the cool night. She walked for a bit just wandering around, when she found a small pond. Kurumi sat down at the edge of the pond and hugged her knees while looking blankly into the entrancing aqua water. [i]I really don't want to leave.... what do I have to come back too in my time?...... nothing..... In this journey I have realized that no one would care if I'm gone, I've rememebered that I don't have anything in my time, my life. I would rather stay here, where I actually have something going. I have more than two friends here.... I have people that care. At home...... none of that..... is... true......[/i] Kurumi thought. "I'm staying here." She said to herself quietly. --------------------- *shrugs* I got nothin else to right.
  19. [size=1][color=darkblue]Indeed, I do enjoy watching Fairly Odd Parents. This show and My Life As A Teenage Robot is the only reason I even watch Nickelodeon. My favorite characters would have to be Cosmo, Chester(heh, that's my cat's name too) and Vicky. I have a few favorite episodes I'm sure, but I don't know right now. The Philip one is interesting. :p[/color][/size]
  20. [size=1][color=darkblue]Now that's what I call an awsome drawing. ^^ I really like it. Yes, the white shadow thingys to looks a little out of place, but it doesn't bother me that much. You did a wonderful job on the two of them, personally I like Inuyasha better though. For some reason Kagome seems in an akward position, but I can't quite put my finger on what's making it seem that way. The background flowers are amazing, heh, I can't draw a flower. ^^;; I also normally need to be looking at a picture of a character when I try to draw them, unless it's an idea that pops int my head for a new one. This is grand stuff here, I can't wait to see more of your drawings![/color][/size]
  21. [size=1][color=darkblue]Yes, indeed that one was a bad, no, [b]terrible[/b] egg. Perhaps you shall like this one better, I myself do. Another Pilot Candidate banner, this one is better than the other though. I spent forever making this banner. I hope you guys like this one. C&C us welcome. Enjoy.[/color][/size]
  22. [size=1][color=darkblue]Thanks once again for your coments Wasabi. ^^ Here is another I just made. Let me say I HATE this banner. With all my heart, I do. I started out with an abstract thingy and just added an image. I really don't like this at all though, argh, don't expect anything great. Hey, but for once it isn't blue! Whoo! :p Enjoy.(even though this will rot your eyes out) ;) --Conna--[/color][/size]
  23. [size=1][color=darkblue]Yes, the background is wonderful... you need to give me some tips on backgrounds. XD And I agree he looks a little out of place... him, if you either changed the color of the background or tinted him, that would clear up the problem a bit. I find the animation a little too fast for my taste as well, it would be so much better if you slowed it down a bit. But overall, very good job. I can't wait to see more of your work. ^^ --Conna--[/color][/size]
  24. [size=1][color=darkblue]Wow... I don't know what to say. Those are amazing. I would never be able to draw like that, I'll tell you. The Legolas looking pretty one isn't my favorite, it's probably the only one I don't like. One the other hand, I'm loving that self portrait. You can draw fingers! I find very few people that can actually draw good fingers. These are really good, I would love to see more work from you. You are a very good artist indeed. ^^ --Conna--[/color][/size]
  25. [size=1][color=darkblue]Thanks for all the comments guys! ^^ Here is another one I made yesterday, it's a Pilot Candidate banner. I'm not sure what character it is, but I loved the picture and had to make a banner. Yes, another blue banner. It seems to be the color of the month! I really like the way this turned out. C&C are welcome! Enjoy![/color][/size]
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