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Everything posted by Fyxe

  1. [size=1][color=darkblue]I agree with everyone else... putting your cat to sleep is the best option. You see... a few years back we had this cat names Billy, he was very old and we had just discovered he had a huge tumor. We had been wondering what that huge lump in his side was... and we saw the vet and he said it was a tumor. Well... even though we knew his death was coming, we tried to keep his as long as we could. One day my step sister was in the basement and heard funny noises and found him struggling to breathe, rolling around on the floor. When I got to the basement, he was dead, he had suffocated. That tumor had crushed him. The guilt we had for not putting him to sleep still nags at me on ocasion. So, I think it would be best to put the cat to sleep. It'll be a lot easier on you and the cat. Trust me, you don't want to have to go through the pain of letting it die right in front of you... and think of all the oain it has to go through. I hope that you make the right decision, I'm sorry that you have to go through this... but everyone does when they have a pet. I have said all I can.[/color][/size]
  2. [size=1][color=darkblue]I actually forgot it was this month. O_o I don't think that highly of Valentines Day.... for I have no valentine to spend my time with. Heh, but I [i]do[/i] like when there is that all chocolate 1/2 price the next day. Valentines Day was fun as a younger kid, getting to read all the different valentines you got in your little decorated box... and of course eat the candy. ;) I'm sure if I had someone to spend that day with, I would, but frankly I do not. So I try not to think of it. Perhaps this year I'll just hang around with friends on that day, like every year. That always proves fun. Heh.[/color][/size]
  3. [size=1][color=darkblue]Eh, I'll always remember my first job. The paper route. AH! That was a living hell for me, I swear. I had terrible experiences with that job. I was about 11 or 12 when I had it. I wasn't complaining about the money I got though, lol. I was [i]well[/i] paid, I got about $270.30 a month. It was good enough for me. The things that happened to me on the other hand.... Tuesdays were the worst, add day. That meant you had to give [b]everyone[/b] on the blocks you normally walked a paper. >.< To heavy! When it got warm enough to ride my bike on the route, I would always manage to crash, flip over, or loss all my papers. Which always gave me some sort of huge wound. Which made it even worse for me. Heh, after two months of aches and pains... and lots of scratches... I quit. I had plenty og money on my hands... I didn't want to go through any more of it. So [i]that[/i] was my first job experience. Lol, not the best.[/color][/size]
  4. Kurumi stopped for a minute.... "Hey, ya know... a village od darkness [i]would[/i] be pretty awsome..." She said looking around. Everyone sweatdropped and Amaya slapped her. "GET BACK TO REALITY YOU DOLT!!!" Amaya screamed in her ear. "Ow, ok ok... I'm just saying..." Kurumi said as she started walking again, "But I guess killing them would be funner!" She added as she smirked. Another sweatdrop moment. Then Kaz got behind her and pushed her along whispering, "Yeah, yeah, you just keep thinking that." Kurumi rolled her eyes and walked forward so she wasn't being pushed. Once they got to the village leaders house, they all went to spy in from the small window on the side. Yep, they were plotting alright. Then Kenshin whispered, "We need to stop them, that we must. We should all go in from different ways, that we should." Everyone nodded and went to a different window or entrance. Then Kurumi heard something loud in the distance..... "WAAAAAAIIIITTTTTT!!!!!!!! IIII'MMMM COOOMMMMMIIINNNNGGG TOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Came Yuka's voice, she came running up the hill still screaming. Obviously the bandits heard her too, they shot out of the house in an instant. They were ready with all sorts of weapons and now they were encircling Kurumi and Yuka......
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Wasabi [/i] [B][size=1][color=chocolate]I don't know really, but may I ask, what is that red stuff going into the faded InuYasha picture?[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=darkblue]That? Oh that is just a part of the background. It just kind of happened to be in that spot. *shrugs* Here is a new one for you. It's not the greatest, but it's okay. I love the original image that I used for this, but I did some things on certain parts and here it is! I was just playing around and it came out like this, I don't have much to say about this one. Enjoy! Oh yes, I misspelled the title of the file, so yeah. ^^;;[/color][/size]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Japan_86 [/i] [B]My latest favorite t-shirt is the kind with the sarcastic remarks on the front at Hot Topic. This one shirt in particular, I really enjoy. It has the remark, "Keep Staring...I might do a trick." [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=darkblue]Heh, my brother has that shirt, I do believe it is one of his favorites as well. My favorite shirt now a days is a shirt from Hot Topic as well. I think that store is rapidly becoming my favorite store... But anyway... this shirt is red and has a drawing of a goth/punker looking type girl on it. To the side of the drawing is the words, "Leave Me Alone" in black, bold print. Which normally fit me quite well. XD Another thing about this shirt, is that it's so soft and comfortable. I can't help but love it.[/color][/size]
  7. [size=1][color=darkblue]I love this series, or what I've seen/read. I only have read the first three books and have the first DVD, but I love it any way. I can't get it off my mind on what's going to happen. If only I had some money!! >.< I am always broke and out library doesn't have it. But, on to Ceres.... When I read the first book, I instantly fell in love. It has great characters that interact with eachother so differently, and that leaves you guessing on what will happen between two people or more. The storyline is another thing that captures you... or me at least. I love it, there really isn't much more to say other than that.. I find it a wonderful series. ^^ As far as knowing where to find it...... I would say any book store that sells comics, you should look there. Also, probably Best Buy, SunCoast, some video gaming stores have anime, and internet. Hope that helps a little.[/color][/size]
  8. [size=1][color=darkblue]Hey again! ^^ I have another banner for you here today. This one is an Inuyasha banner. I don't know, but for some reason I just love this one! Heh, I like the image used, I could never find it before, but I finally did! YAY! ^^ So, tell me what you think! Enjoy![/color][/size]
  9. The older versions of the middle schoolers were still formed in a circle. Hayao finally lay absolutly still, not breathing, stone cold. They looked apon him, waiting. Kurumi was the first to break the circle, she stepped forward toward him. "It's finally over..." she said quietly as she towered over his dead body, "Hayao, you pitiful man.... you deserve what you got. Now you can burn in hell, right where you belong. I do not understand how you can get so much joy from harming others... but you are not as who you seem, are you?" Kurumi said while staring at the lifless body. "Katana... step forward." Katana walked up to Kurumi at thee words. "You must perge his body... a part of a different soal still floats within him." Kurumi told her. Katana looked at her questioningly. "The-- the.... guar...dian..... Just nevermind, I'll explain it all later! Just perge him!" Kurumi said, raising her voice. Katana nodded then kneeled down and started perging him. Ten minutes later Katana was done, she stood up and stepped back. A shimmering light appeared above the body of Hayao. "Thank you for releasing me, my children." Came a soft, rich, and loving voice, "You have returned me to being free.... I am proud to be your guardian..... thank you......." Then the light vanished. Everyone was transformed back to their normal size and selves. Everyone was silent, they all seemed confused. Maybe only Kurumi knew? Amaya let out a confused, "Wha---?" Kurumi turned around, "Don't any of you know? About the guardian, about what has been happening?" Kurumi asked. The circle of middle schoolers nodded no. Kurumi sighed. "You see.... our guardian, we'll start with that. You remember those dreams right... I had them a lot... I know you guys did too! At least once! We had always had that guardian protect us, within ourselves. But Hayao and Acronit had gotten hold of that power, that was why [i]we[/i] out of all people were selected to come here! Now that we have killed the two of them, he is free... his power has returned to us. That's why the two of them were so powerful... and that's why Hayao could withstand a lot of our powers. Acronit didn't have as much of the power from the guardian as Hayao did... so he wasn't as powerful. Do you know understand?" Kurumi explained. Most of them just unsurly nodded. "Well... if you do still not understand... we shall talk about it more later, right now... I... need.. to...... sleep" Those were her last words as she fell over and drifted into a deep sleep. ------------------------ Lalala........ I hope that's alright XD
  10. [size=1][color=darkblue]I don't think you would catch me eatting a cat or dog any time soon. But that's my opinion. What I imagin it is that it would be just like eating your pet. Now, if I ate an animal along the lines of a dog or cat, I would have never been able to see it. Otherwise I would feel incredibly guilty. The fact that people would kinda growses me out in any case, but hey, whatever floats their boat! Now what's a real treat is when you take three hampsters, put them all in the same cage, and let one eat the other two. Then, take the new fat one out, grill it, yum yum yum! :p[/color][/size]
  11. OOC:Sorry I havn't been posting for awhile.. BUT NOW THE CONNANESS IS OFFICIALLY BACK!!!!!!! ------------------ Kurumi tried to think of what they could do to confuse him. Nothing came to mind. She looked around and her mind suddenly flared an idea once she looked at Yuka. "Yuka! We havn't really used our powers yet... lets see what we can really do!" Kurumi yelled at her. Yuka smirked and nodded a yeah. Kurumi nodded and signaled the others to come closer. "Okay, this is the plan: you guys get closer to the battle, do some side shots... ya know, distract him? Well, me and Yuka will them summon our powers, I have a good feeling we have somepretty spiffy ones." They paused for a moment. They glanced around nerviously, but them slowly nodded. Kurumi signaled a go and the others advanced forward. Kurumi and Yuka were off to a distance waiting for the right time. "I can see him now!" Yuka exclaimed, Kurumi looked closer.. she was right. He was easier to see now, the could easily make shots at him. Kurumi rumaged though her mind what to do. "Ok..." She sighed nerviously, "Please let this work---!" Kurumi yelled as her eyes started glowing black, "AGH!" A black blob formed and soon came down in a split second. It imprisioned Hayao in a black dome, unable to attack the others, Kurumi knew it wouldn't last long. "Yuka!! Do your stuff!!!" She nodded and soon Yuka's eyed where glowing yellowish white. Yuka struggled a minute then let out a load grunt. Electrifiying light came out of her hands, blinding everone around her. It came down on Hayao just like a bolt of lightning. Hayao let out a load, pained scream. Kurumi felt conciousness slipping away and the last thing she saw before passing out was Kenshin landing the final blow on Hayao........ ---------------- OR IS IT?!?!?!?!
  12. [size=1][color=darkblue]I just happened to not be able to sleep one night since so many things were going through my head, so I wrote this. This poem expresses what I was feeling/thinking of. Take note this was done at about three in the morning, so don't expect it to be great. This poem doesn't rhym and it wasn't supposed to. This poem is to and about someone who causes me so much pain, and doesn't even realize it. I personally don't like this much at all... but here you go: [center][b] Diseased[/b] This pain I hold within myself, Phisically I am fine.. mentally I am diseased. This desease is none other than you, You are the source of this unbareable pain. We used to be so close... almost unattachable, Now we drift farther and farther apart. I can't help but wonder if that cause... is me, My mind is slipping deeper and deeper into misery. Ever since what I did... you walk through me like I'm invisible, I'd do anything to get back what we had. I understand you don't feel as strongly about me as I do you, I also know I shouldn't belive in what isn't meant to be. I try to let go, to set my feelings free, But each time it gets harder and harder to forget. All these tears and anger, only for you, You make me act like a fool. I want you to give me attention, notice me, Even though on the inside, my heart knows it's not meant to be. My soul is turning dark, empty, sorrowful, Only you hold the key to my happiness. So I beg, set me free... let me fly away, But as long as your head is turned the other way, I am trapped. All I want is that boy who looks straight ahead, To take the time and look my way.......[/center] So, tell me what you think. Not that great I know. I'm open for comments.[/color][/size]
  13. [size=1][color=darkblue]Hn, never would have thought of looking there. :p Ok, in Ocarina of Time, the boss in the Spirit Temple is Twinrova. But what are the names of the two sorceress sisters that make up what is known as Twinrova?[/color][/size]
  14. [size=1][color=darkblue]Eh. Here are mine. 1. Miroku(Inuyasha)- Man, I love the guy, BUT I don't think I would want him sharing the same room... or house for that matter. You would never be able to sleep. Gah! >.< 2. Fuka(Kodocha)- OH MY GOD! Don't even get me started on Fuka. She is such an idiotic b****, I can't STAND her! I think she would talk way to much and always bug me. Plus, knowing what she had done in the series, I would strangle her right when she would walk into the room. Those are the people I would not be abke to stand at ALL. Easy enough.[/color][/size]
  15. [size=1][color=darkblue]A big reason for the eyes being like that is because the Japanese like to take a lot from western culture. So, hence the reason for strange hair color, big eyes and so forth. Another big reason would, yes, be for expression. Those take the biggest part in the reason for the way they look. Just imagin, would anime be the same if they drew the character the way the Japanese look? So I do believe it's all a matter of expression and their interest with western culture.[/color][/size]
  16. [size=1][color=darkblue]Thanks for all the comments guys! ^^ Here is a new one for you, it's fairly simple, but nice. I found this wonderful picture on Advanced Anime.com. I just love that picture! >.< Anyway, I don't have much to say about this banner. I just wanted to make a nice plain banner, I felt no need for complication while using this picture. Please C&C! ^^ Enjoy![/color][/size]
  17. [size=1][color=darkblue]I obviously like dark blue. It has to be my favorite color. I mostly just like dark color, light colors don't appeal to me in any way. The only light color I like would be silver. Bright colors aren't my cup of tea, I'll tell you that, to cheerful and so such. Some of my favorite colors besides dark blue and silver are: Black, green, and dark red. I also pretty much like all shades of blue really. That just about sums it up.[/color][/size]
  18. [size=1][color=darkblue]My favorite temple you ask? Hmmm... Well, my favorite would have to be the Spirit Temple. So many puzzles, plus I loved the song that played within the Temple. Another reason why it's my favorite is because it have my favorite boss and I like how you need to do the first part as a child and the rest as an adult. Fun times for the Connaness.... On the other hand... the temple(s) I despise is one: THE WATER TEMPLE! Gahh!! I hated it there, I can relate to just about everything Xyandar said. I almost couldn't beat it, I was stuck for about a week. Then I got my game guide, that solved my problem. :D Another one I hated was The Shadow Temple actually. It was always so dark, and you never knew if something was gonna attack you. I could never [b]see[/b] in there. Plus, I never knew what to really do since everything was so hidden and I hated all of those Wall Masters. >.< Bleh. So those are mine.[/color][/size]
  19. [size=1][color=darkblue]I absolutly love the music from OOT. It's got to be some of my favorite video game music ever. I can't believe how amazing it is, especially when I first played it. I listen to the sound track at least every other day. The music is just the kind that stays in your head forever. I can't help but love it. :) Indeed I do find myself humming the tunes of OOT all the time. Haha, one day I couldn't stop and everyone was telling me to shut up. :p But I must agree, Koji Kondo is a great composer. And how can you forget A Link to the Past? That's some of the clasicness. ;)[/color][/size]
  20. [size=1][color=darkblue]I, actually, have never seen/read it. I've heard a lot about it and seen tons of stuff, but I've never had the time to actually pick it up. One time, my dad and I were in an anime and video game store when he picked up one of the manga. He kinda flipped through it and asked me about it. XD It was pretty funny. Some time I'll think I'll check it out though, perhaps I'll grap the first few manga volumes.[/color][/size]
  21. [size=1][color=darkblue]My room is normally a wreck, exept one corner. This one corner in my room is where I keep all of my manga, anime DVDs, and CDs. I have a shelf for each, all in alphabetical order. If anyone would to mess them up, I would freak. :p I hate people messing with my things. I also tend to organize my video games as well. Other than those things, I don't care about tidiness and organization. *shrugs* I guess most people are like that with things that are special/important to them.[/color][/size]
  22. [size=1][color=darkblue]I'm glad you like it Wasabi. ^^ I'd love to hear more comments as well from anyone who has something to say! Here is another one I made. This one is called "Trapped in Sorrow". Another couple of beautiful pictures I found are used ihn this banner. This is a more darker, blue theme. I wasn't feeling all to happy when I made it, hence the depression/sorrow. It was rather easy to make, even though it doesn't look so simple. But I hope you like it. If anyone is to want this or my other banner, feel free to PM me on the subject. Here it is, "Trapped in Sorrow" enjoy![/color][/size]
  23. [size=1][color=darkblue]These are pretty good for some of your first and using Paint. I personally think the 3rd Pilot Cantidate banner I saw was the best. The Cowboy Bebop one is good too, just a little on the pixely side and some of the pictures are rather dark. Pretty good work on these, can't wait to see your upcoming banners. I'm sure you'll make alot of progress. Keep it up! ^^[/color][/size]
  24. [size=1][color=darkblue]Why hello there my good people. Today I bring you a banner called "Just Lost in Heaven" I hope you enjoy it. I actually have no idea who the character is in the picture, but I found it when I was browsing around the internet. I thought it was beautiful, so I decided to make a banner with it. And may I say, I think it came out very nicely. I spent awhile on this one, I hope you like it. Enjoyness![/color][/size]
  25. [size=1][color=darkblue]Wow, that's really nice. I like it! ^^ The picture is very nice, though I can see some edges were it is a little pixely. But that does really take away from the whole wall paper. I like how you made the top and bottom edges of the background to match her eyes and the background to fit with the rest of her colors. I also really like that font. I really don't have any complaints, it's just wonderful.[/color][/size]
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