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Everything posted by Fyxe

  1. [size=1][color=darkblue]Eh, I've had a few quite akward times. Here is one: About a month or so ago I was at the mall. Well, I was just kinda walking around looking at the stores. Suddenly someone grabbed me around the waist, turned me around and quickly kissed me on the cheek. Then he just walked away like nothing happened. I never got a very good glimps of him, but he seemed around 14 or 15. That was really strange. O_o Hn, I know I have more, but that's the most akward I can think of now. [/color][/size]
  2. Fyxe


    [size=1][color=darkblue]Very nice. First banner: This one is great, simple, yet great. The grid looks amazing on this banner. Personally, I think the font goes nicely with the image/banner. I like how the image is faded and light looking, then there is that nice black, thin border. Makes it look wonderful. Second Banner: This one is pretty good. My complaints are that one, the image kind of looks out of place and is blurry. Two, the font is a little hard to read. But otherwise I love that background. Very well done. I can't wait to see more from you![/color][/size]
  3. [size=1][color=darkblue]That's pretty good! I like it, nice and simple. I think the font and border go well with the banner, so I don't really have any complaints on that. The images are also cropped very well. The brown of the border just kind of pulls it all together, it goes nice with the other colors on the banner. Great job, hope to see more soon! ^^[/color][/size]
  4. [size=1][color=darkblue]That is wonderful! I love that picture. Yes, the only complaint I have is the flut and the way hs is holding it. But the background is lovely, very nice and peaceful. I also like all the little creatures, and the guy is drawn beautifully as well. I like his hair alot. ^^ This is done very well, I don't know what else to say besides that it's great! I can't wait to see more of your work! ^^[/color][/size]
  5. [size=1][color=darkblue]Gah... a SpongeBob Movie? I think the show is enough. I'm so sick of SpongeBob, he's annoying and the show is not my cup of tea. Sure, I used to like SpongeBob, but it got old, and fast. So I highly doubt I could stand a movie. *shivers* If I was forced to go, my world would end there. Heh, no offence to you SpongeBob fans. It's just not my favorite show. But as far as hearing about it or the plot line, I'm afraid I can't say I've heard of it untill now. All the movies I've been to recently haven't had posters or previews. So I have not idea what the plot line would be. And I don't think they would do the Patrick thing. (Unless they are getting really off, that would be sad.) Lol. Anyway, I've had my say in this.[/color][/size]
  6. [size=1][color=darkblue]I made a few rather interesting banners last night after doing a long search for pictures. Here is one of them, it's a Marmalade Boy banner. The character I used for this banner is one of my favorite from the series, but since I havn't read one of the books for so long, I forgot his name. But I really like this one, it's a nice blue theme. I don't even remember how I did that background. ^^;; Please feel free to comment, give suggestions, and rate! And if anyone wants this or perhaps any other banners I post on this thread, please PM me for permission to have it![/color][/size]
  7. OOC: Okay, that's better guys, thanks! ^^ Woah, not alot has been posted for awhile. I think I'll start this back up! ------------------- IC: Kurumi had been sitting on the side of the lake and was wading her feet in the water. She had suddenly heard a sharp groan and weez. Kurumi turned around to see Kaz laying on his back, dagger through his torso. Kurumi quickly got out of the water and ran to him. She saw he was in terrible pain, his eyes glazed over, and he looked as if conciousness was slipping away from him. Kurumi quickly sat him up and took out the dagger, he made a small gasping noise as she did so. She threw the dagger aside and layed Kaz's head on her lap. She ripped off the collar of her shirt, in which resembled a large scarf, and wrapped it around Kaz's horrible wound. He was slipping away quickly, Kurumi knew it. She looked around and spotted Kit awhile away practicing. "KIT!! HELP! GET OVER HERE, NOW!!!!" Kurumi screamed at the top of her lungs. Kit flinched, good, he heard her. He finally turned around and spotted the two of them by the lake. Kit paused for a moment and then ran as quickly as he could over. [i]Please Kit, hurry![/i] Kurumi thought horrified. ------------------ Cliff hanger, whoo! Hope everyone starts postin' again!
  8. [size=1][color=darkblue]Yes, the subject of what I want to name my children has crossed my mind many times. And yes, I'm only 14. But sometimes it's fun to try and come up with cool names for your future kids(if you even have any anyway). I wouldn't name my kid a japanese name though, even though I'm sure many want to. What would be the point of naming your kid something that you will regret as you get older? Plus think about how that name would put an impact on your kids life. Here are some names I've always liked: Girls: Jade, Alexandra, Paige, Jamie, Raven, and Faye. Boys: Alex, Jake, Shane, Jared, Josh and I'm sure so many others. That's more the less a short list from me, I know I have a ton more. Hmm, I like alot of names that start with J, don't I?[/color][/size]
  9. [size=1][color=darkblue]I, myself, havn't played much of the game. However, I did get to play about ten minutes of it in Big K-mart a few weeks or so ago. What I did experience was very good. When I first saw the previews of the game I didn't think the game would look very good with the cell shading style. But when I actually got to play it, it was rather good. I do believe the game pulled it off well, it didn't really bother me after I got used to it. I may not have seen much, but even so, it was amazing. Perhaps someday I will actually get to play more. I'm hoping to save up for a GCN and get Wind Waker. I've heard great things about this game as well, it makes me even more determined to play more. I think they are still pulling along the Zelda series rather well. I wonder what they will do in the future for it.[/color][/size]
  10. Fyxe


    [size=1][color=darkblue]Hmm, well normally I have no trouble at all following a story line. I havn't really watched many confusing animes, exept for FLCL. I think that stumped just about everyone. I have to agree that most of them are pretty straightforward, out of what I've seen anyway. The only times I have ever really gotten confused is when I havn't seen the show forever and you watch the, what, 20th or so episode later. Then you have no idea what's going on. Otherwise, I'm okay. So I can normally always follow an anime pretty easily, but that's just me. *shrugs*[/color][/size]
  11. [size=1][color=darkblue]OOC: Umm.. wow, everyone is getting me mixed up. First of all, Kaz and Kit weren't even close to where we were, plus I thought we had just found a dead guard body in the water. AND Katana, you were sleeping. O.o My heads gonna explode. >.< So if you guys could explian to me a bit... that would help a TON![/color][/size]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baron Samedi [/i] [B]*is freaking out* What is that horrible white smear across there? Where is the border? Aarrrggh! Basically, this could be drastically improved upon. It needs a border. I don't think that 'bass relief' looks good in any sense of the word. It looks pretty damn bad, sorry to say. The banner would have been good with a border and without the bass relief. Show us it with/out both of those things. I could almost guarantee it would look much better. Sorry for the whole nasty Simon Cowelledness of this review, but compared to your last magnificent piece, this is a bit of a let-down. Aesthetics: 4/10 Technical: 6/10 Nice cropping at least. Heh. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=darkblue]Yeah, I know. ^^;; I do have a border though... it's just skinny and white. But thanks for telling me what you think, your post actually made me wake up and see what I did. Man... I must have been really out of it when I made that. Well, I hope you guys like this one better. It's an Ivy banner from Soul Calibur 2 I made a few days ago. I think this one is alright. The border looks more in place since it blends in with the banner. I did that by simply feathering it a bit. Heheh, I like the eyes... Anyway, here you go! ^^[/color][/size]
  13. [size=1][color=darkblue]Great, just great Asuka! I love them, or at least what I could see. On some of the pictures it stopped loading after the heads. But your picture makes me proud to be an Aries! :D I think it's one of my favorites. I didn't really find anything wrong with Leo exept the hair, and you have already explained that's the reason you didn't like it. I just think they are both very pretty and cute at the same time, love 'em! ^^ It think they are really good, especially since you did them awhile ago. If I may ask, when [i]did[/i] you make them? Anyway, great job![/color][/size]
  14. [size=1][color=darkblue]Hey! ^^ Today I have another banner for you! *hears crickets in the background... otherwise total silence* Eh.... Anyway, I made this Trigun banner last night while I was playing around with Adobe. I think it's rather interesting. That bass relief sure does put on an interesting effect! Well, I'm open for comments and suggestions! Enjoy!(I have now only noticed that I say that everytime.... I need a new word...)[/color][/size]
  15. [size=1][color=darkblue]Heh, well, for Christmas I got the new Black EyedPeas CD. It's called Elefunk. My dad didn't know my taste of music so just randomly picked it out. For the past few days I've been listening to a bunch of it, I find it rather funny. Songs like: Lets Get Retarded, Shut Up, and Smells Like Funk are pretty funny. But strange enough, those are some of my favorite. And of course they have Where's the Love. You see, I think it's funny that they sings all those songs like that and then all of the sudden the sing a song like Where's The Love with Justin Timberlake. What's up with that? Lol. Overall I think they are all right, but just pretty strange. So what do you guys think?[/color][/size]
  16. [size=1][color=darkblue]Oh yeah, it's total sexist. What were you thinking? J/k :p lol. Honestly, how can people think it's sexist? If you are being [i]kind[/i] toward a girl and treating her like a lady, it's just being nice. I mean, what's wrong with being an actual [i]nice[/i] and polite person in the world. Man, I know so many jerks that don't care about anybody but themselves. It seems like the world is so full of impolite people and so on... you catch my drift on that, meh? What's so wrong to just take the time to open a door for someone? It's just common kindness, I do it for people all the time. I don't think there is anything wrong with chivalry, if it's anything, it's sweet. I may not be into the whole thing as always being treated like a lady. (because trust be, I'm not even close to being a proper young lady *laughs evily*) Sometimes it's nice to have people do things for you, and it feels good to do nice things for others, no matter how small the deed. Those small deeds may not cover me for all the bad things, but I don't care. :p So I think it's nice that you do that. ^^[/color][/size]
  17. [size=1][color=darkblue]Just keep playing. As a fellow girl gamer, I know from experience on what's it like. But I've gotten used to it, I've proved to most people I'm a great gamer. You see , I have two older brothers, they got me into video games. And ha, I'm better than them, they even admit it. It seems like I can always beat a game in a matter of a few days, so they tell all their friends how good I am. When their friends hear, the friends want me to come over and beat the game for them ^^;; Lol, it's pretty funny though. I don't mind playing games directed to boys though. That is because whenever they make a game directed to a girl it's a girly girl, easy and.... weird. Yes as you can tell, I'm a tomboy. The only games I don't like are sports games, far to boring for my taste. So my advice, just keep playing at your best. If you challenge people and so on, I bet you can prove how good you are. Plus, why should you care what others think? It's your opinion, right? Hope that helps a little! ^^[/color][/size]
  18. [size=1][color=darkblue]Hey, do you think you could post it in a .jpg format? Because it won't let me see it in .bmp. Sorry for bothering you about it, but I wish to she your creation! ^^[/color][/size]
  19. [size=1][color=darkblue]Yeah, sometimes I do. Like book reports and stuff like that for manga. Which is rather reasonable. One time I had to do a report on cultures of a certain country, you got to pick what country. So I picked Japan and alot of that report talked about anime, manga, their food, and language. I got an A on that one! Thanks anime for giving me awsome knoledge! ^_~ :D Another time we had to do a report on our favorite bands, and of course I did The Pillows, thanks to FLCL I had the knoledge of a cool Japanese band. Otherwise I would have no idea what band to do. By the way, that was at the beginning of this year. And when I was younger, we had to make word finds on the computer, and I used anime shows, some names of the people on the shows, and of coarse I used the very few Japanese words I knew. ^_^ So yes, I've used anime in some school work.[/color][/size]
  20. [size=1][color=darkblue]Actually, they have made a show and comics, even a cereal. Even though I've never seen any of that. If they made a new anime based off OOT or something and the same great style of OOT drawings, I'd watch it. Come to think of it, that would be pretty cool. I've never seen the manga, maybe I should check it out... if I can find it! ^^;;[/color][/size]
  21. [size=1][color=darkblue]Hmm, this might not help but: This used to happen to me all the time. One day I went to click yes again and I also changed something else there too. After I did that, it finally worked. It might work if you try it, but I'm not sure. So when you press yes again, just change something else in your options too. If that doesn't work... then I don't know what to tell you.[/color][/size]
  22. Alright Katana, I'll end the Nao thing. :p Just wanted to make things more interesting. -------------------- "How can light and dark not count?" Kurumi asked puzzled. "They are true elements... I mean, there wouldn't be life without light and dark. Since there is certain life when it's life, same goes for dark. She makes no sence.... to me anyway." Kurumi finished while putting her clothing back on. Yuka nodded as she too, got ready to go back to camp. "Damn this bow.... "Yuka mumbled while fiddling with the bow to her kimono. "Want some help?" Kurumi asked as she walked over to Yuka. She stared silently at the waterfall as Kurumi carefully tied the bow behind Yuka's back. "Why did she say we weren't important on this quest?... or out elements anyway..." Yuka asked suddenly. Kurumi looked down to Yuka's head. "I don't know... she was really only talking about Golden Sun... or I do believe." Kurumi replied. "But if there weren't our elements, there wouldn't be any elements in the first place! So ha, ours rule over the others!" Kurumi burst out proudly. They both laughed and headed back to the camp. When they got to the camp, it was a few hours before daybreak. Katana had fallen asleep again, along with the others. The only two that remained up were Clay and Nao. Yuka and Kurumi completely ignored the two of them when they passed. The boys looked both embarassed and apologetic(sp?). "Kurumi---" "Yuka---" "Leave me alone you perv!" The girls both shouted at them. They quickly turned back around to the fire. Kurumi found were she had laid before, as did Yuka. Kurumi quickly fell asleep. [i]"Kurumi?? Kurumi hurry!" Said a male voice. Her guardian appeared running toward her. He finally reached her and scooped her up in his arms. Kurumi realized she was little again. Her and her guardian were being chased by the black wave again, but this time she saw... something else. Another figure stood there laughing at the sight of them running away..... the figure was... Nao?! He somehow looked darker, more evil. Little Kurumi was once again forced out of her guardians hands as he was engulfed by the dark wave. He emerged as the shadowed figure once again. The shadow figure and Nao came forth to her, laughing like mad, holding weapons, ready to take the kill. But out of nowhere a glowing figure jumped in front of little Kurumi. The figure was familiar.. it was... Kilick. "Don't worry Kurumi... I'll protect you..." Kilick said softly. Kurumi suddenly felt warm and everything when white.[/i] Kurumi woke up from the sudden warmth. She turned around to she Nao laying curled up to her, his arm around her. She screamed and kicked him away. "I'M OUTTA HERE!" Kurumi screamed in his face and ran off. [i]A walk should do me some good.[/i] Kurumi thought as she walked away from the camp.
  23. RIGHT ON!! MY EGGNOG! *chugs it down* w00T! Nice picture! ^^ Alright, I'm the Night! Hehehehe..... my dark powers shall kill you all! -------------- Kurumi grabbed a peice of her clothing, slipped it one quick and ran out of the lake screaming, "GET OUT YOU PERVERTS!!!!!" As soon as she reached them, she slapped both of them hard untill they left. She heard Katana and Yuka laughing. She walked back to the lake with her eyes closed, her face very red. "I can't believe those jerks!" "Feeling better?" Yuka asked with a smirk. "Soul mate you say?" Katana asked unsure, trying to died down on the giggling. "Hmph! I'm sure Kilick would have never have done that... he isn't a perv...." Kurumi mumbled. [i]Oh no! I can't think of him! I just can't.... but I'm unsure myself.... do I really like Nao? If I do... why do I still have these feelings for.. Kilick?[/i] Kurumi thought as she stared off into space, soaking in the cool water. "What was that? Who's Kilick?" They both asked at the same time. "None of your beezwax! Leave me alone!" Kurumi snapped, blushing. "Jeeez, are you By-Polar(sp?) or something?" Katana asked. "No, not at all. I like to be left alone... that's all." Kurumi replied, sinking further into the water, making sure she was completely covered. [i]Nao... I feel more of a brother-sister love bond with you... nothing more really. It's just I feel like I've known you for a long time, you feel like a brother, not a lover. I... must have met him before... I know I have. Hmmm...... waitaminute.... I used to have a good friend named Nao as a todler through sixth grade. That looks just like him! He had to move the summer after sixth grade! DUH! Why didn't I realize it? He must have been sent from the future too...... but why?[/i] Kurumi was deep in thought while washing the blood and dirt off her body. ------------------ AND THE PLOT THICKENS! *sings* Lets get retarded HA! Lets get retarded in here! *ends singing*
  24. [size=1][color=darkblue]I happen to live in Iowa. I live in a very small town called Cherokee, not many people have heard of it, I know. :p It's very boring here, like normal small towns. It's cold tonight, but I perfer cold places, so I guess I fit well for winter. *shrugs* Lol, whatever. I guess I like small towns though, not so noisey, crouded, and polluted. Plus, then you normally live by all your friends unless they live in the country. It's good that I live by my friends, seeing to I do alot of things with them.[/color][/size]
  25. [size=1][color=darkblue]OMG! That... is... the... cutest... thing.... EVER! I'm serious, that is the cutest thing I've ever seen. I love his eyes and he looks so loving. But he also looks sad and it makes you wanna give him a big hug.... er... something. ^^;; I can't believe you drew that! It looks like one of those cute little pictures one of the show artists draws for fun. You did his hair, the heart, and the rose very well. I have no complaints whatsoever. Wonderful job! It's a definate 10.0/10.0! I love it so much! *grabs it and runs away* Lol.[/color][/size]
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