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Everything posted by Fyxe
[size=1][color=darkblue]They are both pretty good! ^^ I really like the second one, the vines add a very nice touch. I also like the feathers in the first one, very nice. I could not make out the poem in the first one though, but I guess that's alright. If you keep drawing, I know you will turn out to be a great artist![/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Well done! It is a very good banner! I like that alot. I really don't find anything wrong with it exept the fact it's to large. I'm not use to tall banners, so it seems odd to me and it bugs me as well. Good work, I hope to see more in the future! ^^[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]I think it's very good, way better than I could EVER do. I'm not a great drawer ^^;; I just wish I had a scanner. But the only things I see wrong is the face it a little off (as everyone has already told you) and the legs seem alittle off/odd positioned. But otherwise I think it's great! ^^ I'll check out your other work sometime today, I can't wait to see more! Keep up the awsome work![/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Willow [/i] [B]I didn't know there was a book though, I oughta check it out sometime. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=darkblue]Yeah, actually the movie was based off the book. I hope I can find the book in the library or something... maybe I'll check that out this weekend. I really want to read it! ^^[/color][/size] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]I didn't know it starred Johnny Depp though, hmmm..... [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=darkblue]Yeah, I didn't know that untill my sister told me. I just looked at her funny and said, "Whaaaat???? Seriously? That's Jouhnny Depp?" And she just nodded. Lol. Hard to tell with all the make-up on, eh? Lol, that lego Edward is kinda funny. I didn't know they had even made one. *shrugs* But they got the details in pretty well, even though it looks strange. :p I like the hair... lol.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Thanks for the comments guys! ^^ Really appreciate it. Plus, I'll be posting more banners sometime soon. I just need to get back in the habbit of actually making them first. ^^;; Lol, over the break I was gone, so hence the reason I wasn't making banners. But I'm getting requets, so I better get cracking soon. Oh yeah, Katana, I use Abobe Photoshop 7.0. My mom and my step dad are photographers and they use that program for alot. One day I just said I wanted to started making banners and other stuff... so they let me download it at home. So that's how I started... lol. >.< Anyway, thanks for telling me what you think, ckeck in for more later! ^_^[/color][/size]
Lol-- indeed old people are funny. :p ---------------- Kurumi rased toward the shadow man. She slashed her Elbow Blades at him, she had hit his arm. Yuka had released one of her discs. [i]Hey, if Yuka can do that... maybe.... yeah! I'll try it![/i] Kurumi thought whille the disc hit the shadowed man. Kurumi got to a safe distance and concentrated all of her energy to her arm. "Hn.... YAAAAA!!!!" Kurumi shouted as a dark flame spat out of her hand, it headed toward the shadow man, but without luck it missed. "Dammit! Well... at least I know it works!" Kurumi whispered to herself. Nao and the other men looked in horror at the battle, Yuka, Katana, and Kurumi kept going at the man. Kurumi got behind him and took him into a quick headlock. "Why are you doing this?! I know who you are.... I had... a flashback... GUARDIAN!" Kurumi hissed into the man's ear. He flinched... he knew what she was talking about. Kurumi heard the click and slide of a sword from a sheath. In about two seconds Kurumi was on the ground, a huge slash through her chest. Kurumi gasped for air, pained stinging throughout her body, but she refused to cry. She couldn't let this little slash get to her, even though she knew it was rather large and deep. Kurumi was loosing alot of blood, Nao had rushed over to her, but she could barely tell he was there. Nao paniced and took off his shirt. He gentley placed and tied the shirt over her wounds. Meanwhile Kurumi was just barely holding onto conciousness.
[size=1][color=darkblue]Heh, weird tastes? I have plenty. XD One big one is baked beans with cottage cheese. Yummy! You mix it all up, tada! A wonderful sensation. Another is potato chips and chocolate pudding, yup, you heard correct. Lol, I discovered that in 2nd grade. I was at lunch, I had potato chips and chocolate pudding in my lunch... I thought about what it would taste like.... and it tasted VERY good. Seriously.. try it. I also like baked beans and mac'n'cheese. One day my baked beans and man'n'cheese got mixed together and I thought "What the hell." And ate it. I'm sure I have tons more.....[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Heh, well here are more of my banners. I'm sure you've seen some of these around the boards. But I never did put them up for comments. Also, the ones that weren't made from requests are open for the taking (like the Kare Kano banner and the Link banner are up for grabs) no others. But, before you take them, PLEASE PM me for permission, I'll also throw in an avatar for you with the banner. So, here ya go! ^^ [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=530248[/img] Here is a Inuyasha and Kagome banner from request, I'm not quite sure what to say about it. I think it's ok. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=530429[/img] Here is a Vash banner I made. Another request. This one was done rather quickly... I don't really like it very much. >.< One of my worst. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=532944[/img] This is a Lenne from FFX-2 banner, another request. I like this one, I think it's rather pretty. Wonder why it wasn't used... *shrugs* [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=528988[/img] This here is another request. It's a Najica Blitz Tactics banner, I'm sure you've seen it in Wasabi's signature. ^_^ I think this turned out extremely well, especially with how fast I made it. In total.. I think it was about a 7-8 min. creation. I love this one though. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=528748[/img] I made this banner for fun, I thought I should make a Kare Kano banner, and this is what turned out. I had placed this in one of my recent threads too, but I got no answer, and I really wanted one. I think this one is sweet, I like this one very much as well. (For banner in attachment)This is a Link banner I made for fun too. I hadn't made a The Legend of Zelda banner yet and I found that strange seeing to that is my fave video game series. So, I turned out with this. I think it's pretty cool. ^^[/color][/size]
As all the other middle schoolers, Kenshin, Sano, Kaoru, Megumi, and Yahiko left in their groups, Kurumi, Katana, and Yuka watched them leave. Kurumi turned around after they dissappeared in different directions. "Ok, listen up... all of you get with a partner! After you get your partner, gather into a group and follow me. Katana, you stay at the side... and Yuka... in the back." Kurumi instructed. "HEY! Why do I have to be in back? That's not fair!" Yuka protested. "It's fair enough." Katana said. Kurumi nodded, Yuka just made a pouting face and reluctently walked to the back of the group. "Right, follow me!" Kurumi said loudly. All the men looked back at her and nodded. They were all soon marching out of the train, Kurumi in the lead, but also having a man that knew his way with her. Kurumi looked ahead in the way the man had said to go, having Katana and Yuka as background music. Kurumi looked to her helper, he appeared to be rather young, not much older than herself. Maybe fifteen. He actually didn't look that bad, cute, actually. He noticed her looking at him and turned his head to her. Kurumi quickly glanced ahead of her. "You don't need to be so shy." The boy said. She looked to him, he was looking back, smiling. She shrugged. "My names Naozumi, your Kurumi... right?" He asked. Kurumi nodded. "That's a nice name." He added. "Can I call you Nao?" Kurumi asked. "Everyone else does." Nao replied as he directed them in a different direction. "You do know we are taking the long way, right?" "Yeah, we all needed to go in different routes to Tokyo. It's getting dark, huh?" Kurumi explained and ended in question. "Yeah, better find a good place for camp..... if we rest tonight, we can walk the rest of the way tomorrow.... it will take about another half a day or so to get there." Nao replied. Kurumi nodded slightly, then turned around to the group. "We are going to make camp for the night! You all have your belongings, right?" Kurumi shouted to the group, she got tons of 'Yeahs', 'yups', and 'o course's' for answers. "Great! Lets find camp!"
"Right... over the rainbow you say?" Kurumi asked, raising her eyebrow slightly. Yuka nodded and walked toward all the people. "Don't worry!" She started, "For I am the Queen of Britian!!" Most people sweatdropped. "And....? And as the Queen of Britian, what do you purpose we do?" Kurumi asked. "I purpose we.... we... GO TO A WELL! We can just push them all inside and then we don't need to worry about getting them anywhere!" Yuka said loudly as she grinned. "That's an awful idea!" Kaoru yelled. "I don't care what awful 'ere right, I just do what the voices tell me to do." Yuka said as she smirked. Kurumi whispered to Katana and came up to Yuka. Kurumi took out Katana's chopsticks and started poking Yuka hard in the side. "Quit fooling around, we need a real plan!" Kurumi told her. "I wasn't kidding, that was my plan..... DON'T MAKE FUN OF ME!" Yuka yelled and ran to the back of the train. Kurumi sweatdropped and then looked to the others. "Hmm, well.. what should we do?" Kurumi asked. ----------------- Sorry for the short post, it's early, I'm hungry.... me need food now.......
[size=1][color=darkblue]Very nice. I like them all very much. Then first one is very interesting but all the same as pretty and cute at the same time. I like the first one's hair, ears, and socks. It may be a little off on the feet and the stance may look abit different, but it doesn't bother me that much. The second one, very cute! I love the hat and scarf, nice background too. And, again, I love the way you did the socks on that one as well. I have no complaints for this one, just that it's way to cute. ^_~ I actually really like your angel drawing. It draws me in for some reason, it's done very well. The wings are very interesting. I love the hair on that one too. Her feet are the only thing that are off to me, and you explained why that is. I absolutly love the yingyang creature type thing. I think they are rather cute. ^_^ I really like these, I can't wait to see more of your pictures! --Conna--[/color][/size]
Thanks Katana! ^^ I guess I won't use that plan. I was going to meet someone that will become very important to Kurumi later on. ^_~ I was in that person's house, were he would have met me as a child. I'll meet him in another way. *shrugs* ----------------------- Kurumi looked around everything was kinda dazy to her. "Whoa! That was strange." She said quietly. She still remembered that odd dream and the encounter with shadow man... but nothing after words. "Hey--- WHAT THE HELL I'M I DOING HERE???!!! I was in the woods!... What happened?" Kurumi yelled, still unaware of everyone there, everyone sweatdropped. She narrowed her eyes, looked around at everyone, closed them, and then sighed. "I'm gonna go take a nap, my head ain't feelin' so good.... plus... the lack of...... sl--ee--pppppp......" Kurumi toppled to the floor, snoring loudly... some drool slightly hanging out of her mouth. Again, everyone sweatdropped. Kenshin picked her up and gently placed her on one of the train seats for her to sleep on. --------------- Sorry for the short post, lack of knowing what to write at the moment. ^^;;
[size=1][color=darkblue]Thank you for all the suggestions and comments! I'll try and see what I can do to fix it. Keep checking, I'll probably fix it tonight sometime. I'm glad you all enjoyed it! ^^[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Meh, I would like to join, but I noticed that the bad people are all boys(aka brother's) I was wondering if they could have a sister among the bunch?[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]I agree completely with Haze. I find it rather pretty, especially the background. Good color choices, it all fits nicely. The font also blends nicely in, it fits well. The picture on the right may be a little blurry, but it doesn't make the banner look bad. I find it funny as well, lol, nice quote. ^^ All in all, I would rate it 9.0/10.0 Great job! I would love to see more work from you![/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Yes! Edward Scissor Hands! I'm sure many of you have seen this movie, what has it been... fourteen years since it came out? Well, recently, my sister had perchased the DVD. It was the first time the both of us had seen it. My sister had been hearing many good things about it and people kept telling her to see it. So she found it at the store and bought it. Well, I personally, loved this movie. At first I didn't realize Edward was Johnny Depp untill my sister told me. Lol. But it was just one of those "cute" and funny movies. It may have been a little strange, but just another reason why it was enjoyable. The storyline was good, maybe sometime I'll try and pick up the book. I loved the expressions on his face when he was eating peas! That images never leaves my head. Lol. Alot of times you just had to think "Poor Edward!" I know I caught myself thinking that alot. So, what did you think of Edward Scissor Hands?[/color][/size]
OOC: Wow, that kinda screwed up what I was planning. I didn't mean to have everyone turn into kids.. that wouldn't make sense. You see, the dude, he turned [i]me[/i] into a kid, so I wouldn't interfear. Plus I was in a house with who knows who. You see, that one thing was a dream, about all of you being kids. And the guardian thing was a flashback to what had happened to the guy, and showing we all knew him. ^^;; Now I'm slightly confused, so I'll but out for awhile. Peace!
[size=1][color=darkblue]Well, I was watching .Hack//Sign last night and I thought, Subaru is an awsome character. So I decided to make a banner of her. I made it this morning, I hope you like it. If you look close enough, you can tell I did some interesting things with the background. If anyone can tell anyway. ^^;; So here it is! Please rate and comment. I also love to hear suggestions! Plus I made an avatar to go with it, you will be able to see it when I post. Enjoy. ^_^[/color][/size]
OOC: Ahh, lets just say I'm still gone, but everyone else is at the train.. does that work? Sorry for confusing you guys! >.<
[size=1]"Oh my god.... Yuka--!!" Kurumi yelled. She slumped down to were Yuka was laying. Kurumi picked up Yuka's limp body and craddled her for a bit, looking at the wounds. Katana slumped down to the ground as well, removing the daggers from Yuka. Then Kurumi looked around to the others and shouted, "WELL? WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!! GET SOMETHING FOR HER TO STOP THE BLEEDING!!!" The others looked at her for a second, then nodded, and scrambled to get things to treat Yuka. A few of them went back to get supplies with Megumi, the others started looking for some wild herbs. Kurumi looked down to the very pale and weak face of Yuka. Kurumi and Katana started ripping off strips of their clothes to wrap Yuka's wounds. As soon as they had tied the cloth around Yuka's wounds, the blood just seeped through. A worried look was spread arcoss Katana's face, Kurumi looked around.... no one had returned yet. Kurumi became paniced as she frantically tried to stop the bleeding. "It's no use really... what you are trying to do." Came that voice again. "Huh--- how--??!" Katana said confused. "Heheheheh... you see, I tend to heal rather fast, unlike you." The voice said mockingly. The shadowed figure jumped from the trees. Kurumi dumped Yuka into Katana's lap. "I'll take care of this one, you get Yuka back to the train... most of the others are there... plus they have supplies to help her." Kurumi said walking past Katana, she looked at her for a few moments untill Kurumi hissed 'GO!'. Katana nodded and ran off carrying Yuka. Kurumi took out her elbow blades and looked fiercely at the shadow figure. She quickly ran to the side, did a side flip, and landed behind him. She took a five chain attack swing of her blades. He had stepped to the side after the second swing, so didn't get the full impact from the attack. He disapeared and appeared on her side, he kicked her in the ribs. After the kick, Kurumi had the wind blown out of her and that rib felt broken. The shadow figure then took a spinning kick to her head. She caught him off gaurd, although a little dizzy, stabbed him in the stomach. He crouched down, clutching his stomach. Kurumi was breathing heavily, ready to end this. "I won't lose so easily...." She hissed to him. "And niether will I!" He screamed, taking a flip and landing behind her. He clutched her head tightly with his hands and let ut a little scream. Kurumi felt a heavy pain, she wanted to scream, but her voice wouldn't come. All a sudden, everything went white. She felt a huge surge of pain run through her body. "Be a child! Then you can cry as long as you want...." A distant voice came through the white hazy prison. She felt an odd sensation... then blacked out. [i]"Who are you?" Little Kurumi said. The man smiled and said, "I'm your guardian little one, do not be afraid." He picked her up and craddled her gently. She looked back up to him, to see his kind face. A thundering sound came. Little Kurumi looked over the guardians shoulder to see a black wave. It came and crashed down on them. "Kurumi!! I'm--- sorry......." The guardian said as the wave washed her from his grasp. When she looked back to him, he was engulfed in the darkness and merged as a shadowed figure. Little Kurumi started to cry, she then heard other cries too... She looked around to see two little boys and four little girls all crying too. "Why are you crying?" She asked them through tearing eyes. "We lost our guardian..." They all said together, still crying. "So did I..." Kurumi said. Then they all gathered together.[/i] [i]Huh?... Where am I?[/i] Kurumi thought as she woke up. She was in a bed... in a house. As she sat up she lifted her hand. But... it was smaller. She got up and saw a mirror, she ran over to it. When she looked at it... it was no longer the 14 year old Kurumi... but, maybe the seven year old or so Kurumi. "Oh my god --- did that guy, did he really--? And that dream... I know him... and those kids... they are the ones I was with.. when they were younger!" Kurumi said to herself, in her new little high-pitched voice.[/size] ------------- AND THE PLOT THICKENS!!!!!!! ------------- ARGH! Man, I guess Katana posted while I was writing, but I spent forever writing it.. I just.. can't delete it! >.<
Kurumi clutched her bandaged side, blood was seeping through. As Yahiko and Kenshin went after Kaz, everyone was being treated by Sano, Megumi, and Koaru. Kurumi groaned and sat down on the ground. "Dammit... I swear, when we run into that dagger dude again...." Her voice faded off as she made a strangling gesture. Kurumi took a sharp, pained breath as she sat alone. "Hn, I'll show him I'm not so weak! I won't be beaten so easily!" Kurumi yelled quietly to herself. Everyone looked at her, she gave them a "WHHAAAAATTT??! look" and lied down on the grass. She sighed as she looked at the sky. [i]Hmph, I need to show that guy! I gotta find him, he needs to pay for what he did to us.[/i] Kurumi thought. "That's it! I've made up my mind!" Kurumi said confidentally as she jumped up off the ground. Which made her wince in pain from her side. Everyone gave her a strange, questioning look. Kurumi rolled her eyes and said in a 'duh' tone, "I'm gonna go find that weirdo! He's gonna pay... lata!" She started walking towards the woods again. Sano, Megumi, Koaru, Yuki, Kit, and Amaya all shouted, "NO!" But Yuka and Katana jumped up and said, "Yeah, lets go kick that guys ass!" Which made everyone(exept Kurumi) sweatdrop. They started marching into the woods as if they weren't even hurt, but the others came and stopped them. They all grabbed the three and pinned them down. Sano said, "You guys aren't goin' anywhere in your state!" Megumi and Koaru nodded in agreement. The three just groaned. ----------- OOC: Hey guys! It's nice to be back posting, lately I've been kinda busy, so yeah. ^^;;
Kurumi looked at the surroundings, the disturbing images of Yuka in all her situations came back. Kurumi slightly shivered and hugged herself. She wandered deeper into the woods, thinking everyone was still following her. When she looked around, she realized she was alone. "Oh ****" She whispered. She had wandered pretty deep into the woods, it was getting darker and it was way to quiet. Kurumi heard twigs snap around her, she slipped her swords out from her waist and started walking backward. [i]Oh man, were is everybody?! I'm definatly not alone either.[/i] She thought, but it only made her shiver more. She felt like someone... or something, was watching her. A cold breeze went past her back, only her back. She turned around to find nothing. More twigs snapped. Suddenly someone was behind her and hand clasped it's hands over her mouth. Whatever it was held her tightly by the waist. Then a sharp pain cut through her side, she grimanced and looked down to see a dagger shoved into her side. It hurt so much. She tried screaming, but the hands just made a tighter grip. She finally got a bite to the hands and let out a high and loud scream as the hands loosened from the pain and moved away for a quick time. The hands cames back and she was hit in the head and was left knocked out on the ground. -------- Sorry it's been awhile. Wasn't here, but now I am... no worries! ^^
[size=1][color=darkblue]I cannot find myself bored, I always need to keep myself busy. I just have to be doing something. But normally I just hang with friends, read, write, draw, and am on the OB. I do tons of other things too, but thoes are the mains and basics. I also find myself playing video games alot too, but recently, I have been growing more away from video games because I don't have any more to play. That's why I was glad to get new video games at Christmas... finally some new ones to play! ^^ But I don't feel good when I don't have things to do and be lazy. Laying there as the day goes by isn't fun. XP So I always need to be doing something, I'm not easily bored... or it's just that I'm easily entertained. XD[/color][/size]
Kurumi was seated with Katana in the train. While Yuka and Yahiko sat behind them. "Oh noooo" Yahiko moaned, "Do I have to sit with [i]her[/i]?!" "Hn, well, it's not like I want to sit with you!... Hey! What so wrong with me anyway?!" Yuka asked rounding on Yahiko. He didn't reply, so she started yelling at him. As the train started up, they still fought. Kurumi watched the landscaped rush by as the train started coming to speed. When Kurumi looked at Katana, Katana seemed to be staring off into space. When Kurumi looked to where Katana was starting, she came across the back of Kit's head. She smirked and looked back to outside. Kurumi noticed something was different.. it was quiet.. to quiet. Yuka and Yahiko had stopped fighting.. then Yuka said, "Lets sing a song!" Everyone looked back in horror and shouted, "NOO!" "To late, can't change my mind!" Yuka replied. Then she started, "100 bottles of BONK on the wall, 100 bottles of BONK!! Take one down, pass it around-----" And she went on, but every time she said 'bonk', she hit Kurumi on the head with her sqeaky hammer. By the time Yuka had gotten to number 95, Kurumi's head was already pounding and letting out a little 'ouch' everytime. Yuka just continued on as loud and annoying as she could. Everyone was just glad it wasn't them. When Yuka got to 60, Kurumi snapped and turned around, grabbed the hammer and threw it out the window. "STOPIT!" Kurumi yelled huffing. Yuka just whinned and cried for a bit and then she got an idea. "hey---" She said, she reached inside her kimono and took out her big mallet. Everyone watched big eyed, for Kurumi didn't notice, untill it actually hit her. "OWWWW!!!" Kurumi yelled so load everyone in the train looked at her. So... Yuka continued the song, now with the big mallet. Kurumi placed her head on the cool window to help the pounding, everyone sweatdropped to Kurumi not doing something about it. Later Katana asked, "Should I poke her with a chopstick?" Kurumi nodded. So now Yuka and Katana were in a battle of bonking in poking, while Kurumi finally got some peace.
*smirks* You people sure do like to see me drunk off eggnog. --------------- "Hey hic... I found hic.... hichic.... some...hic... CHOPSTICKS!" Kurumi yelled... still drunk. She started sneaking around poking people. Then finally Yahiko grabbed her arm and started yelling at her. "Noooooooooooo........ leave me alone!" She yelled back then poked him in the eye. "Whoops! BWAHAHAHA!" Yahiko glared at her and charged angrily. Kurumi dodged his charge for her and when he swung back around to hit her, she did a quick Karate chop to the side of his head. He tripped and fell over, he had a large bump on his head. "BWAHAHAHA! That's what you get for messing with a girl!" Kurumi said as she colapsed onto the floor. "Woah, to much hic hic... eggnog." Kurumi whispered as she passed out. Everyone stared at where she and Yahiko were. Neither of them moved, everyone sweatdropped and Yuka and Katana pulled Kurumi off to the side. Yuka took out her sqeaky hammer and yelled, "WAKE UP!" Kurumu groggily opened her eyes just in time to she Yuka bring down the sqeaky hammer. Kurumi had five red marks and her face as she got up. "What the hell?--" Katana and Yuka started laughing. Kurumi sweatdropped and suddenly got angry and lunged at them. They both let out screams and ran away. "Get back here you little!--" Kurumi yelled as she chased after them. Everyone sweatdropped again and all whispered, "This is my life..." At the same time.