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Everything posted by Fyxe

  1. Fyxe

    A poem

    [size=1][color=darkblue]Thanks guys! Actually, the "Screaming to the sky" part was for when he made me mad... or when I actually did scream because everything was so complicated with him. Ahh, love is a strange, complicated thing, hn? But thanks for the comments! I have found a new way to express my feelings, thank god for poems! I'll try to write more.[/color][/size]
  2. [size=1][color=darkblue]Well, as far as I think, no. I don't consider myself a real Otaku. I am limited to only so much. Such as only seeing what I can on t.v. I never have any money to buy anything, so I don't have but maybe... four DVD's? Sure, I may have plenty of manga, but not as much as alot of people. I have in the range of about 25-30 manga book and that's why I am normally broke. I only have a few CD's and posters too. But the only reason I have some of those things is because I save for Anime Iowa. The most recent Anime Iowa, I had plenty of money to spend, so I got myself a good handful or more of nice anime/manga things. And yes... I do know some Japanese, but not enough to be in a real conversation. But it is interesting to listen to DVD's in Japanese. I am not a total anime freak, I just really enjoy it. It's a nice hobby and interest for me. Sure as I grow older I will get more things, know more anime and manga... maybe one of those days I can be proud to acheive and say "I am an Otaku!" to the world! ^^ Just a dream....[/color][/size]
  3. "Cooooooooooooooooooookkkkkiiiiieeeeeeeeeee!!!" Yuka yelled again. "Yo, little homie fried skillet, queen of Britain person.... found your mallet" Kurumi said. ".. .. .. MALLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTT!!! MY MALLET! OHMIGOD! GIMMEITRIGHTNOW!" Yuka screeched, jumping up. Kurumi tossed it and it hit Yuka on the head. Yuka quickly grabbed it and sat down with it. She just sat there petting it and whispering, "My precious.... my precious.... I shall never let you out of my site again! I SSSSWWEEEAAARRR! Don't be angery.... THE VOICES!!!! THEY WON'T GO AWAY! DON'T TAKE THE PRECIOUS!!! I SWEAR I'L--" Yuka was then started screeching again but was cut off by Katana knocking her out with a mighty blow. "Thanks." Said Kurumi. "No problem." Replied Katana. -------------- Lol, that was great. I had to do that. :p
  4. It amazes me how we are back with everyone when we where in our rooms... eh oh well. MAGIC! *Throws little sparklies* Whheeee! ---------------- Kurumi held Kit in front of her to dodge getting hit by Yuka's mallet. Yuka hit Kit and a huge lump appeared on his head. "Ah! OW! Why did you have to go and do that! Huh Kurumi?!" Kit questioned angrily. He then took the mallet from Yuka and hit Kurumi with it. "HEY!" Kurumi said as a huge lump formed on her head too. Yuka took her mallet back, giving Kit a dirty look while doing so. "Hey! You see this?! THIS MINE! I can only hit people with it, ya hear?! ONLY ME!" Yuka screamed at him angrily, giving him another pound on the head. Kurumi couldn't help but laugh. She then danced around the room singing, " NA NA NA NA CH CH NA NA NA!.... CAN'T TOUCH THIS!" Again. Everyone looked at her... she looked back. "WHAT?! I'm free to do what I wish." "Yes.. but we are not used to you like this." Said Amaya. "Ah... oh well, get used to it!" She replied as she continued to her "Can't touch this" dance. After awhile it started getting late, some people where in corners talking, others fighting quietly, and some enjoying their presents. Kurumi say Amaya and Kit talking in a corner. She went over and said, "Aw, if it isn't the cute little couple?" (Or was it Yuki that we are deciding Kit is liking? I dunno... I'm blonde ya know. ^_~) Kit blushed, but Amaya just rolled her eyes. Kurumi got sad but starry eyes. "I wish someone would love me... but alas, who would be crazy enough to fall for a nut as myself?" Kurumi said sadly as she stared off into space. "Ah, well... I guess it doesn't matter..... bye guys." She waved and headed back to her and Yuka's room for the night. Time for some shut-eye. --------------- Ahh, yes... that is the way I feel but many times. Why can someone not have love for me. I hope a character turns up in this RPG for Kurumi... hehe, that would be nice. :p
  5. Kurumi walked around the room... in circles and circles singing, "NA NA NA NA CH CH NA NA NA... CAN'T TOUCH THIS!!!!!" While doing a little dance as well. Her head was pounding, but she didn't care. Kurumi toppled over a pile of presents.. her pile of presents. "Oh yeah... forgot 'bout them bein' here, now didn't I?" She picked them up and took them back to her room. She sat down and looked at them. [i]Ahhh, it was so nice of everyone to get me gifts. That was the most wild Christmas I've had![/i] Kurumi thought. Yuka soon came in with her pile of presents too. "Wazzup homie fried skillet?" Kurumi asked Yuka. Yuka started laughing, Kurumi smiled. "Hahaha, that's a good one!" Yuka said laughing. "Yeah? Well.... your mama!" Kurumi replied. "Eh!? What about my mama?! Come 'ere!" Yuka yelled chasing Kurumi around with her sqeaky hammer. "I'm gonna bonk you for that one!" "Ahhhh! Just joking, just joking! Have mercy!" Kurumi half yelled half laughed. "No way! I shalt not show any mercy for the! I WILL get you!" Yuka yelled again as she jumped and landed on Kurumi's shoulders and started bonking her on the head. "Oh owoowowowow!" All of a sudden the door opened to reveal Yuki standing in the doorway. She didn't look pleased. "WOULD YOU TWO SHUT UP??!!! Some of us are trying to sleep! Jeez!" Yuki screamed at them. Big anime sweatdrops formed behind their heads. Then Yuka stuck out her tongue. "Well, why don't you mind your own beezwax and stop ruining our fun!" Yuka fought back. "HMPH!" Yuki sad and slammed the door. "Man... what was her problem?" Kurumi asked. Yuka shrugged. "I dunno." So they continued to fight. ---------- Lol. I guess I like my person to be more goofy. ^^
  6. [size=1][color=darkblue]I have all of the manga, never seen the anime. I've heard that the anime isn't the best, but I still wish to see it. The manga is my second favorite manga series. I can't help but love it, I hope I can see the anime some day. If I can't find the DVD's, I'll just download them off tne internet.[/color][/size]
  7. OOC:Eh, sorry i havn't been posting, busy time, no computer at dad's either... so I'm at the school he works at. Phew! ------------- IC: Kurumi jumped as Yuka came laughing with the mallet AND BB gun. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Kurumi screamed, but oddly enough laughing. "Eh?" Someone had grabbed her and forced a present into her lap. She saw Katana in front of her smiling. "Thanks." "Well, open it first! Duh!" Katana said back. So Kurumi ripped it open to find.... EGGNOG! "WO! I love eggnog... last year I had so much I got drunk off of it." Kurumi said with joy. She opened it and chugged it down. After downing it in a few gulps, she let out a big burp and started running around laughing. "WHEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" She screamed as she jumped onto Yuka. They came down with a thud. Everyone started laughing. Kurumi grabbed Katana and Yuka and they all started to sing. "Never knew you could be so wild Kurumi!" Katana said rather suprised. Yuka nodded in agreement. "Well, goes to show ya how different a person can actually be!" Kurumi replied. For the rest of the morning everyone continued to exchange gifts. ---------- Haha, I wanted to make Kurumi lossen up and be crazy, so there it be happinen!
  8. OOC: Sorry Zhang_He, but you are wrong about Talim's weapon. I could tell you the names of them, but I havn't played for a few weeks and I forgot. I only know what they look like, and they are NOT like a night stick. Plus you didn't make the least bit of sence most of the time.... ^^;; IC: Kurumi woke up very sore. She had a slight headache too. A few minutes later she heard Kenshin call everyone for breakfast, so she headed down to were they had eaten the night before. When Kurumi walked into the room, she saw Yahiko and Yuka fighting. But she just walked past and slipped into a seat to eat, she was starving since she hadn't eaten last night. Soon everyone else was at the table too, finally Kenshin came in with breakfast. [center]***[/center] Soon later everyone was chowing down the wonderful meal, it had been obviously made by Kenshin. It was rather quiet, the only interactions were the passing food and Yuka and Yahiko glaring at each other. Kurumi couldn't help but let out a little giggle at their faces. Then she decided to lighten up the atmoshere aroung everyone.... she told a joke. It was one of the only sick jokes Kilick had ever told her, she thought it was very funny. She was surpised at how many people laughed.... it was... almost, everyone! Katana looked at her with suprise, since she hadn't known Kurumi could actually make people laugh. Kurumi smiled and went back to eating as people started to talk.
  9. [size=1][color=darkblue]I wrote this poem last night when I was thinking about the love I had for someone. It's kind of about how we met and then how I started to feel about him. I don't have a name for it, but here it is! At first I barely knew you, Just a familliar face among the very few. You came along for a quick ride, But you then continued to stay by my side. For awhile I wondered why you were there, Just giving me that happy stare. For not many people enjoyed me around, Because I would just stay silent and stare at the ground. But you were always there to make me happy, To lift my spirits when I felt crappy. You made me laugh, smile, and enjoy the time that went by, You even made me scream to the sky. Then soon I felt different about you, You made my feeling complete and true. My heart goes faster, I blush and feel strange, I now feel myself begin to change. I now know what I didn't before, I love you, and I shall forever more. So what do you think? I will probably write more soon. Reading this one makes me sad, since, well...... he doesn't like me back and I'm trying to get over it. I'll try and write more later.[/color][/size]
  10. Yuka and Katana started giggling after awhile when they were sitting there. Kurumi just couldn't take it anymore, someone was hurt... and they were... giggling?! "OH! GROW UP YOU TWO!!" Kurumi finally snapped, "I'm getting outta here, I can't stand the giggle busters over there!" She got up and left. As she walked down the hallway, she saw Kenshin walk in her direction. "Why hello miss Kurumi, are you up to see Kit as well? I was up to do the same, that I was." Kenshin said in a friendly but soft voice. He then gave her a smile, which made he blush a little. She had never really had the hots for him in the show.... but it was different when you were [i]with[/i] him. "Well... at first I couldn't sleep, so I was just looking at the stars when Yuka woke up and we came to see Kit." Kurumi replied. "I see... Well, I had better not delay any longer. I promised Miss Megumi I would help he, that I did. Goodnight." He said cheerfully. "Goodnight." Kurumi whispered. After Kenshin went into Kit's room, Kurumi went back to her own and tried to sleep.
  11. [size=1][color=darkblue]Ahhh yes, Lord of the Rings. Anyway... I saw it Friday night, it was done very well. The only thing is... I had to leave during Shelob(sp?) due to the fact that my blatter was going to burst. Lol, my friend is a big Legolas fan, not Orlando Bloom, Legolas. She is a Legolas nut, I swear.... she even screamed when he came on screen. LOL. As for be, I am more a Aragorn(sp?)(Viggo) fan. ^_~ I think Legolas is a cool character and all, but you can't beat Aragorn(sp?)! ^^ My sister on the other hand likes Pippin. I like his character too actually, but she thinks he's cute, and I don't really. :p I do believe the end got everyone though, since it kept seeming like the end at different parts. People actually left 15 minutes before it ended because they didn't know. But I was warned that that happened. I didn't quite get the end even. I loved this one along with all the others. Haha [spoiler]I loved seeing Shauron(sp?) be beaten by a girl! But I thought he was beaten rather easily, I mean, he should have been more powerful.[/spoiler] I also loved the battles! So awsome. I think the special effects were great on this one. [spoiler]I thought it was rather funny when Smeagol was holding the ring and was looking all happy as he fell into the lava. Lol, hey it was a happy death, hn?[/spoiler] Well, at the moment, that's all I have to say. Oh yes, if you havn't seen it.... go soon! It's very good, this movie can't let you down! ^^[/color][/size]
  12. Kurumi jumped from the small cliff in which she had been naping on. She quickly streched untill she smelled something..... three demons. Kurumi ran over to the lake by were she was, as she stood in front of it, she made some handguesters and closed her eyes. Once she opened her eyes, with her powers, she forced the water in a huge waze. It was big enough to crush anything in it's way. Kurumi forced it forward to the place she had smelled the demons... she couldn't let anyone get in her way now, not yet, never. Trees crashed down as the wave passed them. Many things where destroyed by the wave, Kurumi could see it all when following. When the wave got to the spot it was intended, Kurumi heard a scream from a girl. Kurumi smirked and thought [i]Target hit.[/i] Kurumi then went to go scavage useful items the victims might have had. But what happened next was not expected.........
  13. Kurumi was picking at her food, not being very hungery, when Kit was smashed through the window. "Huh?!" Kurumi let out as Katana yelled out for help to Megumi. Megumi looked puzzled that we knew she was a doctor but quickly went to work. She had Kenshin carry Kit to a bed. Kurumi and the others looked after them. Then Kaoru said, "Well.... I guess that ends our meal. I think I have enough room for you guys to stay here. People will have to share rooms though. Kaz, you will stay with Kit. Kurumi, you will stay with Yuka. And Katana, Yuki, and Amaya will be in a room. You three may be a little stuffy in there, but you will live." She then lead the girls to the rooms as Kaz went into the room Kit had been carried into. Kaoru gathered some things they needed and left them in there rooms. "Thank you." Kurumi called softly after Kaoru. She turned around, smiled, and bowed in reply. "Why do you need to be such a goody-goody?" Yuka asked as Kurumi walked back into their room. Yuka gave her a starnge look. "I'm not... I'm just showing a little graditude for what they are doing for us. Is that so wrong?" Kurumi replied flaty. She took her blankets and made her bed on the other side of the room. Kurumi didn't heard another word from Yuka. Kurumi just sat on the bed for awhile, thinking about everything. She couldn't, but didn't, want to sleep. She could tell the kids from school didn't really like her much... she didn't blame them. Kurumi had never really liked herself. Kurumi sighed and went to the door in the room, opened it, and stepped outside. She could feel the cool night breeze brush against her... it was nice. She sat down on the little porch area and looked at the stars. "What will happen to us?" She said quietly to herself.
  14. [size=1][color=darkblue]Thanks. I thought it was a cool picture, so I just wanted to make something with it since I had plenty of spare time to do so. Ok, here is my next banner. I think this was one of my nicer ones so far, I had to do another Sana and Akito based banner, but now it is far more simple. Take note too, that any banners in this thread are up for graps as long is a name isn't on it. So if you want one of my banners, please PM me for permission! ^^ Enjoy![/color][/size]
  15. OOC: By the way, my name's Kurumi, not Kuruki. ^^;; --------------------- IC: Kurumi watched the ground silently as she walked behind Sano and the other girls. She heard the boys still walking behind her, no longer fighting.[i] What will we do when we meet Kenshin... all I want to know is what our perpose is here.... in the Meiji Era. Even if I am eager to see this time, and the characters from Rurouni Kenshin... still, how long will we be here, and I'm worried about why we are here.[/i] Kurumi thought. There was an akward silence between everyone, Kurumi thought they must have the same idea at least in their mind. Sano lead them up a large amount of stairs. Once they got to the top, they could see the dojo they were after. Everyone was tense as they walked closer to the entrance. [i]What will happen?![/i] Kurumi thought tensely.
  16. [size=1][color=darkblue]Well, if it says "Waiting for activation" then you probably need to activate your account from email. I hope that's right, sorry if I cannot help anymore. ^^[/color][/size]
  17. [size=1][color=darkblue]Lol, good point Semjaza Azazel. Me? No, I wasn't really into them. But my brother did. I remember the day that thing ran out of batteries.... awful sound, and we couldn't make it stop either, the batteries were stuck. >.< So we kept it under some things in the basement... I think it's still there. My friend on the other hand, taught hers many bad things. Lol. Such as Run b****, he gonna kill you! I remember when it said it to her mom when she was passing by. >< LOL! Eh, that Furby was a swearing machine. Even though I do remember them, I don't think I ever really got into it. They didn't really appeal to me I guess. *shrugs*[/color][/size]
  18. [size=1][color=darkblue]OOC: Erp...... eh sorry! ^^;; Bad timing for me to stop by, huh? :sweat: I hope you can find a way to work around it!! Sorry, sorry, sorry.... it seems like that always happens..... :p[/color][/size]
  19. [size=1][color=darkblue]Lol, I'm sure you get VERY tired of seeing my threads. But I feel I must show the world my creations! Ok, sorry. Anyway, here is an interesting new banner from me. It has this awsome picture I found on it. I was playing around a bunch with Adobe last night and I came up with this. I think it has an interesting kick to it. Sooo, what do you think? I hope to be posting more of my banners soon, I have been making some cool ones lately! ^_~ Yeah right, but whatever! Please rate and comment! I appreciate it! Enjoy.[/color][/size]
  20. [i]Huh?! Arn't those the kids from my school?[/i] Kurumi thought as some other people entered the dark alleyway. Kurumi stepped frowar into the light a little more. "Uh... hi?" She said as she saw some of them flintch with suprise. [i]Yup, definatly them[/i] She thought again as they turned around. She then noticed Sano was with them. Her mouth dropped open. "Oh, wow! It's really you!" Kurumi exclaimed as she walked up to him, "Nice to meet you. My name's Kurumi!" He looked down at her and said an unsure 'hi'. Kuruki looked to the others. "What's going on? I've heard alot of police officers looking for people that fit the discription of you guys. Obviously I hadn't been spotted before." She explained. Kaz was trying to drag Kit somewhere while Katana was looking dreaming eyed at Sano and at the same time druling. Then Kurumi spotted the younger girl from before, she looked rather embarassed to be standing by Katana. "Eh... ok..." Kurumi said sheepishly knowing that no one was listening to her anyway. She then turned to Sano and asked, "Hey, you wouldn't happen to know where Kenshin is, would you?" "Why? Oh, I get it, you guys just want to match your skills and strength against him. Right? If it's in that case, I won't tell you." He replied. "No! We do not wish to find him, we want to talk to him. Plus we need a place to stay.... If you would be so kind as to show us...." "Hn, alright, if you put it that way, I guess I can tell you." "Yes!" All the girls said. Kit was still struggling to get away from Kaz.... "Just follow me ladies." Sano said kindly, "You too guys." He started walking down the path in the dark of the early night. The girls walked closely behind as the boys stayed a little farther back, obviously having a little agument. ------------- Heh, this is getting interesting! ^^
  21. Kurumi looked at the girls, then to the boys. The boys were fighting off a police officer. "Hn, why do they get the fun?" She said... she already knew what was happening. Sh had done research on this stuff, but it had never been proven it could happen. Kurumi then saw a familliar face, one she had seen but never met. She walked over and placed her hand on the sixth graders shoulder. "Hey." She said simply looking down at the girl. The girl mumbled a quick hi and moved her shoulder around uncomfortably, so Kurumi put her hand back down to her side. Kurumi then realized what she was wearing. [i]AWSOME! This is the coolest outfit I've ever worn! And... and I have blades just like Talim. Sweet![/i] Kurumi thought while looking at herself. Her hair was a different style, as well as longer. She took out her swords and tried some moves she had seen on Soul Calibur Two... she could do them almost perfectly. She took a quick swipe at a tree and it instantly fell over, her swords were very sharp. Kurumi then looked back to the fight with the boys and the police officer.... the boys were easily winning. Kurumi smiled as the boys laughed, they were abvously enjoying harrassing the poor man. "We should go." One of the girls said suddenly, "If we are in the Meiji Era, Kenshin is bound to be here. We should find him." Kurumi looked at the one whom had spoken. Kurumi nodded her head and said, "We should split up into groups, about two people per group... but the number is odd, someone will need to go alone. I think I'll do that, I like working alone." She didn't wait for a reply and ran in a direction. Kurumi realized she ran so much faster than before, even though she was one of the most athletic and fast girls in her class, this speed beat what she could normally do. After awhile she came to a fence, she jumped over it and landed. Where she landed was surrounded by houses. [i]Know I just need to find that dojo![/i] She thought, so she started down a darkening alley.
  22. Kurumi walked down the hallway to class, behind the normal cloud of girls rambling about Kenshin and how he was a supper hottie. Kurumi sighed and looked over to her best guy frined that was walking beside her. He cracked some stupid and sick joke as normal... which made her kick him as normal. They walked in silence down the hallway. As she opened the door to her class, she was greeted by her best friend. "Hey Kurumi! What's up?" "Nothing really, same old same old, what about you Aya?" She asked in reply. "Same here." Aya said smiling, she eyed Kilik(the guy friend) and then looked back at Kurumi, "So.... when are you gonna ask him out?" "I'M NOT GOING TO!" Kurumi roared, her face flaming, "How many time to I need to tell you that? Besides, he doesn't like me anyhow...." "Sorry, sorry..." Aya apologized while eyeing him again as she took her seat. *** After her first class, Kurumi parted from the cloud of girls walking to the next class. She went to her locker to retreve some books. After she slammed her locker shut, she was swollowed bu a navy void. Time was slowing, everything was slowing to a stop. Kurumi dropped her books as she was flung into a time void. She soon hit the ground hard and found herself on a dusty road. She... was different. Kurumi now had longer hair and her outfit was totally different.... where was she? She now had two hand swords... just like the ones Talim had always had in Soul Calibur Two... Kurumi had always played as Talim. Kurumi looked herself over...... [i]Awsome![/i] She thought. Now... to find out where she was..... -------------- OOC: Ok! Hope that's alright! ^^
  23. Alrighty, I'm finally ready! ^^ Name: Kurumi Mishima Gender: Female Age:14 Grade: 8 Present Time Appearance:[url]www.anime-unleashed.com/gallery/details.php?image_id=1555[/url] (Exept it's a girl, has blande hair, and blue eyes) Meiji Era Appearance: [url]www.anime-unleashed.com/gallery/details.php?image_id=1532[/url] Weapon: Two hand swords(They are held at the hand and curve back to the users elbow, the same weapons Talim use on SC2) Personality: Kurumi is normally nice and keeping it cool. Not always on the talkative side with others, but her mouth is always funny with jokes or comments around her friends. Kurumi is smart, but not stuck up about it, she loves to help people when she can. Kurumi is also know for her loner ways, she may like to be with friends and other people every now and then, but she always needs her alone time. Normally in a big conversation, Kurumi is left on the outskirts just listening because of her loner ways. Bio: Kurumi had lived in Japan most of her life, always loving the school she was in. She had always been a big fan to Rurouni Kenshin and was pleased to have a whole school into it. Kurumi had grown up with her mother and sister, and had always been a major anime fanatic. Kurumi pretty much grew up in a normal life. Misses the most in present time: Friends, anime, and Internet.
  24. [size=1][color=darkblue]SECTION A In the following section, please answer each statement with one of five answers: A) Strongly Agree B) Agree C) Somewhat Agree D) Disagree E) Strongly Disagree 1) I find OtakuBoards rules easy to understand and follow.[b]A[/b] 2) I feel that the staff at OtakuBoards understand their job and are capable of performing it appropriately.[b]A[/b] 3) OtakuBoards is easy to navigate.[b]A[/b] 4) OtakuBoards has a friendly atmosphere.[b]B[/b] SECTION B Please try to keep your answers relatively short in this section. 5) How often do you visit OtakuBoards?[b]I normally am on every day.[/b] 6) Do you feel that the rules are too strict/not strict enough/fine as they are?[b]I think they are fine as they are[/b] 7) Should we continue to uncensor the creative writing areas on OtakuBoards?[b]I think so, then people can express themselves more.[/b] 8) Would you rather a decentralized forum system on OB (more forums, less activity per forum) or a centralized forum system (less forums, more activity per forum)?[b]For the most part I think I would like a decentralized forum system.[/b] 9) Would you like to see a closer integration of myOtaku and OtakuBoards?[b]Yes, many people may not know what myOtaku is.[/b] 10) Are you signed up to myOtaku.com?[b]Yes[/b] 11) If you are not signed up to myOtaku.com, do you plan to sign up in the near future?[b]N/A[/b] 12) Do you read Announcements at OtakuBoards?[b]Normally, yes.[/b] 13) Which single Category (Category, as opposed to individual Forum) do you spend most of your time visiting?[b]That's hard, probably Otaku Lounge or Art/Design.[/b] 14) Do you think that OtakuBoards should offer an in-built chat system as part of our service? If we included a chat, would you use it?[b]I think you should have chat, and yes, I would use it all the time.[/b] 15) If we offered an "OtakuBoards Wireless" service that would be accessible via Internet-capable cellphones, would you use it?[b]Maybe.[/b] 16) When we offer a next generation version of OtakuBoards, should we continue to provide semi-regular community events in our Event Arena or a similar forum?[b]In the Event Arena[/b] 17) If you could add one new Category (Category, not Forum) to OtakuBoards, what would it be?[b]I don't know.[/b] 18) If you could remove one Category from OtakuBoards, what would it be?[b]I wouldn't want to remove anything.[/b] 19) If you could add anything to OtakuBoards (in terms of a new forum, a technical tool/feature, etc), what would it be?[b]I can't think of anything at this point, but I like the way things are now.[/b] 20) On a scale of 1-10 (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest), how would you rate your experience at OtakuBoards since you registered?[b]Definatly a 10, it's been great.[/b][/color][/size]
  25. [size=1][color=darkblue]I think just about everyone RPed when they were younger. How else did you have fun? Lol. I still RP, we sometimes form groups to RP every once in a while. I still find it fun. In any case, I love to RPG. If you would have taken away RPing when I was little... I wouldn't have had a thing to do! We did Zelda, Mario, DBZ, Salior Moon... everything. Lol, I had a little RP group of friends I guess.... they still are my RP group. ^^;; Eh. You can't live if you don't RP at least once in your life. Those are my thoughts on the matter.[/color][/size]
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