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Everything posted by Fyxe

  1. [size=1][color=darkblue]Eh... I know you have everyone you need. But I was wondering if I could be someone too, seeing to I was looking forward to sign up for this one. I'm just slow.... meh. If I can't, that's alright. ^^;;[/color][/size]
  2. [size=1][color=darkblue]Great, just great. I love your background styles, those are what mainly catch my attention, but the way you put it all together makes it rather spiffy. I can always enjoy some part about your banners. As while I normally have the same styles, you like to explore, and I always love to see what you come up with! ^^ The Piers one is nice, I love the background on that one. I like you recent entry too, very nice. GOD! >.< I wish I could make those backgrounds! If you would be so kind as to tell me what you use, I would be oh so grateful. Keep up the awsome work, I can't wait to see more! ^^ Oh yes, I couldn't see your Sheba banners, I really wanted to see them. If you have some way to send them to me, I would be once again ever so grateful! ^^[/color][/size]
  3. [size=1][color=darkblue]I'm sure all of you celebrate a holiday some time this season. So share what your holiday is, your traditions, memories of those past holidays, and perhaps even your wish list! I'm interested in knowing what you all do for the holidays, so share the good times! ^_^ For me, yes, I celebrate Christmas. Which is in eleven or so days from now. I love Christmas, not just for the gifts, but for family, large meals and the beauty or the snow and decorations. Sure, gifts are nice, but Christmas is to bring family together and remember the birth of Christ. This Christmas I get to be with my father, who I barely ever get to see along with my little brother. Our traditions are that we [i]always[/i] put up the tree, make cookies and other sweets, decorate everywhere.... and you can never forget the big Christmas day snow ball fight! Of course only the kids do the snow ball fight, but it's always fun, no matter how old I am. We always go snowboarding too on Christmas day and then we have a big feast of a lunch! ^^ Some memories I have are when: The most recent one was when I was snowboarding with my friends and I got to the one hill. It ended up that the hill ended in a huge drop. There was snow covering the cliff like drop, so I thought it was still the hill. The I got to the snow covering it... and I dropped right thought the snow. I couldn't get out for awhile, my friends had to dig me out! Lol. ^^;; It wasn't funny at the time, but it is now. Another is when my first cat that we just got was having his first Christmas. Well, once he saw the tree.... he went flying throught the air are did a weird pounce/clutch thing to the tree. You see, it was a rather small tree, so it fell over with Chester on it! LOL! That was so funny, I still remember it clear as day. Another is when I was at my aunts house for Christmas, I was about six or seven. Well, my uncle was dressed as Santa Clause... and he actually came down the chimney. ^^;; It was rather strange. But my little cousins where delighted. Heh, he had a big sack and gave us each a present. Later when my uncle came back without the suit, he was covered in soot. It's was pretty funny. So, does anyone else have anything to share about their holidays? Happy Holiday!! ^^ --Conna--[/color][/size]
  4. [b]Name:[/b] Kurumi [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Weapons:[/b] Long bow and arrows and a katana called the Demon Sword. [b]Bio:[/b] Kurumi is a quiet, but rather violent demon. She is a young cat demon. Kurumi has chesnut ears and tail. She normally wears a red tunic, black cape, black boots, and lets her chesnut hair flow freely. Kurumi was from a village of cat demons, which was destroyed my Naraku and now searches for him with only one thing in mind, revenge. [b]Special abillities:[/b] Kurumi has many abillities with her claws, but she has also been blessed with water powers and the abillity to control it.[/b] ---------------- Hope that's good! ^^
  5. [size=1][color=darkblue]I had never heard of it, but the idea is horrible. What sick minded little freaks made that one up? Sure, people wear them everywhere.... but making a secret meaning out of it and concluding to sex is just plain... stupid. Of course I have been in a few games of spin the bottle, but it never turned out bad like that. The only thing that came out of those spin the bottle games was a kiss on the cheek. :p I really don't get why people would do that though. I've seen people break them and [i]tease[/i] about doing that, because abviously they had heard of it. Meh, no one could be stupid enough to actually "Play by the Rules" of these "Sex Bracelets" and their game of snaps. So I think the whole concept is totally stupid.[/color][/size]
  6. [size=1][color=darkblue]Yeah, the GS banner was thrown together pretty quickly. ^^;; But I thought it was good for a 5-10 minute banner. I have another I made very recently. It is a Kare Kano banner. I love that series and decided I need to dedicate a banner to it. It's simple, yet sweet. I like it. If anyone wishes to have it, I would be more than happy to give it to you if you ask. I also have a matching avatar to go with it, but am not able to post it at the time. So enjoy![/color][/size]
  7. [size=1][color=darkblue]Yes, I agree, I could have done better on the font. But I guess really, I was just playing around and it wasn't meant to look that great. But I shall try and fix the things that are wrong with it soon. Anyway, here is another banner I made that night. It's not the best, but I was trying some more things out. It's a Golden Sun banner of the boys. Meh, I hope you like it. Please rate and comment! ^^ Enjoy![/color][/size]
  8. [size=1][color=darkblue]Eh.... this is mine, not quite to good. But I will make another soon. Anyway, here is my first entery... it is far to big. ^^;;[/color][/size]
  9. [size=1][color=darkblue]Yes, yet another banner thread by me. I havn't really been making a ton of banners lately since I now have a time limit on the internet, so I never have time to find pictures. But last night I made some interesting banners. My first banner I'm posting is an FLCL banner, as you can tell, I was just really messing around to see what certain things did. So, hey, it's just an odd creation. I've taken a liking to it actually. It's a Momimi(sp?Ihave no idea how to spell it) banner. Anything on this thread will be up for graps if I don't say I made it for someone. So if you want a banner on here, just PM me and ask for it! Please rate and comment! ^^ Enjoy![/color][/size]
  10. [size=1][color=darkblue]All of those are so awful! *pats everyone on the back* I have some pretty bad stuff too.... one is simalar to the first post. I was about six or seven. We were at the mall and we were in a store when all of a sudden a few guys came in with guns and started shooting. After they got what they wanted... they kept shooting anyway. Quite a few people died, I think around seven people did and many were injured. It was very scary, see to one of my family members almost got shot. It just barely pierced her skin. I was watching the whole thing too... it was an awful sight for me, especially at that age. We had to hide in a clothes rack. In the end the guys were caught. Thank god. That was probably the scariest moment in my life. Another time was when I had a life threatening disease. It was when I was three. So really, I don't remember it, but it scares me to think... I could be dead now. And I am so glad to be alive and posting this now. I may not have the best life, but I'm glad I get to experiance it. I'm sure it was an awful situation for my parents... I wouldn't want to loose my kid from a disease. I'm glad I am here to this day, to be able to be with my family and know all of my wonderful friends. They may not know it, but I love them so much, and I am glad to know them and be with them. Ok, I'll stop rambling like that. ^^;; Another is... when I lost my Grandmother. I may not have known her well, since she fell into alltimers(sp?) disease when I was six. But I still loved her and all the memoried I had had of her were sweet. I charish everything she gave me and all the wonderful memories. It was hard to soak in the fact that she was dead that day.... and many days after. I regret even more that I didn't know my grandmother much... I wish I knew more... I wish she could have stayed. It was also really hard to visit her, she never knew who any of us were.... I... I..... hugged her non-stop, but got no reply. It hurt and it still does. Oh god... I don't want to think of this anymore. Well... those are some of my worst times.[/color][/size]
  11. [size=1][color=darkblue]What is your name?[b] Claire[/b] Spell your name backwards.[b] erialC[/b] Date of birth: [b]April 14, 1989[/b] Male or female? [b]I hope I'm female.[/b] Astrological sign: [b]Aries[/b] Nicknames: [b]Claire Bear, Claire da Room, ClairisWorks 2.0, and Clairies(sp?)[/b] Occupation? [b]I'm an anime and computer freak. :p[/b] Height:[b] 5'3" .... around that range.[/b] Weight: [b] 102[/b] Hair color: [b]Golden brown[/b] Eye color: [b]blue/green, it's kind of aqua but there is more blue in it.[/b] Where were you born? [b]Cedar Rapids, Iowa[/b] Where do you reside now? [b] Somewhere in Iowa[/b] Age: [b]14[/b] Screen names:[b] Conna_da_fox, Lady_of_Darkness, shadow fox, and dark_death(that was for the Otaku chat)[/b] E-mail addy:[b] [email]anime_gurl2003@hotmail.com[/email](if you want me for messenger anyway.)[/b] What does your screen name stand for? [b]It's something I made up, I like the name Conna and I love fox demons, so there ya go, Conna_da_fox.[/b] What is your gangsta name? [b]N/A[/b] What does your diary name stand for? [b]N/A[/b] Pets: [b] Two cats, Chester and Lucas. Chester is square O_o... or so my friend says.[/b] Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake? [b]14[/b] Piercings? [b]I have my ears pierced[/b] Tattoos? [b]none, I never will either.[/b] Shoe size: [b]I don't remember actually....[/b] Righty or lefty? [b]Righty[/b] Wearing right now: [b]Eh... *blushes* Just my night shirt and robe. ^^;;[/b] Hearing: [b]I'm hearing... my music on the comp, I'm listening to Trigger Happy by Weird Al :D[/b] Feeling: [b]Oh, that's an easy one, I'm feeling the keyboard! :p[/b] Eating/drinking: [b]Well, just a moment ago I was sipping some 7 up *coughyourscough* :p[/b] ~Guys/Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff~ Have you ever been in love? [b]Oh yes.... a few times......[/b] How many people have you told "I love you"? [b]Only one, I wish to tell someone now... but don't have the courage.[/b] How many people have you been in love with?[b]3 I do believe.[/b] How many people have you kissed? [b].... none... yet....[/b] Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? [b]If you are talking family, yes, but otherwise I wouldn't even think about it.[/b] How many people have you dated? [b]So far, none.[/b] What do you look for in a guy/girl? [b]Nice, fun, funny. Someone I can be myself around and be comfortable with. I guess I like teasers too. ^^ But I want a guy that can stand up for me and not be afraid to show affection.[/b] What's the first thing you notice about the opposite/same sex?[b]Same: Hmm, I guess their smile really, or the way they greet me. Opposite: Cuteness ^^[/b] What type of guy/girl do you usually go for?[b]Really, what I said in what I said about what I look for in a guy.[/b] Do you have a bf/gf? [b]No.... but I am trying to ask someone out.[/b] If so where did you meet them? [b]N/A[/b] What do you like most about your bf/gf? [b]N/A[/b] Do you have a crush right now? [b]YES! DO I EVER![/b] If so who is it? [b] His name is Jacob [/b] Do you believe in love at first sight?[b]No, that's if you see a person hat you think is hot, etc. and you just want to get a little of it... so really I would say it's for more shallow people.[/b] Do you remember your first love? [b]Yes *sighs*[/b] Who is the first person you kissed? [b]N/A[/b] Do you believe in fate? [b] Yes.. yes I do[/b] Do you believe in soul mates? [b]Of course! I've found my soul mate as in a friend![/b] If so do you believe you'll ever find yours? [b]I hope I find my guy soul mate....[/b] ~Family Stuff~ How many siblings do you have? [b]Eh, to many... anyone want to adobpt? Lets see.... 2 sisters and 4 brothers, most of them are my steps though.[/b] What are your parents names? [b]Rita and Jim[/b] What are your siblings names? [b]Sara, Rebecca, Andrew, Daniel, Drew, and my fav little bro.... CONNOR! ^^[/b] How many siblings does your mother have? [b]Me mum has one sibling... a brother[/b] How many siblings does your father have? [b]me dad has two siblings, two sisters.[/b] Where are your parents from? [b]I'm not sure really.....[/b] Is your family close? [b]No, I hate being seperated from me dad and little bro![/b] Does your family get together for holidays? [b]Normally, but we switch holidays every year, so one year i'll be at my dad's for that holiday and so on.[/b] Do you have a drunk uncle? [b]What? No, thats an odd question....[/b] Any medical problems run through your family? [b]not that I know of[/b] Does someone in your family wear a toupee? [b]Lol, no[/b] Do you have any nieces or nephews? [b]Nope[/b] Are your parents divorced? [b]yeah....[/b] Do you have step parents? [b]Yup! And I hate both of 'em![/b] Has your family ever disowned another member of your family? [b]no[/b] If so for what? [b]N/A[/b] Did some of your family come to America from another country? [b]Yeah, I think it was my great great great grandpa... or just great great.... from Germany.[/b] ~Music Stuff~ What song do you swear was written about you or your life? [b]Not sure, but I can relate to a lot of Linkin' Parks songs.[/b] What's the most embarrasing cd you own? [b]Ummm.... the Spice Girls... lol, well, it's not that bad.[/b] What's the best CD you own? [b]THE GORILLAZ! They rock.[/b] What song do you absolutely hate? [b]Sooooooo many...[/b] Do you sing in the shower? [b]Not normally[/b] What song reminds you of that special someone? [b]I have no idea[/b] [/color][/size]
  12. [size=1][color=darkblue]Lol, I like your little story Katana. ^^ But about what that boy said.... I heard to much of it. I don't like to be belittled by boys just because I am a girl. At my school, however, I have proved that girl can do the same things and do just as well at them as boys. I'm rather violent when someone pisses me off, so normally people know when to stay away. :P I do just as well in sports to, and frankly.... I'm a terrible cook and cleaner. Lol, so I would never be able to live with a man I guess. :rolleyes: Or so they think. All I heard that we [i]are good[/i] at or [i]meant[/i] to only do are things such as keeping tidy and cooking. Heh, I'm terrible at having a clean space... I hate a really clean spot. Plus, they say all girls take an hour or more to get ready in the morning. NOT TRUE! I take a total of about five minutes. I don't like make-up.... it's evil, never use it. I'm not trying to say that women are better than men, it's just they don't normally think of our feelings or how they should treat us. They belittle our gender to much. They think we cannot do the same things as them, but we can. Also, as I said before, men cannot do some things that women can do and women cannot do somethings men can. So really we are equal, because for what a certain gender cannot do, the other one can. So really, no one is superior. True, women may be the source of life, but if it weren't for men, they couln't make life. We all play a valuable part to life and all I ever wanted was a little gratitude. It's like whenever we do something, we are barely ever thanked. Most men have always treated me like I was just something there and I didn't matter and I hate that. I would rather us live more together and help eachother and stop battling over what gender is better. Because we are smart enough to know that both genders are needed on the same amount. That's really how I feel about that.[/color][/size]
  13. Kia jumped off the small cliff and walked down the remaining parts of the mountain. She had taken a different route than the one she had come. There was no road here, she did not want people to notice her. She looked across the barren cliffs and slopes ahead of her. Kia sighed and looked back to the top of the mountain. Fire was circling around the top. Kia jumped down to another ledge and stopped to rest. She sat down and wondered where to go next. "Hm, I will need a way to travel around Hyrule." She said quietly to herself. A quick flash-back surged through her mind, it was a ranch.... the ranch had horses. The a voice came from her head, "[i]If you go there... you must not hurt anyone there. Take a horse and leave... steal it if you must... but do not hurt a living soul there![/i]" Kia held her head. "Hnnn! LEAVE ME ALONE! I do not wish to listen to you! You shall not control my actions! I finally have control over this body, I will not allow you to destroy my time!" She yelled in reply. The voice hesitated but soon repeated what it had said before. "FINE! I won't hurt a fly!" She said back, the voice did not return. Kia was outside of the ranch. It had reached day break, she knew people would still be sleeping. So she climbed the rocks and the fence into the ranch. None of the horses were out, just as she had guessed. She ran quietly to the barn and opened the door. As Kia walked into the barn she looked around and spotted the back of a red head. As a reaction to hearing the door open, the girl turned around. It was a familiar face, but she did not know who it was... she couldn't remember. [i]Dammit! I'm in trouble... I can't hurt the person.... but I need to take a horse![/i] She thought franticly. The girl smiled and said, "Hello, welcome to Lon Lon Ranch! I'm sorry, but the ranch is not curently open. If you could come back at eight o'clock, I would be happy to help you!" The girl said in a cheery voice. "I-- I-- I need a horse, right now, I cannot wait. Please, could I borrow one?" Kia said in a fake cheery voice behind a fake cheery smile. "I'm sorry, but I cannot let you have a horse at this hour. Plus, I only let people I know rent out horses on this day of the week. We only rent out horses on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. I'm sorry, if you come back tomorrow, I would be happy to let you rent a horse." She said, frowning.[i] Forget my promise... I need a horse![/i] Kia thought as she advanced on the girl. Kia striked the girl softly on the side of the head. "Sorry, but I need a horse." She said as the girl fell. Kia looked at the selections. She soon saw a beautiful black horse with a white mane and tail. The legs had deep crimson hair before the silvery hooves. Kia kicked open its stall and mounted the horse. She was soon riding out of the ranch, the cool morning wind in her face, and her hair sailing through the air.
  14. [size=1][color=darkblue]Wow, nice Katana! ^^ You sure can make some good ones! I've really taken a liking to the Jenna one. It is very nice, if I didn't love the banner I have now, I would need to steal it! ^_~ I always love what you do with backgrounds. Always so full of color. You always have pretty good quality of pictures to, but sometimes you don't always manage to get off all the access stuff off the edges and it makes it look a little sloppy. Otherwise, I don't have any complaints! ^^ Keep it up![/color][/size]
  15. [size=1][color=darkblue]Eh, thanks! I fotgot all about center tags. ^^;; Yeah, I know I'm stupid. Lol, anyway, thanks a bunch!*goes off to edit her sig.*[/color][/size]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i] [B]Cons: 1. The text seems completely out of place, and that particular shade of yellow clashes with the dark greens and more subdued golds found in the rest of the banner. 2. I have nooo idea what the pale green blob-type thing is supposed to be. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=darkblue]Yeah, the font isn't good, I'm trying to fix the size and I'll take note to use a different yellow. That yellow didn't seem to fit to me either. On the green blob thingy... I don't really know what it is either, but I found it on another picture and thought it might have a nice affect. Anyway, thanks for the comments, I'll try and fix the faults! ^^ [/color][/size]
  17. [size=1][color=darkblue]Yeah, I know I sound stupid for asking this. But how do you center your font in you signature? It's been bugging me for awhile. Thanks ahead of time to anyone who helps![/color][/size]
  18. [size=1][color=darkblue]Meh, I've been kinda out of making banners recently. It's mostly because of the lack of time for finding pictures. Anyway, I made this banner last night. Sorry for the huge font size, but it wouldn't got any smaller no matter what font I used. It was on size 6 too and I couldn't figure out how to fix it. :sweat: It's a banner for Kyung_Jin_Lee and her obsession with Legolas! ^_~ Lol. So here it is, please rate and coment! Enjoy! ^_^[/color][/size]
  19. [size=1][color=darkblue]Hn, I have a few. Yesh, my name is Claire. Claire Bear - Well, my dad started calling me that when I was younger. We are the family of bears. ^^ So all of my dad's kids have a nickname of bear. Then my teacher started calling me that.... even though she never heard anyone say it. >.< It's embarassing to be called that by a teacher, especially at this age. Then my best guy friend started calling me that to annoy me. He laughs [i]every[/i] time. :rolleyes: Claire da Room - Well.... if you have been to Florida's Animal Kingdom and you have ridden the Bugs Life ride in the big tree... you would know how that happened. Well, in the Bugs Life show, there was a stink bug named Claire da Room... or something of that sort. So afterward my step father kept calling me that. >.< ClarisWorks 2.0 - This was a name given to me by my step brothers and their stupid little friends. Meh, good thing they have stopped calling me that. Bleh. Clairies(sp?) - This is the same as apove, yet another name given to me by the tweebs. They would always come up behind me and whisper, "Hello Clairies....." That bugged me so much!!! But yet again, another thing of the past. Well, I think that is all of them. ^^ I got some weird ones, eh?[/color][/size]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bloodsin [/i] [B]Most guys have their head up their a[i][/i]ss. Most Women don't know what they want. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=darkblue]I highly disagree with your attachment. :rolleyes: Only the shallow girls only care about money. I really don't give a d*** about money, it doesn't make my world go 'round. What do you mean by 'Women don't know what they want'? Don't know about others, but I always know what I want. :p So I disagree with what you have to say. But I pretty much agree with everyone else.[/color][/size]
  21. [size=1][color=darkblue]I'm sure you have all noticed that each gender is always in a fight with the other. No, I'm not talking about the stupid little fights about what you want to do or fighting with your boy friend or girl friend. What I'm talking about is the stuff about which gender is better or the rights one or another gender should have. I have noticed this alot. Example, today when we were reading a book about World War 2 and we were descusing it. Well, our teacher was talking about how the women had taken over all of the work, etc. In the discusion, things like how women did normally better work than men and how they were paid came up. Well, the boys were all fighting about how the women did worse work than the men and that it was fair that the women were paid less for the work they did. Now I didn't think this was fair, so many of us got in an argument. But honestly, most boys think they are better than women, and that is not fair at all. Tests show that women are better at some things than men, BUT tests also show that men are better at some things than women. So really, we are all even. In my eyes and sciences tests eyes. But the way I see it, men and women are in a constant battle about who is better. I really don't think we need to fight about it, because what difference does it make? We all have our own talents. I hate to hear insults about either gender, I mean, what if you were the opposite gender for one day? If everyone was switched for one day? Then you would know what it is like to be that gender and you would agree it isn't fair. I wish things were more like that. If everyone could appreciate the other gender. Because, I think it is sily for these battles.... why can't we just get along? So, what do you guys think about these constant "Our gender is better" battles?[/color][/size]
  22. OOC: Yet again Shanghai, sorry. ^^;; IC: Kia woke up. She sat up and looked around. "Argh, what in the seven names of hell happen?" She said softly to herself. Then everything came back to her. She smirked and got up. "Ah, yes. I was about to kill of young Link... untill he used his friggin' mirror sheild on me!" Kia looked around and saw the green lump about ten feet away from her, she also saw Azel laying on the ground too... right where she left him. She got up to go look at him, he seemed fine, she had decided to spare him. "Hn, I shall finish off Link and then do... other things. Maybe I should try and find that... that man. Or maybe I can spread torcher untill Ganondorf comes back! So many things to do. But maybe I should be more concentrated on [i]getting[/i] Ganondorf back...." She said to herself as she walked to Link. She stood above him, but somewhere deep inside she felt like she needed to leave him alone. "Curse you good side! I need to kill him!" She yelled to herself. But still, the good Kia was nagging in her heart to leave him alone. "Hmph! FINE! I'll leave him alone for now. But, if he tries to come find me... I will fight." She said. Finally her heart felt a little bit more saticfactory. [i]I shall leave them for now.... but if they get in my way, that will be their own fault.[/i] Kia thought as she headed out of the Fire Temple. So at this, she set out wandering.
  23. Kia raced forward tword Azel. She swung her rod, but he jumped out of the way. "Hah! Do you actually think I perfer Link? Well sure, my 'good' side may, but really [i]my[/i] feelings have been directed in a different direction." She said as she tried to catch him. "It's so nice to be out of that goody-goody girl! I hated her actions so much! Hn, every person has an evil and good side. The opposite one is just normally never let out. But thanks to him, I am finally releashed!" She explained to him while she pointed at Hiro. "To bad I must kill you...." She said quietly and rushed up to him and put her finger on his chest. "......I've always thought you were cute." Kia said smiling. Then she hit him in the side of the head. She did another punching and kicking combo before going after the others. Azel just layed on the ground with a puzzled look on his face, unable to get up. After done with Azel, Kia went after Link who was advancing on Hiro. She struck him in the side with her rod, he let out a surprised yelp and stumbled to the side. "Kia---" He started. "Hmph! I've always despised you boy! Don't think [i]I'm[/i] your friend! My miss good side side may see you as a friend and perhaps more, but I hate you! I shall finish you off with my own hands! Kia said in rage as she charged forward. Hiro just watched, smirking with delight.
  24. Kia looked at the man. This was definatly a minion of Ganondorf she thought. "We shall fight you! Give the gem back from which it came!" Kia said strongly. "Hn, why should I? I actually [i]need[/i] it." The man said. Kia was angered by his reply and shot an arrow at him, it just barely missed him. "I see you wish to do it the hard way?" He said and then sighed. "Fine." Kia took out her forest rod and readied for battle. The goron Link, too, had readied his weapon for the fight. The goron made the first blow, but the man was too quick and dodged the attack easily. Kia saw the perfect target and hit him in the back with her rod. He turned around with a pained face and hit her with some of his magic. [i]I know, I'll fight magic with magic in this battle[/i]. She thought as she got up. "HEYA!" She yelled as her eyes glowed green, "COURAGE'S IVY!!!" She yelled again as glowing green ivy came from her hands and wraped its self around the man. He soon had cut all over him, he winced with pain and gasped for air. Kia held the attack for a bit longer and made it end with an explosion. He flew back and hit the ground. He quickly recovered and dashed over to her. He grasped her neck and held on tightly. "You know, you are very strong. You would prove useful in my little quest." He told her and then smirked. He more than likely saw the fear in her eyes. "But I can make you better, you really shouldn't be helping gorons, it's a waste of time." Kia tried to speak but could not. His eyes flashed as if he just got an idea. He then held her head with one hand, still grasping her neck with the other. "Hnnnn, GAH!" Some evil force was surging through her body. She felt her normal self slip away... deeper and deeper. She felt as if she was being drowned. He then let go and she fell to the floor. When she got up.... she was now longer the normal Kia... not even close. Her hair turned dark purple, everything she wore turned black, and her eyes turned red... blood red. Kia's eyes glowed for awhile as she laughed, a new, evil laugh. ------------ OOC: Okay Shanghai, I hope I did that right. ^^;;
  25. [size=1][color=darkblue]It seems to me that we all will be gone even if the boards do last. I definatly won't be here anyway. I'll be in collage, or already starting life on my own. I may stay here for awhile, but not that long. I think most people won't care in ten years. Well... at least I won't. Think, people will have LIVES in ten years, you can't spend all your time here when you are an adult.[/color][/size]
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