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Everything posted by Fyxe
[size=1][color=darkblue]Yes, I don't think they ever really died. All of the one's you mentioned have always seemed to be popular. Well, they havn't died out around here anyway. ^^ Metallica is friggin' awsome and always has. Many bands shall never die to me! Some bands just seem to always stay at the top. But honestly, I don't think they will die for a long time.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Oh, now I know what happened. It was my mouse-wheel after all. ^^ Thanks anyway. I guess it happened earlier when my bros where messing around. Finally the big anoying font it gone... yay! *is no longer blinded* Once again, thanks a ton! ^^[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Well, is it just me, or did the font on the boards screw up? Everything is so large. I noticed it is doing the same on other boards as well. Is it just a system screw up or what? I'm not a total wiz on computers and so such, so if anyone could explain it to me. Or is it just my computer? :drunk: Thanks in advance to anyone that can help me. Hn... that large font is so distracting! >.
[size=1][color=darkblue]I think that is very good. The font and fonk color goes along well with the banner. I like how you have a border, but you faded it. But the blue picture is blurry and I can't really make it out. I can't even tell there is a face. But it's a nice simple, not so complicated looking banner. Sometimes those are best, then it's not so crowded. I love you avatar too. Nice and clear, I like that font and color. Good work. ^^ My ratings: Banner: 9/10 Avatar: 9.5/10 Once again, good job![/color][/size]
Kia woke later to find Link sleeping in the chair and a pile of herbs on the bedside table. She then had a flash to Death Mountain of a young man terrorizing the gorons.[i] I need to go to Death Mountain, I may not have ever been there.... but I feel like I know that place.. and how to get there.[/i] She thought. She made sure Koru was in her collar and quietly left the room. Kia left the Inn and walked into the deserted night market. There were a few guards walking around, but otherwise the town was empty. She walked to the entrance of the town and was blocked by a huge gate. "Dammit!" Kia said under her breath. "I guess I'll have to do it the hard way." So she grabbed onto a chain and climbed. When she got to the top she jumped into the water below. She swam to shore and ran in the direction of Kakariko Village. She ran up the stairs and entered another night deserted village. Kia stopped and sat down by the tree in the entrance of the village. She panted and caught her breath. Then she ran up the stairs to the mountain. As she climbed the mountain she heard rolling rocks. It got closer and closer.... then, "YAHHHHHHH!!!!!" Her scream of pain echoed through the mountain. She covered her mounth as she pushed the boulder away. Now Kia knew to dodge when the sounds got close. So she ran, dodged, and fought her wat up the mountain. She finally reached Goron City... the placed she had heard so much about. Kia walked in and was greeted by a pile of wounded gorons. "Are... Are you alright?" Kia asked with caution. "Plea... PLEASE don't hurt us!!" One of the gorons yelled. "I will not hurt you! In fact, I am here to help you!" Kia said strongly in reply. "Really? Thank god.... he... he went into the Fire Temple. That's were that man went!" The goron told carfully. Kia healed some of them a bit and when she was done one of the gorons started leading the way. "This way, follow me...." He said in a shaky voice. Kia felt dozens of eyes watching her, but she kept walking. He finally led her out into the volcano. "There, the Fire Temple is that door over there." He said pointing to the opening. "Oh yes, you will need this tunic to survive." He added as he gave her a red tunic... then he left. Once he was gone, Kia slipped the tunic on and ran into the Temple opening. ------------- OOC: Ok, looks like it's time for what we were planning to be put in action Shanghai! ^_~
[size=1][color=darkblue]Hn, my dad works as an art teacher at a high school. But he has to do alot more work than just teach, he has to look after the kids as well. See, the high school where my dad works at is where all the troubled kids go. No, not as in retardednesss or anything. It's the problems such as depression, anger problems, extreme laziness, and of course the kids that have made threats of somekind to blow up a building etc. But my dad doesn't mind, he really likes all of the kids. He says they are great to be around and this summer I had first hand experiance. You see, they were having this graffidi project, and I got to help. It was really cool, because we would just stay there from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and just graffidi a wall. It turned out great and I even got to know some of the kids. My dad was right, they arn't that different and a whole ton more interesting than most people. ^^ I enjoyed myself that week. My mom on the otherhand is a Photographer, as is my step father. She and my step dad own their own studio. The studio is pretty cool.... but our house is in ruins. They spend all the money they make on the studio. Sure, they save a bit for food, clothes and so such. But my father send 700 dollars each month from his paycheck... and me and my sister have never seen it in these past four years. That's what my mom spends it on... the studio, when it is 'sposed to be for me and my sister. Plus, my mom is never home, she is always at the studio working when she doesn't need to. You'd think that since they are their own bosses, they would put off a little time to spend with their kids! I mean, there are five of us and two cats. That's the worst thing... not getting alot of food, getting all hand-me-down clothes, your house in ruins, and not seeing your dad. *sighs* Anyway, me, I would much rather go into a writing or artistic job. I would love to be a manga writer too. But I've also had a very high interest in science and I might follow in that career.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Yeah, it's good for being drawn on the computer. I would never be able to draw like that on the computer. I like it alot. I like the design in the background. Anyway, good job. ^^[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Well, actually, I perfer both. It really depends on the personality and the looks. ^_~ I really can't pick which one. So normally in a show if there is a character that is on both sides, more than likely I like them. I'm kinda one of those people where I am never on a "side". I normally go with both "sides". Heh, that's all I can really say. ^^;;[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Actually, I like it. Sometimes I feel like that, sometimes I feel I must stay in the dark for a reason. I pretty much understodd it before it was explained. But it's pretty good. ^^ Good work.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Woah! Those are very good indeed Storm. You obviously have a natural talent for poetry. All my poems are just sad attempts. Eh, well I guess I'm more a gaming girl. :p Anyway, I love them both. Keep up the good work! ^^ I can't wait to read more in the future.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]I hade this design in my mind for a few days, so I finally got some pictures. So here is the Miroku and Sango banner I made, it's cute and I love the quote. ^^ Please rate and comment. Enjoy.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Life... life is alright for me. I'm happy to say it's not horrible. It has been fairly well to me. But really, you can't say life is just the way things turn out. You need to make your life worth living. If sit around, do nothing and just say life sucks, you will never get anywhere and then, yes, your life will suck. Life is only what you make of it. Therefore, I try to make the best out of mine. But yet again, sometimes things happen that you cannot control, those things may lead to a bad life. If you have bad interactions with people, that too may effect your life and happiness. But those interactions can be controled by you and only you. So normally you control the way your life goes. As for me, my life is alright, but not the best. That is mostly my fault for making the bad things in life. But some of those things I could not control. Those, really, are my feelings on life.[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B][B][SIZE=1] I had no idea the new Tenchi had come out. Maybe if were all lucky, and for those without money, they will play it on Adult Swim and take Reign off. [/SIZE][/B] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=darkblue]Well, actually they havn't made the anime yet. So far they have about two or three of the manga out. I'm not even sure they will be making it into anime, but I hope they do and then they could put it on Adult Swim. That would save me money. So far I only have the first manga, but when I visit my dad, I hope to buy the next few.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]*sarcasim* Wow DragonArcher, that's really not spammy. *end sarcasim* Honestly, you need to go check out those rules, even if you posted it all together it wouldn't be close to a decent post. I'm not that sure about how many they have made yet DeathBug, but I think it is in the range of ten or over, I've seen at least seven different episodes. But I do know they are in the process of making more. I havn't seen it for awhile, I used to watch it every Friday but I just kinda stopped because I was always doing other things. So I know there has been more than seven at least. *shrugs* Also I do believe they are just showing the most popular episodes over and over, they tend to do that when some series don't have a certain episode order. Take SpongeBob as an example.... they show the same ones over and over and over. Normally because those are the ones people like the best. Hope that helps.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Well, it makes me happy to just have someone open a door for me or do something nice of that nature, It makes me feel good that someone is taking at least even a second doing something for me. I always like to do nice things in return to people, it makes me feel good that I am doing good deeds for others. I also like being around my friends, no matter what. At any occasion I like being around them, accept those time where I just need to be left alone. If anyone does just the simplest nice things for me, it makes me feel good that they are thinking of me and how I feel. It may seem strange, but I do. Even someone saying a simple hello to me makes me feel good, so I know how you feel about that Shinmaru. And I know that when I say hello to someone that I just made thier day better. ^_^[/color][/size]
Please note that this RPG does not take place in the present. So the things we have now are not availible to use. [i]Through the many years of hardships, the Zanga people had awaited the Miracles to save them and the land. For the Zanga territory had fallen into chaos so many years ago. The evil magic had been released that had been seal up by the monk Xanto so long ago. But the evil magic had fallen over the land, making the servants from hell in charge. A mighty, all powerful king had also risen to do the dark work he was sent to do. The many people of Zanga became prisoners, doing work and being torchered. The evil king, Nakan, made the territory live in fear. But there was some hope, for many years ago, the Gods of Heaven had also hidden a good magic. Along with each magic was three decendants. Now the decendants spirits have been born into six children, who most long since have grown to teenagers or early adults. It is said that if the three decendants of light and good come together, the good magic from Heaven will free the land. But if the three decendants of dark and evil come together, the evil magic from Hell will imprision the land even more, spreading even more chaos, fear, pain, and torcher. Now the six decendants will be aware of their perpose and go to any costs to merge with their companions.... it's now a race for the future.[/i] ------------------------ [b]RPG sign-up:[/b] NOTE: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A DECENDANT!! [b]Name:[/b] (Characters name) [b]Age:[/b] (Characters age, please have your characters age less than 30 and over 14 if you are one of the decendants) [b]Gender:[/b] (Characters gender) [b]Side:[/b] (Characters side aka are you fighting for the good side or the evil side. Optional, but needed if you are a decendant) [b]Appearance:[/b] (What your character looks like) [b]Bio:[/b] (Characters history, personality) [b]Weapons:[/b] (Characters weapons, max is 3) [b]Magic Powers/Attacks:[/b] (Characters magic powers/attacks, max 5, and PLEASE don't godmod you cannot have invincible attacks/force feilds) --------------------------- [b]My Character Sign-up:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Lina Sosha [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Side:[/b] Lina is an evil Miracle(decendant) [b]Appearance:[/b] Lina has silver hair with blue streaks that goes a little past her shoulders. She is 5'11" and about 115 pounds. She has black boots and black, shaggy pants. She has a loose long sleeve red shirt with a thin black armor vest on top. She has the black, burned on looking mark of the evil decendants on her hand. Her hands are covered by dark red gloves. [b]Bio:[/b] Lina was born in the far east area of the Zanga Territory in a small village called Xanto Village after the famous monk Xanto. For he too had grown up and lived there. Lina's mother had died right after Lina had been born. So Lina grew up with her father, whom was a great fighter. He thought her everything about weapons and how to use her powers. When she grew up with her father, he knew she had the evil mark, but tried to ignore it. But when things got worse in Zanga, he told her of her fate. Soon later he died at the hands of Nakan, the evil dark king himself. Nakan took Lina in and taught her new things, then later threatened her to find the other evil Miracles or he would kill off her whole village. Burning with rage she fought through the territory, searching violently. All she wanted at that time was to save her village.... but she soon forgot her reason and started fighting for her own gain. She now faught for more power and just plain out rage. Lina had become cold and now cared for no one, killing anyone who got in her way.... [b]Weapons:[/b] The Evil Blade, given to her by Nakan, it unleashes great dark powers. A plain dagger, given to her by her father, posses no special power. [b]Magic Powers/Attacks:[/b] Dark Force Field, lasts for up to two minutes. Warp, gives the power of warping place to place as long as it is no longer than one mile away. Evil Blast, blasting the opponent with evil force and paralizing them for 15 seconds. Breath Taker, suffocates oppenent untill unconcious, takes alot of magic power, so is rarly used. ------------ Ok, hope that's good! And remember, no godmoding!! Otherwise, enjoy! ------------ Ok, now we have room for 2 more Miracles aka decendants, the role of one more good and one more bad are open. Note that we need all of the Miracles before we start the RPG.
[size=1][color=darkblue]Has anyone seen the Haunted Mansion? I just saw it a few hours ago and I must say it was pretty good. Disney has been making some pretty good and interesting ones lately, take Pirates of the Caribbean for example. The Haunted Mansion delivered a good amount of laughs to me and many of the special effects where quite good. I also liked the plot. But at first I had no idea it was rated PG-13, but I found out it was for violence and language. Really at first I thought it looked like a stupid kiddy movie, but my sisters got me to come along and I left quite saticfied. So, who has seen it? Did it please you or highly disapoint you?[/color][/size]
Kia woke up, everything was in a blur. [i]Huh? Where am I?[/i]She thought. She looked around to see Link looking back at her. "Link? Where are we? What happened? Where is everyone?!" She blurted out rather quickly. Kia then caughed out some water, some blood came along with it. She sat up quickly, but was filled with a surge of pain throughout her body. She grimanced and layed carfully back down. "I'll explain everything later, just rest for now. We are in an inn, so we should be safe." He said calmly. "Could you at least tell me what happened to me?!" She snapped. "Oh, sorry." He sighed. "Our horses went nuts and you got flipped off, got rammed into the Castle town wall and fell uncontious in the moat. Good thing I was able to get off Epona, I wonder what's wrong with them?" He told her. "They felt an evil presence.... they knew something was going to happen. As did I.... I felt it." So explained with her eyes closed. "I see.... what was wrong? What evil did you sence? Oh yeah, I told Mika to get some healing herbs for you... so she should be back soon." Link said, waiting for a reply. He then noticed Kia had fallen back asleep. "That's it, you need to rest." He whispered. --------------- OOC: I kind of agree with Shanghai, we need to go a little slower, but not to slow or the thread will die. Ok, is that alright with everyone? I hope the others will post soon! ^_^ Otherwise, be on your way and post, just take that in note! Thank you!
As Kia and the others rode out of Lon Lon Ranch with the horses, everything seemed just as planned. It was nice to feel the breeze flow through her hair and have the warm sunshine fall on her face. She wasn't that sure how to ride a horse and neither did Mika, so they were starting out slow. Which was nice, because she didn't want to miss a bit of gorgeous land. All of the sudden her horse, Sasha, started speeding up. "Woah, slow down girl!.... YEILD!!!! STOP!" Kia said rather loudly. But Sasha just kept going fatser! The air stung her eyes and her hair was billowing wildly behind her. "Help! How do you stop this thing!!" She yelled, she got no reply so she looked back at the others. Thier horses were going crazy too! Mika had been flipped off her horse and she was sitting on the ground, horror spread across her face. Azel was trying to calm his horse as his was going in the different direction and Link doing the same. Kia looked forward but realized to late her terrible fate. Just as quickly as she was on Sasha, she was thrown off, she went flying and hit the Castle town wall, and then slipped into the moat.... unconcious.
[size=1][color=darkblue]Has anyone ever played Ever Grace? It's a game from 2000. I had just recently gotten it and I'd say it's ok. It's definatly not the best game I've played, but the graphics are pretty good for 2000. You can tell that they were more concentrated on making good graphics than making good battles and so on. I've played both characters and think it is nifty that both of them have thier own adventure/story. The only thing is that I'm stuck with Sharline in the Human Research Lab. I need to get to Morpheus, he is somewhere in the lab, but I just can't get anywhere. I have all the gates open accept one, and I can't find any way to open it. So if someone could help me on that I would be very grateful. So, what do you think of this game?[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]I had recently picked up the first All New Tenchi Muyo. I thought it was very good. It got quite a few laughs out of me. My favorite little "chapter" was probably the one when Ryoko was trying to get a job. :blulaugh: Lol. That one was good. They are still doing well with the Tenchi series I think. Since I had loved every series I had to pick that up. I know there is more out now, I just don't have money at the time. Why am I kidding myself? I never have money!!! :bawl: Anyway... what do you think about it? Please be descriptive! I love to hear what other people think!^_^[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Actually, I just picked up the first one yesterday at the library. It looked interesting and the character design really got my attention. I havn't started reading it yet, but I was planning on doing so today. To bad the library only had the first one. *sighs* Another disadvantage of living in a small town. I guess it'll have to be enough for me. Well, maybe once I read it i'll coment more on it later.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]I love my family very much. They are there for me and I don't know what I would do if they were just all of the sudden.... gone. Sure, I might not like some people as much as others, but we still get along okay. The only person I really hate in my family is my step father. We have bad and good days, but doesn't everyone? I may be seperated from part of my family, but I love them just as well and I always think of them. And at least they only live on the other side of the state.... what if they were living on the other side of the country? I'd say that my family means love and support to me. Sure sometimes we are full of hate, but it disappears after a matter of time. Families fight, it's a part of day to day life. You may think you hate your family for not letting you do something, or get something. But really they are probably helping you. They are protecting you from doing stupid things and becominga spoiled brat that owns everything. I can always count on my family to cheer me on and be proud of me. They always accept me for who I am, and I do the same in return. I will always love them, no matter how bad the fight or situations, and I hope they will always do the same in return. So, yes, I picked love and support. That I did. ^_^[/color][/size]
It was day and everyone was heading out to Hyrule. As Kia and the others left for their fews days she thought of the night before when she had taken that walk with Azel.[i] He really isn't as bad as he seems when you actually talk to him. He was nice last night, he just needs to be noticed more often and given more attention.[/i] Kia thought as she walked along the path ahead of everyone. She looked back to see Azel walking a little farther from the rest, looking at the ground as he walked. She then looked at Mika and Link happily chattering behind her. Kia also remembered that the goron had left earlier, right before they had to visit other parts. At the current moment they were heading twords Lon Lon Ranch to borrow some horses to make the journey easier. Kia looked ahead to see Koru floating happily in the sunlight. She looked around.... it had been so long since she had been in Hyrules open lands. She looked in every direction, but wait, that was odd. When she looked at a certain patch of sky, it was as dark as night. If she could recall, that was the Gerudo lands. But soon the sky cleared. She shook her head.... was she seeing things? When they had reached Lon Lon Ranch it was just about noon, maybe a little sooner. As they walked into the ranch grounds, a beautiful song came over them. Kia soon learned it was a girl named Malon, the ranch owners daughter. Link introduced them to Malon, they all recieved a warm welcome. Malon seemed to be a rather nice, bubbly girl and Kia took a quick liking to her. Malon had invited them to stay for lunch, they quickly accepted. After lunch they had a little tour of the ranch and were soon off with some horses. Kia had wished to stay a bit longer, but knew they had to go on. [i]Next stop.... Hyrule Castle Town! I've always wanted to see the castle and the big town Link had told so much about.[/i]Kia thought gleefully.
[size=1][color=darkblue]That is [i]way[/i] to cute! I mean it. That is very creative, I would have never been able to come up with that! I think they all fit very well. Heh, how did you ever think of that? I love it! ^_^ Great work. To cute I say... to cute! Ok... sorry. :p It's definatly a 10/10![/color][/size]