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Everything posted by Fyxe

  1. Kia blushed at Azel's reply. "Sorry. Gah, sometimes I get to cought up in things. It's great to see you! But why must you always stay in the shadows? No wonder people never see you." She said. She smiled and gave him a friendly hug. Then she turned to the goron who had also appeared. "Who is this?" Kia asked puzzled. Link walked over and introduced them to his goron friend. Kia turned around to where Azel was, only to see him creeping back into the shadows. She took his hand before he completely disappeared and pulled him back out in the open. She gave him an odd look, as he did the same. Kia had an interesting time talking to the goron named after Link and Azel. After awhile she realized they were running behind on the plans they had made.[i]Oh, screw the plans for now. We can wait till tomorrow. Plus, I've never talked to a goron before.[/i] She thought to herself. When the sun told her that it was noon, she left the others to get some food for everyone. She rushed to her house and came back with a full lunch for everyone. After they all had their share of food, they decided to give the goron a tour of the forest. When the day was done, the goron stayed in Link's house for the night. He had decided to leave in the morning when everyone else would be heading out as well. So, everyone said their good-nights and went to their houses. But Kia caught Azel going the opposite direction of his old house. She caught up to him. "What are you planning on doing?" She asked softly. "Hmph. I'm going for a walk, what does it look like? Why do you insist on bugging me?" He replied flatly. " 'Bugging you'? I hardly call trying to spend time with you, 'bugging' you! Besides, I thought you wanted to be noticed." Kia said harshly. "Sure I want to be noticed. But you are noticing me to much!" He mumbled. "Feh! Fine, I'll just leave then. Geeezzz Azel, moody much? Anyway... later." Kia said as she turned around to leave. Azel stopped and reached out for her hand. "Wait.... don't leave. I guess I would like some company on this little walk. I mean, it's been so long since I've talked to you." He said. "Eh? Oh, alright." Kia said in reply as a smile spread on her face. So they walked into the forest, talking all the way.
  2. Kia hesitated before she opened her door. She turned back and looked at the village once more before she went back in. She let Koru out of her collar once she reached inside. He floated dazily around and then rested on his little lofted bed. Kia layed on her bed and fell asleep rather fast. Kia awoke earlier in the morning. She got up and say that Koru was still sleeping. She went over and grabbed her breakfast. "Mmmm..... Nuts, berries, bread, jam, and Lon Lon Milk!" She looked again for something else and found an egg. She cooked that to go along with everything else. After she had eaten, she woke Koru. She put the sleepy fairy in her collar. Kia walked out in to the village. She jumped to the ground, not bothering with the ladder. It seemed as she was up early again.[i] All for the better. I can pick up supplies and tell the Deku Tree we are planning to leave. Then I can be ready to go![/i] She thought cheerfully. [i]At least the shop is open in the early moring.[/i]She thought as she hopped the rocks across the water to the little shop. She was happily greeted by the little shop keeper. "What may I get you today, Kia?" He asked, with a warm smile on his face. "Hmmm, I need some arrows, a Hylian sheild, and some potions. One of each potion please." She replied looking everything over. Kia watched him as he jumped for each thing, he put everything on the counter. "One hundred fifty rupees, that's what it all come up to!" He said as he watched her take out the money. She handed it over, gathered up her things, and said thanks. She walked out of the shop and went home. She gathered all the things she needed for the journey and put them in her pack. She slipped it on her back and left again. This time she went past the shop to the Deku Tree Meadow. She entered the tree's home. Kia was relieved to see he was awake. "Hello!" He called to Kia. "Hi! I came to tell you that Mika and I will be leaving for a few days." Kia told him as she aproached him. "That's fine, you are going with Link. Am I correct?" He replied. "Yes, we are going to see Hyrule for a few days. It's been so long since I have been around Hyrule." "Wonderful. I hope you have a good time!" He said happily. Kia ran back into the village and gave the Deku Tree a friendly wave. Kia trained and talked with Koru as she waited for Link and Mika. She finally sat down to rest when the sun had fully risen. She looked at the sky and watched clouds go by.
  3. Kia, Mika, and Link watched as Kay left. Link was the first to speak. "Well... that was strange." "Indeed, it was very strange." Mika said. Kia she kept looking at the area through which the girl had just left. Somehow, just somehow, she felt like she knew her. Mika poked her hard in the side. Kia turned around see Link and Mika stareing at her. Kia shook her head and apologized. They walked to Link's house and said good night. He had decided to stay for the night and in the morning they would head out for Hyrule. Mika and Kia went their own ways and headed to their houses. Kia opened her door and sat on her chair. She sat there thinking for a few moments, then got up and had some bread for supper. She soon tried to sleep, but could not. Kia got up and walked out into the cool night breeze. She watched all the spirits roam freely through the dark. She looked up to her fairy, Koru. "What's wrong?" Koru asked in his high voice. "I'm not sure, there are so many things on my mind, I just cannot sleep. I'm sorry for keeping you up as well. You may sleep if you wish." Kia replied. So Koru hid inside her tunic's collar. She felt his tingling warmth on her neck. She quietly headed down the ladder. She walked through the small village, smiling as she passed all of her friends houses.[i] Maybe I should be on guard duty more often now that I know Ganondorf is coming. I have noticed more monsters popping up lately. To bad the Deku Tree isn't fully grown yet, then he could protect the forest on his own. After all, I am the forest guardian untill he is older.[/i] She thought ending with a sigh. She went up the hill to the training grounds. She sat on the fence, took out her ocarina, and played. She felt she could do this for the rest of her life. The sweet sound echoed through the forest and was caried everywhere by the wind. She felt Koru relax in her collar and the spirits gathered around.
  4. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Yeah, My Life as a Teenage Robot is cool. I love the animation and that theme song! It's definatly one of the better shows on Nick. I really like the story line, as well as the characters. It just all fits. The creators also seem to always come up with a good episode of dealing with something in a teenage life.... and how it would be as a robot. Lol. If you havn't watched it yet, don't take my word for it.... go watch it! :p So yeah, I do love this show. ^_^[/color][/size]
  5. Kia, Mika, and Link walked throught the forest. They talked, laughed, and watched the beauty of the day. They finally reached the Forest Temple in the Sacred Forest Meadow. Link walked over to the stump Saria had always sat on while she had played the ocarina all those days. He sat down, took out his ocarina, closed his eyes, and played the song Saria had played. I joined in and soon later Mika was playing along as well. The song brought the area around them alive with life. Animals came out, many plants unfolded. The sound of the music engulfed them, the minutes passed by. Finally he stopped, as did we. "I miss her." He whispered. Kia looked to the ground, but there was a sound of a voice. She looked up, she saw the others heard it as well. It sounded like a voice. "Hello?.... Hello?! Who is this calling me? Wait.... is that.... is that you Link???" Kia was positive it was Saria. "Ye--- Yes! It's me!" Link yelled in reply "Link! Yes, I knew it was you! It's so good to hear from you!" Came the cheery voice of Saria. "Saria.... Saria!!! It is I too! Kia, you do remember me... don't you?" Kia yelled. "Kia! Yes yes yes! Of course I remember you! How could I forget one of my best friends? It's so good to hear from you all!" She replied. "Mika is here as well!" Kia added," So, tell us, what is it like top be a sage?" "What is it like to be a sage you ask? Well, it's all right." She giggled, " All I really do anymore is make sure Ganondorf is kept in the void and watch over all of you. Oh no! I'm soooo sorry guys, but I need to go.... it seems Ganondorf has been trying to get out again. Duty calls. Please, call for me later. I wish to talk to you again soon. Good bye!!" Her voice faded into the distance. "Good bye" Kia yelled. Mika's and Link's farewell softly echoed after hers. "I hope we can talk to her soon......" Mika said as they started walking back to the village. [i]Me to, I truly hope we can. Better yet, I wish she could return to the forest.... for at least a day. I am longing to see her face again. It wouldn't have changed a bit, but mine will continue to change.[/i] Kia thought. They entered the village, Kia wondered what they should do for the rest of the day. By the time they got back it was just about dark. The Kokiri kids were doing the last bit of playing, training, and shopping they could for the day. She smiled and took a good look at the forest, for soon she would be seeing Hyrule.
  6. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Hi! Here is my newest banner and avatar. These are from Ceres: Celestial Legend. I was pretty much just messing aroung when I made these, they turned out pretty good I think. So please rate and comment. Thanks! I'll be making more, so keep your eye out for them. Also, if you want me to make you a banner, feel free to PM me. ^_^[/color][/size] Avatar: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/avatar.php?userid=5434&dateline=1069525235[/IMG] Banner:
  7. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I always have deja vu. I always feel like i've done something before, I mean [i]all[/i] the time. I always feel like I've dreamed it, or actually done that or been there. Even though I know I havn't, it's so weird. Then I'll see something that I feel I've seen before, but I don't recall. Or I see something and it might keep going by, but I think that is just my eyes playing tricks on me. *shrugs* Who knows. But yes, I have definatly had deja vu.[/color][/size]
  8. OOC: Ok, Ohkami, just to clear some things up. I, to, am a Hylian as are some others that live in the forest. Plus I was in the Deku Tree Meadow when I fell asleep. ^^;; But I guess I'll just start it back at my house. Just thought I might say those things! IC: Kia listened quietly and interested to Link's many stories. When he finished, she shared what had been happening as well in the forest. "I'm suprised you have waited three whole years to come visit us again! I mean, you practically visited us every week for the first two years after you had beat Ganondorf! Why the wait?" Kia rambled on in a scolding voice. She looked to Mika who was nodding her head in agreement. Kia looked back to Link, who was looking at his boots sheepishly. "Hmmm.... have you heard from Saria recently? We have all been dieing to hear from her and waiting to hear what she has to say about being a sage." She moved on. Kia got up to give Link a look over. "My you sure have grown in the last three years." "As have the two of you." He replied. "You must give us a tour of Hyrule one of these days!" Kia and Mika said at the same time. Link just laughed. "Yes, I guess I do need to, but first we must take a walk through the forest. It's been so long since we have walked together.... the three of us." Kia smirked,"Well, that's mostly your fault, now isn't it? But, it would be nice, so yes, let us walk!" She dragged the two of them out of her house and they started to walk along in the early morning light.
  9. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Okay guys!! Listen up! The RPG is now up and running. I still hope to get more people to join, but I am just anouncing that it is ready. So those of you that have already posted your sign up, go ahead and start the RPG. Hope to see ya all there! ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  10. Fyxe

    My banners

    [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Thanks for the comments guys! Here is one I've been working on. It's a Ranma 1/2 banner and it's a request I got from Trowa_fan. Hope ya like it! Please rate and comment![/COLOR][/SIZE]
  11. Kia woke up in her little house made out of a tree. She got up and got ready for the day. As she was about to leave, she remembered that Link was coming to visit today. She did a little dance and ran out of the house. She was greeted by her fairy, Koru. She went to the training grounds for her little sessions with one of the Kokiri boys. She had promised to help him learn some basic fighting. "Eh," She said as she got up there... the grounds were empty. " Hmmm... he must have forgotten about his lession today." Kia walked down the small hill and decided to go visit the Deku Tree. She hopped the stones and walked into the Deku Tree medow. He seemed to be resting still, but she couldn't blame him, she was up quite early. She sat down by him and sighed. There was never any activity in the morning, but that was her faorite part of the day. She did admit to herself that she was still a bit sleepy, so she layed back. She looked at the early morning sky and listened to the birds sweet tunes. She closed her eyes and drifted of into a deep sleep...... ------------------------------ OOC: Okay, hope that's okay for a start, yeah I know it's boring, but it'll really start soon! ^_~
  12. Fyxe

    My banners

    [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Here is a new one. It's a Teen Titans one. The stock image is terrible, but I like the background. I couldn't find any better images. *shrugs* Hope ya like it. Please rate and comment![/COLOR][/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Okay, thanks guys, I finally passed the game. Yay. The thing is that after I beat it and saw the ending thingy, it didn't save. So I'm back to where I was before I fought Ganondorf! Is it supposed to save your game? And if it is, then can you still play that saved game? I mean, only be able to play as a kid or something. I do believe this will be the last thing I need to ask. Thanks so much guys![/COLOR][/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]It's all part of the style. They like to take more things from Western culture. It's just simply the way they do it, anime is a whole big part of their culture, it has alot of background to it. But just think, would it be the same if they didn't look like that? No, is a simple answer. I personally love the art and styles they use in anime. So really, they just take things from Western culture, fancey it up/reform it and... TADA!! I had wondered it for awhile, then I did some research and pretty much just found this out. If you want all the background, try using a search engine. You will find some interesting stuff and find out interesting things. Hope that helps a bit! ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  15. This will take place in the land of Hyrule, same places, same people, same locations as in Ocarina of Time. ------------------------ [I]A few years back Link had defeated Ganondorf, the great king of evil, and the six sages locked him away from the land of Hyrule. Link was finally free from his long and hard journey. He decided to settle down and live in Kakariko village. He also now worked at Lon Lon Ranch for a living. As the years moved on, Link grew older. Link often visited all of his friends in the Kokori Forest and would sometimes stop by to see the Gerudos, who were no longer doing the evil deeds Ganondorf had set them to. Link was also doing a fair share in the work of rebuilding the Hyrule castle town as well as the castle. Just as Link thought everything was back to normal.... horrible things started happening, monsters were popping up everywhere again, days were darker always filled with rain. Link knew something bad was going to happen very soon.[/I] And this is where our story starts. Do take note that this is five years after Ganondorfs imprisonment. So Link is Twenty-two. -------------------------- [b]RPG sign up:[/b] Name: (Your characters name) Age: (Characters age) Gender: (Characters gender) Appearance: (Characters appearance, please make it detailed.) Bio: (Characters personality, history aka past) Weapon: (Characters weapon(s), max is 4) Magic Powers: (Characters magical skills aka powers, max is 5) ------------------------- [b]My character sign up:[/b] Name: Kia Age: 23 Gender: Female Appearence: Kia wears a Kokori green tunic along with brown boots, brown belt, and her hair is blonde with a green ribbon holding it up. She has a necklace with the pendant of the forest on it. She has aqua eyes and thin pink lips. So pretty much she just wears what Kokori's do. Bio: Kia is one of Links closest childhood friends. She grew up just as Link did, she is a Hylian but was taken in by the Great Deku Tree when she was abandoned right by the forest. As she grew up in the forest, she practiced many martial arts and sword skills. She had also developed a crush on Link over time and was heart broken when he had to leave. As the time passed and she waited for link she became the guardian of the forset because of all of her skills. She protected all of the Kokiri's from the monsters that invaded the forest. One day a strange man dressed in Kokori clothes came to the forest, later Kia found out it was Link. After seven long years he had returned. He came and went, he told Kia of his quest and she agreed to wait for him to finish. When he was done, the monsters vanished and Link returned. He stayed in the forest for about two months and then left for his new life. Kia always looked forward to his visits..... Weapon: Kia has a forest rod, it holds special powers within it, with all the powers of the forest. She also have a short blade sword and a long bow and arrows. Magic Powers: Kia has a force field, a power called Courages Ivy, which wraps the foe in a strong ivy that weakens the attack power and leaves you burning. She also has healing powers. ------------------- Okay, hope that's good enough!
  16. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Well, I have had tons of pets, but at the current moment I just have two cats. One is names Chester, he is black and white. He weighs about 32 pounds.... he eats alot.... cross that out... that's ALL he does. :p He is five years old, he is normally really grumpy, so we just let him do his own thing. Lol. Also, I have my newest kitten. I got Lucas for my last Birthday. He is such a sweetie. ^_^ He weighs about seven pounds and is almost a year old. It seems like we have had him forever, but really he has only been with us for five months. He is orange/tanish with white strips. He likes to be petted alot and is very playful, so really he is just the opposite of Chester. Lucas likes to nuzzy up to people and give them big kisses, he can even fetch milk rings. He is so adorable!!! ^_^ We've had alot of others as well... I'll tell ya one thing, we never did have any luck with hampsters... lol.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. Fyxe

    My banners

    [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Here is another, this one was a request from the Banner/Avatar Request forum. When I made this one I kinda just played around, didn't quite know what I was doing... ^^;; but it turned out pretty good. Thanks for all the comments, I do believe they are helping me improve! ^_^ Hope ya like this one.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I have tried asking Saria, but she just says what she normally does about getting all of the sages. I'm sure I'll figure it out sometime.... but I don't even think I need to do it. I've decided to move onto the Spirit Temple and well, I've done everything, but I can't get to the boss. I made that one statues face break open to reveal that vent thing, but I can't get to the boss. Do you think you could help me with that?[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I know how it feels Emme, it truly does hurt. But, gah, I tried to drop it but couldn't... doesn't really help. >.< But I kept good friends with him and I am letting life go the way it wants. It didn't really help that he liked me too... but I'm sure he likes another girl, but at the current point she is going out with someone. After awhile though, I started always playing video games when it was on my mind, so I would forget about it while I played. That was my method, just keeep your mind on other things. I'm still waiting for things to unravel, but if we arn't meant to be, then we arn't meant to be... and I can't do much about that. So I hope that helps a bit, if you want to talk about it more, than you can always PM me about it. ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  20. Fyxe

    My banners

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chichiri's Girl [/i] [B]I like the Goriallz one. Wait no cross that out and put love. Yeah I always like their music and the videos...*goes into daze ands starts humming Groillaz louder intill someone slaps her back to reality* Yes well a nicley done banner. The one for Duorocks is good too. I like the quote....hey um the Kenshin one you made? The one that said "Assasion" on it? Why isn't that here? That one was awsome....Kenshin in the manga is so cool....just awsome....... [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Well thank you about the Gorillaz banner. ^_^ The reason why I didn't but up the Kenshin one is because I can't double post. ^^;; Anyway, I think I will put it up now. This banner was made for Assassin, hope ya like it! ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Well here is one I made yesterday. I'm not sure if this'll be my last or not, it depends on how I do on my others. But this is one I had made for someone. It's a Kenshin banner.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I'm totally in, oh yeah! ^_^ I'll get mine in sometime soon. I'm working on some now, so I might use one of those.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I've never read it, but I've heard about it before. Out of what I heard it was pretty good, but it is definatly not for younger people. Lol. The way she looks reminds me of Momo from Peach Girl. *shrugs* I just think that's what she looks like. Maybe when I'm a bit older I'll check it out. Otherwise I don't really have any thing else to say.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  24. Fyxe

    My banners

    [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Hmm, this is the first banner I have made for awhile. This is also my first banner with a border, everyone always tells me to use them, so I did. Anyway, this one is for duorocks17. ^_^ Hope ya like it![/COLOR][/SIZE]
  25. Fyxe


    [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]It happens with most siblings, trust me. I have hated and hate currently my siblings, but way deep down inside I love them. My little brother [I]always[/I] gets on my nervs, somtimes I have actually hurt him, normally not meaning to. I always yell at my older sister as well. Think of the headaches I get with my siblings, I have six of them. You may get terribly mad at them and feel as if you hate them, but if you think about it you know you love them. You can't tell me you've never hugged or stood up for your siblings, you can't say you have never been nice to them or them being nice to you. It's just a thing that happens, we always are aroung our siblings, you get sick of being with them, and then comes the conflicts. You can't always agree with them. Look at it this way, if you always lived with your best friend, you would get sick of living with each other. It's just like that. But I'm sure if you start being nicer to your siblings and take it slow with them, they will do the same after a while. I'm not saying it will work at first, but you need to give it plenty of time. If you have more positive moods/ interactions with them, they will too. I hope that helps, being a person with six other siblings, I should know well about it. ^^;;[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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