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Everything posted by Fyxe

  1. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]To simply put it, they are taking a break from re-runs. So they will be having all those show on till they have new DBZ eps, more Yu Yu Hakusho eps, and so on. I don't bother with it at the moment, because I really don't like those shows... but I am just waiting for Yu Yu Hakusho. So they are just getting some different things on to "entertain" the watchers while they dub the new eps. Even though they have Yu Yu Hakusho done... or so what I have heard. But don't worry, it shouldn't be like this for to long.... go watch adult swim! It's just the unedited versions of some great anime shows. Better than the edited. *shrugs* Do whatever you want, I'm happy with adult swim at the moment.... but I want my Yu Yu Hakusho. :( Anyway, hope I explained it well enough.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Yeah, the Otaku.com used to have a chat room but it has been gone for awhile now. When I went it was good for quite awhile.... then things went downhill. I did enjoy going, but we would need more rules if there was another one up'n'running. I've managed to live without it, now I have a great time here. ^_^ I really don't care if we have another or not, if we don't, I'm fine with the just the OB. The OB is the best place for me to go on the internet, so I'm fine with it. Oh yes... Kyo no Ryu... you really gotta stop saying "thread closed". One you are not a mod. Two... it's very annoying, you've said it three, count them up, THREE times in this thread. It does not need to be closed. Please, don't blow it out of perporsion.(sp?)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Yup, here is my newest banner. Yeah, I know I had another thread, but it died. So I will be posting all my new banners/avatars here. Well this banner is my third, but I love it. I think it's great. This banner idea has been haunting me for the longest time and I finally have it done. It took forever to find good pictures, so I hope you enjoy my work. Please post comments, thank you! ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  4. Fyxe


    [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Yeah, I like the Gorillaz. I have their first CD, just havn't listened to it for awhile. I remember a few years ago on Toonami, they had a music video thing at about midnight. They had some music videos of the Gorillaz... they also had another band, but I don't know what it was called, i loved those videos too... if anyone knows what band I'm talkin about, could ya tell me who they are? Anyway, I think I'll listen to their CD again somtime today. It was a big band for me a few years ago, but I just kinda forgot about them. *Goes off to listen to her CD*[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]The closest person to me in my family is my mom. She is my best friend, there's no way around it, she just is. I can talk to her about anything and she will always give me advice. She is always there for me. We always hang out and talk. I just love spending time with her, she is great. I love her so much, she is somone I can always count on. Sure, she can get on my nervs... and I'm sure I get on hers, but I think she will always be my best friend. No matter what I do, she will always love me and she will always be there for me. She may not approve of somethings, but she allows them, if it isn't bad. But... dosn't every parent? So, I would have to say my mom. She will always be cool in my eyes. :)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Inuyasha Fandom [/i] [B]I never said that i would commit suicide. That's not really an option for me...................... howerbver unfortunate that might be. And Animangademon, how can i care for anuyone if i don't even care for myself? Life has become empty. I want to find a reason to go on, and find a reason to have the gift(or curse) of life. My existence is meaningless. I've found only pain in this feeble world of ever-changing values, and i can't seem to look at my self in the mirror. I'm a bad person, but i am always trying to chase away my memeories and the pain. I don't drink, and i don't do drugs, so i deal with the pain all on my own. No one has any insight as to hoiw deep my wounds are, or how much they consume me. I'm always regreting something, brcause I've never been a good person. i want to know what keeps people going, because I can't find a reason myself. I'm too far lost inside my own head. [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Don't you DARE think you are the only bad person, the only person that has terrible pains. I have awful ones myself, like seeing people being shot in a store when I was seven. :flaming: It hurts, one of the people I cared about was hurt! And don't say that you don't care about yourself, or anyone else! You do deep down inside, you know you do. No one's life is meaningless. Don't start thinking suicide is your only option either. You just don't say those things. You have to pick up your life and turn it around! Don't give us that bs, people care, and you should too. Please, don't give yourself up. I beg you.... we all do. And I am sorry for my rudness in my post, but I can't accept what you are saying. You came to us for help, we are giving it to you. Don't give yourself up. NEVER! You say you are such a bad person, but I bet you arn't. What I've heard, you arn't. There are awful people in this world, you arn't one of them. Your family can keep you going, if all other things can't, they can. Don't say you don't care for them, because you do, I'm sure of it. If you think you can't or don't care for others, that is just sad. I hope you think on this more, and think about what I am saying, what everyone is saying. Don't you dare give up your hope... or life.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]There has to be [I][B]something[/B][/I] that can keep you going! You can't say there isn't. Yes, I've felt like I have no point in life, but I do, everyone does! Don't be a no life, just live. Anything, anything can keep you going. There is no point in just... quiting life. If you need something, join something, get a hobby. Start a club. Just do SOMETHING! You have to have family, friends, or just someone you care about. Trust me, you don't want to leave your love one's behind. Talk to them, be with them, do things with them. Don't let things go. I'm sure you can find something to do with your life. Don't give it up so easily. Life [B]is[/B] worth living for. Don't doubt that. Now, I'll tell you what keeps me going. My family, friends, activities, and well this place. Well I also keep myself going about thinking about my future, I would never give my future up. Just don't give life up, I know, somtimes it feels like you have no perpose and there is no point... and it feels like you don't want to be here. I'm sure that you can find somthing to keep you going. Remember, we are all here for you. I truly hope you will look at thing differently. ^_^ --Conna--[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  8. Fyxe

    Baron Samedi

    [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Well, he is just trying to help out. I guess he is just trying to prevent a ban. But I don't know his opinoion. *shrugs* But if you have a problem with it, just ask him kindly to stop. Plus, you should just be PMing to him or a mod on this, not making a thread. Since this thread is utterly pointless. Just saying, don't getted pissed at me for saying this. >.< Anyway, I'll just let a mod take care of this.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]It happens. I've had it happen to me. So many people have had it happen to them. You really need to just let go. I had a good friend last year, but I guess this year she was to good for me. She never talks to me any more, even if she does... I'll tell you it's nothing possitive. But yes, it really hurt for awhile. I was like a person walking aroung without a soul for about two days. But over that weekend, I realized... that perhaps it was for the best. I just didn't, really, care any more. I let it go, after alot of thinking, I decided... if I wasn't good enough for her time, the she wasn't good enough for mine. It may hurt alot for some time, but you learn to let it go. If I can, you can, anyone can. Remember, you have other friends, they can get you through just about everything. That's one thing they are there for, that one friend may be gone, but your others arn't. I hope that helps. ^_^ --Conna--[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Haze_Gundam006 [/i] [B]it looks good, except the blue letters. . . and even hey are not incredibly icky. its pretty good! i dont like teh red for the first one either. it doesnt flow. who is this mei chick anyway? [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue] Mia is a character from the Golden Sun series, it is one of my favorite GBA series. She is a water adept, so yeah. I know about the outlines of the letters, maybe I should try more colors or just stop using it when I don't know what to put for the color. Lol, that is probably the best solution. Anyway, thanks for the coments, I'll try to use different things in the future. I hope I will get better. ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Ok, I made another today. Yet again, I was just experimenting. This one is another simple, plain banner. I'll get into the more detailed things once I figure everything out. This one has some better picture quality than my other banner did. Also I know the blue outlines on the letters don't go well with the banner, but I couldn't find anything better. Anyway, instead of making a whole new thread, I will just post my banners here. I hope you enjoy this one as well and I love to hear comments/ what I can inprove, etc. So keep 'em coing. ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PhoenixFlame [/i] [B]looks great,btw where could i get adobe? [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I don't know where we got adobe. But you just need to look in a programing store, that's all I know. And Dagger, I know that the red doesn't go with the pic, but I was just playin aroung with things. The images just happened to turn out fuzzy, I had to make that one with her folding her arms bigger than it was, so that's how it turned out. Anyway, thanks for the comments, I'll be making more in the future... so keep watch![/COLOR][/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Well, just as the title says... this is my first banner. We just got Adobe Photoshop 7.0 so I messed aroung with it a little and this is what I came up with. This is a simple Mia banner. I just played around with the little stuff, so it's pretty plain. I didn't have any good quotes either, so the phrase isn't that good. Please tell me your comments and what I can improve on, etc. Enjoy. ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Oh god..... the most emoitional parts, eh? Here it goes. Cowboy Bebop: I know this was done by everyone so far, but I can't leave it out!![spoiler] When Spike died I just stared at the t.v. screen for like ten minutes. In my mind I was thinking.... What?...... NOOOOOO!! :P Then I got it together. But it was just like having your heart snap... that's kinda what it felt like. I swear I wept for fifteen minutes. It was kinda the same when Julia died.[/spoiler] That was the ultimate ending. It was probably the most emotional one for me. Trigun: Gah, this one was a stinger too.[spoiler]God, the ep. when Wolfwood died really got to me. When he is done with that fight and goes to that church/chapel, he prays that he can be with Vash and the girls someday in Eden. Then he just... dies. Later on Vash comes back with Wolfwood's gun and tells the girls. Then there is this shot with Milly crying hard on the bed, then a shot of Meryl and her hand over her face and there are tears coming behind it. Then later on Vash goes to fight Knives.... and he takes Wolfwood's gun, he just carries it with him to that fight![/spoiler] I just couldn't stand it, it was so full of emotion! It made me cry as well. That one really got me going, I'll always remember that part... it's indented into my mind. Well, those are the most emotional moments to me. :bawl: I will always love those parts![/COLOR][/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I wouldn't say we are monsters, but yes there are some horrible people out there... but even they don't amount up to be called a monster. We have been slowly destroying the Earth with polution, but now people are taking notice to prevent it. We have done great things and bad things, but who can blame us for our mistakes.... all that counts now is that we are trying to fix those mistakes and now we know to avoid them. I don't think anyone or anything can live up to the name of a monster. Sure we have wiped out some population at the time with wars, but we are rebuilding. So I really don't think it is fair to call us monsters. The only time I become a monster is when I'm mad, lol. Anyway, I really don't think we deserve to be called monsters. People do good and bad, they make mistakes. Normally we can mend those mistakes and go on.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  16. Fyxe

    Yuyuhakusho movie

    [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Ummm, first off this needs to go in the Yu Yu Hakusho forum and you really need to work on your posting quality. But welcome to the OB, hope you enjoy it here! *waits for a mod to take over*[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I totally agree that she needed to be banned. What she said wasn't acceptible. And they have no right to talk about us like that on other forums. We have some very good artists here and they work hard to make they're work great. I appreciate everyone's work here, because it's that they tried that counts. Plus Mei said that wasn't her best work. But these people shouldn't be saying such negative things toward us. We keep the people that follow the rules and keep most of the negative comments to themselves. That what makes the OB so great. So they can say what they say, but she deserved to be banned... there's my opinion.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Hmm, well I'm going as a worrior/wanderer. I'm having black pants, a black baggy shirt with one arm ripped off and the other arm too long so it goes over my hand. On the arm with the sleeve ripped off I'm having bandages covering all of my arm, then I'm gonna take some fake blood and stain some of the bandages with it. Then I'm having a black bandana tied aroung my head and I'm having an x shaped scar on one of my cheeks. Then I have a black cape, black boots, and this thing called a hand flower, it's kinga like a chain mail thing for your hand. And I have a sword to top it all off. It looks really cool. I can't wait for Halloween. ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ryu_Sakura [/i] [B] well inu-yasha is great to exept its not really manga, well it is its just not like left to right its right to left, like american comics [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Okay, you are totally wrong on that. It [I]is[/I] manga, VIZ has all of their manga done left to right... that I know of anyway. They just don't choose to have it right to left. Just because they switch it to the way Americans normally read doesn't mean it isn't manga. :rolleyes: Anyway, my favorite manga is Kodocha of course! ^_^ And yes, I do read the comedy and romance series. I like Kodocha because it is a great comedy and as it goes on it gets into the drama and romance. It shows how hard a relationship can be, especially at a young age. I love this series and everything about it. Miho Obana draws so beautifully and she has truely made a heart clenching story. Yes I do have to say it has even made me cry. This story is told with great emotion and I just can't get enough. I have the first eight books, I [B]need[/B] the next books. I can't believe there is only two more! That would have to be my most favorite manga of all time and it has made it to the top of my best manga list. If you havn't read Kodocha, I strongly suggest you do.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I think that's just great. But yeah, you gotta use a different color for the font. If you have a blue background... don't use a blue font, especially if it's almost the same color. Otherwise, I love it. The picture has pretty good quality too. Keep it up! ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Heh, well my dad is kind of into it. He is an art teacher and mostly just likes it for the art. *shrugs* Go figure. He always watches it with my though, he likes some shows and sometimes he'll read a manga book of mine. ^_^ He buys all of my stuff... since my mom doesn't really approve of anime at it's fullest. My dad's cool, I hope someday I can go live with him... curse this seperation! My little bro that live half way across the state with my dad also likes it. But the only reason he likes it is because I like it. I'm his big sis it's a I-wanna-do-everything-like-you thing. He had two sisters to pick to be like... and it was me, he didn't pick the better sister. I guess I'm alot more fun. He loves DBZ, Yu Yu Hakusho, Zoids, and he has watched Cowboy Bebop once... that wasn't with me... NO WAY! He is only five, he shouldn't watch that. Anyway... those are the people in my family that are semi-otaku's. Oh yeah, my step bro's also think anime is cool... but they never watch it.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Yeah, I've read the first two books and own the first DVD. I really like it so far. It has a very interesting plot and I love Yu Watase's art it's beautiful. I really want to get ahold of the next few books soon, I think I'll just order them.... Ya know, I say that for everything I want and it never happens... lol. QA you are lucky, I'm the only person that likes anime/manga in my family.... well ok, my dad likes it... but he doesn't count. He is an art teacher and only likes it for the art. But I like the manga more than the anime. For many reasons.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by xXchaosfaerieXx [/i] [B]o I like Teen Titans though. I WANT THE LYRICS TO THE JAPANESE THEME SONG!!! [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Actually the song isn't in Japanese, I just figured that out lately. You have to listen closely.... or have your volume up high. Just thought I would point that out. ^_^ Anyway, to the subject. I don't really like the show. Sure I'll watch it if there is absolutly [I][B]nothing[/B][/I] else on. But yes, it is American Anime. I don't really consider it that though because it is done horribly, I would [B]never[/B] compare it with Anime. They have the girls acting like how I rarly ever see them act, they use the "like language" as I call it and they are like urgh. Don't get me started on that. :P But it gives a bad impression on girls, you never really see them act like that. It makes it look like we are complete dimwits and all we care about is fashion, money, and boys. :flaming: Anyway, I think the whole show is terrible. If they made some adjustments it would be way better. Nothing much more for me to say...... [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  24. Fyxe

    Sailor Moon

    [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Salior Moon rocks!! ^_^ I remember I would always watch it, it was one of my first animes. I still think it was one of the best. I wish they would put it back on, I miss it dearly. I remember me and two other friends would pretend to be them too! :D It was so fun, we would go around making up new characters and we would try to draw what they looked like. I still have some of the pictures, my drawing has really improved. Lol. My favorite character had to be Salior Mars, I guess she kinda reminded me of.... me! ^_^ Salior Moon is a classic, I'll always remember it. I think I will save up some money and go buy a DVD or two... relive my younger years I guess. ^_^ Anyway, I've always enjoyed it and I always will. The story line is great and I just love their school girl/hero uniforms. *sigh* Another great anime. ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I love both Spring and Fall. Because at those times it is just beautiful weather, it's not to cold and not to hot. I'll say this, I [I]hate[/I] the Summer... it is far to hot and that is when all the insects are out. >.< I hate bugs. For some reason I really like it when it's cold. But I don't like Winter because I always get colds and chaped lips, etc. So that's why I like Spring and Fall, it's just right. Plus I love Spring because all the plants are growing back and leaves are returning... it's just so beautiful, not to mention the weather. ^_^ Fall, I love it because all the leaves are falling and turning different colors. That is beautiful as well and I love the smell of Fall! It always smells of burning leaves or something, sometimes I can't even place the smell... but it's wonderful. ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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