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Everything posted by Fyxe

  1. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]That's really good for a first banner. It could use a different font though. The pictures are kind of fuzzy too. I love the background, it's pretty cool. But that is one of the better first banners I've ever seen. Good job. ^_^ If you are planing to make more, I can't wait to see them.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I like that one alot. The only thing is it could do without the grids. I agree that it would look better with a boarder too, it would give it a more interesting look. I love the picture in the background, but it might look a bit better if it was faded a little more. Otherwise I reallt like it. ^_^ Good work.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Oh man Zeos, I didn't know you were so good at poetry. I love both of them, I think the first is my favorite. But the second one was just as touching. Keep them coming, I think I'm hooked. ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Avatar: I give it a 8/10. That font goes good with the picture, but the picture kinda looks crumpley. First banner: I'm going to give this a 6/10. The picture is squashed and it makes it so you can't completely tell what everything is. You need to use different fonts! That is the part that jumps out and says READ ME! So it is always good to try different things. Second banner: I'll give this a 7/0. It's very plain and that big black space makes the banner look empty. Try to get more on there. Also I don't really like the font on that one. Always try different colors and fonts, some might turn out better than you think. Third banner: I'm givin' it a 7/0 as well. It is to streched and backrounds are always good to use. As I said before, use different fonts! You are way overusing that one. I'm not trying to sound mean or anything, but I'm just giving you some suggestions. You really need to try backgrounds, different fonts, and different font colors. Keep trying, you will get better. ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I am always stressed out about homework, I mean, I have a really bad habbit of putting it off till the last minute. ^^;; It always stresses me out big time. But whenever I'm stressed I just either write, talk to someone I trust about my problem, sqeeze something soft, play a video game (that ALWAYS gets my mind off something), bake something sweet.... then eat it ^^;;, draw, or punch the living crap out of my punching bag! One of those things always helps. I have helped my homework stress alot latey. I make myself do homework right when I come home, I always set myself a prize if I can do it. I've been really good about it now and I don't even need to set a prize. So I'm doing much better with that, but if I have other problems... I do one of the above.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Azure_Skies [/i] [B]Hey Have any of you ever seen Anime characters out of their cartoon? My friend Dead-Angel Keeps seeing realistic anime characters! Like a actual people, that look like the anime characters, but when she looks again they dissappear before her eyes?! Isn't that just freaky!? Has that Happened to anyone else?:naughty: [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I have!!! Lol, j/k. But I have at an anime convention.... well okay, that doesn't count. :P But I think if you start seeing anime people..... that's just unhealthy. Tell your friend to get more sleep and watch less anime! When I start seeing things that works for me. I have seen one anime character like that, but the only reason why was because I had just watched all my DVD's in a row of Trigun. ^_^ It was about 1:00 a.m. when I got done.... so I kinda saw Vash for awhile, SO, I went to bed! Lol, it was nice to have a little Trigun marathon though.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  7. Fyxe


    [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Well, even if that would be cool, it just wouldn't be a very good idea. I mean, that would take alot of time, cost plenty of money, and so such. Plus it might get a little slow and then you would be waiting forever to do it. That would just make it so less people would go there. I just like the good old RPing, I don't want that taken away. Even if it is a fun idea, there are many errors anf problems that would accure.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I enjoy going to haunted houses, just a good laugh with my friends before Halloween. ^_^ I'm not scared very easily, the last time I was scared by a haunted house was when I was six. But last year there was this really awsome one that was pretty convincing. Most of the time it actually looked real. I guess it's tradition for me and my friends every year, I love haunted houses!!! ^_^ This year I was offered to be in one, I think I'll do it, that should be fun! I get to be covered in fake blood and have one of those things were it looks like your head has been chopped off. Lol, I get to jump out of this one wall while people are walking through this dark maze. And yes they are giving me a flashlight to show off my goreyness. I can't wait to do that! I havn't been able to go to one yet, but there is one soon that I am going to.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I like them all, the only problem I have is with the first one. It's very dark and it might go better with a different font, that one blends into the backround making it terribly hard to see. Otherwise I don't really have anything to comment on. But your other two are great, kind of plain, but great. Keep it up, I can't wait to see your future work! ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Hmmhmm... yes I have to admit that I've seen things that arn't there. Like once I saw some red eyes staring at me at night when I had a friend over and I pointed to it. She looked at me all funny and asked if I was okay, because she said nothing was there. So when I looked back over to it, it was gone. Then once when me and my siblings were getting breakfast, I saw a man in our kitchen window... he looked real dirty with a construction hat on. Then I told them and they said they didn't see anything. ^^;; Oh well, I think I was just tired then... because with the eyes I was about to fall asleep and with the man, I had just woken up. So that is why I think I see things. And yes I do see things out of the corner of my eye, but I think everyone does.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]You have a great talent for banners. Heh, when I need a new one I'll have to get you to make me one. ^_^ I like mostly all of them. You keep improving as you make more too. I don't think I'll ever be able to make good banners... mine suck. :P Anyways... keep up the awsome work! ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]So, what are your best holiday memories? Well, one Christmas when I was what... eight? Anyway I was spending the Christmas at my Aunts house. At night we went down stairs by the tree and we heard something. We then heard a big bump and an ouch. We looked at the chimney... heh, and there was my uncle, all dressed up like Santa Clause. It was pretty funny, he actually went down the chimney... lol. He had soot all over him, then he gave us each on present to open. Then he started going back up the chimney, but he came upstairs later when we were all eating. It was fun and amusing... for an eight year ld mind anyway. The food was absolutly wonderful as well... arn't all Christmas dinners like that? But anyway, what was some of your best holiday memories? Please put a lot of efforts into your posts! Share those great memories! ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue] I love AMV's. Some are done pretty poorly though, but I know tons that are awsome. I have like 10 downloaded on my computer, all but two are done wonderfully. I have mostly Inuyasha one's of course. ^_^ I don't think they are an insult to aime in any way. People make them to show how much they like that show.... or they just had a cool idea. *shrugs* But I've seen many good AMV's in my life time of liking anime.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  14. Fyxe

    Teen Titans!

    [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Well, actually, I do believe it is from Japan. I read something somewhere about it. And something else I have always noticed is that the theme song is in Japanese. But I've found it has many anime qualities to it. Just pointing that out! ^_^ EDIT: Ooops... my bad, I just noticed the song isn't in Japanese, I've just never really paid attention before. ^^;;[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  15. Fyxe


    [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue] [B]First Name:[/B] Claire [B]Age:[/B] 14 [B]Hair Color:[/B] Golden Brown [B]Hair Style:[/B] On the short side, right above my shoulders. It is normally just down and straight. [B]Eye Color:[/B] Green/blue [B]Height:[/B] About 5'5"... or something like that. [B]Wardrobe:[/B] I normally just wear the darks, ya know, black, blue, green... I wear red alot too. I havn't worn a skirt/dress since I was 7, so, ya know.... I'm a jean and shirt girl. [B]Personality:[/B] I hang with an odd crowd... of 5 people, lol. It depends really... I'm not quite sure what I'm like. I change attidude all the time. Like I can be a really goofy person alot, or be a quiet mysterious person, or violent and competive. I have alot of different personality, I guess you have to know me to know what I'm like. :P That doesn't help now does it? [B]Music:[/B] I don't listen to alot of music. I listen to anime soundtracts and I enjoy Linkin Park... but otherwise I'm not really sure. It depends on the song really. [B]Hobbies:[/B] Well, I'm of course a big anime and game girl. I'm also an Internet freak. I love to read, draw, and write if I'm not doing game, anime, manga related things. I like to play sports most of the time and be outside to. But the big tthings i'm working on is games and drawing. ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zeos [/i] [B][SIZE=1]No.. I've never had a deadly desease before.. I havn't even had the chicken pox yet.. But.. Conna, your story has enlightened me.. It makes me happy, to be alive. Perhaps some day, I will catch a deadly desease.. If I do, I'll still have hope.. There is always some reason to keep living, to keep going on with life.. There is always a reason, even if it cannot be seen, it's there, somewhere, waiting to be discovered..[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I'm glad you feel that way, I have been through many terrible and rough things. But the people I cared for and loved had always gotten my through it. I always have hope now whenever I'm going through something rough. That desease really gave me a hard time and there are some things it did to affect me now. Such as, I stopped growing while I had it, hence the fact that I am a little shorter than I should be and it gave me a bad stomach sickness, but hey, thank god for pills! Thanks for giving me your coments![/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]My school is boring, it doesn't offer many languages. Only two, Spanish and German. I love German class and this summer we get to go to Germany! ^_^ We sold all these mouth watering german candies to raise the money, but it was expensive! I wish our school offered Japanese or something, I guess I'll just have to wait till college for that. That is one of the big downsides of living in a small town that nobody knows of. :( So yeah, I take German and proud of it! Don't dis German, 'cuse it's cool. ( to me anyway. ^^;; )[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Yeah... I've only read the first book. It was all right, but it wasn't the best thing I've seen. I have to agree with Queen Asuka, the first one was pretty boring. My good friend has watched it for along time and says it gets way better later on. But I don't plan one buying anymore, I might watch some of the anime. It just depends on what I feel like. And yes, welcome to the OB... I must say it does help to read the rules! ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I was wondering if anyone had ever faced a deadly disease. I have... when I was 4 I had a terrible disease called Kawasaki Disease. This disease just seems like the flu at first, but it is way worse. When you get it, your temperature skyrockets into the 104-105 range. You are completely weak, it seems like all the life is sucked out of you. I would always refuse to eat and drink. At first all the doctors looked at it as a minor thing and thought my mom was just an overprotective parent. But when she took me to the emergency room the second time, this one doctor was really worried. So I stayed there, but they couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. I guess they didn't know about it because it's such a rare disease. Finally a doctor came to look at me... she knew what it was and got me on everything I needed. It took some time, but I finally was back to normal. I owe my life to that doctor, I am very grateful she came along. It was when I was 9 that I was told I would have died from that disease. I am very happy to be living, it is kinda scary to think I almost died and at such a young age. I'm glad to be here today though. So... has anyone been through something like this, or has someone you know? Please coment on what you think... or if you have something to say on the fact that you have been through something like that. Thanks. --Conna--[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Man... that is a really good arcticle! I think it fits them all very well. I'm not really sure what else to say! ^_^ I guess if I were to write an arcticle.... I couldn't have writen it better myself. If you people want to know... I'm Red Link.... I had an odd feeling I would. Lol.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Yeah, you need to have a better selection of the colors you used on both of those. Have a bold easy to read color that goes along with the picture. Otherwise, they are pretty good. I like the first one more than the second though. I think that if you just get the color problems outta the way, you'll make some awsome avatars in the future. Keep it up and trying! ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I see these things all the time. But who can blame the artists... they probably get real tired and lose their train of thought. I know I do if i'm doing something for so long. ^_^ I see alot of screw ups in Trigun.. but everyone has already mentioned what I was going to. I see it alot in just normal cartoons too. It's real funny though.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  23. Fyxe


    [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Well, the reason why there are so many newbies is because, so many different people join the OB every day. It is all in how many posts you have, I am almost a junior member. You need 250 posts to become a junior member, but I'm not to sure about the other ranks. Plus make sure not to have bad posting quality. Don't just post crap/spam to get your post count up. If you do that often, you [I]will[/I] be banned. But welcome to the OB, hope you have a good time here.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]OOC: WOAH!!! Okay... guys, this is getting way outta hand. It is getting way to confusing. I'm getting alot of complaints about this. You guys [I]NEED[/I] to read other peoples posts. You have to go along with other peoples story too. I have stopped posting on this because of these reasons, you guys gotta clean up your act. See if you can get it together. If it starts making a recovery, I'll come back to this and start it up again. Thank you and please clean this place up. --Conna--[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  25. Fyxe

    Teen Titans!

    [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Yeah, it's a great show. I didn't get to see last nights show though... but I guess I can just see it tonight. Raven and Beast Boy have to be my favorite characters. I love the coversations between them. ^_^ I loved the school episode! Funny stuff there. My sister even watches it with me sometimes. Which is not normal... she never likes anything I watch. I always look forward to a new episode every Sat. It is one of my fav Saturday cartoons. ^_^ Anyway, it's a great show.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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