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Everything posted by Fyxe
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Well, about a year or so ago me and my sisters good friend died in a car accident. Whadda ya know... it was because of a drunk driver. But anyway, the song we heard right after he died was Crawling by Linkin Park... and it just well... fit. So whenever I hear that song, I always remember his death. So that is what song reminds me of who.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]That is the stupidest thing I've heard so far.... well not as bad as that lady suing CN for showing FLCL. Dude... what are these peoples problems?! I mean I just watched Pokemon yesterday, feh, violent. And Power Rangers rocked. And they also are conplaining about Teletubbies?! Sure they are fat and one is gay, but still... little kids don't care! X-men is ok to, heh, my little brother watches all that stuff and he isn't turning out "violent". He loves to watch DBZ with me. I'm glad my mom was never like that... that is stupid. I hate people like that... they just don't get it. And PowerPuff Girls? Give me a break. If every show was like Rolly Polly Olie.... GOD, I WOULD GO MENTAL!! I would break the T.V. Anyway... I think you get my point.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I was just awondering how many people watch/read Kare Kano? I have books 1-4 and I really enjoy it. I think this is a great comedy/romance story. I love pretty much all the characters. It is an interesing plot that you would normally think wouldn't be good, but I must say it is coming along nicely. Does anyone have comments about it? What is your favorite character(s)? If anyone knows if and wen the anime is coming out in english that would be great![/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Wow, that is awsome.^_^ Everyone draws so good. Man, I suck at drawing. But that is a very very good drawing, my score: 10/10 ^_^ It deserves it all the way!!! O_o... I just noticed this is my 200th post... cool. Oops, sorry. -_-;;[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Well, I want to see it, it looks funny. But the biggest problem is that... IT WILL NEVER GET HERE!!! My town has a one screen theater and each movie stays for a week, you can just imagin how long it would take. I mean, we just got Pirates of the Carribean today. But I already saw that, so it's all good. I will probably go to a different town to see it. I normally like all movies with David Spade. I've heard good things from other people about the movie, so I will see it.... when it comes.*Sits down for the million year wait*[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Ha, now all I need help with is Mars Lighthouse. ;_; Ya know that part where there are those drawings on the wall, and you are 'sposed to light the four flames for each element? Well, I need help with the Earth/Mankind part. When I get to these one pair of flame spewing dragons, there is no way to get past them. Heh... does anyone think they can help me?[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kenshinsbabe [/i] [B]Alot of my friends don't watch anime. Only two of them do. We have different lunch times so we can't talk about anime until after school. I'm stuck with the ones who don't watch anime, so whenever I start saying something (I almost always talk about anime), they barely understand a word I'm saying. Does any one have experiences like that? [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]It happens all the time. Mostly one the bus though, I normally don't talk much at lunch 'cuse I just wanna eat! But some people that are friendly people that I normally will talk to, but they're not quite my friends, and my some of myfriends have no idea what anime is. So everyone is always askin' what I'm talking about. :P Oh well, at least three of my friends watch anime, and I have all the people here to talk to it about. ^_^ Me so lucky.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I have to agree with you guys, it looks like it was traced. Even if it isn't traced, it looks way to tracy to look like it was drawn free hand. I'm going to rate it 6.5, mostly because of the tracy effect look to it.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Can a person really be normal? So many people say who is normal or who isn't. But how can anyone be normal when we are all different? I hear people say,"Why can't you be normal?" and stuff like that. To tell you the truth, I don't think there is such thing as normal in personality speaking. Sure, you could talk about someone not being normal if they are missing an arm, but personality speaking... no one is normal. I do think there is such thing as normal, just not personality speaking. Like it is normal that an apple is either red or green, but it's not normal when it's black or purple. But then again, we would all be normal, because we are all different. So it would be normal that everyone is different. It wouldn't be normal if we were all the same. Do you get what I'm saying? What do you think about "normal". Please tell me if you do or don't think there is a "normal" and explain why you think that.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I've already made a thread about this, but whatever. I LOOOOVE Kodocha! It is my favorite manga series. I've never seen the anime though. I have all but the 9th book so far. Akito is my favorite character, he is so awsome, and he looks mighty fine too.:D Miho Obana has totally captured in this interesting comedy, that later turns into a semi-romanse/drama thing. Just my kind of manga. If you wish to have long dicusions about Kodocha with me... PM me![/COLOR][/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by OtakuSennen [/i] [B]Well, I believe the confirmation is like a little "ding" sound or something.. Plus instead of "upgrade data" it will say "edit data" on the menu. But you really won't notice much of a difference in the game until [spoiler]Isaac, Garet, Ivan and Mia join your party.[/spoiler] If you don't upload data they are EXTREMELY weak with junky items. Thus, until you level them up a TON, they are relatively useless for a while. [/B][/QUOTE] Hmmm... well, [spoiler]when do they join your party... i've heard about it... but I just don't know when[/spoiler], because I'm almost at Jupiter lighthouse.
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Wow... that is good! I wish I could draw like that. ;_; I agree... you would be a good manga artist.. you don't really have to be 18. I've heard off ppl under 18 doin' that stuff. ^_^ Great pic![/COLOR][/SIZE]
I love the second one... but I can't transfer the data. IT SO ANNOYING!!! I've tried about 50 billion times, both with code and link cable. Can someone help me?! Whenever I try to start with the transfered data... I transfer it then wait... the data shows up, but when I press start it just makes me start a normal game. You can't press anything other than start... it says in the booklet that there is a thing that asks you to conferm the transfered data... but it doesn't do that!!! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!!!!
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I thought this movie was very cute! The animation was awsome. Haha... it kinda scared my little brother, don't know why though. At first I just thought it was an interesting movie... but the more I watched I liked even more each time. I recomend this movie.... to anybody![/COLOR][/SIZE]
Anime The Utter Confusion (Boy or girl?) Inuyasha related.
Fyxe replied to Cocomi Myojin's topic in Otaku Central
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Yes... most people I ask think that all the boys are girls.(ecxept for Miroku) And I do admit that I thought Inuyasha was a girl when I didn't know what Inuyasha was. Alot of times, yes, anime boys look like girls.. but so what? It just gives them a nice interesting look. Even some girls thought that Vash looks like a girl... >_ -
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I have all the books... I wish there was more books though, that just was a ending that left you hanging... i hate those kinda endings. But out of what I heard the anime isn't very good. But I heard awhile ago that the DVD is comin' out next April as well. All and all this is my second fav manga... nothing can beat Kodocha!!! For me anyway.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I love all of The Pillows songs on FLCL. They are a great japanese group, I just ordered the FLCL soundtrack.^_^ I also love all the music from Trigun, I never turn off that CD when I'm home. My favorites are probably Blood and Thunder, Blue Funk, Sound Life, H.T., and Fools Paradise. Inuyasha music is awsome too. To much good music!!!OMG, I can't forget about The Real Folk Blues.. I almost did.>_< But there is more that I like and I know it, but I just don't remember everything.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Wow, that's really cool.^_^ I love your poem, no wonder it's in the semifinals. I'd love to be published. Heh, good luck with that![/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Yeah, I'm 14 too and I see it all the time. But it is just stupid, some 15 year olds got drunk and got in a car crash.. they weren't even 'sposed to be driving. They were lucky, none of them got killed. I'd say it's not cool, underaged drinking and smoking is about the uncoolest and stupidest thing you can do. One of my sisters good friends was killed because he was in a car with an underaged drunk driver. I think drinking is stupid no matter what age anyway.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I normally don't remember a whole ton of my dreams, but here is an odd one I had last year: I was at a secret meeting for a gang. In the meeting I was proven worthy to be in the gang. After I get my guns and stuff... this guy comes running in and starts shooting all the members of the gang. I am not hit and is left there just staring at the guy. He notices I'm still alive and starts shooting at me. So I run away and he starts chasing me and he starts yelling," Get back here you stupid b**ch!!" So I run faster and lose him along the way. For some reason I end up at my school. I run through the halls and find the guy waiting in the commons. He has this sharp rope thingy and says that he is gonna slit my throat... he keeps walking closer and closer. Then I whip out my gun and aim. The bells ring and kids rush to class.. as do I. The guy does not follow. When I get to my first class, no one seems to care that I'm covered in blood and have a gun and knives. So I sit through the class and I then go to my second class. When I walk in I see other people that arn't in that class, so I ask," Why are these people here?" Then my teacher says," Well, to protect you of course." That was a really weird dream. I was going to be the only girl in that gang too. But note, that before I went to bed I was playing Grand Theft Auto 3. So that is where I got the gang and gun stuff... I'm guessing. I have tons of other dreams too. But this is all I will post for now.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Yeah.. me and my sister just saw Desperado a few nights ago. They had made Once Apon a Time in Mexico in 2000, but they decided to wait till now.. I don't remember why though. Anyway, me and my sis'll probably see it when it gets to our town([I]if[/I] it ever gets here). Ha... my sister thought the first one was so funny, I had to admit it was. But she just loved alot of the lines.. as did I. ^_^ Lol.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Man.. I wish my school had an anime club. That would be soooo cool. I know that tons of high schoolers like anime, but not alot of people in middle school do. :bawl: You people are lucky, unless I started an anime club, it would never happen... Heeyyyyyyyyyy... me starting an anime club is just crazy enough to work. :D *goes of to plan*[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Ok, this is my first fanfic. It's about some character I made up awhile ago. It may be a little stupid this first chapter, but I promise it will get better. This is about Conna, a twelve year old fire fox demon growing up in her clan... for the first while anyway. So... ENJOY!! ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=3][B]Conna's Story[/B][/SIZE] An Inuyasha fanfic [SIZE=3]Chapter One[/SIZE] One day in the depth of the forest, there was a young fire fox demon walking down a path. Her name is Conna, and with this our story begins. "I can't stand that man," I yelled angrily," How can I call him my father?! He does this all the time! Ever since my brother died, all he's done is yell at me." The truth was, ever since my brother died to save me and half the clan, father has taken it all out on me. My father was proud of my brother, Shin, because he was the strongest in the fire fox clan. When father had heard that he had died to save me, he went crazy. He told me [I]I[/I] killed Shin, the child he was proud of.... the [I]only[/I] child he was proud of. It hurt when he said I had killed him, because I would never ever do that, Shin was the person I loved the most in the whole clan. I respect the fact that he saved me while putting his own life in danger... but I wish he hadn't left me. The other thing that pissed my father off was that now I was the strongest in the clan. He couldn't take it, the child that "killed" Shin and is a girl, is the strongest of the clan. My mother is proud of me, but I wanted to make father happy and proud as well. "I want to know what is takes to please this guy!" I thought. I looked ahead toward the river and decided to go relax there. I sat down and put my feet in the water,"Ahh, that feels better," I whispered with releif. I looked at my reflection in the calm water. I look at my long, dark reddish orange hair pulled back with a thin black ribbon, letting my bangs hang down in my face. I then look at my dark yellow eyes and then my gaze travels down to my thin rosey lips. I look at my young twelve year old face. I flicker my tail and finally rest my site on the red, furry ears on the top of my head. My best friend, Nao,(Naozumi) always said I was pretty, as did my mother and Shin. It felt best coming from Shin, my big brother. If Shin were still alive, he would be sitting right next to me. He always was, always there to look after me. In fact he was the great trainer that trained me. I let myself fall onto my back and I looked up at the bright blue sky. I closed my eyes and my mind played back the scene of the day Shin died. There were demon slayers everywhere, they were after our skins and they were there for revenge. A few days before they came, some of the demons of our clan stole some items for the demon slayer village... bad move. Two days later the demon slayers attacked us so suddenly, the foxes started to transeform. But the slayers just took us down. We were well known for tararizing their village, that's another reason for them coming after us. I was being cornered by a slayer, I remember a huge fire breaking out behind the slayer, then all the sudden Shin came to my rescue. If only I could have turned into a full formed demon... but I hadn't mastered transeformation yet. Shin and the slayer fought for awhile, then the slayer did a move that caught Shin off guard.... SLASH. Shin was slipping away, I got real pissed and attacked the slayer bringing him down. I ran to Shin, the last word he said to me were," I love you so much, remember that. You must-- NNNGH-- protect... the.. clan and live... --uhhrgh--.. for me......" Then he was gone. I opened my tear-filled eyes. I watched the clouds and birds for awhile. Then I got up, took my feet out of the water, and took out my sword. The sword and black ribbon were gifts from Shin. They always have and always will be my most treasured items. I sharpened and shined my sword untill it looked brand new. I put it away and got up to head home. I splashed some water on my hot face and left the river to the path I was on before. As I walked I started to hum a song my mother would sing. All the sudden.... WHAM! "OUCH," I said rubbing my head. I looked behind me to find Nao laughing. "NAO," I barked angrily. "Bwahahahahahahaha!!! I'm... ha... sorry, hahaha," He managed to gasp still laughing. "Why did you do that," I asked sort of alarmed. "Sorry, you were just the perfect target... ya know? I just had to." "Stop acting like a little kid! Anyway... why are you here?" "Oh.. well, your mother sent me to tell you to come home soon--" "Why?" "If you would've let me finish you would know that right now. One, demon slayers are out hunting tonight and two, it's time for the clan to eat." "Oh, okay." "Good, 'cuse I'm hungry," While saying this he rubbed his tummy while it growled. As we walked I could smell something different in the air. Nao smelled it too, we both stopped. Then the scent was clear to me, humans. Nao took my hand and we hid in a tree. " I bet it's the demon slayers," He whispered. He was right, after a few seconds we could see them. They had big weapons and had some light fighting gear on... just like I remember. It looks like they had done some demon slaying, there was skins of different demons in full form. We silently watched them go by. "I hate humans," I said all the sudden,"They kill so many of us.. even poor Shin was one of their victims. Most of the time we don't do anything that means we deerve to die. If you ask me they are normally the ones that deserve to die." Nao looked at me as I said this, then he said,"I know how you feel about Shin and I see your point. But that's probably the same way they think of us." I nodded my head in agreement. "Lets get going shall we then," He asked cheerfully. We jumped out of the tree and started walking down the path. As we walked, we passed the ice fox clan's territory. "I want to meet foxes from different clans. Mayby even different kinds of demons," I told Nao. "Don't worry, some day you will when you are older. If you leave the clan, you can meet tons of demons," Nao replyed. "But if I leave the clan, that means I would be betraying it." "That would be a risk you would have to take. Leaving is the only way to see these wonderful lands. One day I'll leave the clan, because I really want to see this world." I looked at him and then I declared,"Your right, some day I'll leave the clan as well!" "I'm glad, we can explore these lands together," He commented with a kind smile on his face. I smiled back, then I saw our clans cave. We had a big cave since we have such a large population. There is also a training ground outside of our cave. Nao ran from my side and disappeared into the mouthof the cave, yelling,"Yayhey!!!!! FOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!" I smiled and ran in after him. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]So... how was that for the first chapter? Hope you liked it!^_^ I am curently writing chapter two. Please comment about my story.^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]It hasn't effected me in the grade area, it has just made all my hard earn cash fly out the window. ;_; I have been lazy becase of it, yes. But I've always been a computer freak, so it has just given me more things to do on the internet. I don't let anime totally control my life and I do save money when I need to. I don't really buy alot of DVD's, it's the manga that is draining me. I mean, 10 bucks for a book I read in a hour. I could read a series in a day if I wanted to. Sure I may be an anime freak, but I'm not an addict, I need time away from it sometimes. I only buy what I really want so I don't always waist all of my money and so on. I STILL HAVE A LIFE!!!![/COLOR][/SIZE]
Well, i really havn't had any bad teachers. But there was this one boy that got punched by a teacher and then the teacher said he didn't do it!:P how mean/stupid can you get? But later that year he was fired. There was a sub we had once that threw a book at me, because I was helping someone with their paper, but she thought I was cheating or just talking.:P Duh, you still don't do that.