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Everything posted by Fyxe

  1. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Yes, Indroduction threads are not allowed. But welcome to the OB and have a great time! I am sure you will make plenty of friends.... if you need one, I'm always here! I can help you out a little to if you need any help. Take the time to read through the rules... [I]please[/I]. It's ok to make some mistakes, so don't feel terrible if you do make some. Anyway... WELCOME TO THE OB!!!![/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I don't really mind spiders that much. The only thing that bothers me is when they're [I]on[/I] me. I don't like their bits either... they really itch. Our house always has a ton of spiders, but the useful thing about them is that they rid of all the other bugs in our house. If the spiders bother our cats, or the cats see the spiders, then our cats chase them, then kill 'em, and then eats 'em. We call our cats the big spiders that eat spiders... I made it up when I was little. But otherwise, spiders don't freak me out or scare me and I don't [I]hate[/I] them.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. Once when I was like 5 or something, I stole some suckers from the store, :sweat: but I didn't know it was wrong in anyway... and no I didn't get caught. But I always tend to borrow things from people and never really seem to give it back... even though I mean to. Especially items from my family and friends. I occasionaly take something from my sis just to tick her off... lol, it's funny when she is mad and plus I have the upper hand, seeing to I can fight/defend and she can't.
  4. I just kinda don't see Kurama acting that way.... but whatever. It's still good. You might want to write it in bigger portions though. There isn't alot to read there.... and I kinda want to read the rest. >_<
  5. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]It would be cool to be a video game designer or tester. I've also always been interested in science such as space and rockets. It would also be cool to be a manga artist and make your own stories... along with that goes an anime artist. But ya kinda got the idea of where I'm coming from... right?[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Heh... well, I am a very big known joker in my class and I have a lot of sarcasm. Once in 5th grade the teacher gave us some cup cakes... and well my friend was sad about something, so I took my cup cake and smashed it into my face when the teacher wasn't lookin'. Ha, then that made her start laughing... along with the rest of the class. I told my teacher it was an accident, so I didn't get in trouble. In 5th and 6th grade, after band I would go around with my trumpet and sneak up behind people while they were puting things away. I would put my trumpet up to thier ear and.... BLAT!!! It was so funny to watch them jump. After I did that I would run away. Lol.... good times. Oh yeah... I used to makes paper balls and throw them at ppl when they and the teacher were not looking. Then I would look away when they turned around and I would look ahead like I didn't do anything. I did some strange stuff... and I still do!! Lol.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1][COLOR=dark red]Ha... if you wanna know mine, look at my sig... it's the Sana & Akito thing... that really cracked me up when I first read it. I also like the other quotes down there. Oh, I also like this: Circles and eyeballs, circles are pretty, a tasty wonderful just like black grape beans. - From Ed off the Cowboy Bebop movie. Or at least that is what I think is what she sings. :P Here's another one: Hehehe Dying tickles! - Ralph off The Simpsons. Uhhh that's it for now. :toothy:[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  8. I love dragons, there are so many types with so many cool powers. But out to other mythical I like elves to, elves and dragons are awsome. Elves, they are folk who live in the woods... well some don't :P... They are very good at archery and you never know what other powers they could have. I think most evf eyes are so cool and their ears... all pointy and such. But those are my two favorite, that I can think of. I know there are more that I like, but I just can't think straight.
  9. Uhhhh... ummm.... this is a really hard question, there are soooooo many wishes. Bleh... mmm..... lots 'n' lots of money, to buy every thing(yes mostly anime ;) ) I've ever wanted. Ohh... it would be so cool to be [I]in[/I] my fav anime show, as in real... your life.... but I would only want that for a week or so. Maybe... be a popular manga artist!! Have alot of my own books! BLEH!! To many things... i would have to think 'bout it more. I'd like to go with the money mostly, never ending mounds of cash... Ok there I sounded really greedy, but alot of ppl want money!! So leave me alone about that one.
  10. [SIZE=1][COLOR=orange-red]Ok... this one is stupid and makes no sence. Well one day after school, me and some friends were hanging out drinking soda. Then one said that he had made a duck out of ducktape*.... roles eyes....* and my friend John started laughing so hard soda came out of his nose.... now [I]that[/I] was funny. Everyone else started laughing, but John's nose was hurt... 'cause well it burns when soda comes out of your nose. But that made it even funnier. It was strange.... [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  11. :P Way better than I can do... I posted a poem and only one person liked it. *checks her money box* O.O;; It is gone!!!.... THE PICTURE I WAS GONNA BLACK MAIL SOMEONE WITH IS GOOONE!!!*looks behind her* Oh... there it is... never mind... *runs away with the picture, blushing*
  12. Ummm, why don't you answer that first?:P But for me it would be Pokemon and Digimon. First of all, to me, they are way overdoing both the series. I used to love them, I just grew out of Pokemon, but Digimon was good till 'bout the 3rd season. I loved season 1 & 2... but the 3rd was bad. DBZ is getting kinda bad too... but hey, there is nothing I can do about it. Oh yeah... just some advice, but you might want to put a little more efort into your posts, or they will be closed! Thx for listening to my babblin'. And welcome to the Otaku Boards!
  13. [spoiler] Yes... out of what I think, he dies. That ending kinda bummed me out, but oh well.[/spoiler] So i'm pretty much going with what everyone else said.
  14. Yeah... my parents dissaprove of some of the anime I watch. It used to be everything on Adult Swim, but once they sat down and watched it, they said it was alright for me to watch it. The thing that made them mad was when I went off and bought The Cowboy Bebop movie... and then they found out it was rated R. O.O;; I was in real big trouble then. But they wated it and approved most of it. My dad is so cool he likes anime and takes me to Anime Iowa every year. But my step dad is the exact oposite, and I live with him. -_-;; And my mom doesn't like to disagree with him, or she will get in trouble... IT'S LIKE HE RULES OUR LIVES!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRGGGG! :P Ohh well, I get away with most of it. I can't wait to go to college, at least then I'll be away from him! But, yeah, they only disaprove of some things, but I'm alowed to watch most of it!*does a dance in happiness*
  15. I once took a picture of my friend in my living room... and when it turned out there where these really weird orbs around her.... Once I saw something on a show that said those orbs were ghosts or something. :P I dunno.
  16. Ooo, I don't know if this is the kinda favorites thread that'll be closed... but for me it would be Hiei. He has awsome speed and he is good with swords. Plus he's a demon, a [I]fire[/I] demon. Since he is a demon, he has got some really cool powers an' stuff. Does being cute count? No probably not... I have more reasons, I just don't have them on the top of my head right now.
  17. Bleh, yeah, i'm pretty sure this belongs in one of the game sections. But anyway, I like a lot of games, but one of my all time fav series would be the Golden Sun series. I also like The Legend of Zelda OT too. Bleh, to many good games out there. For the comp. I like Morrowind, that's a cool game too.
  18. I love 1 & 2. I can't wait till numbah 3. I haven't read any of the books, but I think some day I will. But I really need to buy the DVD's. I love the fighting and just about everything else! My fav character is Legolas... haha, my friend has the total hots for Orlando Bloom, especially in elf form, lol.
  19. Hmmm.... I don't know to many, but out of what i've heard, I'm totally going with The Pillows on this one. :D I love mostly all of their songs.
  20. Hahahaha.... well once I was sitting on my couch watching T.V. and my kitten jumped from the top of the stairs and he landed on my other cat. It looked really funny, because my kitten kinda was riding my other cat... you had to be there. Another time at school, we were at a speech, the kid that came up to speak didn't have a belt on. And when he took a deep breath and sucked everything in... his pants fell down. *snorts* It was [I]REALLY[/I] funny. Would have sucked to be him though.
  21. Bleh.... I dunno, that's a good question... for me though I think water restores more energy for me. But fruit come up pretty close behind. Lets just say both, for now.
  22. I think commonsense is more importent. I mean you could have a lot of booksmart and not have commonsense and that will make you look kinda dumb.:P I have more commonsense than booksmart and i could know way more things than a kid without alot of commonsense. It's just commonsense to know that commonsense is more importent.
  23. Ummmmm, for me it would be a whole summer. Because this summer when I was with my dad he had no cable and no internet, and sadly I had no money to go out and buy some anime DVD's. Normally I don't spend the whole summer with my dad.... but I just [I]did[/I]. But it wasn't all that bad. We did lots of stuff, so it kept my mind off anime most of the time.
  24. Bleh, I have a few hobbies... Video games(OHHHHHHH yeah!) drawing the computer and all of it's wonders collecting anime/manga stuff watching anime reading manga and also making my own little short manga stories I used to have a stamp collection... but due to my bad memory of where I put things... it got lost.
  25. I have 2 ghost friends... they help me sometimes to, their names are Peter and Tina. Tina is always opening doors, for some odd reason. They sometimes help me, but not really.I was watching this one thing on ghosts on time and it was saying stuff 'bout evil ghosts and I think one of my ghosts turned off the T.V. lol. People think I'm a nutcase for believing in them.
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