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Everything posted by Naru
I love it! The text is awesome! I don't see anything wrong with it! [also a fan of FLCL] Hope to see more from you!!!!!!!! 10/10!! ~naru-chan
[COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=1]Hahaha! Yet again, you have made my day DW. I like the Kill Adam doll at the end. haha! I wanna be in the next one!! Please?! =^^= I can't wait for the next one!! I love you [and your sexiness] DW! haha! ~naru-chan[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
thats what I do as well. The pastel one is actually a photocopy of the colored pencil one. Then I just colored with pastel to make it so you could see it. Thank you very much! ~naru-chan
AWA is getting close again! I'm going as Misha from Pita Ten this year. I'm going to A LOT less scared in the cosplay competition this year [ask maladjusted. i was terrified.]. Is anyone else going this year? Maybe we could meet up!! ~naru-chan [P.S.- Sorry Dagger!!!!!]
YAY! AWA is getting close again!!! Of Course I'm going again! I've been planning this since September 26th of last year!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!! This year I'm cosplaying as Misha from Pita Ten. Its safe to say I'll do A LOT better in the cosplay compitition this year. Ask maladjusted: I was SO scared last year! Is anyone else going? Maybe we can meet! It'll be great!! :laugh: ~naru-chan
They're all so beautiful! O_O My favorite is the Vash the Stampede one. I had to look for him at first. I love it. I cant wait to see more! You've gotten a lot better at this!! ~naru-chan
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]I have way too much spare time on my hands... I'm posting 3 drawings right now [in order of which they were done.] 1)Series: Ah My Goddess Character: Belldandy Notes: I hate this version but its the only one that shows up well on the computer when I scan them!! x¬_¬ This one is done in pastels [which I hate with passion] and the better one [which I am not posting because it's too light on the computer] is done in colored pencils. yay colored pencils! 2)Series: Azumanga Daioh Character: Chiyo-chan Notes: Just none in pencil, [I liked it too much to color it becuase I always mess everyithng up when I color it! haha] 3)Series: Midori no Hibi Character[s]: Seiji and Midori Notes: I haven't seen nor read this series yet because it hasn't been released in the states yet, but I can't wait! It looks so good! Plus the little Midori hand is so cute! --For people who do not know-- This series is about a girl [Midori] who likes a guy [Seiji] but never tells him. Midori is a rich girl who goes to a private school. Seiji is a regular guy...except he is a great right. His right hand hook has come to be known as "The devils right hand". One day they wake up to see that Midori has become Seiji's right hand! Soon many other problems start to develope. Will Seiji's life ever be the same?? Let me know what you think!! Thankies!! ~naru-chan[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
ah! i didn't notice it was that large!! I'll re-do that one... It says "why do people always fear what they dont understand?" Thank you very much for the compliments and advice! I'll get working right away!! =^^= I love Peeps as well! They are just so cute!!! [not to mention they are so darn good!] Thank you so much! ~naru-chan
That was hilarious but I feel bad for Syk3! That made my day! Thankies! I cant wait until the next episode! ~naru-chan
Yay! Its Flaggy Day! Happy Flaggy day! Nya! We cooked out and went swimming! Its was really fun, but then WHOOSH! It got really cloudy....So i went inside! Lucky for us it was like that for long! So we went downtown to this 4th of July festival and played games and stuff!! The fireworks we sooo pretty! I have pictures! I'll post them some other time though..They are veryb pretty also, but they could never live up to the real fireworkies!! ^^ I hope everyone had a happy and Safey Flaggy day!! Ja Ne! ~naru-chan
Sorry that I must expose you to more of my "banners" but I have too much spare time and need to do something with it, so I do this. Here are some current banners I've made. Please tell me what you think! ~Naru-chan
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]I would love to be a moderator! I don't have much of a change with so many people replying but its worth a shot! I think that I would be a good moderator because I have been on otaku boards for quite some time now and you can see i've improved a lot. I know all of the rules and requirements. I also spend a lot of time in the fan art section so I very familiar with it. I'm trustworthy and promise to do a good job! I would be greatly honored to hold this position. ::crosses fingers:: ~naru-chan[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]thanks for the compliments and the suggestions!! I'll work on it then repost soon. You're right! I was on a site with FLCL manga scans and just did some background hue changing, and ta-da! Thanks very much again! Ja Ne! ~naru-chan :bellylol:[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]Very nice. All of the pictures are clear and well chosen. The borders look good and they aren't too crowded. I have that problem a lot when creating Avis....They always seem to look crowded. Anyway. Good Work! ~naru-chan :bellylol:[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]::sigh:: as usual everyone but Jessie makes awesome banners. They are all beautful. I agree with PiroMunkie that Beyond is my favorite. Its really cool because you have to look more than once to see everything in the pictures. They are also very eyecatching. I wouldn't change anything! Hope to see more soon! Keep up the wonderful work! ~naru-chan :bellylol:[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]Woah, those are really cool. I know some people who would love them. haha. Everything is so clear! I lke how you put your name in the microsoft one. It looks cool. I usually make my posts longer by put what I think I would change and stuff, but I wouldn't change anything! Keep up the good work! ~naru-chan :bellylol:[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]I like it, two things kind of bother me though: 1) I think it would look more complete with a border. Probably a small dark blue one would look the best... 2) Maybe a different font....this one looks good, but it doesn't really fit perfectly.. Those are just suggestions, keep up the good work! ~naru-chan :bellylol:[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]Ah, yes...what a wonderful series. I recomend it to everyone who enjoy the original series..as well as anyone who hasn't already been introduced to The World. anyway, back on topic. I agree with everything Ruby said. Everything look wonderful. I really like the background. The glow effect around Rena and Shugo is nice also. It helps them stand out while the softness you gave them prevents them from standing out TOO much. I think its perfect. I hope to see much more from you!!!! ::looks at own banner and sighs:: 10/10! ~naru-chan :bellylol:[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]Sadly, the only episode I've seen is the first, which was provided by Newtype USA. Still, I thought it was very funny. I like the person with green hair and glasses. I forgot his name, it starts with a T I think.. I put off watching it for a while, in fact, I only watched it for the first time last night!The episode I wanted the most on the sample DVD was Azumanga Daioh, so I wasn't too interested in Comic Party. Well, the next two issues came out and I had nothing to do so I popped in Kaliedo Star first [surprisingly,I really liked this one!], then Comic Party. Lets just say I ran down stairs begging my mom to take me to Best Buy, even thought it was 10:00 at night. Of course I got the whole "Not tonight, its 10:00, maybe tomorrow after you guitar lessons, do you even have money, I thought you were saving your money for the Anime Con?" speech....Darn parents and their so-called "rational/common sence" reasons... My Guitar lesson starts in 15 minutes then I'm going to Best Buy! Ja Mata Ne! ~naru-chan :rotflmao:[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
I really like FLCL, and my favorite character is Mamimi. I love the whole firestarter game idea also, so I made a banner and avi! let me know what you think and what i should change.
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]Mine aren't the best in the world but here they are: [IMG]http://punkkittennaru.250free.com/fb.jpg[/IMG] Category-Fruits Basket Name-Yuki and Kyo [IMG]http://punkkittennaru.250free.com/fb2.jpg[/IMG] Category- Fruits Basket Name- Bishouen Kyo [IMG]http://punkkittennaru.250free.com/fb3.jpg[/IMG] Category-Fruits Basket Name-Shigure door [IMG]http://punkkittennaru.250free.com/fb4.jpg[/IMG] Category-Fruits Basket Name- Shigure snicker [IMG]http://punkkittennaru.250free.com/fb5.jpg[/IMG] Category-Fruits Basket Name- Yuki and friends [IMG]http://punkkittennaru.250free.com/fb6.jpg[/IMG] Category- Fruits Basket Name- Chibi Yuki [IMG]http://punkkittennaru.250free.com/fb7.jpg[/IMG] Category- Fruits Basket Name- Chibi Kyo [IMG]http://punkkittennaru.250free.com/negima.jpg[/IMG] Category-Negima Name- Negi [IMG]http://punkkittennaru.250free.com/negima2.jpg[/IMG] Category- Negima Name- Asuna I'll make more later on... ~naru-chan[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]I bought book number seven yesterday! Its the final volume!! I think it was by far the best of all the volumes, so if you don't have it yet, HURRY!!! Theres a sequal series coming out! Its called [B]Tokyo Mew Mew a La mode[/B]. It looks like the same story with different main characters from the preveiw at the end of the last volume. I'm going to have to read it anyway though! The last volume summed up the whole series wonderfully. Everything was tied up just the way I wanted it to be. I almost cried when it was over. Some of the parts are really emotional. There's not really any comedy in it, but I promise that very end will make everyone say "Awwwww....."[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Century Gothic]Ah! there are so many new releases coming out this spring! @_@ I was reading Newtype and I saw an artical about a new series called [COLOR=Blue][B]Negima[/B][/COLOR] which comes out on April 27th.. Its by Ken Akamatsu, the creator of [COLOR=Blue][B]Love Hina[/B][/COLOR]. Its about a 10 year old boy who graduates from magic school [this is where there Harry Potter connections stop.] and becomes a teacher [of magic]. ok, this could be the whole summary, but we're talking about the [B]Love Hina[/B] manga-ka Ken Akamatsu, so you know there has to be a twist. It turns out, he starts teaching at an ALL-GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL. Sound familiar? It should, because in [B]Love Hina[/B], Keitaro becomes the Karinin [live-in manager] of an all-girls dorm. Again, in [COLOR=Blue][B]A.I. love you[/B][/COLOR] [also by Ken Akamatsu] its a ratio of one boy:lots of girls. And with [B]Love Hina [/B] at the top of [I]Publishers Weekly [/I] list for EACH of its 14 volumes, I think its safe to say that [B]Negima[/B] is worth following.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
I looked around and didn't see a thread for this anime yet, sorry if there is one! I picked up this manga at waldenbooks the other day and ended up buying it. Its actually very amusing..Milfie is my favorite. She reminds me of myself...only with pink hair...yeah. I know theres a billion of the "Heroine" animes, and most of them annoy me because like in Sailor Moon, the same things seem to happen over and over again [no offence to anyone who likes Sailor Moon], for instance, how many times are her friends going to be in a park and the Negaverse shows up and releases poison gas or whatever. ANYWAY back to the topic. I really like this anime because its very original [or atleast to me it is..] The characters make the story move along well. Actually, today I bought the first DVD. I think i forgot to say that earlier in the post, oh well. The DVD is like the manga in some aspects except it starts out at an earlier time [much like the Chobits manga/anime started at different times]. Is there anyone else who likes this anime as well? If so, to keep this from being spam, who is your favorite character and why? ~naru-chan
I love Azumanga Daioh! Yukari-sensei is the best!! So are Kagura and Sakaki!They are hilarous! The manga is great. I love the part with Chiyo-chan's "dad" and Sakaki. Its in either the 1st of 2nd one....I don't remember....heh. ^^o I cant believe theres only one more manga [#4] then its over....::very sad:: T_T The anime is just as good [so far] I haven't seen but a few episodes. I dont like Osaka's english voice though...I don't know why. I like everyone elses though. I have to go now, so i'll post later. ~naru-chan