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Everything posted by Naru

  1. heres another one i did...i like this one ^^ lol i'm probably going use this one now, i think.
  2. what the?! what is it?! its scarey! ::runs away:: what is its purpose exactly?? i mean why did u put such a scarey picture up?! ^^0
  3. uhh....what? yeah, i know. i dont know why she looks all depressed.....::shrugs:: i'll redo it & replace the green & red with pinkish like you said. i dont know how it will turn out but oh well! i'll post it when i'm finished ^^
  4. boredness is a great thing in some cases. it makes me make banners & cards, but it cant be a bad thing too, because most of them suck...anyway, heres a love hina xmas banner i made: [IMG]http://punkkittennaru.250free.com/lhxmasbanner.JPG[/IMG]
  5. thanks tons! i'm working on some new ones right now & i'll put them up soon! ^^ thanks again!
  6. thanks ^^ i'm still waiting for my program to work so i can add a border.... p.s.-thanks boo! i had no idea my sig was so long! heh..^^0
  7. thanks! i have a layer on the last one (called fog i think..) so its like that..lol. thnaks again! -sinsiter kitten naru
  8. its actually not kite & mistral. its shugo (same design as kite) & mirelle (same design as mistral). ^^ i'll put a border on it. i wanted to but i couldnt get the program that i can do that on to work. i'll fix it soon though! thanks for the compliments! -sinsiter kitten naru
  9. heres a new one i made..i had to do something with the picture..i really like it.its cool ^^ lol tell me what you think
  10. I recently started reading this & instantly loved it, so boredum struck & decided to make my first .hack// banner. woohoo [IMG]http://punkkittennaru.250free.com/smobanner2.JPG[/IMG] -sinister kitten naru
  11. lol! thats great. awesome job, hope to see more original banners like this one! ^^ -sinister kitten naru
  12. I can't Wait! I'm going to buy both of them! They look so awesome! I love Sora! He's even cuter in this one!! ^^ I wonder if anyone know a date close to when its coming out, I know KH2 is expected sometime in 2005, but I know nothing about KH: Chains on memorys....I agree, It looks an aweful look like a 2D version of KH but I don't care. Sora is Sora! I'm still going to be on a waiting list 3 months before it comes out just so I can get them immediately!
  13. To tell you the truth, I've only read the manga. I'm working on getting money to buy some episodes though. Thanks for the compliments =^^= Belldandy is my favorite as well, then Urd. Thanks again! ~NaRu
  14. I love the Love Hina wallpaper with Kaolla & Shinobu! It looks awesome! As for your banners.....wonderful as always! You are an amazing banner maker with tons of talent! As always- I can't wait to see more!!~ ~NaRu
  15. Woah. All of your banners are amazing....i REALLY like the rain one.it's beautiful. Maybe could you make me a love hina one? hehehe...lol.. =^^= ~NaRu
  16. Wow! That is amazing! It looks so real.....I agree with maladjusted, the blood is awesome! All of the tiny details are so perfect, it makes the picture look almost real. The coloring is wonderful & its very well shaded! 11/10! lol! ~NaRu
  17. Naru

    Yum Yum

    thats so awesome! lol! I love pandas ::starts mumbling happpily about yellow pandas::..Usually yellow (even though its my favorite color) looks very odd on banners, but here it looks wonderful! =^^= ~NaRu
  18. I like all of them! The spirited away one is awesome! You don't see many of them on the boards..::sigh:: I really like the riku one. I dont really like the bottom text though. Maybe if it were like the top text, it would be a little easier to read. Anyways, Great job! Hope to see more soon! ~NaRu
  19. Oo! I like the second one a lot! Its very kawaii! =^^= I like the 1st one as well, but I like the 2nd one better. Anyway, Hope to see more soon! ~NaRu
  20. Naru

    My banners

    Wow! Those are very nice =^^= much better than mine. Keep up the wonderful work & i hope to see more! ~NaRu
  21. Arigato gozaimasu! I'm working on some more right now..I'll try out some borders & post them when I'm done! ~NaRu
  22. wow. that is very good! It's not overcrowded like most of the banners you see. One thing is I can't read the text...lol but other than that, its perfect! ~koneko naru
  23. [IMG]http://punkkittennaru.250free.com/belldandyeternity.JPG[/IMG] [IMG]http://punkkittennaru.250free.com/hand.JPG[/IMG] [IMG]http://punkkittennaru.250free.com/forever.JPG[/IMG] [IMG]http://punkkittennaru.250free.com/green.JPG[/IMG] =^^= I have receintly discovered this great series so...heres some banners! lol! let me know what your think please! I'd appreciate all the help I can get! ~koneko naru
  24. Everything is wonderful as usual Kaola..need I say more? Can't wait to see more! ~Koneko Naru
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