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Everything posted by Naru
what do u think it is because I can fix it
thnx ^^ much better than the 1st set??
thanks for the suggestions....I was just randomly trying stuff, but I'll work on thm soon, like in 5 seconds when I deside to get up & move to the other computer...... ::time goes by...:: Ok I re-did the 2nd & 3rd banner & made a new 1. let me know what you think ^^: naru banner 3- [IMG]http://punkkittennaru.250free.com/narubanner3.jpg[/IMG] Love Hina beach banner- [IMG]http://punkkittennaru.250free.com/Lh04banner.jpg[/IMG]
to tell you the truth I dont remember it....Even if i did I probably wouldnt say it on here ::sticks out tongue:: There was this 1 time that mutsumi (my bffl {not her realy name, thats her nickname}) ran around a oriental resturant asking people if they had seen my purse/backpack thing because I had left it on my chair & we were leaving & No one had seen it but finally we asked the waitor & he started laughing & I'm like, "you know,It's really not that funny," becuase I had a ton of stuff in there & he says, "Oh yes it is," & walks away. I'm like, "how rude..." Well, I turn to walk away & mutsumi starts cracking up & I'm all mad & junk & I say "What is so funny?!" pretty loudly & she starts laughing even harder & I'm like "grr...." & turn away again. Well, in between laughs she says "Its on your back" & I'm like "what?" & she says really loud "your purse is on your back!" I felt really stupid. but thats the most embarissing thing I can remember....
I know they're not very good but anyway... I was just playing with psp & made these...let me know what you think bath banner1- [IMG]http://punkkittennaru.250free.com/narubanner2.jpg[/IMG] the was another here but it just took up memory & really sucked so its gone now! beach banner- [IMG]http://punkkittennaru.250free.com/Lh04banner.jpg[/IMG]
I think it looks really good! I agree with them on the border thinning thing though. Other than that its great! 9.5/10
[FONT=century gothic] [COLOR=blue] [SIZE=1] awww!!! Thats so kawaii!! lol! u should do Naru! that would be awesome! [/FONT] [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] [COLOR=blue] [FONT=century gothic]clowns & the snuggle bear ::shivers:: evil...pure evil....[/FONT] [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue] [SIZE=1] [FONT=century gothic]I think if you want to know how we think you'll have to try and figure it out yourslef because all of us are different & how the heck (
I love that! I love Love Hina! Can I use that?? Its so Kawaii ^^
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1] ^_^ I really like Naru. She reminds me of myself SO much.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=blue][FONT=century gothic]Same for me. Naru is awesome. My friends wanted to know what Love Hina was & so I show'd them a cover of 1 of my mangas & they were like "wow, you look like the girl with the long redish-brown hair!" I do a little bit except i have darker hair than her & I have blue eyes. I have a horrible temper also (I'm VERY hotheaded! lol) I have just about the same hair cut also (not on purpose). I just wish I could kiss keitaro (lol i think hes hot) ^^[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
I think Love Hina is pretty good, sometimes theres stuff in the books that are not in the shows. Tenchi is about the same. I love both of them so much though!
best--Tenchi,Ryoko,Sasami,washu,Mihoshi,Ayeka,Inu-yasha,& some others that I cant think of right now... worst--sailor moon & cardcapter sakura. they annoy me to death, sorry, no offence to you who think they are good...
I like Nyamo from the spring special of Love Hina. She's awesome! I wish she was in more than 1 episode... ~NaRu
thats funny! slow it down a little bit though!
it looks great! u should post more!
I like it but the text hurts my eyes a little, i think it'd look better without the blur
those are very good!
i vote for wrist cutters. It beats mine by a mile! lol
[color=teal]Mod approved double post. Post before it was deleted due to late spam. -Syk3[/color] i have a few more but they are messed. I'll put 1 more of the current 1's up then I'll draw some more.:whoops:
Kingdom Hearts is a great game. I LOVED it. I beat it about 3 months ago. I thought, well, its a disney game so its gonna be really kiddy-like. That was NOT the case at all. It was a great game & if you like rpg you should defently play this game. plus, Sora is hott! lol
um.....The funniest movie has to be ......Monty Python & Holy Grail. That is a classic, If you have;nt seen it, your being deprived.
yay! sora! lol! you need a more decrotive text for that picture i think. but its still kawaii!!
s.c.,lol. but yes, i have been practicing. thanks ^-^ I'll attatch the 2nd pic.