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Everything posted by Whiteblaze

  1. I like all of them esp. the Chichiri, RK, and Kikaider ones! The Jiro&Ichiro banner is really cool! :) Great job and very nice! ;)
  2. [COLOR=darkblue]Well you can't exactly blame people for wanting to make a good show or what they would like to be considered a good show, whether you think it's "anime-esque" or not. Come on, if a show is good and you like it, how can you be against it? Also, I think Heaven's Cloud is right, about the influences thing. & if even shows (American cartoons/animation) are being influenced by anime, well anime is also influenced by other things.[/COLOR] :)
  3. Umm, to me, it seems that Solid meant, in the Q asked, that is it a passing fashion in Israel. Solid did say "here in Israel", you know. Anyways, I think not so, I mean I don't think so; as long as people like it and as long as there are always people to like it, which shouldn't be a problem, it most likely isn't then. Uh, Emme888, not that I'm one to make anything of it but, you came off kinda mean there, esp. with that last thing you said.
  4. [COLOR=darkblue]I liked that, it was very good! I hardly read fan-fics because the ones I have read weren't very interesting so they sort of discouraged me but, after reading this, I guess I shouldn't loose all hope of ever reading good fan-fics. ;)[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkblue]Thanks WW2 & Dan Rugh for your info! but, I figured most of that out, except the four new eps. & I'm aware that they're past those thirteen. & Bijinder is [SPOILER]the pink one[/SPOILER] and Reioko (forgot how to spell her name) [SPOILER]is the yellow one[/SPOILER].[/COLOR]
  6. Yes it is! The feeling in this one is very nice! I mean it's interesting. This sort of reminds me of Tsukasa, if you don't mind me saying. Do you think so Ruby?
  7. [COLOR=teal]That's cool, the way something in real life was carried into your dream. That happens to me sometimes too. Sort of like when I hear rain in my dream and it's raining for real. It's funny how real life things can slip into a dream and vice versa![/COLOR] [COLOR=royal blue]~~[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Here's another called, [B][I]The Unsung Hero[/I][/B], by someone named [B]Erik Hugus[/B].[/COLOR] [B]The Unsung Hero[/B] Dream deep the story of the night Where temporal ties have no meaning; In a land where strings of puppets and quantum obscurity Disappear under the weight of an unbridled subconscious; Where subdued cries against tangible oppressors Take shape and form in the dreamscape as the tapestry of tonight. Whether hero, adulterer, savior, or victim, Visiting far horizons or aiding lives in distress-- Nobody's hero closes eyes to turn the tide, save the day, And find infinite fulfillment in personal pain or pleasure. The waking world with its goals made not met Is forever dwarfed by night's tales yet untold. We'd spend eternity here if only we knew the way-- Forever dreaming our passions and paving over our regrets. [I]Copyright ©2003 Erik Hugus[/I]
  8. [COLOR=darkblue]I've been watching them all so far since about the 4th or 5th ep. but, there's a slight change in the plot since Jiro [SPOILER]"left"[/SPOILER]; I mean, who is this new girl (who isn't Mitsuko) & this new boy (who isn't Misato). I'm a little confused too, like you two, WW2 & shadowfire. Where'd the girl and the boy come from? Where'd the new, different colored Hikaiders come from? Also, I thought Jiro said that [SPOILER]the original Hikaider made him destroy his brothers. If that's true, then why is Ichiro still there? & what happened to Mitsuko and her brother?! & who is the female robot?[/SPOILER] If someone knows the answers to any of this, please, enlighten us! Oh, does anyone besides me think that the ending music is a little spooky/creepy?[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=green]Guilty pleasure? huh?...anyway... I love Samurai Jack! To me, it's one of the best non-anime, action shows out there! [COLOR=indigo]Well also, for a show that's new & it's very funny! Also, I like most of the music.[/COLOR] Yes, Semjaza Azazel & Manic, you two are right. Also, that was my thinking of why there were so many robot enemies. It doesn't bother me, really, but, when I first started watching it I really didn't notice and then it suddenly hit me. That's true though, they just can't have him slicin' n' dicin' all of his enemies if they were living creatures. & Manic what you're also right about is in PPG, they have lots of violent stuff, in particlar, how they beat up Mojo. But anyway, does anyone who's seen that ep. where Jack is after some crystal, that could possibly get him home, and he has to go in this temple/dungeon (I can't remember what it was exactly) to get it but, there's this guy trying to get it too? Well, doesn't he kind of remind you of that person named Jigen from Lupin III?[/COLOR]
  10. Again, the feeling of being alone...nice! What was your inspiration for the previous two? (your reading level doesn't have much at all to do with how fast you can read, if that's what you're sort of talking about, it's more like your understanding of what you're reading and also a little vocabulary...stuff like that. You're right Ruby, it does sort of remind you of .hack//SIGN! ~~ Yes, that's more of what it is Ruby! That's a nice understanding of it!
  11. Yes, I like that one too! The feeling of being alone... Well, I haven't read all of them yet; I'm reading some everyday until I've read them all. I'd love to read them all in one day but, I don't have the time so, it's just a few at a time.
  12. [COLOR=darkblue]I voted for Krim but, I definately agree with you RPGchick. I think Tsukasa's strong also but, just hasn't shown it and that he could go against any one of them and come out on top, if he wanted really to.[/COLOR]
  13. I think I sometimes feel that way, we all do sometimes I guess. I like that one also!
  14. Yes, I like that one, it's very nice. Also I like the different feeling it gives, it seems one-sided, is there love in there somewhere?
  15. It is touching and sad, even painful. Thinking about or imagining something you love so much and then dreaming about it and then waking and remembering that it isn't there anymore, it's very sad.
  16. I like the first two lines beacaus they're true and that's really all they do and the rest just falls right in. Actually, just call me Keno (Kee'-no).
  17. Thanks guys for being so nice! I liked that previous one too, Ruby and it does remind you of loyalty & friendship. dayday, that one is very nice too, I like the wind, it's calming. Oh & call me, only one of those 3 words in my name, so you don't have to type out the whole thing, which ever you like best.
  18. [COLOR=indigo]Honestly, I never thought about that. I've never seen one of those old cameras so I didn't at first get why you two mentioned electricity but, I see what you all mean now. Although, what I was thinkng about was how I've seen old black n' white films on TV, like when someone's showing something about history or refering back to something in the past. For me, that's what came to mind.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]This one is called [B][I]A Dream of My Son[/I][/B], and it's by someone named [B]Laura Lynn Chiara[/B].[/COLOR] [B]A Dream of My Son[/B] I dreamed about my son last night His cheeks were full, his eyes were bright A little smile lit up his face As teasingly he found his place His arms were strong, he stood so tall He walked among us one and all I had forgotten he'd been gone Until he said he wasn't strong And then I bade him hold me close Walk with me now--but then I woke And in the darkness of my room My heart was like an empty tomb My tears that fell there all alone Betrayed the truth already known My son . . . is gone [I]Copyright ©2003 Laura Lynn Chiara[/I]
  19. [COLOR=darkblue]I feel silly saying this dayday but, this is my first time looking at this thread of yours. You have written a lot of poems!!! :wow: But the really amazing thing is, their all very good! I can't believe I have passed this up! & Ruby, you've been reading all of them, well I'll join you, if that's ok.[/COLOR]
  20. I see what you mean Ruby, I sort of did too but, I think I understood what it meant after thinking about it though. [COLOR=indigo]I could easily get what it meant at the beginning, talking about an old film because they do look like that. I like this one particularly because I thought the ending was nice. It went from talking about influidity, discontinuity, disharmony, and destruction to, love. I thought that was sort of sweet.[/COLOR] I don't understand electricity's place in this poem and also why you two would say that you liked electricity? I like electricity too but, I don't understand your mentioning of it, could you please tell me?
  21. [COLOR=royal blue]I'm very happy that you all are putting your comments and thoughts and everything, I like seeing others views & interpretations. I appreciate it, thanks![/COLOR] :) [I][SIZE=1](& yes I'm a she)[/SIZE][/I] Also, yes, you all had the right idea! That's exactly what the person in the poem is feeling! & it's just how I saw it when I read it the first time. [COLOR=indigo][I]My thoughts[/I] For the the woman in the poem, I think the man is probably a friend of hers or acquaintance, someone she just knows or at least someone she's just met. One reason why I like this one is because you could probably feel the way she does or understand how she feels esp. if you've had your heart broken. This shows connection and also unanimity. The feeling in, [I]No Visible Scars[/I], is very touching![/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]This second one is by someone named [B]Mark Nicholas Borg[/B], and it's called, [B][I]An Old Movie Reel[/I][/B].[/COLOR] [B]An Old Movie Reel[/B] They seemed to be perpetually cold, our ancestors; hatted, cravatted, buttoned-up, they walk briskly through the frames of this old film and look as if they never knew what grace was, or fluidity. What they made of our history was a jerky mess of discontinuity, a disharmony that led to their destruction. It seems, now, that they only ever unbuttoned themselves to illness or death. Bustling under this Sunday sun, everyone is so wrapped up, you cannot imagine how they ever found time to undress, caress, and make the love that made us. [I]Copyright ©2003 Mark Nicholas Borg[/I]
  22. [COLOR=royalblue]I'm completely with you Arkaydz & Metatron! Actually, now that I think about it, I like the way the characters are designed. Their look is very unique.[/COLOR]
  23. [B]9/NINE[/B] I liked what Subaru did. It's about time she realized what the Crimson Knights was becoming, esp. with that no-goodnik :p, Silver Knight, nagging on & on, getting [I]more[/I] full of himself. I like that Crim gave Subaru that advice, it was very good, & he's like her big brother or something. There was more conversation (a little) about the KTT & the broken old man. It's funny how Bear reasons, he's such a detective! There was none of B.T.'s cockiness. [B]&[/B] Best of All, [COLOR=darkblue]M[/COLOR][COLOR=blue]a[/COLOR][COLOR=darkblue]h[/COLOR][COLOR=blue]a[/COLOR][B]![/B] :) [COLOR=darkblue]M[/COLOR][COLOR=blue]a[/COLOR][COLOR=darkblue]h[/COLOR][COLOR=blue]a[/COLOR]= [COLOR=blue]cuteness[/COLOR][B]!!![/B]
  24. Whiteblaze


    [COLOR=blue]A lot of you have said that it's good or it's bad, that you're not afraid (most), that you are afraid (a couple), or that you don't care (again, most). My only attitude is that, when the time comes, it comes. And that's all. I'm really just neutral with everyone else's comments and thoughts and with the whole thing (what I said above). You know, there's this saying,[B][I]"People fear, what they do not understand."[/I][/B] In truth, I'm not afraid and I'm not wishing for it but,... I just wish someone could answer this question for me, [I]What happens to the mind when you die?[/I] Your consciousness, your thoughts and memories, everything, what happens to all of ti? So your body: fingers, toes, arms, legs, all of that pretty much just, withers away eventually but, what about your mind? If you understand, even a little, what the mind is exactly and everything it can do, then you're probably wondering this too. It's not something I think about all the time, just when the topic of death arises. [I]I hope I'm not scaring anyone with any of this.[/I][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=darkblue]The rest of them really don't seem particularly funny to me. She's the cheerful one & the others tend to be more serious & less cheery. But after Mimiru, I'd say Sora.[/COLOR]
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