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Everything posted by Whiteblaze
[COLOR=royal blue]Character type?- Twin blade, if that's what you meant but, I'd call him a "trickster". What is he?- I already know but, at first I just thought he was some guy who was caught up in a game he really liked. Why I thought that?- I didn't think he'd be anything else (the thought never came to mind). Pros- He talked the way he did to B.T. despite how she acts toward everyone and that B.T. didn't like that. Attitude towards B.T. (in general). Cons- He sort of gets on everyvone's nerves at some point. Worthy rival?- I don't know, really. Physically, maybe, I guess. Mentally, he is more than what he seems but, Crim... No, I don't like him but, his attitude with B.T. I thought was funny & deserving. And, even though he acts child-like, certain things he does don't seem quite that way. One thing I'd like to know is, what is his over all goal, besides the obvious things.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue] I don't really know. I guess it sort of depends on who I'm with(I suppose). If I'm with someone who has kind of playfulness/sillyness to them then I'll tend to act more like that. If with someone who is more serious then I'll tend to act more so but, not comepletely like that though. I'm more of a happy kind of person so I'm really not the dead serious type. You could say that others are a tad influental on me, well just a little. But if I'm by myself, well, it sort of depends on what I'm doing, I guess. I really don't know. No ones ever said that I'm mature or immature for my age and no ones said that I particularly act my age either. I'm so complicated! Although, a friend did say something about me being "carefree" but, I didn't agree with that too much & I called them very mature.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]That's great dayday! Your poem is really good! I'm glad it's getting published! Also, I wish you luck too![/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]That does sound strange & all that stuff you have to do does seem a bit, you know. I haven't experienced anything like this and I really don't know what it's like but, I feel for you. :) I hope it isn't anything very serious and I wish there was some way I could make you feel better about everything.[/COLOR] :(
[COLOR=green]Nice! A little light but, really it's great! It's got detail & it's clear. You did a good job! Also, I agree with you, Dan Rugh. [/COLOR]
I think the animation was well done and overall, looks very nice. Although some of it may not be exactly ideal to the viewer. Anyways, I've only watched a few eps. so far and I'm liking what I'm seeing. Really, it's just a little odd to me but, I just like it. I'm the curious type so I just like to see what happens & I like stuff that's different, most of the time. The story simply interests me, really. BUT, I've got one thing to say: Alexander's mother is absolutely crazy!
Writing A Different Kind of Fix (Self-Mutilation)
Whiteblaze replied to Lady Macaiodh's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=royal blue] I know this happens to many people in real life and that people may agree with it or may completely be against it but, all I'm saying is, for something you wrote yourself, it's very good. I'm serious. If this story were continued in a book, I would most likely read it. :) Just seems interesting to me; that's all I'm saying, nothing more. Also, I've never read anything that had to do with this before.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=royal blue]Yes he was, if you mean the one wearing black w/yellow.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo]The character designs don't bother me much either, actually I really don't care about that. I like Kikaider & I think it's interesting, also I love the ending theme music!!! I really like the way it sounds.[/COLOR]
This lady that I know, she had so badly for a long time wanted to have a baby but, when she was finally going to have one, it died before it was even born. She tryed having more & they all died before they were born too. She's the kind of woman where it's just not possible for her to have children, at least that's what doctors told her. But finally one day, after lots of hoping/praying and literally almost dying, she had a baby boy. He's beautiful and healthy and has a very loving mother. I say this definately fits in this category and if this baby isn't considered a miracle, I don't know what else is.
[COLOR=blue]More then just one thing, that's for sure...[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]~[/COLOR]when I hold one of my baby cousins or any baby, 'cause babies are so precious [COLOR=blue]~[/COLOR]everytime it rains [COLOR=blue]~[/COLOR]when I'm with my friends, even if we're not really doing anything, 'cause they're all so cool! [COLOR=blue]~[/COLOR]when a cat rubs itself on my legs, esp. while purring [COLOR=blue]~[/COLOR]whenever I hear one of my favorite songs, wherever I just happen to be, doing whatever I happen to be doing [COLOR=royal blue]Also, so many more other things that would take forever to mention/read![/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo]All of these are poems that I've read and feel are not just words or words with a rhyme. To me, they have meaning (real meaning). You could say they're the kind of poems I like reading. They've got feeling, meaning, emotion, & some of them I can actually relate to or be empathetic with and in general I think they have a certain beauty to them. I like the feeling inside you get/thoughts you have after reading poems like these. If you want, I'd like to hear what you have to say about them, as far as your thoughts and feelings or maybe even, opinions.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]This first one, titled, [B][I]No Visible Scars[/I][/B], is by someone named [B]Jennifer Hare[/B].[/COLOR] [B]No Visible Scars[/B] "I got it when I was two," he says as I trace back time through a line on his chest. Thinking about a heart removed, replaced, then gone again. Silently touching his past, I feel a strange pang of jealousy. My heart, still pounding beneath my breast, broken so many times, has no visible scars. [I]Copyright ©2003 Jennifer Hare[/I]
That was beautiful! Is that [I]really[/I] your first poem? I think it's very good, and I'm not just saying this to be saying this, I think it's very nice! :)
Anime (US/CAN) General thoughts and ratings for .hack//SIGN 17, "Conflict"
Whiteblaze replied to Shy's topic in Otaku Central
[B]4/FOUR[/B] I like that B.T. got some of what she deserves but, I didn't like how she upset Mimiru & made Subaru feel bad (now that I think she doesn't mean to be the way she seems). I also like how Crim & Sora let B.T. know her place but, then she went and took her anger out on Subaru. There wasn't any information on some of the big mysteries but, you did learn some stuff that wasn't known at least. Also, Maha wasn't in this one! Maybe it's just me but, did anyone notice that Tsukasa seemed, not only [I]more[/I] amnestic but, more child like than usual? -
Anime What did you all think B.T.'s name stood for?
Whiteblaze replied to Kaola Su's topic in Otaku Central
I just thought it was her initials at first then I thought it was just a letter name or something but, I never thought it had to do with what it actually means. -
[COLOR=darkblue]A lot of people have said that sound, like the TV or music, helps them to get to sleep or they simply must have it. Well I'm mostly the opposite of that. I don't need total quiet, just no loud noises. The reason with that is, I'm too conscious of noise while asleep; I can fall asleep with the TV on just fine but, if there's suddenly a loud or very peculiar noise then I automatically wake up. This is why I can't sleep with it on. With music, again, I can fall asleep ok with it on but, again the noises will eventually wake me up. And even if any of that doesn't wake me up, if it's a song I like, I will anyway. Most of the time I'm not actually doing any real tiring work so when I go to sleep I'm not that tired. When it's like this for me, all I really do is lie on my bed and at some point, I fall asleep. And, if I really am tired, the second my head hits the pillow, I'm out like a light. Now for a particular sleeping habit of mine, that's sort of strange. It's very easy for me to fall asleep in a moving vehicle, whatever it may be, & ESP. if I'm even the least bit tired. I'm known to do this. We could just be riding somewhere & you could be talking to me & the next thing you'd know, I'd be fast asleep.:sleep: Ofcourse an explanation for this would simply be that, the movement of a car makes me sleepy.[/COLOR] :sleepy: [I]You probably think all of this is sort of weird, but anyway, that's me.[/I]
Well religion pretty much goes without saying so... In the end and when it comes right down to it, truly, really, sincerely, everyone & everything I care about. For my family it would be instinctive (I wouldn't have to think about whether I would or not); family is a very special thing & it doesn't matter if you're related or not, it's the idea & the feeling that count and make it real. My personal beliefs. Ex: My belief with friendship. I believe that friendship is a very special thing also; some people take the whole idea and meaning of it for granted & lose sight of it's true meaning, then something happens & they realize what it's really about, what it means & they finally see what [I]true[/I] friends are. [B]Also everything JCBaggee just said![/B]:)
ROGUE!: from the original X-Men. [COLOR=blue]She's also my favorite on X-Men. Sure, I know her power would be a little much to handle on a daily basis but, she's got super strength & she can fly! I like her attitude and personality as a character; although it may seem she's got it so bad at times, she's such a strong person (on the inside). I've always liked Rogue, ever since I was little, & Jean actually always annoyed me (no offense to those who like her). One main reason why she's my favorite is that in this whole superhero thing, it's most of the time a woman being saved, some poor, defenseless woman who can't help herself. Well Rogue's not a damsel in distress and most of the time she doesn't need to wait around for any [B]man[/B] or [B]woman[/B] to come and save her. I like how she can help herself & that she's so useful to the X-Men. Also!, her voice is so cool & unique; wish I sounded like her![/COLOR]
I love Cowboy Bebop; my favorites are: Rain, Flying Teapot & Call me, Call me. I like some songs from Slayers too & some stuff from Guilty Gear X.
[COLOR=indigo]I'm sorry for everyone who likes Domon & Rain together, but I just don't see it. For one thing, Domon treats her like a lump of poop & I really dislike them both altogether. I think Domon's cocky & Rain's pathetic for even loving him, the way he treats her on a daily bases. I dislike them both & both neither deserve or don't deserve each other. As for Heero&Relena, I actually like them together. I can actually see how they feel about each other. At least Relina isn't helpless and she does have determination. Also, Heero actually notices that Relina exists. Sort of Serena and Darien; she's so goofy and clutzy sometimes and he's so boring. I don't like Kenshin w/Kaoru, but I do like Inuyasha w/Kagome.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]I believe it was Sailormoon. I was about 5 & I'd get up at six to watch it, before getting dragged out of the door to go to school (not literally dragged). Being that little would make almost anything impress you, but you know, I liked it, but I didn't know what it was. Then I think when I was about 6 I saw Blue Submarine No.6. Some other firsts were: Teknoman & Ronin Warriors (someone older influenced me), Outlaw Star & Tenchi Muyo. Tenchi Muyo & Gundam Wing are what did it for me.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]K.K.C., when I meant I wasn't expecting a comment like that, what I really meant was, I never thought of or looked it the way you do until you said that; you know I said we have different views, thats what I mean, I was just a little surprised, you see what I mean? & I said I wouldn't be carrying it all. Also, I wouldn't mind at all knowing others opinions, which I now have in mind might or are most likely going to be different from mine. ;)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo]Hmm, I wasn't expecting a comment like that. I wouldn't exactly be, [I]almighty[/I] & even if I was, to me it seems more interesting/ fun this way. Wow, we have such different views!, though I do see your point. :) Well you see, K.K.C., I would ofcourse have some limts or weaknesses. I guess, for example, even though I would have all of those weapons in my possesion, it doesn't neccessarily mean that some one isn't better than me in using them. As for how I'd have all that stuff, well it wouldn't slow me down because I wouldn't be carrying it all! :) It would all either be in a certain location or simply be stored as data & all I'd have to do to use one that I wanted was hold my hand out & think of it & it would simply appear![/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]I guess if we have to choose one, I'd probably be a wave master, I suppose anyway. BUT if it were left up to me, I'd be one mean magic user who'd hold at least one weapon at all times, having the ability to cast enormous(destructive magic) spells that would/could wipe out anyone & anything in their path. I'd have the ability to be invulnerable to other magic spells cast by others. I'd be able to teleport anywhere I wanted at any time(if that's possible), here's a cute word for that, "bop". As far as weapons, I'd use: daggers, magical daggers, swords(occasionally), magical arrows, long metal bars, a kunai(if you know what that is), an axe(I think they're barbaric, but I'd use one if I needed/had to), magic staff that would allow me to do certain things. Also I'd have/use some enchanted objects with special abilities. Ex: ring, necklace, earing etc... Now out of all of this, I'd only use each of these things whenever I needed/wanted to; I wouldn't use them to just torture people or go around beating others up, if I didn't have/need to. ;) I'd call this class "unknown" or something like that.[/COLOR]
Anime What would you do with youself if "The World" were real?
Whiteblaze replied to Braidless Baka's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=indigo]The first thing I'd do would be to get a baby grunty, try to raise it & take it with me wherever I went & also name it. This would keep me occupied if I had nothing else better to do. I'd like to be a seeker, looking for the strange, interesting & out of the ordinary, whether it be a thing or a person. Also maybe a storage bank for people who don't want to remember things like secrets or people seeking information that I might have about anything or anyone. I'd befriend other characters who seemed interesting & friendly to me & be helpful & loyal to them to no end, if I thought they were worth it. I wouldn't care to much to be the strongest or even extremely strong; it wouldn't really matter to me BUT, I would want to be able to defend myself from others who were considered to be very strong & teach characters who deserved it, a lesson & some manners, if needed ofcourse. ;)[/COLOR]