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Everything posted by Whiteblaze

  1. [B]9/NINE[/B] [COLOR=indigo]There's one thing that I don't get, there have been a couple if not a few times where the Tsukasa on the outside seemed as if she/he should have died, and maybe caused some sort of problem for the Tsukasa in the game. I mean, if the life monitor thing suddenly shows a straight line, doesn't that mean the person is in trouble or even, dying? I also noticed that Aura smiled when Tsukasa was being reginerated (he [i]was[/i] in pain). What does that mean?! I'm not sure. I don't exactly hate BT, but she is sort of cocky. I don't know why, but up until now I didn't like Subaru at all, I'm not sure what it was a bout her I didn't like, but after watching "Depth", I've decided she's ok. I'm with all of you that said her eyes opening like that was a bit creepy/scary, I nearly jumped! Not only was I not expecting her eyes to be so big, but they had no pupils, strange or not. AzureWolf, I think your first thought about Tsukasa's memory, being killed in the game, and regineration might be right.[/COLOR]
  2. I don't know if you'd consider any of this spoilers, but it's only my opinion. I actually have missed a few eps., make that several, so I don't/wouldn't know as much as you all, but from what I've seen I think that "the voice" that talks is the crazy lady dancing at the beginning & I think Maha is her little stooge or at least it seems that way and just does what he is told. And I think that the guardian was trying to get Mimiru & that Tsukasa tryed to save her. [COLOR=limegreen]Also I think that Maha (this is in another thread, but anyway) is a personification or incarnation or something like that of the poor little skeleton kitten, but that's just my opinion/thinking. And I think that Maha can control the guardian to an extent & Tsukasa too, but mostly I think the crazy lady has the most control or say over what it does. & it seems to me that she (the crazy lady) is trying to keep Tsukasa in "The World" for some particular reason, whether it be for her own plans/benefit or for his own. Maha doesn't seem evil to me! He just seems to follow orders and be under her control, but have a mind of his own.[/COLOR]
  3. Wow, Mitch, I like that one of yours, it's awesome, also I think it's artistic not to mention different. Here's one I like by someone named [COLOR=indigo][b]Mark Nicholas Borg[/b][/COLOR], and it's called, [COLOR=green][b][i]An Old Movie Reel[/i][/b][/COLOR]. [COLOR=teal][b]An Old Movie Reel They seemed to be perpetually cold, our ancestors; hatted, cravatted, buttoned-up, they walk briskly through the frames of this old film and look as if they never knew what grace was, or fluidity. What they made of our history was a jerky mess of discontinuity, a disharmony that led to their destruction. It seems, now, that they only ever unbuttoned themselves to illness or death. Bustling under this Sunday sun, everyone is so wrapped up, you cannot imagine how they ever found time to[/COLOR] [COLOR=deeppink]undress, caress, and make the love that made us.[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][I]Copyright ©2003 Mark Nicholas Borg[/I][/COLOR]
  4. I don't know about songs that describe me, but songs that I like and are sort of a mood or theme for me are: Mina Soko (Blue Submarine No.6) and I guess, the beginning theme for Yu Yu Hakusho.
  5. Well I've only seen Moble Suit Gundam, G Gundam, Gundam 0080 & some of 0083, 8th MSTeam and Gundam Wing, so I'll just say which out of those. It's Gundam Wing. The chracters just stole my heart; whether I liked them or hated them. I loved the story and the meaning behind it.
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