Wow, Mitch, I like that one of yours, it's awesome, also I think it's artistic not to mention different. Here's one I like by someone named [COLOR=indigo][b]Mark Nicholas Borg[/b][/COLOR], and it's called, [COLOR=green][b][i]An Old Movie Reel[/i][/b][/COLOR].
[COLOR=teal][b]An Old Movie Reel
They seemed to be perpetually cold,
our ancestors; hatted, cravatted, buttoned-up,
they walk briskly through
the frames of this old film
and look as if they never knew
what grace was, or fluidity.
What they made of our history
was a jerky mess of discontinuity,
a disharmony that led to their destruction.
It seems, now, that they only ever
unbuttoned themselves to illness or death.
Bustling under this Sunday sun, everyone
is so wrapped up, you cannot imagine
how they ever found time to[/COLOR] [COLOR=deeppink]undress,
caress, and make the love that made us.[/b][/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue][I]Copyright ©2003 Mark Nicholas Borg[/I][/COLOR]