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Everything posted by Whiteblaze

  1. [FONT="Arial"]I don't recall ever posting any pics of myself since I've been here so I thought I'd do so while this thread is still open. While I love to take pictures and love photography, I own no camera so I use what I've got. Most of these are'nt recent, but I don't think I've changed that drastically. The first few are from my senoir year of High School and the last one is the most recent of the bunch. I would put up a very recent one if I had one ready. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v175/mikkrish/Hey.jpg[/IMG]18th Birthday. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v175/mikkrish/lookhither.jpg[/IMG] At lunch with friends [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v175/mikkrish/000_0641.jpg[/IMG] In Pre-Cal Class. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v175/mikkrish/000_0646.jpg[/IMG] Epitome of a good mood. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v175/mikkrish/42bbfccc698d.jpg[/IMG] Freshman year and so care free! This was about a year ago when college was still new to me. And yes, the shirt says what it says and I did go about the campus in it (though you would be amazed! Despite the very noticeable word that decorates the front, people still asked if I was a junior/senior). I'm quite fond of this shirt. It was given to me free. : ) [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v175/mikkrish/Niceday.jpg[/IMG] Best Spring Break Ever. Some of the people I traveled with to New York City for Spring Break last year. It was tons of fun. Especially since it was the first place I've been that did not involve visiting family in other states. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v175/mikkrish/n73306305_30554762_4801.jpg[/IMG] Out and About. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v175/mikkrish/207928-R1-07-6A_008.jpg[/IMG] It doesn't look it, but it was extremely windy. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v175/mikkrish/4bf2bf57b4aa.jpg[/IMG]This was taken last summer. With the exception of the day I was born that's the shortest my hair's ever been. I've always liked discovering new looks. That's all for now. I'm dying to get a digital camera (that I would like) so we'll just see what happens.[/FONT]
  2. [FONT="Arial"][quote name='Lunox'][font="trebuchet ms"] For me it'll be a great year or an incredibly ****** year. More specifically, the month of April. lol[/font][/QUOTE] Well, I hope everything goes well with you in April. March is my month. ^^[/FONT]
  3. [FONT="Arial"]Happy New Year to all! Is it just me or does anyone else notice how people seem to believe that 2008 in particular will be a great year? I know it's a New Years thing to have better hopes for the new year, but everywhere I go there are people expressing that 2008 is going to be a very good year. Has anyone else noticed this? [quote name='2008DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]HAPPY FREAKIN NEW YEAR!!!!!!!! This will be the best year ever!!! The only one to surpass 07!!! My birthday will even be 08/08/08!!! My resolution: BECOME!!!![/COLOR][/QUOTE] Now here's what I'm talking about. People believe it's going to be a great year. And hey I'm not complaining, I think and hope so too. Oh and DB do you think you'll do something special on birthday this year? Because you know it only happens every hundred years! I would love to when my 11/11/11 birthday rolls around in a few years, but I don't have anything in particular in mind right now. I'm not really a New Year's Resolution kind of person because I could be inspired or moved to do any number of things that I did not give a resolution to do. Carrying them out takes motivation to want to do it and focus to stay with it. However I'll say that with all that I have learned in the past and this past year especially, I want this year to be the best.[/FONT]
  4. [FONT="Arial"]Some of these I find more interesting than others. Also, I bolded some words because I felt like it. The dot over the letter "i" is called a [B]tittle[/B]. The [B]average[/B] French citizen eats 500 snails per year. From age 30, humans gradually begin to [B]shrink[/B] in size. Car accidents [B]rise[/B] 10% during the first week of daylight savings time. The [B]typical[/B] person swallows 295 times during dinner. The name Wendy was [B]made up[/B] for the book [I]Peter Pan[/I]. The word "[B]nerd[/B]" was first coined by Dr. Seuss in "If I Ran the Zoo." [B]Most[/B] productive day of the workweek: Tuesday. People with [B]blue[/B] eyes are better able to see in the dark. First product to have a [B]bar code[/B] was Wrigley's gum. If you sleep in a [B]cold[/B] room, you are more likely to have a bad dream. [B]More[/B] than half of Kenya's population is under the age of 15.[/FONT]
  5. [FONT="Arial"]A thread after my own heart. I like hot chocolate. Love it too. However I haven't really had some that has really blown me away to where I will only have that kind. This might be because I get the kind you find on the grocery store shelf. Also, I don't recall ever setting foot in a Starbucks come to think of it. For any reason. From what you guys are saying I may have to try the place out. I have hot chocolate in season, when it's cold, off season when it's hot (and I don't mean warm, but sweltering hot every day) and in between seasons. I would buy it in bulk so that I save myself the trip to the store, but what I really need is some good hot chocolate so I'm not always trying to figure out which I like more. Does anyone have a suggestion? Is there something the equivalent of store-bought (Starbucks etc.) hot chocolate that I could find some place? Marshmallows I do not like in my hot chocolate; whip cream I've never tried, but still these two just seem to be sugar adding ingredients/sweetener/about the same as adding more sugar. What I want is some good chocolate flavor that is sweet. Most that I've had is decent at best.[/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Arial]What isn't bound by time or anything else for that matter and goes both directions?[/FONT] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v175/mikkrish/Eternity.jpg][COLOR=YellowGreen][FONT=Arial]*Eternity*[/FONT][/COLOR][/URL]
  7. [FONT=Arial]Got dibs on Eternity, #8.[/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Arial]Epitome, so you do things generally, but you usually need someone to push you or you won?t finish the task? Finishing your task is something you will grow and learn to do or else face a large pile of tasks that could have been a lot smaller had you finished some of them earlier. This is procrastinating in that you are not getting anything done until the last moment. It is not fun looking at a list of 10-12 things you need to do and not knowing where to start. Some people at school make this mistake a lot and wind up exerting themselves in a way they didn?t need to. Even worse then having to finish many tasks at once is not getting them all done. The consequences of your actions/ non-actions should motivate you to finish the tasks you start. One thing I have learned about projects is that saying you are going to do a ?good amount? done is sometimes not a good idea. I?ve done this a few times. It usually just made me more likely to put off the work. What I found that works better is doing a little of the work each day until you are finished. When I tell myself I?m going to at least a little of my work then I am more likely to get around to doing it. As other have stressed already, going to class is one of the keys to doing well. Another thing that will help you do well is putting forth your effort. If you just barely do your work and study, just barely go to class then you will just barely make it. However, if you put effort into all you do, then you are at the very least trying and from there you can always improve. How much effort you put in is also important because more often than not that has a direct relationship with how well you do.[/FONT] [QUOTE=SunfallE][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Everyone else has already given some good advice, but another thing to keep in mind and this is from when I got my degree in college...But if you are going full time and you are finding that even with being dedicated and doing your homework you can't keep up. Sometimes it can be a good idea to drop a class. [COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT=Arial]I would say this is alright in only certain circumstances. You definitely don't want to make this a habit and have a whole lot of W's on your transcript. First of all, you pay money to take your classes and dropping a class does not necessarily mean you get that money back. In fact, this would probably only occur if you dropped within the first week like at my university. Second, a class that is dropped is a class you will have to take later, which means you'll have to fit it back in your schedule in the future. Lastly, it probably won't look good if you are dropping classes too often. Also, many if not all college programs have a limit on the number of attempted hours that you can take to complete a program. A better way to handle this would be to try and plan your semester?s classes to where you don't have such a load. If there are certain subjects that you are not as strong in then try not to put all of those in the same semester or something like that. There are many ways to handle these types of classes as opposed to simply dropping them.[/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Arial]I am finishing up my freshman year and it has gone well. I did not feel the way you do as I was about to begin. I went in with this idea that college is so impossible, and found out the first few weeks that it's absolutely doable. Epitome, as you have stated, you will not find someone standing over you to make sure you get things done. This is the point where you need to be able to do this yourself. Self motivation and self discipline are two important factors in this. From what you've stated I'm getting that you only do things when you are told? If this is so then you just need to understand that in life there are things that you will need to do and no person is going to "make sure" you do it. You will have to take it upon yourself to get them done. If you know your reason for going to college and what you need to do to be successful then you will find a way to make that happen. Once you know what needs to be done, in the words of my older brother, "all it takes is doing". It's a good thing you mentioned this laundry bit. If your school is pretty far from home, then you really must know how to do your own laundry. You will simply need to learn the basic things that will result in clean clothes that aren't shrunk, bleached, wrinkled etc. Whoever does the laundry in your household should be able to help you with that. Also, since there will be some things that you will likely have to take care of yourself other than just school work, you would do well to find out what they might be and how to do them. You know, things you know your parents are leaving you to do. It's different for everyone so just talk with your parents and know what things you are responsible for. Financial aid for example, some students' parents fill out their forms and take care of that while others like myself are the ones who do it. Learning to do things for yourself will help you take care of business. *edit* Everyone's bringing up some good points! I want to second what Boy said about making friends. Befriending peopel who are in their second, third year will help you with advice and just ways to do well. All sorts of stuff. Even other freshmen who know what they are doing would be worth getting to know. [/FONT]
  10. [FONT=Arial]I'm with the idea that people could try replying to other members' threads instead of solely waiting for a reply to their own and afterward being disappointed when no one replies to theirs. I'm not talking about particular people, but anyone who posts threads. If people would not be so shy or whatever the reason about replying to other threads, then threads could get more replies. I have been real busy these past several weeks and plus I'm not as active as some members. However, when I do see a thread that I like or think needs a reply and I have the time to do so, I will. For example, there's a particular thread I've wanted to post in for a while now and haven't gotten around to it, but I will. ***The summer is really a great time to have tournaments and activities of the like since people tend to be the busiest when school is in. I am not suggesting that tournaments not be held during the school year, but for those holding them to take into account when they hold them. I don?t know about the most recent ones, but it has happened in the past where tournament participants were given extensions. While I am not against giving extensions, I do think it?s unfair when people are given an entire week, even two weeks to do something they were given ample time to do in the first place. Perhaps this has already been dealt with, but I just wanted to mention it because this generally causes the whole contest/tournament to be delayed and I remember one in particular that lasted too long for its number of participants.[/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Arial]I think it would be hard to find who created an image when there is no name disclosed. But maybe if you gave some info like where you got it, then it could be of help? [/FONT]
  12. [FONT=Arial]I'm happy to see some fanart from this show! I like how you drew Sokka in your own style, whether intentional or not. You seem quite experieced with the coloring method you used. Nice job. I found your video interesting to watch as I always like when people on TV show viewers "how I draw so and so" clips. I must say I find fanart form this show to be some of the best. Would you happen to have any more you could share with us?[/FONT]
  13. [QUOTE=Curse][size=1]Whiteblaze, I was talking to my dad and he told me that the emancipation process could take up to a year. It's 5/5/07 now. My 18th birthday will be 5/7/08. So it might be useless. You and my dad share the same thought; if I'm feeling suicidal while living here, something NEEDS to be done. I was also told that since I am almost seventeen(birthday is in two days) that I could most likely choose where I wanted to live if my dad didn not give up custody rights to me. He says he didn't, and he says he's going to check the divorce decree. f it also doesn't designate sole custody, I can actually just go to court and tell the judge to whom I wish to live. [size][/QUOTE] [FONT=Arial]Yeah, I did sort of think something like that would take a while. But I mostly meant what path you could take that would allow you to live with your dad so you can hopefully be in a better situation. And good, you've already got that in mind. The way I see it, it's a great thing to help people we love because they need us, and it is also great if we sometimes look out for our own well being too. In helping people we love you should not come to a situation where you feel this unhappy. I hope that everything works out, Curse. *edit* Happy 17th![/FONT]
  14. [FONT=Arial]I say go with what you really want to do. That would be to go to the Summer Program, right? I see no reason why you can't and shouldn't if you make the necessary arrangements. This program will likely give you exposure to and a better idea of this area of concentration. There's nothing like getting experience with something you plan on pursuing in college As for moving with your dad senior year, I would say go for that too. If you really feel that it's what you want, and even if it takes some extra steps. There's nothing wrong with helping out your family, but there's also nothing wrong with preparing yourself for your future and looking out for your own well being. If you get to a point where you are "suicidal" then something needs to be done. Regardless if you move out or not, you need to at least look out for your self too. Giving up/sacrificing things for family is one thing, but taking everything like it doesn't affect you any is another. I would simply do what I felt was the best option as a whole. And I wouldn't worry about that $350 cutting down your mom's budget. No offense to her, but she is a grown woman and can find a way to deal with a $350 budget cut.[/FONT]
  15. [FONT=Arial]If I were in your shoes, I'd be real-talk with Andy and tell him if he is interested in Sue then he'd better act like it or I'm going to make a move. Something around there. Not trying to offend, but if you are Sue's close friend then there should be some kind of communication between the two of you. The two of you should have some idea of how you feel about each other. Not, "I think, I think", but "I know".[/FONT]
  16. [QUOTE=Big Sky][COLOR=Gray] [SIZE=1] Hillary Duff isn't even sexy, man... she's just makeup and lighting, and even then she still looks like a 16 year old street-corner prostitute. Spending a day with her would be like spending a day with any high-school hussy, except she has money and groopies. Besides, if you spent a day with her wouldn't mean that she would become your sugermama, she'd probably just dump your *** on the curb as soon as the contract expired and she had her cool million (which is what I assume it would take to get her to go out with any of us). I mean, with MJ, it's different. The guy made [I]Thriller[/I], god-dammit, what else could you want? Sure he's kinda creepy, but the guy is basically a little kid - he's not a molestor (BS), he just never had a childhood so he's trying to recreate it... and I love being a kid, so why the hell wouldn't I get along with him? Come on, you know MJ has some cool **** in Neverland - [B]he's got to have some miniature dancing elephants or fire-breathing dolphins[/B] or something crazy in there, it'd be great![/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [FONT=Arial]That there made me LOL! I would rather hang out with Michael Jackson for a day generally for the reasons that Big Sky mentioned. I would not really care to hang out with Hilary Duff. I don't know too much about her outside of what the media portrays her to be. She just isn't someone who I'd really care to meet.[/FONT][quote name='True Angel][COLOR=magenta]Definetly Hilary Duff. I don't like Michael Jackson that much and he's kinda creepy. Hilary Duff is a good singer and actress [B]and Michael Jackson was black[/B'], so I still think that if I think of all the good and bad for each of them then I would still stay Hilary Duff.[/COLOR][/quote] [FONT=Arial]What now? o_o[/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Arial]Hey, hold on here. I think you are mistunderstanding NIKI. I don't feel as if she is using the term "freak" in the way that you are taking it. Honestly, when I saw the title of the thread I immediately thought she was talking about people who others perhaps tend to misunderstand/judge because they aren't conformed. They are different and somehow being different makes them a sterotypical "freak". I however, feel that those who are seen as diverging from conventional schemes are the rather interesting, amazing, and even extraordinary ones. Your average this or that does not garner as much attention as the thing that stands out. That's the usage of the word "freak" that I think NIKI is leaning towards.[/FONT]
  18. [FONT=Arial]Drifting soul, where your sister lives is actually more like a dorm. But then dorms are nothing more than shrunken(overpriced) appartments![/FONT] [quote name='Drifting soul']As it happens, I just got back from visiting my sister's student flat (British word for apartment). It's really basic student accomodation. The flat is made up of 5 seperate rooms, one for each student, a shared kitchen and 2 bathrooms. It's small, dingy and dirty but I could happily call it home! For some odd reason the thing I liked about my sister's room was it over looked the car park which was surrounded by 4 blocks of flats so you could see everyone who was coming and going. I know it's pretty strange that I like really small things like that.[/quote] [FONT=Arial]I'm like that too, Drift! The dorm I stayed in during summer school gave me a good view of the little court yard several buildings surrounded and I liked watching the people from my window, during the day and also at night. It's the small things in life I tend to find much joy in. [/FONT]
  19. [FONT=Arial]Well, I generally think appartent life is cozy in a lack of more than ample space sort of way. Hands down, appartment complexes make some of the best playing grounds for hide and seek/cops and robbers/tag, I tell ya. Also, many fun adventures and make shift activites can be had. The people at the one where I lived when I was little half way tried not to run over other people's kids so it was pretty safe to play in the street. XD Yeah, I remember the good old days when some neighbors of ours used to play that one Dido song. They would play it real loud, but it didn't bother me because I liked that song.[/FONT]
  20. [FONT=Arial]This past summer I worked as a student assistant for the graduate school at the university I attend. The experience was alright for it being my first job (Yeah, never did get one in high school). My main task was filing which at first I thought would be incredibly boring, but still I kept myself entertained. I am currently a nursing major working towards becoming an R.N. While I am studying to be a nurse, it was only a little over a year ago that I decided I would go this route. I feel simply that I will find it rewarding. For every child there comes a point when they are asked by someone what it is they want to be when they grow up. Now, when I was just a little girl I felt with all my being that I wanted to be an artist. To sort of tell the story, I remember I was about five or six when the question was actually presented to me by my mom. I opened my mouth and said, ?I want to be an artist!" Now, to me it simply made the most sense to do what I loved to do. I could picture it then too. I saw myself happily painting and drawing ?til my hearts content. Nothing else had come to mind. My mother?s response was, ?An artist?! You don?t want to be a starving artist!? At the time I did not quite understand the whole ?starving artist? thing. It didn?t make sense to me; as long as I had a job, how could I starve? In a sense I think kids are really the ones who know what they want. They just don?t have the experience and insight; or at least not all of it. They also don?t think things through and they don?t put all things into consideration. So you get raw ideas, words, and thoughts etc. Sort of like a thesis with awesome potential or something around there. I still want to do something involving art. I just haven?t narrowed down what. But I am throwing around ideas. I feel that life is too short to not do what your heart/mind longs.[/FONT]
  21. [QUOTE=xmystic_silverx]Oh yeah, does anyone have an idea of then the new season will start? Like I said before, I just started watching Avatar and so I never watched the first finale and have no clue how long it takes for the new season to air. I want to do that too but for me, its hard to watch something I've seen already twice. I used to buy YYH DVDs up the wazoo but then money became hard to come by for me and I just stopped. However, they have some awsome special features on those DVDs.[/QUOTE] [FONT=Arial]If logic serves me right, then I would say the third season should start in late February/Early March of 2007. I think it makes since being that the first and second seasons started at that time. I see no reason why the next wouldn't. I'd have to say that even though I'm dissapointed with Zuko's decision, this makes me like him even more. I want more than before for him to find happiness because he's such a mixed up kid! [spoiler]As you guys have mentioned before, he had to go and betray the one person alive that he knows loves him and understands him more than any one. The way I see it, Zuko doesn't know what he really wants at this point, not just yet. And even if he did know, he apparently doesn't know where he should look for it. He had what he basically wanted in Uncle Iroh, but no he can't see that. Okay, sure he wants his honor restored and all, but this is the Fire Nation. Does he really want to continue to be apart of the grief and destruction that the Fire Nation is causing? I believe he hasn't got a single truly evil bone in his body.[/spoiler] I agree that it's going to get interesting this next season! I can't wait. I do very much enjoy watching the fight scenes. I just love the choreography. I'd say that is definitely one of my favorite aspects of the show along with the humor as you guys have mentioned.[/FONT] [QUOTE=xmystic_silverx][spoiler]I really don't know what's going to happen because, like you said, there are way too many possibilities. Aang still needs to learn fire bending and I think that Zuko should be the one to teach him. I hope Zuko will join the good side. I don't think that the creators would really let such a great character go to waste like that. I guess we'll just have to wait and see...[/spoiler] I want to do that too but for me, its hard to watch something I've seen already twice. I used to buy YYH DVDs up the wazoo but then money became hard to come by for me and I just stopped. However, they have some awsome special features on those DVDs.[/QUOTE] [FONT=Arial]I believe Aang already knows how to fire bend, he has just chosen not to. More like he needs to master it. I am not one to buy DVDs of any kind myself, but I plan on getting those of this series. Although I've seen many episodes from season one a number of times, I love it that much and it's just so entertaining in many aspects, I must have it.[/FONT]
  22. [FONT=Arial]The pairings of characters is not usually what I focus on in a show because I like to simply sit back and watch what develops. The only development I have seen thus far has been Aang/Katara and Sokka/Suki. I guess I'm about the only one who sees the Aang/Katara? I noticed it way back in the first season. I don't understand how you guys haven't noticed. There have been bits and pieces every where hinting to Aang and Katara, not to mention entire episodes. While I don't really see it happening, I admit Zuko/Katara is a nice pairing. But I agree with you Lunox, there's really no background with them. I admit that Aang/Katara seems a little off in a way at first, but really I think it's cute that Aang loves Katara. Getting away from the couple thing, I'd have to say I have enjoyed watching Aang and Katara's bending skills grow. I mean, they've come a long way[/FONT].
  23. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]*sparkly eyes* *gasp* ^^ I too love Avatar! And although I haven't really been keeping up with all of this season I am still definitely looking forward to the season finale. I don't know how I managed to miss so many episodes. >.< Edit ~ Yes, I'd have to say that's one of my favorite aspects; how Aang although the Avatar, he's just a 12 year old kid. I wouldn't like him as much as I do if it weren't for that. I'd have to say Aang, Iroh, and Zuko are my favorite characters. But really I like all of the main characters and think they are cool in their own way. I love Iroh's take on life. He can be wise and so enlightened and yet funny and very silly at others. I love it when he's having one of his moments. Zuko I liked from the beginning because of his determination to see his situation changed.[/FONT]
  24. [QUOTE=SunfallE][COLOR=RoyalBlue] The only drawback is this year we may not have an oven for cooking a turkey. Last week, when I was making some pizza the bottom element in the oven literally exploded during the cooking process! Fortunately it didn?t start a fire since I was in the room and quickly turned it off and my brother immediately switched the circuit breaker to completely deny the unit any power. The end result, the flying metal shards pretty much destroyed the inside of the oven, and now we are getting a new one. It?s supposed to be installed this Friday, but if it?s not, I guess we will be using our slow cookers and the stovetop to try and make the food. And I guess the whole baked turkey deal will not happen. Which kind of sucks since I really like turkey. ^_^ [/COLOR][/QUOTE] You could get a [B]fried[/B] turkey! They are pretty good. Maybe not as good for you as an oven baked turkey, but they are definitely good. I've always liked Thanksgiving. Ever since I was a kid it's been Christmas's twin to me. In recent years I've been able to visit my mom's side of the family which I used to visit every summer when I was little. I feel you on that Japan86. It's such a huge difference from Thanksgiving with my immediate family. So many cousins, so many aunts and uncle's. All of us in one house is really a lot of fun for me since you are never bored and hardly sitting still. There are hugs to be given, catching up to do, stories to listen to, stories to tell, and LOTS of laughter. But really when I spend thanksgiving with my big family the food is a plus. I must say though I've never really done any Day-After-Thanksgiving shopping before. Not officially anyway. I've gone and maybe looked at the most, maybe stepped inside a store or two. Perhaps I'll go out just for the sake of being in the midst of every thing. I haven't been to a parade in a while, but I do enjoy watching all the movies that are on TV during this time. Sure they're old, but they have the good ones on. My mom used to take my brother's and I to the Thanksgiving Day parade about every year and we'd always get some Vanilla Cream cake to snack on. As far as the food is concerned...I do like all the lovely foods, but they don't effortlessly (on my part) appear on the table anymore like they used to so many years ago. Not that I don't like cooking, but gee cooking such a big meal is a job. ^^
  25. I think New York City and things like... Keith Haring Central Park Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Brown Stones Subways Snow Time Square Harlem The Apollo I would like to visit some time in the near future.
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