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Everything posted by Whiteblaze
Hey there, Dan! ^^ That Melfina banner looks awesome! What really gets my attention is the whole shining, glowiness behind Melfina and the color! It's very aqua green! I really like this one and I love the way the text looks, esp. the shape and how it sort of blends in with the color of the background.
So, I guess my baby cuz will be okay then, by what you're saying. I think you'll be alright in SC although I've never been there myself. You seem like a friendly, likeable person so maybe other's prior thoughts won't matter once they get to know you. Here, where I live, I know for sure you'd be fine. The school I go to is quite diverse and really, every school I've attended has been this way. I think it's mostly the region though, why so many different people live in one place. My best friend in the 3rd and 4th grade was Korean and when I was around 4-8yrs, a very nice lady, who used to baby-sit me was from Thailand. My aunt and uncle are like that, a lot; they become friends with their neighbors quickly and everything. I imagine what you're saying, is very true. [QUOTE]I have been a smarty, a daeth metal, a punk, a skater, and a rapster all in my life, but anime has all ways been there, so its like my countinous freind. (that makes me sound like a loser, don't it?) But you do get used to it.[/QUOTE] No, that doesn't make you sound like a loser at all and If I were in your position, I'd say the same thing but, my continuous friend would more than likely be a cat, if I had one that is, even though it wouldn't talk back to me. :bellylol:
Someone in my family is in the military and moves about every two and a half to three years to different places just like you. He has a son now who's my little cousin. He's just a baby but, ever since he was born I always wondered what it would be like for him to grow up having to move all the time like that. I guessed you're very used to it but, I've only moved once in my little time of existence and it wasn't even to a different city. If I were to move to a different city or state, it would be a big change for me. The person I'm talking about has lived in Germany too and other states too. He just left this summer to move to another base. It was lots fun having him here but, now I won't get to see him or my baby cousin again for a long time.:bawl: Anyway, Double_B_Daigo, what's it been like for you to move like this to different places? I mean, things that you really like about it and things that you don't like about it (if there are any)?
I've never played myself, let alone play basketball because not only am I [I]not[/I] very good but, I've never gotten so interested as to try hard enough to get any where past pathetic. The only sport that I know I'm half way decent at playing is volley ball and I haven't played that in a long while. However, I know exactly what streetball is and I really like watching people play it (on TV and in real life). I mostly watch it on TV when I get the chance because I don't often see it when I'm just walking around outside. To me, it's lots of fun to watch and if I were at all skilled with anything related to basketball then I would actually like to try it (for the fun of it) but, that will never happen so I'll just continue to watch. I think it's cool, all the things they do, and it's funny when a 'younger person' is playing with someone older than them.
I like the Kakashi avatar and esp. the banner because all the red looks really cool and I don't remember seeing one with a lot of red in it like that. The focus on a character's eyes, I think, is a neat idea esp. if the eyes are unique in anyway, which they usually are if focused on in a certain way. For the quote, I like it, I think it goes well with everything and I get the quote itself but, I don't exactly see its relation. I like the .hack one too (it looks awesome!) and I don't think the text you said gets in the way, just in another spot maybe. I esp. like how there are many colors in it and I think the boarder looks just fine. :)
In the first one the pictures are small but, I can still see what's in them and it [I]is[/I] a little different, which is good. The second one I do like more though.
I don't know if this counts but, I'm not really that good at drawing certain things and I am sort of with others. I don't really try to draw very often because it takes me forever and I usually get frustrated sometimes because I can't get something right. However, my older brother is actually very good at drawing (esp. looking at something, drawing it so and picturing it). He used to all the time and had lots of drawings too but, now he doesn't at all. Although he hasn't really tried for awhile, he could draw something nice if he really wanted and meant to. When he was younger, he used to draw lots of Sonic stuff (he was a big fan back then...really big). He used to show me lots of stuff he'd done but, now he's just into other things and drawing's just a thing of the past.
Thank you all! Oh, Milly, mrlarva means maroon red larva, not mr. larva! :bellylol: Her name is Kino. Spikey, I use A. Photoshop but, I'm still new to using it though. This is a smilie faced one.
Another something blue for Blue Submarine No.6 I like blue. :)
Here is something with Larva from VPM. It's simple but, it's also color coordinated; well, a little bit anyway.
I like this one, with the light blue and everything. Also, I like the expressions on Naota's face, esp. the one in the background which is a funny one. *is overflowing with joy for yet another FLCL banner*
Great, another! The Haruko banner looks great, very pink, and the avatar matches it nicely. "Doin' the Fooly Cooly" :bellylol: *is filled with joy for another FLCL banner*
Wow, Dan, it looks awesome! I'm so happy you did a FLCL banner! I really like the quote and the general color just looks great, nice n' peachy. *is filled with joy*
Wow, that Kurama banner just screams 'strawberry!" to me for some reason, it's very red. I really like it, the pic of Kurama on the right comes out very bright and clear which is of course, a good thing.
Yes, please do Gavynn, we want more before you go! Mo's getting violent and needs to sit through a session of "Violence is Not the Solution." :bellylol: Poor, Daily, he has to deal with Mo.
I must say, this is definately becoming one of my favorite; it's suddenly right up there with .hack//SIGN, Blue Submarine No.6, and Cowboy Bebop. Just about everything about it makes me like it, esp. that it's pretty much in it's own category in mind. I think OtakuSennen may be right about what the control tower people saw. I think I'm starting to see a connection between/with some scenes.
It's hard for me to say I like only one song's lyrics so these are my favorite. I like listening to all of them when I hear them. This is [B]Mina Soko Ni Nemure[/B] from Blue Submarine No.6 It's always been a favorite of mine (I know it by heart). [COLOR=darkblue]Ne ikenai anata ni fureta Kasanaru yori fukai SWEET WHISPER Modokashi ore takata ni kieta Tsuki e no michi wo Anata e to tsuzuku kashira Wasurerarenai atsui manazashi Soshite amai toiki Susarei de LULLABY Eien LULLABY COME WHISPER ME AND TOUCH ME Tokimeki wa ren'ai Kotoba wa ren'ai WHISPER NOW Setsunaku ayamii Anata no toiki ni JUST WHISPER AND LOVE'S SWEET TOUCH Setsunaku ayamii Anata no toiki ni SWEET WHISPER (Akaretai) LOVE'S SWEET TOUCH (Mitaretai) Setsunaku ayamii Anata no toiki ni SWEET WHISPER (Mitaretai) LOVE'S SWEET TOUCH (Kutsuretai) Agareru omoe wa Mina soko ni nemure Yume tsumeru made SWEET WHISPER Mina soko ni SWEET WHISPER Nemure[/COLOR] I also love Rain, Call me, Call me, Flying Teapot, Wo Qui Non Coin, and Green Bird from Cowboy Bebop. And from Inuyasha I really like Change the World, My Will, and Fukai Mori (Deep Forest).
Sometimes it helps if you break a name up and then look it up because it might have/probably has more than one word (character) in it. Although I found all of this, it would be a [B]big help[/B] if I could see their names in characters. I only tryed Tsukasa, Subaru, and Mimiru but, had the most luck with Mimiru's name. (*) means a character, [I]n.[/I] means noun, and [I]vb.[/I] means verb With Tsukasa, I didn't find out much. I tryed '[I]tsu[/I]' and '[I]kasa[/I]' and got: [B]tsu[/B] [B]kasa[/B],[I]n.[/I] (*)-umbrella Subaru's name wasn't any better. I tryed '[I]su[/I]' and couldn't find '[I]baru[/I]' so I looked for '[I]ba[/I]' and then '[I]ru[/I]'. I didn't find '[I]ru[/I]' but, for '[I]ba[/I]' it said: [B]ba[/B],[I]n.[/I] (*)- place; spot; space; occasion & for 'su' it read: [B]su[/B],[I]n.[/I] (*)- vinegar a second '[I]su[/I]' but, with a different character said: [B]su[/B],[I]n.[/I] (*)- animal habitat: nest, cobweb, den, honeycomb. and yet another '[I]su[/I]' but with the long vowel mark over it said: [B]su[/B],[I]n.[/I] (*)- number. Now, Mimiru was a different story: [B]mi[/B],[I]n.[/I] (*)- 1. body 2. person; [I]hitori mi[/I]= single person 3. flesh; meat [B]mi[/B],[I]n.[/I] (*)- fruit; nut; [I]mi ga naru[/I]= bear fruit [B]miru[/B],[I]vb.[/I] (*)- 1. look; see; watch. 2. take care of [B]-miru[/B] (*)- try; [I]tabetemiru[/I]= try food [I]Now I feel kinda silly that I looked all of this up.[/I] :sweat:
I like it but, I think the white border would look better behind Gene. Also, I really like the background, it's interesting and the style of the text fits well.
That one of Bankotsu is absolutely awesome! I like it more than the one with Jakotsu and I esp. like the side profile thing. Also, the color, what would you call that? I really like that color! I know it's bluish but, you wouldn't just simply say it's blue.
Happy Birthday to you all! :) (belated and ahead of time) [QUOTE]i feel really immature here now cuz i'm 15 and i still luv birthdays... but i actually like other people's birthdays more than i like my own. i guess i feel bad for people who dont really care and i want to make it more exciting in some little way... anyway i'm just wierd, but before i forget- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [/QUOTE] I don't understand, why do you have to be immature because you love your birthday? Me, I've never actually had a real birthday party and most of my birthdays weren't anything out of the ordinary or weren't what you'd consider exciting or special but, you see, that's the thing. In spite of all that, I still see my birthday as being special and I always get excited the few days right before it. Being one possibly insignificant year older doesn't make me feel too different or mentally older even but, I've certainly changed in some ways in ten years and even in five, just basically the same person. To me, it's like my own special day but, things can go wrong or not my way and again you see that's okay because it won't ruin it for me because that's just how I am. Even if I were to not get a single present, it wouldn't matter because it would have been an awesome day for me anyway. It's not really a party or presents that make it special to me, just the fact that I was brought into this world on this very day is good enough for me but, everything else just makes it even better! Let's just say I have a certain childish or you could say [I]child-like[/I] fascination/amusement/excitement with some things in life, that?s very rare.
[QUOTE]If you could write your own fortune, what would it say?[/QUOTE] Well, most wouldn't be fortunes but, advice or something like that. Some would probably be: [I]"See with your heart"[/I] [I]"Listen to that voice inside you"[/I] [I]"Think with your mind so your eyes may see clearly"[/I] I thought of those three and they're in my sig too. This is something that my brother said to me and I found it to be true, well, in my case anyway. [I]"Wishful thinking can get you into trouble"[/I] So, what do you think?
[QUOTE]I like it plain. Things don't always have to be filled with images and text to look nice.[/QUOTE] I couldn?t agree with you more Dan! :) The poke/digi one looks nice and I like the changing Megaman. The bluish Inuyasha one looks good with the color and the font of the text except how his face is kinda cropped like that. The first Kouga banner with the red text I thought was pretty good but, the second one is even better with how you changed it and everything! I really like the red. The one with Tomo from Fushigi Yuugi, to me, looks so cool! The design looks awesome and I really like the shape of it and the transparency thing, nice! I don?t see how it looks fuzzy at all. Chibi Inuyasha= awesomely cute! It?s very cute and looks great with the blue! Yes, he looks very innocent. Rem banner: It?s quite reddish which looks nice and the flower is very beautiful. That is one fancy N, if I do say so myself! Zazie banner: I like it a lot, with the dark-blueness and everything. The contrast between him holding the guns and the dark blue background looks awesome! From it, he seems an interesting character. I also like the ?indecipherable? text on the right of it. I like all three of the Jakotsu banners and the lime one the most; I guess I?m the only one that does. Shichinin-tai banner: looks awesome. For some reason, the one called, Bankotsu, looks like Miroku to me. ?Shichinin-tai?, I like the way that sounds! :D You?re doing great Dan!
Hey, these are quite funny, Gavynn! I think the idea is pretty cool and the characters too. Like Lan, the second one I liked more but, they both made me laugh! :bellylol:
Take it easy Soul Taker, I don't think Arkadyz was trying to diss it or anything but, maybe rather annoyed that it's only six eps. long. Now, of course that's just my thinking so I could be wrong. :( I just watched the last half of last nights ep. but, I'll watch the whole thing later. I'm with you Arkadyz about the animation and the battle scene! The part where the robot [SPOILER]pooped him out like that was absolutely gorgeous! (in a rather disgusting way)[/SPOILER] :frog: I think it's funny how that girl (what's her name?) uses her guitar thingy as a weapon.