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Everything posted by Whiteblaze
I always thought it wa his tail too and then I started thinking it was just some fur he has on him. Then again, how can it be his tail when he's got all that stuff on him; it doesn't seem that it would fit (me and my little bro were debating about this).
I used to have a cat that I named Whiteblaze and he was the coolest too! I got him from a married couple who had just had their first child. There's more but, maybe I'll tell a little of it later. A few years after that I got a kitten from my aunt that was an Abyssinian/tabby. I named her Sasami and the first night I had her she slept on my bed with me. She was sweet and everything but, then she started to bite and scratch all the time and we had to give her away. The scratches weren't all bad but, when she bit you, you bled.
I didn't get to see it yesterday because I had it on the wrong channel while recording it so that kinda made me mad but, I'll be sure to watch it tonight though. It seems the majority of you guys liked it; I think I will too. A lot of you are saying it's confusing...well, I'll just see about that. :)
I like them and the whole idea of fortune cookies is fun but, I don't take fortunes seriously. The fortunes I've read either didn't fit at all or weren't for me. Some are kind of inspiring though but, I'd like to try writing fortunes to put in them because I think I can come up with some that people would actually like reading. If I were going to I'd make "cheer you up" fortunes and ones that would inspire you.
Art The Purple Koala-Powered Marmalade Blaster
Whiteblaze replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Creative Works
I like it, it's the funniest weapon I've ever seen and also quite creative! I see the little koala, it's very cute! -
Anticipation is okay but, I prefer suspense because I like to try and guess what's going to happen next and see if I'm right or not. When you know basically what's going to happen, it takes the fun out of being surprised and that's even if you are going to be surprised by what will happen. I have no problem with thinking and pondering about what might happen and the fact that I don't know makes the next ep. of a show even better. I simply like waiting for the unknown more than the anticipated.
Anime (US/CAN) General thoughts and ratings for .hack//SIGN 23, "The Eve"
Whiteblaze replied to Shy's topic in Otaku Central
Yes, you're right OtakuSennen! That's exactly it. I was thinking that the man slapped Tsukasa and the stuff just fell off of the table along with the slap. I guess she would have fallen too if that were the case. What did Tsukasa mean when he said, "I don't know," at the beginning of the ep? -
Anime (US/CAN) General thoughts and ratings for .hack//SIGN 23, "The Eve"
Whiteblaze replied to Shy's topic in Otaku Central
[B]9/NINE[/B] I like that they're all going to do something together for a change, instead of being in seperate parties, I hope they are. I liked the part when the little lightning bug was around Subaru and Tsukasa, with its green glow and everything. That little bug hasn't been around in a while. Tsukasa seemed very little-kid like when he was saying all of that, "Don't hurt me.", stuff. It does make sense though. I love when Krim is giving some of his words of advice, it's like a little pep talk and he seems like an older brother whenever he says those things. I thought that was a nice ending for this ep.; for Subaru to be standing there waiting for Tsukasa to arrive. I think it'd be really cool if Subaru and Tsukasa went through the gate together. -
Hey Clank, I think your name is very cool! It's different and I like that. I must say that, I'm not trying to offend anyone or anything:( but, I don't like common names or names that are considered very common. It's not really the name itself I don't like, it's just the fact that I've heard and seen it so much that I just don't get it, if you know what I mean and you probably don't. My name is sort of one of those common names but, I don't know that many Krystle's, then again, I am the 3rd Crystal in my family.:eek: Anyway, my point is I tend to and really like names that I think are different. One of my siblings' names is, Justice, I'm serious. Justice, isn't a name I especially like but, it does distinguish him from 'Justin's'. [B]Marctavius[/B] (mark[B]'[/B]-tayvee-iss) or (mark[B]'[/B]-tayvee-uss), is my adorable little cousin's name. If you're used to saying it, it will come out, (mar[B]'[/B]-tay-vee-is) He is the sweetest little boy you could ever meet, or at least I think so. I had never heard this name before he was born and I'd always thought it was different but, I don't know where it came from. [B]Nakuru[/B], as in Nakuru, Kenya. It sounds so pretty/nice. [B]Sabriel[/B], from the book [I]"Sabriel"[/I] and then there's her father's name which is his tilte, Abhorsen. [B]Tobias[/B], I always thought was a cool name because of the way it sounds. [B]Mavin[/B]/Maven/Mavyn, it means expert and it sounds so different and I've never met or heard of anyone named this.
All of my friends are pretty much loyal and trustworthy people or at least I think so. I tend to have friends that are this way or a little this way. I have one friend who is so nice and so polite and everyone would say so too; it would be easy to see her walking around in a white gown and halo. There are friends of my friends that are a bit, well, but I don't consider them my friends.
Anime (US/CAN) General thoughts and ratings for .hack//SIGN 22, "Phantom"
Whiteblaze replied to Shy's topic in Otaku Central
A good eye?, why, thankyou! I pay attention to everything that Maha does and that's why I noticed the look on his face, which he never has or has never had before; it's a very different expression. Um, 'disgust', isn't exactly it but, that words close to it and so is guilt but, those two aren't it. Maybe I'll think of it later. You know what I think? I think that Maha has a lot to do with those monsters too or even that Maha [I]is[/I] the monster(s). I know Morganna did that with the grass but, why? It had nothing to do with Harold; Maha was just holding it. -
That looks nice Milly but, it needs some text and it looks a little unbalanced, to me, hmm...like I know anything about that!
At first I didn't like it too much but, now I think it's pretty good. It was just the ep. I watched the first time that I didn't like, not the animation at all. I actually like the way it looks, it has a historical look, which I think makes it stand out in your mind. I like Goemon because he's some, uh samurai, dude weilding a sword and going around as a theif and he sorta has the whole 'swordsman' attitude too. Also, he's quite funny, to me.
I haven't actually bought any anime except for a little Yu Yu Hakusho but, when I do it's only because I'm certain that I want it. I'm not known to do whim-shopping, I think about whether I really want something before I buy it and that goes for games, music, and other stuff too.
I loved the animation in this ep., esp. when it started to rain and the night part of the ep. I think they said they'll return to the regular schedule so I guess that means it will go back to being on the weekdays, I think anyway. I thought that was funny when they said that this ep. was too long so they either cut the opening or the ep. itself; that ep. was a little long. I think they should make them all like this, well maybe. One thing I liked about this ep., was the abundance of [SPOILER]tomatoes! I love tomatoes and I just found it kinda funny that tomatoes have to do with the current two eps; that old man being in the field of tomatoes and Roger being covered in them, then there was Rosewater holding one at the end.[/SPOILER] I'd like to know who [SPOILER]the guy in the black n'white striped tux, that Rosewater handed the tomato to,[/SPOILER] is.
What I think is... Ok, for one thing, Sora, isn't really with anyone to begin with. Others are just, [I]with[/I] him. It seems obvious to me that Sora doesn't care if he works with anyone or not, as long as he gets his info and other things he wants, he's happy and if he can't, he calls you useless and drops you like a hot potato. With B.T., I think because she likes to use others to her advantage she just wants to be in someone's party if she can get what she wants out of them or which ever is more convenient.
This name, Yami*Maho Keno, is suppose to mean "Dark Magic Kino" and I think that's quite obvious. It's very silly, really. Yami= dark/darkness, maho or mahou= magic, and Keno is how I spell Kino. Blue Submarine No.6 is one of my favorite animes and Mayumi, Kino is one of the main characters. The 'dark magic' part is just to mean like magic user or a witch (not that I am one). I like to read fantasy type books and ones dealing with magic using characters I tend to like a lot. If you looked up my real name in a dictionary you would read some definitions like: 1. A homogenous solid formed by a repeating, three-dimensional pattern of atoms, ions, or molecules and having fixed distances between constituent parts. 2. The unit cell of such a pattern. 3. A mineral, especially a transparent form of quartz, having a crystalline structure, often characterized by external planar faces. My middle name means "God's gift" and I don't know what my last name means.
That looks nice, Darkmoon, it's quite blue! Black and blue look good.
I think the Mario one looks nice and the Ramen noodle one made me laugh and laugh and laugh some more! :bellylol: The Chibi Goku looks very good and I like that bright light blue background too. The Outlaw Star Rainbow is very cool and I love that font you used, what's it called? I also liked the little color-coded thing. The Soujiro banner is nice with the blue and Teen Titans one [I]is[/I] quite colorful. The Tapion banner with the orange and Gohan banner are just awesome!
Anime (US/CAN) General thoughts and ratings for .hack//SIGN 22, "Phantom"
Whiteblaze replied to Shy's topic in Otaku Central
[B]9/NINE[/B] (as far as the rating, I'm pretending that Maha wasn't in it) I liked this one a lot and I'm going to call it a turning point. One reason is because they have a specific something they know they need to do, I mean Bear, Mimiru, and Subaru or a specific event they know must take place so they now have a clearer direction to go in. That is, instead of just wondering and asking Q's and standing and discussing things unknown. I didn't think Tsukasa was actually going to take the stuffing out of the teddy bear. It was such a classic act, I didn't think he would. I always thought that Morganna was using Tsukasa, just not for something so obvious. I don't know about you all but, I found it strange that Maha did some disappearing action right before Balmung came and was not shown again until after the monster that Sora and Silver Knight came upon was gone. Did anyone notice that or find that strange any? When Maha was shown again, he had some look on his face; I can't think of a word for it but, I think it's the look you have when you've just done something you really didn't want to or similar to that. Another thing, why did that piece of grass Maha was holding suddenly start to disintegrate? Why did he seem startled? It even happened while Morganna was dealing with Harold (the broken man). I agree with everyone that Sora's in some big trouble. -
I don't see at all what you are saying, Jubei Yagyou, but, I also don't want to either. I have never once thought of it as being boring and everything about it is so interesting to me. It's the very idea and again everything about it that makes me like it so much. To me, the music is very amazing. Good Ruby, nice explanation, you do sort of have to think with this kind of anime and that's another thing I like about it too. & yes, Cyber E., it is excellent!
I like the Jin banner, it's like it's an invisble mirror thing goin' there and the text goes nicely with it. The mew one is cute but, it needs something (you know what I mean). The other pink one is even cuter!, but again it still needs something. Keep it up Milly, you're doing great! :)
I didn't mean the 'same expression' thing in a bad way, Ruby! I haven't seen Evangelion before but, doesn't Rei always have pretty much the same look on her face except the few times she's smiling? That's what I meant. You did get some different expressions with Asuka, though. I like the top right one and the two under it the most.
I think they all look great Ruby and they all sort of show a different part of her but, pretty much the same expression.
Really?! Wow. Interesting. Well that gets rid of my other Q. When I was little I used to [I]never[/I] feel pain in my dreams. I could feel things of course but, I never actually felt pain until a couple of recent years. I always thought that you couldn't feel pain in a dream so when I was little I said I'd pinch my self if I was having a nightmare so I'd wake up or something but, that never happened because I always forgot to pinch myself. The one dream I remember feeling pain in the most was...and it was also the dream where I discovered you can feel pain in a dream. I don't remember it exactly but, I do remember being at a party with some old friends. It was kinda haunting and spooky because their were all those 'scary' movie type things in it. The party was in a big and very old house. I know something happened before but, again I don't remember all of it. Anyway, at some point, I was sitting at a small, round table like the ones you see out side a cafe except it was round and I was with two of my friends and we were just talking. When suddenly, some sort of monster/creature starts to poke (more like stab!) my back with some very sharp needles. It really hurt. That's when I figured you could feel pain in a dream. Has anyone else had a painful dream?