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Everything posted by Whiteblaze

  1. Dragon Warrior, you mean a reoccuring dream? I have a few of those but, I can't remember exactly what either were about. They're just like what you said that dream of yours is, as far as it continuing to happen and more being added. Those kinds of dreams are so cool because like you said, it's like a TV show or even better, a movie except you're in it. If/When I can remember what one of those was about then I'll say but until then... Ok, I'll ask this again, does anyone else actually [I]feel[/I] things in their dreams? And if you do then I have another Q for you.
  2. Whiteblaze


    I have been wondering this ever since Bear said it. I don't/didn't think she did it(however she became a boy) on purpose as to hide anything. She probably did do it on purpose but, that's not what I think. But, whether that's true or not, the person(her) which would mean Tsukasa also, somehow forgot that she was and that's even if she was aware of that to begin with. [COLOR=royalblue]~~~[/COLOR] Uh, wait a minute, that doesn't make sense (the part about Tsukasa forgetting he's a girl). Then again, never mind, I don't know.
  3. I really like Outlaw Star and pretty much everything about it! One thing that I really like and find interesting is the whole 'spacey' atmosphere. I love the idea of traveling around in a space-ship (especially one like the Outlaw Star!), going from planet to planet meeting diffrent types of species and having all sorts of things to do. I also like how Gene used different shells that did different things and his glove things that he sometimes used. The variety of places to go, for whatever reason, seemed fun; whether it was a planet or a space station. Another thing I find interesting is the different types of people: human, bio-android, cyborg, ctarl ctarl, and some others I can't remember the names of. Along with that I liked the abilities of them, especially a ctarl ctarl's (Aisha's). I like cats anyway so I thought a cat person was rather cool but, then Aisha has her super-strength and she can turn into her beast girl form, which is even better because she looks like a white tiger. Also, I always liked her personality/attitude, and her little cat-bell collar!
  4. Queen Asuka, I believe you about the dubbing, although I've never seen any of the dubbed version, because my friend has the box set (I didn't feel like borrowing it from her) and she gave me her opinion of it, she definately likes it subtitled better. I couldn't imagine watching it any other way myself. I have been watching it on IC (International Channel).
  5. I'm almost done watching all of it; I only have to watch the rest of 'Try'. Double_B_Daigo, where did you see that his name was spelled Zellgoddess? I just want to know because it is usually spelled, Zelgadis, and I think that is quite a funny spelling of it! Anyway, yes that was a funny scene! but, I do agree with what happened to him. My favorite of them are Zelgadis, Amelia, and Xelloss. I particularly like Xelloss because of the fact that you can never tell for sure that he's on your side or even what his plans are. Also, he seems to act differently when his eyes are open (they appear to be closed all the time); I love the looks he has on his face when they are open, so sinister and devious!
  6. [B]10/TEN[/B] It seems that B.T. might actually have a heart; she was being considerate for a change, instead of cocky. Poor Tsukasa, by his actions, he appeared to be blind and must be, anyway. *The way he was feeling around him, it looked like he needed to because he could not see what was in front of him. *His eyes were not focused on one particular thing, just staring off ahead. Also, his eyes had that dull, kinda cloudy look. *When Maha came, he did not look his way at all or even glance directly at him. And Maha looked like he was checking to see if Tsukasa could see him (by moving around him). However, Tsukasa did notice Maha's presence (he gave Maha that piece of grass he picked up). Another thing, with Tsukasa, obviously something is wrong whatever it is, I think anyway. He looked, I don't know, like he was in deep thought or maybe in shock? Either way, he looked so helpless, like he needs a hug. K.K.C., I believe you are right about Krim being killed. He had quite a serious look on his face and the way he said that was very serious too. I didn't even notice or think of that! Oh, and [COLOR=darkblue]M[/COLOR][COLOR=blue]a[/COLOR][COLOR=darkblue]h[/COLOR][COLOR=blue]a[/COLOR]= [COLOR=blue]cuteness[/COLOR][B]!!![/B] [COLOR=royalblue]~~~[/COLOR] Before I concluded that Tsukasa was blind, I was thinking about his actions themselves. Of the things he did, I thought of the things he '[I]could[/I]' have done, for example, he could have gotten himself up and gone to see the others or have said hi to Maha and asked him a question or something but, he didn't do anything except sit there like a lost child. I was [I]especially[/I] trying to put meaning to him flicking off the little teddy bear's eyes when, I suddenly did. If you don't get it, think about it a second. Didn't anyone else notice/think he was blind besides me?!
  7. Well, I had a lot of pics so I thought, why not? Oh, I would've put a border on them but, didn't in case someone wants one, which I don't think anyone will. It's just a thought since I'd only put a very plain one at first, just so people can see them, you know what I mean? And thanks, I'll try that. :)
  8. This one is Risky from RiskySafety.
  9. Oh, really? Well than you see what I mean.
  10. Yes, I do also, quite funny. It's a school girl and she's late! These next two kinda go together.
  11. Yeah, she even has a sweet little girl personality to match. This one I think is funny because she has a "Oh no, I'm late!" look on her face.
  12. Yes, I think the green looks nice also. This one is from a comic I like.
  13. Yes, you're exactly right Milly! It was capturing a moment. Yeah, I also thought the grayish-blue color would look nice and give it the look I wanted. Here's Tsukasa
  14. That looks great Milly! I like the green in there and I love the background. All of the colors work well together.
  15. Here's another one for BS6 with one of the main characters, Mayumi, Kino.
  16. I loved watching Gir drive Zim insane, why'd they have to take it off? Also, Gir was so adorable! I completely agree with you Ryan and Hot Lava, about All That! Why do they still show it?! It's just not what it used to be.
  17. Um, I don't think anyone else posted something about this, that's why I am so don't get mad at me so I'll let those who don't know know. Rurouni Kenshin comes on at 9:30pm/8:30pm(Central) on 'Saturday', just in case no one knew that. And it's new, according to my little bro (he told me) and I saw for myself.
  18. I like how you have a collage of your friends' avatars and the message going along with it, that's very sweet/cute. I completely agree with it and it's such a nice idea!
  19. I know you all are talking about Dallas but, I'm from Houston (born n' raised) and I've never been to Dallas actually. But I'd like to join the discussion anyways.
  20. I like it a lot Ruby and I don't think it's strange, more abstract (in a good way) and , to me, quite artistic & unique. One of the black things looks like a screaming smilie! I like how I can look at the black by itself, the blue by itself and then both at the same time, if you know what I mean.
  21. Um, XBebop I didn't fade anything and I just added a teeny bit of blue to the extreme blueness that was already there. :( I didn't use a lot of pics, if you look closely and knew who it was, you would see that it's someone's face in the background, Mutio, from Blue Submarine No.6. Oh, and the 'Japanese Symbol thing' is the logo for Blue Submarine No.6.
  22. Ok, now, this is my very first try at a banner, I've never made one before and I'm very new to this so go easy on me but, if you feel the truth need be told, then please do so. Tell me what you think! :(
  23. I think it looks great and I like how crazy Dr. Wily's in the background babbling his evil rants. I don't think the font is very bad at all though but, it sort of gets a bit difficult to read at the bottom. Oh, and I like the Zero avatar too!
  24. Yes, I do think Hatake Kakashi is right about it being a little fast but, I agree with it being very funny! I didn't even need to read it to start laughing!
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