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Everything posted by Whiteblaze

  1. I like the Legato one's blueness and the music notes give it a nice look. The "twin" banners both look great, I think I prefer the one with Knives, because I like the way the little cat is peeking around his shoulder but, I wouldn't say he was my favorite little kitty.
  2. When I think about it, I don't see how a dream could be considered weird/strange because well, it's a dream and dreams aren't known for being normal, or are they? Does anyone know what I mean? But, I would still call some dreams weird/strange though. I haven't been dreaming too much lately and I'm a bit worried by that. I seldom have dreams where it appears I'm in real life, instead mine are animated and most of the time I'm in my dream, I'm not just watching it. Almost all of my dreams are what you (and maybe myself) would say were sort of strange. Just last night I had a "normal", in-real-life dream and I hardly have dreams like that. It was about my grandma coming to visit one of my baby cousins with me. Two dreams, I think I will never forget and not for a really good reason even, are: when I dreamed about dancing marshmallows, yes, just plain marshmallows, no legs or arms or even a face, happily dancing about and one about a very bad tasting waffle. Now tell me if those two aren't weird. There's a couple of things I've made notice of about dreams, as far as I'm concerned anyway, if you care to know then just ask me. Oh, and does anyone else actually [I]feel[/I] things in their dreams?
  3. I like the Faye avatars but, again the size. The Sango&Kagome banner is great and looks nice with the pink but, is it suppose to look like that on the background behind the two of them? Also, at the very bottom, there's like a piece that's cut off.
  4. I've seen most of both and I think Beyblade is a good/pretty ok show but, I sometimes stop and think about how so much attention could go to something so small and somewhat so simple. The new season is coming real soon for me. As for Hamtaro, well it's just so cute. I like the little noises they make, one sounds like "hek-ih", when they go "hiff-hiff" and "bud-da bud-da bud-da bud-da". I think I like Cappy the most because of all the little hats he wears and Panda too.
  5. Well Mystikal, I think it looks awesome! :) Really, I do. It's very good. And I think the frame goes nicely with it, if your looking at it the way I am. I like the moon and the buildings in the background. Um, I can't tell, what's that he's holding in his left arm? ~~ Yes, Darkmoon I now see what it is, it's just at first, I wasn't quite sure.
  6. I think it looks very nice, Chris. It's bigger eyes that usually makes a character look younger, or am I wrong? :( Or were you going for a young battosai look?
  7. For the last two... The second to last one looks nice with the blue background and light blue color of the lettering. The Ape Escape one looks good, it's also funny.
  8. Hey Milly! I like the Cowboy Bebop banner, it's very good. The LoveHina avatar is very nice also, it being big is not that big of a problem. For the Sailormoon banner, I agree with you, Milly.
  9. I really like the jazz that's played during the eps., it sounds very nice to me. :( For those who just come to say they dislike Big O or any other show, well, it doesn't seem nice to me and it doesn't really make sense to just come and say that you don't like a show and that just be it. If you really don't like a show then just pass it up when you see it, you don't really have to state it. Come on now, think about it! :)
  10. Inuyasha&Black-haired Inuyasha, that looks very nice! He really looks different, between the two forms with the black contrasting with the gray.
  11. Mystikal, that looks awesome, you did a great job! Really, it's very nice.
  12. I like that Inuyasha one, it looks very nice with the blue and the little paw is very cute!
  13. I love Big O! I first started liking it when it was on Toonami and when I heard it was coming on again I was like Yay! Then when I heard there'd be more eps. I was like Yay! again but, much louder! As for the similarity with Roger and Spike's voice well, [SPOILER]both are done by David Lucas (look at the credits) and I believe that lady that was in pink is Wendee Lee.[/SPOILER] I also say that guy (don't know his name) looks like Jet, it's the beard and maybe his eyes, I guess.
  14. You're welcome Milly. :) New Subaru&Tsukasa banner= WOW! That looks very nice Dan Rugh, it's glowing with awesomeness! Milly's right, it does give off some mood or feeling. + blue is my favorite color. I've never heard of Only You but, that one looks good, the black makes a great background! Also I like tigers. The second one with Yuji, I like the coloring there, I think the gray goes well with it, The Majin. That Deedee one is funny and she can be sort of an evil little thing sometimes.
  15. I get deja vu alright but, most of the time it actually has happened before, I just forgot over time and suddenly remember. I mostly get it with shows I watch (silly or not) and sometimes I can't tell if I'd seen that show in the past before or not and it sort of gets on my nerves. I usually just think about it and after a while it doesn't bother me anymore.
  16. I like the way the Japanese language sounds and I like listening to songs in Japanese and everything. I know what you're talking about Dan Rugh, esp. with sotto & zutto. When I say/am pronouncing Japanese words the one thing that gets on my nerves is when I can't tell when to pronounce "su' as "sss" or "soo". Does anyone know when you pronounce them? Two I know you pronounce "sss" are in Yusuke and Daisuke. As for "ai", I think that it is actually just pronounced "a-ee" but to foreign ears it just sounds like "eye" and in songs you just get to hear those sounds better.
  17. Great now you have a cool Jin banner Milly! The Curious George one is adorable, I used to read the books but, over the years they've all vanished and yellow used to be my favorite color. I also like the Tsukasa&Subaru banner, it looks very nice and your right Dan Rugh, the picture does speak for itself!
  18. Sometimes I'm not too good with words but, I do like poetry and art which are forms of expression so I hope this says how I feel for me. [B]Peaceful Slumber In the For Rest of the Mind[/B] Listen! How sweet sings the breeze, merrily off trees, whispering wonderment, the ear quietly it does please, nurturing souls, drifting to Celestial splendor, beauty unfolds, as into peaceful slumber, coils surrender. Castles in the sky, growing columns of inspired aspiration, silver shadows flowing through all generations, warm cocoons of mortality, linked by silken threads, webs of lives where comfort embeds. Serenely rests the head of time, pillows puff by wisps of the sublime, mellow moments spark a fusion sphere, perfumed gardens alight, dancing nymphs are near. Oh mindful forest flower, rivers many bridges cross, branches leaved with neurons, invisible flakes of frost, tender is the night, spirits lovingly caress, sleep well my children, aware God will bless. by Michael Levy [URL=http://pages.ivillage.com/danata1/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/praying.jpg.w180h234.jpg]praying for you[/URL] [URL=http://usafssret.homestead.com/files/tears.jpg ]tears[/URL] [URL=www.paintingsdrawings.com/p/pf/crying.girl.jpg]crying[/URL]
  19. Now my turn! :p [I]There used to be a greying tower alone on the sea. You became the light on the dark side of me. Love remained a drug that's the high and not the pill. But did you know, That when it snows, My eyes become large and, The light that you shine can be seen.[/I]
  20. I also don't like just one particular type and I don't care how old/new or what genre it is, as long as I like what I hear! Some songs that I really get into whenever I hear them are... Waiting For Tonight Just The Two Of Us (both of them) Emotion Family Portrait Mina Soko Ni Nemure Doo Wop (That Thing) Freak On A Leash Also two that I know I like are Jazz and Classical, I feel different moods whenever I listen to each and both always gives me a certain feeling.
  21. Whiteblaze


    I only saw a little of the ending and yes it was sad.
  22. The ones that I can think of right now are... See Saw The Seatbelts Do As Infinity & Dream Also I like Megumi Hayashibara and Mai Yamane's music.
  23. Yes I like that blue and Jin is a funny character. * also elf ears look cool!
  24. [B]10!/TEN![/B] The way Krim acts so brotherly towards Subaru is so sweet. *How he helped her to become a stronger person. I liked how Subaru did what Krim said and stood up for herself, even if what happened to her happened. What she did at the end, a lot of people do that. When they are feeling that way, they want to be with someone they really care about and that they know, feels the same way.
  25. [COLOR=darkblue]Ruby, I think that first one is cute! & those banners aren't bad at all, I like the "sit" one. :)[/COLOR]
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