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T man

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Everything posted by T man

  1. Tyler got back into his truck and started onto the road again. No one really seamed to notice him and he didn't have a problem with that. He just decided if any one wanted to talk to him they'd probably come and find him or try to get in contact with him. He drove around for accouple of minutes until he came to the hotel he was staying in. After he parked he went into the hotel and headed towards the front desk were some people were working with other guests. He talked to the woman at the front desk. She gave him a card key. Tyler just thanked her and started walking towards the elevator. "I think i'm on one of the top floors" tyler said to him self as he looked at the card key and pushed the elevator button. After accouple of seconds the elevator came to the floor his room was on. He got off and started walking. He passed some people but didn't show any sign of noticing them as he came to his room door. He took out the card key and opened the lock then went in. The room looked pretty basic to him as he walked into the room and set his bag on his bed. He took out his cell phone and laptop and plugged them into some electrical outlets to recharge as he started unpacking.
  2. As the plane tyler was on came to the airport he noticed the change in temperatures as he flew through different states. Luckily for him he had some experience in different temps from living in florida and minnesota. He figured that if what he heard about the texas temperature getting hot quickly, he'd be able to handle it. "Please bring your seats into a upright position as we prepare to land? a voice said over some speakers. Tyler sighed with relief as he shut down and closed his laptop. He didn?t mind being around other but being around large groups of people for accouple of hours tended to get on his nerves. As the plane landed he looked outside the window. He felt no difference between being here and being back home. Of coarse this was considering he hardly left home except when he needed to. Once the plane landed he stood up as the other passengers did. He waited till he was one of the last ones to leave so he could open the overhead compartment and grab his bag with out hitting any one. As he walked through the terminal he looked around. He didn't really see any one he could recognize but he didn't expect he would at first glance. As he started walking out of the airport and into the parking lot he got a feeling that he forgot to do some thing. He stopped and looked at his watch and remembered. ?Crud. I forgot to reset this thing? he said to him self as he slung both of his bags onto his shoulders. He started walking again as he reset his watch. He looked around as he walked. He had a friend that lived in texas leave a car for him to use. He was told it was a dodge truck with flames painted onto the hood. Tyler walked into the far back of the parking lot and found the truck. He checked the license plate on it to make sure it was the right truck and when he was sure he started searching the underside. He found a box with a lock on it on the underside of the truck and took it off. He pulled out a key and opened the box. Inside he found the keys to the truck as he walked to the driver?s door. He opened the door and tossed his bags into the back passenger seats as he sat and started the truck. He left the parking lot and started onto the road. Accouple of minutes later he saw the people from the OB already together so tyler figured he was late. Once he found a place to park he turned off the truck and walked towards the group to see how every one was doing.
  3. Tyler went through his bags on top of his bed making sure making sure he had every thing he needed. In one bag was his clothes, comb, brush and any thing else he would normally take with him. In his other bag was his laptop and the parts for it. He smiled to him self once he was sure that every thing was there. Normally he'd forget some thing and he didn't want to leave any thing behind that me might need. He closed the bags and slung over his shoulders up. As he picked them up he figured he should get some thing to eat because he figured it'd be awhile before he had any to eat during the flight. As he walked into the kitchen he noticed the clock hanging on the wall. He looked at his watch then looked back at the clock. "Oh crud. I'm gonna be late. I thought I'd actually be able to go on a trip with out some thing going wrong for once" tyler said cursing to him self. He ran to a cookie jar and opened it. He moved his hands through it and pulled out some cookies and closed the lid. He ate them as he ran to his door and opened it. He slammed it shut then ran down the stares. There were some people one the stairs other than him. He had lived in the building long enough for them to know that when he was in a hurry he'd knocked people down since he didn't think of much when he was running. Once he came to the last floor he stumbled a bit and almost fell face first but he managed to get him self balanced. He ran outside and tossed his bags into his green jeep. He took out his keys and opened the door. As he started the jeep he looked around. Seeing the road was clear he pulled out onto it and started driving towards the airport. He had memorized some routes so he could get to the airport quickly. As he came into the airport parking lot he remember what he had planned. Some of his friends would come by and pick up his jeep while he was gone and take of it. He parked into a spot and turned off the engines. As he got out he grabbed his bags and started running. Once he was through the door he made a run for the terminal that he would board his plane at. A couple of minutes later he was putting his clothes bag into the over head compartment and sat down with laptop bag. He sighed as he looked out the window and it started to take off.
  4. I think this is how it's supposed to be done. [B]Name:[/B] Tyler a.k.a T [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Gender:[/B] male [B]Appearance:[/B] Look at the attached picture. [B]Character Snippit [/B]He walked into his apartment having just finished his mechanics class. He slid his bag off of his shoulder and set it down on a table next to the door. As he closed the door and locked it he looked down to see the letters he got. He bent down and picked them up as he grabbed his bag and started heading towards his room. As he walked into his room he tossed the junk letters into the trash and sit down on his bed putting his bag next to him. As he went through the letters he noticed one from his OB friend SimpleChaose. "I wonder what this could be about" he asked him self. He reached over to his night stand drawer and opened it. He looked around it and pulled out a letter opener and opened the envelope. He took out the paper as he laid down onto his back and read it. Once he finished reading it he smiled. He sat back up as he opened his bag and took out his laptop. He turned it on and turned on the wire less connection. He logged onto the OB and sent his reply saying that he could come to the reunion and would arrive as soon as he could. "I guess i'm do for a vacation" he said to him self. He shut down his laptop, closed it and slid it back into his bag. As he stood up he started thinking about what he would need for the trip and about who else would be coming. He started to move towards the kitchen at a good pace to buy a plane ticket and be sure to get every thing that needed to be done finished. As he walked he thought about what he should say to the people there but decided he'd just wing it and think about it when the time arises.
  5. [B]Name:[/B] Gene Kasaru [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Element:[/B] Lightning, fire [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.rpgfan.com/pics/fire-emblem-rnk/art-011.jpg]Gene[/URL] (Just decided to put in a pic I like.) [B]Personality:[/B] Gene normally likes to be by him self. He's grown distant from others and wishes for nothing more than to be alone. He has a since of pride in him self so he sees that if he ever falls to things like temptations he's weak. He can stand to be around others but he can only do it for so long before he gets angry with him self. [B]Short Biography:[/B] When Gene was a child his powers started to awaken. Things around his home would catch on fire or short out. When his parents found out it was him he was sent off to live by him self in a forest. While living in the forest he's grown accustomed to livening around plants and animals so he feels uncomfortable in cities. He has many scars on his body from fighting off people who wanted to cut down the forest he lives in and is normally aware of any one who enters it. Because of this fact some people say he's some sort of spirit and that he's the guardian of the forest. He's grown a habit of scaring people out of the forest when ever they enter and destroying any thing they bring with them. Since he's grown distant from other people and hates to be around them.
  6. Jake ran through rock tunnel and jumped behind a boulder to avoid one of his pokemons attacks. Since it was dark in the tunnel it would help improve him and his pokemons senses. Jake waited for the sound of another attack but it never came. He looked to the side of the boulder and saw the out line of his pichu's body walking towards him. Jake felt around and picked up a stone. Once his picku was close enough he threw the rock hard at the pichu's head. then quickly moved. His pichu glowed with electricity then charged at the boulder jake had been behind. The boulder was hit and was thrown against the cave wall. Jake just smiles at pichu's work. He had taught his pokemon to use different attacks at the same time so he'd have a bit of an advantage. What his pichu had done was a combination of a quick attack and thunder wave. "Come on volt. I thought I've trained you never to miss even when you're in the dark" jake said smiling. Volt didn't say any thing and tried to hit him again. Jake just moved to the side easily and avoided the attack. As soon as he stepped aside he was hit in the leg by a vine and felt him self get cut on his arms. He knew that it was his bulbasaur vino because it had always been a silent attacker and mover. Jake rolled to the side to avoid another attack by vino. Once he moved he was struck in the back and felt him self get shocked. He fell to his back and begun to get up but stopped when he noticed one of vino's vines were in font of his face and volt was behind him using charge. "Fine. You two win this one" jake said putting his hands up showing that he surrendered. He heard his pokemon cheer hearing that they won. Vino brought jake his back and jake picked it up and put it on his back. Both vino and volt jumped at the same time at hit each other in the head and landed on the ground. They both got up and started fighting each other. Jake just let out a sigh. His pokemon never got along with each other and that annoyed him but the fact that have to be working with other people annoyed him even more. "Stop fighting you two. You can ride on my head this time volt. You'll have to ride on my bag vino" jake said kneeling down. Volt cheered and jump onto jake's shoulder then onto his head. Vino climbed on top of jakes bag as jake stood up. Once they were seated jake started heading out of the cave and started for lavender town to meet with the people he'd have to work with to go after the shadow pokemon.
  7. T man

    Black Moon

    [B]Name:[/B] Luke Kira [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Gender:[/B] male [B]Bio:[/B] Ever since luke was a kid he had always been a loner mainly due to the fact no one took care of him. A man had raised him but alwaysed treated him badly so when some people came after the man he healped them kill him then killed the people he helped and took what he needed from them. Since then all he cares about is survival so he's never had any friends and kept to him self. The only thing he ever looks forward to is finding a good challange. If any one had ever asked him questions about him or his intentions he never answered them and just left. He hardly talks because any one he's come across never cares about what he has to say but he remembers any thing he hears and sees. Luke does carry explosives with him but only small ones strong enough to break locks and hinges. He just travels around doing what he wants even if it means that'll get in trouble but even though he's gotten into trouble he manages to get out. [B]Weapons:[/B] daggar, whip [B]Secondary weapons:[/B] katars, bolas [B]Description:[/B] See image [B]Element:[/B] lightning
  8. Evean looked around the halls. He didn't see suzuki or katherin around so he figured they were in a different part of the building looking for maverin. He let out a sigh of relief becuase it ment that he wouldn't get hurt to soon. "I guess it'd be best for me to get some work done" evean said as he started for his office. As he walked down the halls his watch beeped. He stopped and turned a dial on the watch. On the screen of the watch a girl appeared. It was one of the people who worked with tracy in the control room. "What is it alice" evean asked. "Duke brought in some people. Appearenlyt one of them beat him and he's a bit steamed becuase tail blade didn't help him. They're in the visiting team hanger at the moment" alice said. "Thanks alice" evean said as he started walking again. Evean turned down a hall that would take him to one of the hangers for visiting teams. Even though he had work to do he alwaysed liked to meet new zoid pilot. He came to the part of the hanger that over looked the zoids. and saw a konig wolf and a shadow fox. Evean hadn't seen a konig wolf in awhile because hardly any one used them any more. he saw two pilotes get out of the zoids and look around. Evean walked to the stairs and went down to the ground floor to greet the pilotes. "Hello and welcome to the base. I'm evean and how can I be of service" evean asked sticking out his hand. "I'm kessi but you can call me kess and this is my brother kayin" kess said shaking evean hand. Evean nodded as he shook there hands. "So what brings you here" evean asked. "just here to look around" kess said. "O.k. If you need help ask one of the students or members of the faculty" evean said. Kess and kayin nodded. Evean nodded back as his watched beeped again. He looked at it and the word run went across the screen in big bold red letters. "Well if you'll excuse me I must be going" evean said looking around. He saw suzuki comeing down the hall that lead to the main floor of the hanger. He waved bie to kess and kayin then started running as fast as he could down another hall.
  9. Maverin went down the hall dodging students as he went. He would take a glance back to check to see if his bother was still chasing him which she was. What maverin wondered was if she had her fencing sword with her. Maverin looked ahead at the hall to see that the other students had cleared out not to be in the way. As he turned a hall he got a feeling that he should he should fall back a bit. He normally followed his instincts and did so. As he slowed down a sword flew and went into the floor. "I guess that answers my question" maverin said as he grabbed the sword and went down the hall again. If he had kept going at the same speed he was before the sword would have hit his engine and his mom would have caught up with him. He turned a hall that would lead into the hangers and through the sword into the ceiling. "She'll probably want to get it out of the ceiling so I should get enough time" maverin said. He looked back but and saw that his mom didn't stop to get the sword. Maverin cursed under his breath as he looked at his watch. Evean had made the watch for him that was also a remote control for the zoids. Maverin turned the dial on the watch to different symbols but every program he put in kept coming up as an error. "Mom must have gotten to the programs" maverin thought as he tried one last program. A message flashed across the screen of the watch saying the program was started. He looked forward as he saw the geno breaker move. The program would only make the geno breaker move forward and avoid obstacles. Once maverin got into the hanger he jumped off of the board and landed on one of the geno breakers claws as it left the hanger. He looked back and waved to his mother as he left. He climbed over to the cockpit door and opened it. He slid in and put the geno breaker on manual control. Maverin smiled as he turned on the cloaking systems and disappeared into the dessert.
  10. [B]Name[/B] jake matern [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Description:[/B] red hair, blue eyes, black bandana, green tinted goggles, tanned skin, white vest, green shirt, black pants boots, [B]Personality:[/B] he like to work alone and doesn't like to be friends with any one except his pokemon but he'll work with some one if needed and he's normaly a pretty melow person unless some one gets him ticked off enough [B]Bio:[/B] When jake was a kid he had always wanted a pokemon to train but becuase there was no one around his town who gaive out pokemon he had to look for some him self. after he left home to look for some bug pokemon to start with he saw a pichu and bulbasaur fighting each other. While they were distracted with each other he caught them. Instead of haveing them train against other pokemon he has them fight against him so he can train them while improving him self. While in a pokemon center he heard of the shadow pokemon and figured it be a good chance to train. [B]Starting Pokemon:[/B] bulbasaur, pichu [B]Shadow Pokemon You Catch:[/B] vaporeon, blazieken, pidgeot, dusclops [B]Side:[/B] good
  11. Evean was sitting at his desk and looked around his class. Most of them were new students or those who were already pilots that wanted to improve them selfs in there skills. It was one of the last classes he had to do before school was over. He taught students in battle tatics and emergancy tacticts. He looked at his watch and saw that most of the classes would be letting out about now. "O.k class. We're finished for the day so you can head to your rooms or go about your buisness" evean said standing up. The students said there good bies as they got up and left. Evean looked at his watch again and it would be about the time his grandson would be getting out of class. He walked out of the rooml and headded down the hall. He came to an intersection and waited. He looked around the hall as the students when there seperate ways. "He should be bie in 5...4...3...2...1" evean said once the students cleared the hall. He looked down the hall and saw his grandson running. Maverin ran past him and eaven grabbed his calor. "You know you shouldn't try to take the geno breaker out maverin" evean said letting go of his collar. "I know that but I want to pilot the geno breaker" maverin said looking at a clock on the wall. "I know but unless katherin alows you to you can't" evean said opeing a door behind him. "I know that but mom doesn't want me to. I'd have a better chance if the class she and suzuki teaches weren't so close to the hangers. Bad enough that you alow them to teach a fighting class" maverin said. "I know but suzuki wanted the class and you know that I still can't handle her. Here maverin. This might help" evean said takeing out a hover board. "Thanks grandpa" maverin said takeing the board. He got on and flew down the hall. "Why do I feel like suzuki and katherin will give me heck once they find out I gaive him that bored" evean said as he ran down the hall. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maverin flew down the hall dodging students. As he went past the students he looked ahead and saw that the students from suzuki's class were finishing. The class for the day was fencing so it was a bad idea to get on suzuki's and katherin's when they had swords. He went past the door and looked back. He saw his mom come out of the room and look at him. "Better go faster" maverin thought as he looked forward. He bushed a button on the controls and it the board went faster. Katherin started running after him. "Maverin come back here. You're not supposed to take the geno breaker out for a ride" katherin said as she started catching up. "Sorry but I can't hear you mom" maverin said lying. He gaive the bored more power and went faster. He dodged more students as he got closers to the hanger. He looked back but didn't see his mom any more. He looked forward and noticed that some one had put there arm out at the end off the wall. Maverins head hit the arm and he was nocked off the board. The hover board turned off as maverin landed on his back. He opened his eyes to see his grandma smilling at him. He got up to ran but his mom had caught up and put him in a head lock. "Thanks mom" katherin said smilling. "You're welcome katherin. Don't hurt him to much" suzuki said smilling. Katherin nodded as he started useing wreseling moves on maverin.
  12. Is would be a sequel to my second zoids rp even thought it was never finished. Because of that some of the story will be made up to make for an ending. If you were apart of the first to you can be apart of this one. It's supposed to be during the zoids fuzors series and because the time difference between zoids fuzors and new century zero isn't that log you shouldn't be surprised that some characters from the second rp are still there. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- During the masters tournament different teams entered battles to become ranked the number one team of zoid pilots. The demolition runners team entered the tournament and tied with the team that was assembled by a zoids battle commission member. The Z.B.C member was fired for being a member of the back draft group and for having a piece of the death stinger and it's core. The team he created had gone into hiding hoping not to get into trouble either. Because the team that was formed was an actual team the battle between them and the demolition runners were considered a tie. To keep the core and the piece of the death stinger from being taken they were moved into the demolition runners base. Since the tournament ended the rules for joining the Z.B.C was changed to keep people from causing more problems. As time changed so did the base. It still holds the teams but also teaches normal classes and holds the new zoids that are being made. The members of the original team have become teachers or gone there separate ways. During the time evean married suzuki and has a daughter named katherine who has had a son. Because of the new rules set up the peace keeping bureau was formed to keep zoid pilots in line and to help keep the rouge zoids in line. For some reason the rouge zoids numbers have increased. The ones that are strong enough go through the cities targeting different buildings while weaker ones go about and attack travelers. Rumors are spreading among scientists and pilots about what's going on. The scientists are trying to come up with ways to stop the wild zoids but every thing they try fails. Because nothing seems to work against the wild zoids the peace keeping bureau are asking teams to protect travelers and the cities from attacks. Even to the best attempts of the teams buildings targeted by the wild zoids still end up distorted but no one knows how because the buildings are normally well protected. Any teams that or merks that are available are being called in to fight or try to stop the rouge zoids. [B][U]Sign up:[/U][/B] [B]Name:[/B] (For those who were in the first to you can be your characters from those or be a relation. If you want a second character pm with the second characters stats and if I o.k it you can post the second character) [B]Age:[/B] [B]Gender:[/B] [B]Appearence:[/B] [B]Team/occupation:[/B] (scientists, mercenary, team member, member of the peace keeping bureau, Z.B.C) [B]Zoid:[/B] (you can have a liger zero but it can't be an ultimate X/ alpha zoid and no death sauer or death stingers. Zoid not required) [B]Zoid armaments/equipment:[/B] [B]Zoid fuzor:[/B] (not required) [B]Ultimate X/alpha zoid:[/B] (3 only so it's first come first serve unless you were apart of the first two then you can have the same ones from those. You can't both an ultimate X/alpha zoid along with and organoid) [B]Organoid:[/B] (3 only and same rules for the ultimate X/ alpha zoid) [B]Bio:[/B] [B]Name:[/B] evean miro [B]Age:[/B] 40 [B]Gender:[/B] male [B]Appearence:[/B] brown hair with some white streaks in it, white long sleeve shirt with blue along the collar, light blue gloves, tanned pants and shoes [B]Team/occupation:[/B] a leader of the demolition runners, member of the Z.B.C [B]Zoid:[/B] [URL=http://www.zoidsunofficial.coolfreepages.com/gb-2.htm]Geno breaker[/URL] [B]zoid armaments/equipment:[/B] pulse laser gun, charged particle gun, hyper energy shield, cloaking device [B]Zoid fuzor:[/B] none [B]Ultimate X/alpha zoid:[/B] none [B]Organoid:[/B] none [B]Bio:[/B] Awhile after the tournament ended evean proposed to suzuki and married her. After they had a daughter the Z.B.C came to him and asked that he would take the place of the Z.B.C member that held the tournament. Evean agreed because he figured he could help in some way. Because he probably wouldn't be around much he had suzuki and katherin keep watch over the base. He wonders if it was a smart move because some of the students and workers in the base keep looking over there shoulders because they're afraid of suzuki and katherine getting them. He decided that the leader of the team would get the geno breaker so he doesn't pilot it that much [B]Name:[/B] maverin miro [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Gender:[/B] male [B]Appearence:[/B] brown hair, green hair, white head band, red tint goggles, gloves, blue pants, orange shirt, black boots [B]Team/occupation:[/B] demolition runners member [B]Zoid:[/B] [URL=http://www.angelfire.com/gundam/raider0/sinker.JPG]Sinker[/URL] [B]zoid armaments/equipment:[/B] beam cannon, missiles, rocket boosters, AZ-70mm laser vulcan gun, electro magnetic net gun, smoke screen discharger [B]Zoid fuzor:[/B] none [B]Ultimate X/alpha zoid:[/B] none [B]Organoid:[/B] none [B]Bio:[/B] Maverin is the grandson of evean so he basically act like him because he was the closest thing to a father he had because his own died during a zoid battle. He occasionally has dreams of the day his father died but doesn't like to get into it much. He does lousy in his classes except in his fighting classes and zoids classes. Every so often he wants to take the geno breaker out for a ride but he normally gets caught. When he asks evean why he wont let him he gets told that even though he's katherins father she acts to much like suzuki and that she should know better then to mess with them. Whenever he tries to get away his mother either manages to catch up to him or one of the peace keeping bureau members find him and bring him back to the base.
  13. T man

    Elemental Guardians

    "If you're doing that make sure I know when he'll show up" gene said heading into a hall. Trilby nodded as gene went into the hall. Gene drew his sword and looked it over. The symbols on his sword were still there but the blade edges had worn down so they wouldn't cut very well. He figured all of there weapons had been worn down and would need to be worked on. As he walked through the hall he looked out the window and thought he saw some one leaving one of the mountains close by but figured he was seeing things. He came to a door and opened it then started down the steps. Once the stairs ended he flipped a switch and lights came on. There were tools and different weapons hanging on the wall. He went to a sword sharpener and started working. "Once i'm finished working on my sword i'll start working on every one elses weapons" gene thought.
  14. "Of coarse you're in another world. Most of the hydras from serges were brought here" tarjen said looking around. He took out his whistle again and blew on it. Sekot came down again and landed infront of them. He got onto it's back and sat at the front. "Let's go before any of the dwarves see norris" tarjen said looking down. "Why is that a bad thing" lone asked as she got on sekot. "They'll try to kill him and probaply us for letting him come here" tarjen said. "Well we didn't come here on purpose and why would they want to kill me" norris asked as he got on sekot. "Once the hydras came here I made a deal with the dwarves that they could stay here and protect the hyrdas but only if no humans came into the marshes" tarjen said looking around once again. Once he was sure no one else was around he pulled on some riens on sekot and it took off and headed to termina.
  15. O.O.C: I'm starting out in another worl just so there isn't any confusion Trajen was on his wingapedes back heading to the hydra marshes. He normaly came to check on the hydras at that time of the week but got side tracked becuase he had work to do. Once the wingapede landed tarjen got off and walked to the front of it. He took out some fruit and feed it. "Thanks for the lift sekot. Try to stay close by" tarjen said petting it on the head. Sekot nodded and took off. Tarjen turned around and walked into the marshes. As he walked through the marshes. As he walked through the marshes he heard things walking through the plants. He stopped and reach for his ogre but was tackeled into the water before he could take it off from his back. He swam out of the water and looked up. One of the baby hydras were looking at him. "Sorry about that. She got away from me" a dawrf said walking up to him Trajen just nodded as he got out of the water. He checked him self over to make sure he had every thing. "One of the hydras had manadged to get away from us before and we haven't been able to find'em. Do you think you could find'em" the dwarf asked. Tarjen just nodded as he started walking to the border of the marshes. He had an idea of where the hydra had gone to but he wasn't goeing to like it. He started up a colomn of the land that lead up to a different part of the marshes. Once he was up there he saw the hydra and started after it. As he ran after it he saw a beeba start after him. "Not you again" tarjen said as he ran. "Beeba going to get you for takeing my whistle" the beeba said. Tarjen just shook his head. He ran faster and grabed the hydra. He came to the platform on top of the marshes and started blowing his whistle. Sekot flew down next to him and tarjen got on it's back and went down to the marshes. "I don't know what's worse. Being chased by beebas or by korcha" tarjen said once he put the hyrda on the ground. He looked around and saw that there was nothing else to do. "Might as well head to termina" tarjen said. Sekot made a sound of reconition then headed to termina.
  16. T man

    Elemental Guardians

    o.o.c: you're not the only one confused Even though gene didn't need to hear trilby say any words he knew that he should help. He lifted up hikage and put him on the couch. Gene had figured some thing would happen and wha ever it was seemed to be starting. "Stay here for a sec gene said" as he headed for the door. Once he was out side he took out his sword and started concentrating. He stabed the sword into the ground. A ring went around the cabin and glowed for awhile. The ring was a shield that woud protect them from some attacks as long as gene could stay concentrated. He pulled the sword out and looked around a last time then headed back in to help.
  17. T man

    Elemental Guardians

    Gene walked around the cabin. He decided that he should be keeping gaurd incase some thing was to come up. He walked around the cabin but saw no sign of any thing happening. As he walked back to the door he felt like some thing had happened. He looked around but didn't see any thing. "I guess i'll check on it in the mourning" gene said. He rested his hand on his sword and headed back into the cabin. As he walked in he heard trilby talking to some one. "I guess ryu's waken up" gene thought as he sat on the couch.
  18. For some reason that first one made me smile and start to laugh even though I don't know why. I agree with you that the last one is good.
  19. Jason finished his healing and stood up. The other jasons stood up then dissapered. He streched his legs because he had been in the same position for hour waiting for his healing to end. His wings appeared and he flew to the top of the factory and went out of a hole in the cieling. He looked around to see if he could figure out where hunter had gone. He knew hunter was a good fighter but thought he'd need some help. "Now which way was the battle with the girl" jason asked him self. Once he remembered he flew after hunter.
  20. Zera got off of zonama's back and took a fighting stance. He had faced the type of fiend they were fighting before so he had some experience with them. The wolf creature charged at them. Zera dodged to the side and zonama tackled it. The wolf fiend skidded back and growled. "So do you guys know why all these finds have showen up" zera asked. "We have no clue yet" kayin said. "Then we'll keep batteling till we find out" zera said smilling. He ran up to it and started slashing at it. He stopped for a second to get into a different stance and the fiend took the moment to strike back. Zera jumped back as it ame close to biteing his leg. He moved back a bit and took a defensive stance.
  21. Zera slashed down another fiend. He didn't know where they were comeing from but he figured that he'd find out soon enough. He ran through the crowd of panicing people and saw another fiend. It was a bomb that was chasing people around. He ran up to it and slashed at it. the bomb fell back a bit then got bigger. He slashed it again and started running. The bomb went off as more fiends showed up. "I wonder if there is any one else fighting the fiends" zera asked him self. Zonama came up and tapped him on the shoulder. Zera looked back to see what zonama wanted. It pointed to a group of people heading to the center of luca. "I guess there fighting the fiends. Might as well join them" zera said. He got onto zonama and went after them.
  22. Zera was riding on his chocobo to luca. He had hoped to watch a game of blitz ball and get some rest before he had to leave on his trip again. As he went to luca he saw fiends attacking luca. "Well I guess we've got stuff to do zonama" zera said. Zonama nodded and started to run faster. Once they got to the outside of luca zera took got off of zonama and took out his naginata. Some fiends dived bombed at him. Zera brought up his naginata and slashed some of them. Zonama jumped on the ones he missed and started cutting them up. Once they finished them they ran into the city.
  23. [b]Name:[/b] tarjen [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] male [b]Occupation:[/b] former radical dreamer but now works in the hydra marshes with the dwarves in another world [b]Race:[/b] demi god [b]Build:[/b] normale [b]Weapon:[/b] ogre with sword blades [b]Bio:[/b] (i'll be baseing this on the ending where kid dssaperes) Trajen used to be a member of the radical dreamers group untill lynx was defeated. After serg and the others went back to there world they sent some hydras back to go to the marshes. Once the hydras were in the marshes deals were made with dwarves to keep the hydras safe. The dwarves agreed as long as no humans come into the marshes. Once things settled down tarjen was asked to work with the dawarves. The only reason he works in the marshes are to get away from korcha because he keeps asking him to go out and find kid. While in the marshes he beet up a beeba and stole it's flute so he could call a wingapede. The only things that annoy him are beebas and people who hate humans. [b]Inate:[/b] chrono cross if allowed
  24. [b]Name:[/b] zera lera [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] male [b]Hieght:[/b]7' 6" [b]Weight:[/b] 177 [b]Weapon:[/b] naginata [b]Description:[/b][URL=http://sqlmyphp.free.fr/glenn.jpg]zera[/URL] [b]Bio:[/b] zra lives on a chocobo ranch near a small village. When a group of fiends attacked the village a group of protecters went out to fight them. After the fight none of the village protecters were sean again. Zera's parents were with the protecters when they left so he wonders what happened to them. As time went on more fiends showed up and caused trouble. Because the best fights in the village had dissapered there went to many people to fight them so he taught the chocobo's on his ranch to fight. Once the fiends were deffeated he took the best chocobo he trained and left to see if he could find his parents and stop the increase of the fiends. [b]Over drive:[/b] element strike, four coppies of zera appear on the field haven't representing a type of element and strike multiple opponents
  25. As they walked they came to a room that splited of into seven others. The middle door infront of them was blocked. Kieth walked over to it and started looking around. When he couldn't find any thing he went to middle of the blocked door. "Give me some dynamite luke" kieth said. Luke took out a couple of sticks and tossed it to kieth. "You guys carry dynamite with you" tara asked. "Ya. We never know when we'll need it" luke said takeing out a plunger. They conected the wires and luke pulled the plunger up. "Do you guys really need to blow the door open" joey asked. "Unless you can find another way in. Any ways this way is fun" kieth said smilling. "Let's just go through the other rooms first" amber said. "Fine but if we don't find any thing we'll blow it open" luke said. They dissconected the wires and put the dynamite away. They took out some lanterns and went there seperate ways into the tunnels.
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