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Max was typing on his laptop and had found some info on some scraped experements. "I guess this could be usefull later" max said as he typed. He sent the copys of the files to hidden folders that he put in his programs incase he needed to find them later. As he finished typing he herd the sound of sirens."I guess we make our leave now" max thought as he turned off the laptop and put it away. He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out the smaller one. He pushed a few buttons and a view of the street appeared. His motorcycle was built with a remote and camera system so he controll it from different locations. "Now where are those cops" max asked him self as he rotated the camera. He saw the cop cars come and started typing. A dart gun inside the motorcycle fired and popped the tires of the cop cars. "That should give us some time" max thought as he put away the minerature laptop and left to look for the others.
"It's my job to of done it so just to let you know you realy don't owe me any thing" glen said as he let go of her. Amber just nodded as they left the shrine. Bells came up to glen and gave him back the bag. "If you're going to stay around here it would probaply be best for you to stay in the barn untill we talk to alen" kris said. "Thanks for the help" amber said as she walked to the barn with her monsters following. Glen and kris started heading back to the ranch when they were stoped by a samson who came from the forest. "Hey glen. Your dad told us you'ld be out here" the samson said as it hoped around. "Hi gearen. What can I do for you" glen asked. "If I may ask. Who is this" kris asked looking at glen. "This is geren. He's the leader of a bunch of wild garu that come by my rancher every month" glen said as a bunch of garus came out of the forest. "We got some info for you. We heard that a group of moo followers were planning to take over a town on the other side of the cannon that's at the end of the forest" gearen said as it stoped hopping. Glen pulled out a map and started looking at it. "How many of those things do you have" kris asked as her mouth droped. "Most of those come from wild monsters like us. Some times ranchers let us stay at ranches and we give them some thing in return. We give info or maps to glen" a garu said from the group. "The only reason that moo would want that town from my view is because it's a oppening to the sea" glen said as he put the map back. "Do you know when it'll happen" kris asked. "It'll happen in a couple of days. So do you think we could stay around here for awhile" gearen asked. "Sure why not. I don't think alen will mind" glen said. The garu's cheered and jumped over the fence. They started setting up a camp. "I think we'ld better go warn alen" glen said as he walked into the house. "Why do you say that" kris asked as she caught up. "They like to throw parties some times" glen said smilling.
Glen walked up to amber. "What is it that you want" glen asked. "I was wondering if you could help silver fang" amber asked looking at him. Glen nodded as he bent down and took silver fang from her. "You guys might as well come out. I know your there" glen said as he started walking. Dark side, kitty, kris and tiger came out from there hiding spots. "How did you know we were here" kris asked as she came out of the bushes. "My hearing is pretty good. I can tell what monsters are around me with out seeing them. I can also apply that to people" glen said as he walked to the shrine. "So why are you helping her" kris asked catching up to glen. "I see it as my duty to help because i'm a rancher" glen said looking at her. "I don't think it is" kris said. "I learned the basics of being a rancher from my dad and the rest from mr grandfather. He helped people weither they were his opponents or not and he told me to be like that to" glen said as they entered the shrine. They walked into a room and glen put silver fang down on a table. "Go get bells and tell her to brng my bag" glen said. Kelmadics nodded and left. He returned a couple of minutes later with bells. "O.k guys we have work to do so I need you to leave. Kelmadics, I want you to gaurd the door" glen said as he pushed them out. Kelmadics stood near the door as glen closed it. "Come one bells. We have work to do" glen said as he opened his bag and they started working.
Gene just looked into the fire thinking about his past."Why am I allowing my self to be around others? I guess i'm going soft" gene thought as he drifted into sleep and started dreaming about his past. Gene was sitting in a tree watching the other kids play. He was preparing to leave the village because it seemed that he had no purpose for being there. He jumped out of the tree and started up the mountain trail but he herd some one behind him. He turned around tp see the village elder radius. "So you are leaving on your journey now" raidius asked. "Yes. I have no purpose for being here. The other villagers see me as a threat so I thank you for defending me and allowing me to stay" gene said as he faced the trail. "You know that you can always come bak here if needed" raidius said. "I'm going out on my own. I don't need any one to help me" gene said turning back around. "You may belive that and you may think that you're the strongest there is but there is always some one stronger than you. You may be able to beat them a couple of times but as you get stronger so will they and eventualy you'll need help to fight them" raidius said. "I'll keep that in mind" gene said as he left the village. Gene awoke from the dream to see that it was still dark out. "I guess what raidius said to me those years ago is starting to sink in" gene thought as he looked at kikyo.
Jason just looked at alex. "Let's get her" they both said at the same time. Jason took out his bazooka and alex took out his gun. They both ran after her and fired. She and dash avoided each strike. "Come on guys, You'll need to do better than that" siriko said smilling as she looked back. Jason and alex fired and she got covered in water. she just looked at them and pulled out a bazooka and fired. Jason and alex jumped to avoid the hit but still got wet. "She's alot faster than we are because of dash so how are going to hit her" alex asked. "I've got an idea" jason said smilling. He pulled out his head set and put it on. "Hey zack. Where are you and your team" jason asked. "We're heading to the hanger to put away the cannon" zack said. "I need you to fire at the ground level door" jason said. "We can do that for ya" zack said. Jason took off the head set and put it away. They came closer to the hanger door. "Hold on for a couple of seconds" jason said as he stopped near the door and watched siriko fly out. A cannon could be heard and they saw siriko fall off of dash. "I'll get you back for that jason and you to zack" siriko said as she got up. "Had to remove the advantage you had on jason and alex" zack said smilling as he brought them some towels. "Thanks for the help zack. I'll give you and your team some time off tommarow" jason said as he dried off. "And i'll be giving you both some lumps on the head later" siriko said as she gave him back the towel. "You'll have to do that after we get the upgrades" jason said as he walked to the geno breaker and got in.
O.O.C: Here's how it goes. Tracy and alen likes siriko. Siriko likes alen and jason. Suzuki like jason but he doesn't know that siriko or suzuki likes him. Jason walked into the camand center and came to see tracy leaving who seemed a bit nervise. "Whats wrong tracy" jason asked. "Max, jake, kate and sarah came back" tracy said as he walked down the hall. "They missed a pretty good water fight" jason said smilling. "No they didn't" jason said under his breath has he left. Jason walked into the camand center only to get a face full of water. When he opened his eyes he saw max, jake, kate and sarah holding buckets and they were drenched to. "You could of told us about the water fight before we came back" kate said. "Ya. Zack and his friends got us with that cannon you built" max said. "I didn't build the cannon and I figured you wouldn't of come back so soon" jason said as he back away. They just looked at him and drew some water guns. Jason started running as they fired. He ran past siriko and alen. "What are you running from" siriko asked. "I'm running rom the others. I guess i'll get the upgrades in persion. So are you two coming" jason asked. Siriko and alex got up and ran into the hanger after jason.
Glen was sitting in a chair while looking around alen's house. The place was pretty big on the inside and you could tell because big blue was able to stand up in it but it was to small for zaratan to be in so he had to stay outside. Mocchi, bells, hare and griffon had gone to sleep. Big blue was awake but didn't realy show it while the tigers where waiting by the door. "I guess nothing's going to happen to night" kris said as she walked up to glen. Glen just nodded as he got ready to sleep but kelmadics came in. "Did you find andy thing" glen asked. Kelmadics just nodded. "O.k then. Take me to it" glen said as he got up and grabed his grapling hook. "I'm comeing with you" kris said. "It would probaply best if I went my self. I'll call out if I need help" glen said as he and kelmadics left. Once outside they started for the forest.
Glen and the others left the ruined shrine. Glen looked towards the forest because he had thought he saw some one stop there. He took out some spray bottles from his bag. "What are those for" kris asked. "It's a chemicale I made to help heal monsters. Spray it on them and they'll heal faster" glen said as he gave them each a bottle. Kris and alen started spraying there monsters as glen did the same. "We should probaply get inside. Some wild monsters come out some times at night" alen said as they walked down the stairs. "Kelmadics. Come over here" glen said as he droped back from the others. Kelmadics walked up to him. "I want you to be near the edge of the forest and keep watch. If some thing happenes come and get us" glen said as he gave kelmadics a bottle of the healing liquid. Kelmadics nodded as he walked down the stairs and towards the forest. "Where is he going" alen asked. "I'm having keep watch. I think he's the strongest monster I have" glen said as they left the shrine. "Next to me right glen" bells said looking at him. "Yes bells. You're probaply the strongest monster I have" glen said smilling as they entered alen's ranch.
O.O.C: this might of gotten confusing for readers so i'll straighten it out. Jiro, amber and sheal are in the shrine with glen, kris and alen comeing in after them. Glen and the others ran into the shrine looking for there enemys. "Where did they go"" kris asked looking around. "You know this place better than we do. Where do you think they went" glen asked alen. "This place has a couple of rooms other than the unlocking room but they're kinda big" alen said. "Then we'll just need to find them quickly then. Bells do your stuff" glen said. Bells nodded and sent sond waves through the building. "What are you doing" hare asked. "I've taught bells to send out sound waves that certain monsters can hear. If you need an example look at the tigers" glen said pointing to the tigers. The tigers were covering there ears from the sound. they herd a howling sound. "I guess that would be that grey wolf" glen said as he started running and bells stopped. They ran down the hall and entered a larg room. They came in and found jiro, sheal and amber inside. "What did you do to silverfang" amber asked looking at glen. "We had to find you some way" glen said. "I think we'll be taking our leave" sheal said. "You've got no where to run" kris said smilling. "I had a talk with mew and he had a way out aranged for us if needed" sheal said as he took out a whistle and blew on it. A couple of seconds later the wall behind them blew up and there were dragons outside the shrine. They got on there backs and started flying away. "Use salamander" alen said to zaratan. zaratan nodded and started blowing fire. The dragons faought back by using inferno. A explosion started and there enemies used the distraction to escape. "I guess we lost them" kris said getting up. "Ya but we'll catch up with them sooner or later" glen said as he got up. "Ya and i'll be comeing with you guys" alen said as he looked around. "I thought you didn't want to come" glen said looking at him. "They blew up my shrine and I want some vengence for it" alen said. "I guess we'll have another traveler with us" glen said as he looked at the direction that sheal, amber and jiro flew of in.
Keith was floating in the sky watching his creatures go after shisu and while watching merin. "How can I get shisu out from hiding" keith asked him self. "Oh what the heck. I'll just torch the place and smoke her out" keith thought as a fire ball appeared in his hand. He tossed it into the forest and it started burning. "I haven't smelled a wild fire for so long after being stuck in this body with its owner and an angel. Once I get back to fort dragonise i'm keeping those two locked away" keith thought as he watched the fires spread. "What are you doing now" merin asked looking at him. "I felt like trying to smoke shisu out and I like the look of fires burning things down" keith said. "You are one strange demon" merin said. "I don't think there's any thing wrong with liking the look of fire" keith said smilling.
Evean and alex ran down the hall way chasing the students. "Come on zack. Why are you running? You said you'ld beat us" evean said as he fired. "We figured we would beat you. We just hadn't figured where angel and mirage had gotten to" zack said as he fired back. They continued running down the hall but zack and his friends were pulling ahead. "Keep after them alex. I'm going a different way" evean said as he pushed a button on his watch. A door leading into the emergancy tunnels opened and he jumped in. He started running down the hall. "They should be above me about now" evean thought as another door opened. He jumped though it and landed infront of zack and his team. The others cornered them from the other halls. "Comence fire guys" evean said smilling. They all started fireing at zack and his friends untill they were drenched. "I guess you guys have class tomarow" evean said smilling. "And we get our upgrades" the others cheered. "I'll buy your guys upgrades after we clean this place up" evean said as he left.
Garai and neo's battle continued. "You do know your treasur hunt has no point" neo said. "That's just your opinion. There are some that belives the treasue exists and there are thos that don't" garai said as he swung his sapphire blade. Neo flew back and avoided it. "I belive those that search for things that don't excist are fools" neo said as he swung at garai who defended. "I think you're the fool. You're tring to gain power from your abillaties over others" garai said. "I see nothing wrong with that" neo said as he swung his sword. Garai did the same and the swords struck each other. They herd a cracking sound and they looked at there sword. Most of the beads in them had craked from the impact. "It seems that we've come to another tie" neo said as he put the ruby blade back. "I guess we'll finish this later" garai said as he saw neo fly off. He put back the sapphire blade and started back for the others. He entered the ship as his armor dissapered and landed on the floor. "What happened out there" hak asked once he found garai. "Me and neo had a fight. Most of the beads in our sword cracked" garai said as he got up. "Will you still be able to get us on the planet" hak asked. "As long as the sword is still intact I can get us past the barrior" garai said. "O.k then. Go and get you stuff" hak said. Garai didn't ask why and just left.
Kyp was sitting in his room with his blades out. He had no real reason for letting them out but just felt like having them out. The rouge on was flying around but it was kept in line. Miroku came and walked in. "Is that realy wise to let them out like that? Espicaly the rouge one" miroku asked looking around. The rouge on was looking for a way out but kept getting shocked when ever it tried to get out. "I think it helps to let them out some times. Espicaly that rouge on. It's been bugging me more than normale" kyp said. The roug blade noticed miroku and flew at him. A group of blades stoped it and brought it back to kyp. He abosrbed the blade as the other flew out of the room. "What are you having them do" miroku asked. "I'm having them keep a look out. They'll react an enemy comes around" kyp said as he looked out the window. "I guess that could be helpfull in a way" miroku ais as he left.
They sat down as a genes gauntlet glowed. Stones started forming a circle and dead tree branches went into the circle. A small fire ball appeared in his hand and he threw it into the fire pit. "Where did you get that gauntlet any ways" kikyo asked. "I herd there were three rare weapons that go together. The sword of life and death, the dragon soul sword and the elemental gauntlet. I all ready had found the swords so I set out for gauntlet" gene said looking at his weapons. "If they were rare they would of probaply been hard to get" kikyo said. Gene just nodded. "The swords where in a mountain temple and the gauntlet was in a volcano. There's another dragon spirit summoning when all three are used but I haven't lerned it yet" gene said. "So why don't you just go and kill hero and inuyashsa? They're probaply still weak from your fight" kikyo asked looking at him. "I don't fight against those who can't defend them selfs" gene said as he looked at the fire.
Sign Up Six Beads, Six Bells, One Story... [12+ speech and violance]
T man replied to Ryu_Sakura's topic in Theater
[b]Name:[/b] maverick [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Bell and Bead:[/b] tone bell, flute bead [b]Ocuppation:[/b] hired fighter [b]Bio:[/b] Maverick never nknew his parents and realy doesn't care. He travels around searching for things he finds interesting to do. If he finds some thing he likes he'll keep it or sell it to who'll pay him the highest. He does jobs like fighting for others, be an assasin or a body gaurd. He wont charge some one if he thinks he doesn't need to. He'll work for any one no matter who they are. If some one doesn't want his help he wont intervene unless he thinks he should. [b]Appearence:[/b] [URL=http://sqlmyphp.free.fr/glenn.jpg]pick[/URL] [b]Personality:[/b] nice, a loner some times, stuborn -
Hilind looked around to see the others fighting. "I might as well finish this now" hilind thought as he raised his staff and started spinning it. "I think we should get out of the way you guys" hunter said as he stopped fighting the monster and ran. The other followed his advice and got out of the way. "I activate hack program A2 to clear this part of the dungeon of all monsters and viruses" hilind called out. He aimed his staff and sent out a wave of energy. The wave hit the monsters and distroys them. "Is that a realy wise thing to do" amaya asked as they reapeared in the room where the egg sack. "Hilind has done many hacks before and never been caught even though he's a newbie he's quite good at it" hunter said as he looked around. The egg sack was gone and treasure chests were around to replace the monsters. Hilind looked to see that the door opened and had an exit symbol above it. "Just take the treasures and we'll leave you guys. Hunter save some for me while I get rena" hilind said as he walked back to rena. Hunter nodded and started opening the chests. Hilind nealed down and lifted rena onto his shoulders and they left.
"This is not impossible seichiro. We're using a spell that has not been around for centuries" garai said as he swung his sapphire blade at neo who flew out of the way. "If so have you ever used it before" seichiro asked. "Neither of us have used it before but to prove one of us right we'll do whats needed" garai said as his and neo's weapons clanged against each other. "What is it that you two have against each other" zsuzsanna asked as they watched the battle. "Special breed zantars have random life spans. No one knows how long they'll live for because it's random for each one" garai said as he avoided an attack. "Does that mean you could die any day" hak asked. Garai just nodded. "Legend has it that every one hundred years a special breed zantar will rise and live longer than other special breeds. There are two different blades on my home planet and both of them are rare. They are the sapphire and ruby blades" garai said as he swung at neo again. "If you have a sapphire blade does that mean neo has a ruby one" hak asked. Garai nodded as his fight continued. "The legend states that the speiacl breed zantar will have both blades and have great power. Neo belives he is the one with great power but it hasn't been one hundred years since the last legendary special breed so I fight him to get that notion out of his head" garai said. "And we tie in the challanges we set so we continue to face each other untill one of us is proven right" neo said as there weapons clanged again. There blades glowed and they swung them again causing an explosion. The explosion pushed them apart but they both got ready to fight again.
Max opened a door with the key he took from elektra and walked into the room. He took out his laptop and pluged it in and started typing. "What are you doing max" kilo asked. "I'm doing some hacking" max said. "What are you hacking into" kilo asked looking over his shoulder. "I'm getting into government files" max said as screens started opening. "Wouldn't that just tell them where we are" kilo asked. "I've never been caught once and I don't think i'll start now and don't mess with charlie. I want to be the one to beat you when we have our rematch" max said looking at him. "I forgot about that and why do you say I should watch out for charlie" kilo asked. "I herd what you guys were talking about back there. I think that if you realy ticked her off you'ld probaply get hurt realy bad" max said. "I'd think we would be equaly matched" kilo said. "I guess. I'd hate to see what happens when both of you get ticked off at the same time. Alot of things would probaply blow up" max said as he started looking at the government files.
Sign Up Outlaw Star: Future Prospects [12+ for swearing and violence]
T man replied to Solo Tremaine's topic in Theater
[b]Name:[/b] maverick canrow [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Race:[/b] ctarl ctarl [b]Gender:[/b] male [b]Occupation:[/b] outlaw [b]Affiliation:[/b] neutral [b]Appearance:[/b] 7'6", silver hair, brown skin, gloves with out the fingers, blue shirt, black pants, round orange sun glasses, boots, red head band [b]Weapons:[/b] caster gun, shot gun, light shield, double edged steal sword [b]Spacecraft:[/b] warp phinox (if I can get a picture i'll post it) [b]Biography:[/b] Maverick never ealy knew who his parents were because he was adopted as a baby by humands. He realy doesn't care about his past so doesn't he tries not to get into talking about it. He doesn't have the same kind of pride as other ctarl ctarl's but he does have a bit of a attitude. He always respects other even if he hates them but if he gets pushed to far he'll lose it. He was hired by freds client to find the outlaw star and bring back any thing that could be salvadged. I hope this is o.k. If any thing needs to be changed tell me. -
"It took you a while" keith said who was floating in the air. "I had to go get some thing started" merin said as they started after shishu again. "What will happen if you get knocked out or go to sleep" merin asked looking up. "Then one of my weaker sides can get controll" keith said. "Then what was keeping you from takeing controll when one of them slept" merin asked. "The ring was made so that even if the owner of this body fell alseep I couldn't take controll of it" keith said thinking back to the when he tried getting out while the ring was on. "So how are we going to deal with that" merin asked. "After we deal with shisu and raven we'll need to head to fort dragonise to creat a spell to change the ring" keith said. "So then let's find them faster" merin said as she ran faster. Keith started chanting making four creatures appear. "Go find shisu but don't kill her. We want to do that our selfs" keith said. The creaturse nodded and ran ahead of them farther into the forest.
I'd like to join but just for fair warning I mostly know things of final fantasy 8 and 9. [b]Name:[/b] canute [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Bio:[/b] Canute never realy knew where he was from. He had awoken one day as a kid and found him self in a mountain rang. He was found and adopted by some people who lived in the mountains. He realy doesn't care about the past unless it has to do with some one that's important to him. He travels arround searching for a purpose or people to help who he thinks needs asistance. He has a pet chocobbo that he calls rail run that he keeps around to help him on his travels. [b]Apperance:[/b] [URL=http://sqlmyphp.free.fr/glenn.jpg]pick[/URL] [b]Hometown:[/b] unknown (if that's o.k) [b]Weapon:[/b] double sided gun blade [b]Summons:[/b] queztcol, phoenix, carbuncle (all from FF8) Hope this is o.k.
Keith was floating above them watching what was going on. "Things just seem to be getting more interesting now that i'm out of my prison" keith thought. He saw shisu start running before merin could garb her. "Just let her go for now. It'll be more sporting to let her have a head start" keith said smiling as he floated down. "So what did you do with raven" merin asked. "It isn't really any of your concern" the man said. "It seems like it would be our concern especially to me because I was planning on eating her" keith said. "I guess you'll have to settle for eating shisu then" merin said. Keith just shook his head. "You two will find out where she is soon enough but until then try to keep ahead of your enemies" the man said before he disappeared. "What do you think he ment by that" merin asked. "I all ready know who my enemies are and most of them i've all ready killed but we can think about that later. Let's go after shisu now" keith said. Merin nodded and they left after her.
Keiths body fell to the ground. He was back inside his mind again. "Tecnacally I shouldn't say this being an angel and all but what the heck did that stupid idiot do that for" keiths good side asked as they flew. The evil side was allready ahead of them. "She's probaply got an evil side like me but I guess her's get's out easier than the one we deal with" keith said as they ran. "I guess so but unless we get that ring back on or the dark side get's nocked out alot of people are going to get killed" keiths good side said. As they ran they saw the evil side leaving through a door. Keith and his good side fired at him but he brought up a shield. "I've been in here for to long having to deal with you two. It's time for me to leave and cause some distruction" keiths evil side said as he walked through the door. Outside of keiths mind his body grew demon wings and he got up. "Let's go have some fun. I haven't had human blood in a while" keith said as he drew his dagger which turned into a sword.
Garai started fireing at the suction cup but the blasts just went around it. Garai took out his sapphire blade and started playing it. the spell on the suction cup wore off. Garai started fireing at it. The suctiong up broke off. "Nice work garai. Now let's take out neo" anya said as she fired at neo's ship. Garai nodded as he fired to. As they fired he saw some thing glow and leave neo's ship. "What is that thing" zsuzsanna asked. "Neo's challanging me to a fight" garai said as he started playing his sapphire blade. He started glowing as he was covered in what looked like armor. "What are you going to do garai" seichiro. "Neo's challanged me to a fight and i've never backed down from one" garai said as he checked him self over. "O.k then but how will you survive out there" hak asked. "I don't know because i've never used this spell before" garai said. Before any one could answer garai jumped through the ship walls using the spell. "Come on neo. Let's see if you've improved" garai said as he flew at neo. "I think my skills have improved enough to finish you once and for all" neo said as he charged at garai. Once they were close enough there blades started clashing.
Garai herd the anya's call and got on the lift and went into the cockpit. "What's going on anya" garai asked as zsuzsanna and hak showed up. "Some one's coming at us" anya said as she took aim. The ship started firing. The hits shook the ship. "I thought you said attacks would have a hard time hitting us" hak said. "They're supposed to unless there's a zantar on there" garai said as he pulled out his sapphire blade. As he started playing anya started fireing at the ship but her blasts just went around the ship. Garai started playing a tune that could only be herd by zantars. A couple of minutes later he got a reply. "Not him again" garai said as he took his seat. "Who is this guy garai" zsuzsanna asked as she took her seat. "His name is neo. He's another special breed of zantar like my self. When ever we go against each other we keep tieinging" garai said as he started typing. On the screen a zantar appeared that looked like garai. "Why are you out here neo? I thought you got banned from traveling off planet" garai said. "I was but I got off the planet. When I said I was looking for you to a couple of people they said they'd help me just for some revenge. Of course i'm not out for revenge. I'm just out here to beat you" neo said before the screen closed. "What's with that guy and how do you know him" anya asked. "It's not a story to get into right now" garai said as he played his sword. "You should be able to get in some better hits now" garai said as he started fireing. Anya started doing the same.