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"You don't need to worry about those" garai said. "Why would that be" zsuzsanna asked. "My sapphire blade has basicly the same spell inside it that's used on my planet so we're pretty well protected from the flares and meteors" garai said. "I've been meaning to ask you about that. How does that spell work any ways" hak asked. "The spell is set so that any ship or any thing else goes around the planet. The spell creates illusions and moves objects fast enough to make it seem like they're still flying straight and no flying around the planet" garai said. "I guess that would explain why not to many people have been there" hak said. "A more simple version of it is on the ship. The only problem is that we can be seen by normale eyes but other than that we can't be hit very easily or be picked up on scanners" garai said. "Do you think it'd be possible to get me one of those sapphire blades to keep" hak asked. "I can't realy promise you any thing" garai said as he got up and left.
"We're heading to my home planet and like i said before, you wont be able to see the planet untill I play by sapphire blade" garai said. "Are there any signs to tell us when we're in range for it" zsuzsanna asked. "We're close to it but still a bit out of rang. Anya's been shooting at some of the markes" garai said. "Wouldn't that be a bad thing then in case some one else wanted to know where the planet is" hak asked. Garai just shook his head. "The markers rebuild them selfs when no one's around" garai said. "Then how long will it take us to get there" hak asked. Garai pulled out his sapphire blade. Some of the beads in the blade were glowing. "It'll take us another hour or two as long as we don't hit any thing on the way" garai said as he put the blade back. "What kind of things would we need to look out for out here" zsuzsanna asked. "Normaly there are a couple of meteor showers or solar flares around this time of year on my planet" garai said. "O.k then. Will you tell me when we're in close enough rang" hak asked. Garai just nodded.
"It's o.k zsuzsanna. I should of been paying attention to where I was walking in here" garai said as he got up. He reached out and help zsuzsanna up. "You can see in here iven though it's pretty dark" zsuzsanna asked as she got on her feet. "I can see in the dark pretty well. Do you need some help in here" garai asked as he checked to make sure every thing was o.k. "Ya, i'm having a hard time getting through here. I knocked over hak before" zsuzsana said. "We'll i'm going to get some thing to drink. Do you want to come" garai asked. Zsuzsanna nodded as they started walking. Garai had figured out the lay out of the ship already so he basicly knew where every thing was. They walked into the kitchen and found hak all ready in there. "Good mourning hak. So far every thing seems to be going well" garai said. "I guess so. I just hope we'll be able to find some info on the treasure" hak said. Garai just noded as he took a seat.
"You're going to blow some thing up aren't you" garai said. "I'd like to try but we're moving to fast. You're from around here, is there any thing that would come by to hit" anya asked. "We'll be comeing by a astoroid field. There's nothing of value in them" garai said as he typed. A picture of a asteroid field appeared. "We'll come into rang of one in a couple of seconds. Once they're in weapons rang you'll have five seconds to shoot before we past it" garai said as he set the scanners and gave the location of the asteroids to anya. "That's long enough for me" anya said as she took aim. As the asteroid came by anya fired and managed to hit it. "I got it. These weapons work great" anya said smilling. Garai just nodded as he left and got onto the lift. He rode it down and started down the hall as his eyes started glowing again. "I wonder who else is awake" garai asked him self as he walked down the hall.
"Hi to you to" keith said. "I am chi and this is keith" chi said. "I'm shisu and this is raven" shisu said. "So where are you two heading to" raven asked. "I'm helping her get back to a town then i'm trying to get home after wards" keith said. "So then what town is it your trying to get back to" raven asked. "I really don't know what it's called but I think it's that way" chi said pointing. Raven and shisu looked in the direction chi was pointing. "We just came from there a while ago. So where is he from" shisu asked. "I'm from the village of gross" keith said noticing that shisu was starring at him. "Then your a far away from home then. From what I know it's a days trip over the mountains and another couple of days before you reach the village" shisu said. "How did you get out here any ways and why did your wings disappear" chi asked. Shisu and raven just looked at keith. "It's a bit of a long story and my wings don't stay around for to long" keith said. "Then if it wasn't for me you could have probably been over the mountains by now. I'm sorry if I slowed you down" chi said. "It's o.k chi. I probably would have only gotten half over them any ways" keith said. "If it's o.k we should probably be on our way" chi said. Keith nodded as they started walking. "It was nice meeting you two" keith said as they left.
I say you should keep making them.
"I guess so and i'm keith" keith said sticking out his hand. chi shook it untill she noticed the ring on his hang. "So what's with the ring? I've never seen one like it" chi said. "Let's just say it keeps one of my sides in controll" keith said as he started walking. "Why do you say it keeps it in control" chi asked. "It's telling me I should of killed those guys back there and I should eat you. The ring is keeping me from doing that" keith said. "I don't think you would eat some one" chi said looking at him. Keith just looked at her. Her mouth droped seeing that he ment what he said. "You wouldn't realy want to eat me. I don't think you'ld like how I tast" chi said backing away. "My evil side isn't picky about who it eats or kills and as long as I have the ring on I wont do either unless I have a good reason to kill some one" keith said. Chi just noddd as she caught up but stayed a good distance away. "If I lose the ring it could me minutes or seconds before my evil side gets out and starts killing" keith said. "That's a good thing to remember" chi said.
"I'm still wondering where I am. I'm sure i've never been around here" keith said as he looked around. As he looked around he still didn't see any thing he reconized but we has catching up to the people he saw. "Excuse me but do you know where gorss village is" keith asked. The two guys just looked at each other then shook there heads. "I think it's over those mountains" one of them said pointing to a group of mountains. "Just great. If these wings give out while i'm iver those mountains i'll drop" keith thought as he looked at the ground. Once he looked back up he saw the two guys talking to each other then they just looked at him smilling. Keith just looked at them then noticed there was a girl with them that seemed like she didn't want to be up there. "What's wrong with her" keith asked. "She's just has a probplem with hights" one of them said. Keith just nodded as he flew off. He looked back to see the guys following him. keith dove into the forest with them following. He started avoiding trees as did the guys following them. He flew back into the sky with them still following. "I guess I should take them out" keith said as he took out his dagger. He flew at them and cut one of there brooms in half. The guy fell as did the girl with him. The guy on the other broom grabed his friend as keith dive bombed for the girl. He grabed onto her hand before she hit the ground. "Thanks for the help" she said once they landed. Keith just nodded as he looked around. as he saw that they had landed in the forest. He looked on his back to see his wings dissapere. "Not again. I'm going to be having a long walk tommarow" keith said as he sat down.
"We'll if we get found out in the hotel we could go to one of my friends place. He lives pretty close to here" max said. "Why do you think he'ld let us stay at his place" kilo asked. "He's a good friend of mine and he's the same guy who made my motor cycle. He's got a pretty big place and he not a snitch" max said as he turned down a road. "I guess we can go there if we need to" charlotte said. They came into another city and max parked the car. "We should probaply stay here untill elektra get's back" jackle said. They all nodded as elecktra got out of the car and left to find a hotel.
Jason and amanda stopped infront of where the darkness was. "Shall we go in" amand asked. "Sure why not. If we're to find kaiba and defeat his captures we need to go in" jason said as he laid a trap card. "This should help lighten the place if needed" jason thought as they walked into the darkness. As they walked it started getting colder. "So who do you think played this card" jason asked. "Who realy knows but they've probaply got a monster in here watching us" amanda said. "What ever it is we'll probaply be fighting it later" jason said looking around. As they walked they saw a clearing with people in it. "I guess those are our opponents" jason said smilling.
Jason and amanda were still searching for any one else who were in the game or any signs of kaiba. "So far we've come up with sqaut on where kaiba is" amanda said. Jason just nodded as he drew a card. "I call upon my harpie's brother" jake said as he raised the card. The harpie's brother appeared in the sky and flew around. "Look around and tell us what you can see" jason said. The harpie's brother nodded and flew off. "Are you sure that is a good idea? It wouldn't stand a chance against that blue eyes" amanda said. "The harpie's brother is a fast monster. If there is trouble it'll return" jason said. A couple of minutes later the harpie's brother returned. "Did you find any thing" jason asked. The harpie's brother nodded as a screen opened in front of it. The screen showed a blue eyes leaving a cave with people on it's back. "I guess we found another clue then" amand a said. "I guess we should prepare to fight them" jason said as the harpie's brother returned to it's card form and jason put it back into the deck. "Should we go meet them or wait for them to come here" amand asked. "Let's just go and meet them" jason said as he walked in the direction the blue eyes was coming from.
Jake and the others were still walking. "You guys do know we're being followed" jake said. "How do you know that" damon asked. "I've trained my self to be able to hear things far away. It's a good trait to have weither your a pokemon trainer or breeder" jake said as he removed a pokeball from his belt. A pichu came out of the pokeball. "I want you to use thunder wave over there" jake said pointing. "Is that a good idea because I herd that pichu's can get hurt from using there electric attacks" xion said. "Don't worry. My pichu is well trained in its attacks" jake said as pichu sent a bolt of electricity. Once the bolt hit the target a girl and a eeve jumped up out of the plants. "What was that for" she asked. "I had to flush you out and my pichu needed target practice" jake said smilling as he gave pichu a apple. Pichu grabed the apple, climbed onto jakes head and started eating the apple. "If you're going to be traveling with us you might as well get moving" jake said as he walked.
O.O.C: I wrote that I found the diary before he did Max walk down the stairs. "You guys can't give up that easily" max said as he walked to them. "Where did you come from" kilo asked. "I found a violet diary and i'd figure i'd find out if it belonged to charlotte" max said pulling out the diary. "I found one to" kilo said. Max nodded as he put the diary back in his coat pocket. "So what are we going to do about these cops" charlotte asked. "Hold on a seck" max said as he pushed a button on his watch. "I don't think we have a second to wait" jackel said as some cops approached. After a couple of seconds a silver motor cycle came by and ram into all the cop cars sending them flying. The cops started running from the scrreching cars. "I never get tired of seeing it do that" max said smilling as the armor on the motor cycle with drew. "Couldn't you of done that earleir" kilo asked. "Ya but where would be the fun in it" max asked as he started hanging them guns. "Now may I suggest we leave now" max said as he started firing at the cops.
Garai was awake and was meditating on the ceiling. "Anya's having troubles with her past again" garai thought. As he looked around he saw seichiro wake up. "Is that you garai" seichiro asked. "Yes, I'm just doing some night meditating" garai said. "Of all the people i've meet you're the strangest" seichiro said shaking his head. "Why do you say that" garai asked. "Your sitting on the ceiling, you can sense others emotions and your eyes are glowing which I find creepy" seichiro said. "If you find the eye thing creepy i'll close them and just to let you know anya's having problems with something in her past" garai said. "Can you tell what the problems are" seichiro asked. "My skills aren't high enough to tell. You'd probably have a better chance of getting the answer and helping her than I would" garai said. "I should probably go talk to her then" seichiro said as he left.
Max was still searching for charlotte. "Where the heck did that woman go" max asked him self. As he continued walking he saw cop cars go by. Once the cars went by he pulled out his minerature computer and started typing. On the screen it reported that a hotel clerk pushed a silent alarm but didn't respond to some calls. "I guess that'll be kilo's work" max said as he jumped. He landed on the roof and started running. I wonder how long it'll take the cops to get there" max asked him self as he ran. Once the hotel came into view he jumped into the air and landed on the hotels roof. "I guess i'll find out of this diary belongs to charlotte or not" max said as he got into the hotel to start searching for her.
Keith was in his bed dreaming. In his dream he was with his good side fighting the evil one. "We're going to have to finish him sooner or later" keith said as he jumped back from an energy blast. "I see that thing more of an it than something that's actually living" keiths other side said as he flew and fired an energy blast. "Why do you two even bother fighting me? You two should just give up and let me rule this body" the dark version of keith said as he fired a wave of energy at them. They defended against it as they charged. "Sorry but we're not giving up this body without a fight" the two keiths said as they fired energy blasts. The dark keith fired and energy blast and that caused an explosion. Keith woke up out side of the dream. He turned over to find him self looking at the ground as he started falling. Before he hit the ground he was pulled up. He looked at his back to see he had wings. "I'm going to have to keep from waking up like this" keith said as he looked around. He didn't recognize where he was. "Where the heck did I wake up now" keith asked him self. As he looked around he saw some other people in the sky. "I guess I could go ask them" keith thought as he flew towards them.
[b]Name:[/b] keith serion [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Gender:[/b] male [b]Race:[/b] human/demon/angel [b]Skills:[/b] hand to hand combat, blade figthing, magic [b]Bio:[/b] Since birth keith has had two other sides. Because one of his side where evil a ring was made to keep it in control. He gets along with the other side just fine. Occasionaly they end up fighting the dark side of keith. He tires to keep the ring on because if it ever comes off his dark side will take over and distroy any thing in it's path. If he does manage to get the ring back on he wont rember what happened. Because his parents died he carries a dagger around with him because it belong to his parents. Keith's a nice guy who'll help others if need they need it or if some one goes against his judgement. [b]Desciption:[/b] [URL=http://www.layer-infinity.net/iplay/serge.gif]pick[/URL]
"We could head to my home planet" garai suggested. "Why do you think that's a good place to go" hak asked. "Even thought we zantars are talk much about our self's we can find information quit fast and easily" garai said. "I guess we could stop by there. Is there any thing we should know about your planet" hak asked. "The people are nice and the planets full of farms and cities. I'll need for us to get close enough for me to play my sapphire blade or it wont appear" garai said as he took his seat. "Why wouldn't it appear" zsuzsanna asked as she took her seat. "Because zantars don't fight they train in there abilities and study. Through studies a way was found out to keep the planet from being seen by eyes or sensors. The planets protection will open a hole it if a certain song is played on the sapphire blade" garai said. "I guess then that the planet would be a good place to hide then" demi said. Garai just nodded. "We can land on my family's farm. It's one of the biggest one's there is. It'll take about an hour for us to get in to rang for the song to work" garai said. Hak just nodded as he took to his seat as did every one else.
Garai shook hands with dragus. "It's good to have another persion to help on this trip" garai said. "Tanks for the welcome. If i'm not mistaken your a zantar right" dragus said. "Ya, why do you ask" garai asked. "Normaly they only come out this far if they have buisness or if there one of those special one. I've herd they are quite strong" dragus said. "Well who ever told you that was right" garai said as he tighted his grip. Dragus did the same. They started squizing each others hand to see who would give up first. "What are you two doing" hak asked. "We're not doing any thing" garai and dragus both said letting go. "I'll head back to the cockpit" garai said as he left.
Max was still searhing for james. "I still can't find that guy" max said as he jumped onto nother building. "When he finds charlotte some thing will probaply blow up then i'll be able to find him" max said to him self as he looked down from the building. As he looked around he saw that a vilet book leaning on a edge. He reached down and grabed it as it was about to fall off. As he looked it over he saw that it was locked. He pulled out a lock and opened it to fight that there was another lock t keep the pages closed but it seemed different from the first one. "I guess who ever owned it wanted no one to read the contents. Maybe there's some thing on the cover" max thought as he started looking at the cover. As he searched he found that there was apart of it hiding an envolope. He pulled it our and read that it was for a persion named charlotte. "Maybe it's the same one from before. I guess if I find her i'll ask" max said as he put the envelope back and put the book in a pocket. He jumped down to the road and started walking.
Max just looked at the woman as she ran. "I wonder what was up with her. A guy tires to help some one up and he gets hit" max said to him self as he check to make sure he still had his stuff. He check to make sure he still had his ogre, brass knuckles and shot gun and found that they were still there. "Because of her I lost track of that guy. Oh well I was probaply going to lose him sooner or later" max said as he jumped. He landed on a roof top and started jumping to other buildings. "If he's after charlotte i'd better find her before he does" max thought as he continued searching.
Jake followed timika and linda to his room. "This is where you'll be staying jake" timika said opening the door for him. "Thanks you two" jake said as he walked in. As he looked around his pokeball started to shake. "I guess you want out" jake said taking rayqaza's pokeball out and he threw it out of the window. "Hey doesn't like being in pokeballs. He says it's to small in there for him" jake said as he got out and sat on rayqaza. "If you two want i'll give you a ride" jake offered. Linda and timika looked at each other then nodded. They got out of the window and on to rayqaza's back. "O.k rayqaza. Go as fast as you can and get us a good spot to watch the battles" jake said. Rayqaza just roward as it flew into the sky. As it flew jake saw some one watching the battle going on. "I should probaply talk to the others about her but i'd rather see which one of them wins first" jake said as rayqaza stopped flying and they watched the battle.
Jason looked at his card holster as they landed to see he lost 600 life points. "Are you o.k jason" amanda asked as they got ff and she called back her dragon. "I'm o.k amanda. I figured my dragon my get hit by some thing" jason said smilling. "What are you smilling about" amand asked. Hey just showed her his card holster which showed that his life points went up by 3000 points. "If I may ask, how the heck did you get those" amanda asked pointing at his counter. "When I summoned my red eyes I also held my enchanted javelin card. Apparently if your out of battle trap cards are hiden. Because that was a blue eyes that attacked I got more points even though I lost some" jason said still smilling. "I realy need to check up on those rules when I see mokuba again" amanda said as they started walking through the forest again.
Jason and amanda were still walking for any sign of the others that were searching for kaiba. "Even though this is a virtual world my feet are killing me" amanda said. "Did mokuba say any thing about playing cards out of battle" jason asked. "I think he said some thing about that but I don't remember" amanda said. "I guess i'll have to experiment then" jason said as he drew a card. "I cal upon my red eyes black dragon" jason said holding his card. The red eyes appeared in a flash of light. Jason got on it's back with amanda following. The deep sea warrior got one last as the red eyes started flying. "I guess this'll help on the search" amanda said as the dark magicain girl started floating and caught up. "Let's see what we can find from up here" jason said as the red eyes flew.